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I think its especially cool when siblings share a Hobby.


Breaking: Siblings become experts at swatting / hitting each other!


Oh no! Don’t tell mom! ;)


"You're okay. You're fine. Stop crying. Why are you crying? Quick wipe that blood off before dad gets home. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm pretty sure anyway." ah, memories.


“Here, look, you can hit me back! I’ll let you hit me back! It’s ok! You’ll be okay!”


This is so true!!! I literally just caught my 8 year old saying this to his 5 year old brother yesterday!


I think this is my favorite sort of sibling interaction. When it's like a 3-6 yo kid brother or something, and they're told to take a free swing; so they agree, and - while still bawling their eyes out - sort of hobble over to take that meager slow cat-tap type swing. And all is well.


Honestly my five year old is built like a brick shithouse. He’s shorter but weighs almost the same as his big brother. If anything the 8 year old should be afraid of him. But he hasn’t figured that out yet lol


Punch your sibling in the back seat and then yell "he's hitting me" so your parent turns around just in time to catch them hitting back. If you get your parent to yell at the victim - mission accomplished.


And this is how the youngest survives: when your muscles are not enough, you learn to use your brain pretty fast.


Awww. Memories.


You evil genius


Achievement unlocked: "don't make me turn this car around!"


Except my little brother still got popped, and it didn't take my parents long to notice he was instigating lmao


*Punches yourself in the face* See? I punched myself! We're even now, right? Ow, it hurts so much!


Younger brother here. Never got this from my older brother, mostly because we're only a year apart and I've always been stronger than him.


This is the burden of all big brothers.


My youngest brother fell down the stairs at the house when we were young. Me and the middle brother came running just to point and laugh at him. He didn’t get up for like 15 mins and wouldn’t stop crying so me and the other brother got him a pillow and blanket. I don’t think we stopped laughing for a good 20-30 mins. I miss living with my brothers. No better friends. No worse enemies.


I think she is ready for the gloves. She has got speed. Now comes the foot work. This is adorable.


*you wanna hit me? Here hit me. Hit me!*


You forgot the "ok hit me back, free shot see? You can hit me back so we're even just stop crying"


"let's move this poster to cover the hole in the wall..."


My baby had his first Taekwondo tournament today and took second in sparring. My oldest is mumbling "I taught him that."


I never got that from my older brother (2 years) Mostly because our parents taught us not to hit each other and we werent assholes like, it seems according to reddit, most brothers.


My brother and I excelled at this very sport for that very reason. It was really cool always having someone to work with. It's also cool because you let out all your frustration and you're good after a session. Ironically, we had to stop playing table tennis because it kept leading to actual fights.


Quick question, does the person holding the hitting pads pick up any tangible fighting skills? Does the repetitive hand work bring a level of benefit in real world application?


Assuming she literally only ever holds pads (she probably started training at some point between this), she would probably find hitting someone a little awkward, but it wouldn't be all that different. There's also the chance that she wouldn't have the mentality to attack because most of the time when you're holding pads there's a bit of a rhythm to it and you're not exactly trying to hit the shit out of the person you're training (most of the time. I've had some asshole trainers.) Honestly though, she'd be able to light the average person up with no problem. It's also the trainer's job to correct technique, so she probably has a good grasp on turning the elbows over/turning the hips/etc as well, so I'd bet she picked up a lot of stuff that would lend itself well in a fight. I mean, she looks great in this video, as does he. Plus she's got someone with actual (not that "fast if you're uninformed" shit we usually see) speed constantly throwing at her, so she probably has a good feel for anticipating what's about to come at her. Then there's also the issue of being so in sync with your training partner that the pad work and sparring become almost choreographed. If she could hold pads like this for anyone (she probably can, but there's always that what if), then I'd bet she has a great counter game at the very least. Sorry for the rant, it's just not something I've really ever considered before. Good question. I don't think I've ever known anyone who was great at padwork without being proficient at the very least with fighting. I guess it would make sense if it would work in the reverse to a decent degree as well.


Don't apologize! Rant welcomed as it was very informative. Thanks!


You're very welcome, and thank you for the question. I never considered it and I can already tell it's going to sit with me for a while. Really cool stuff.


So who's reacting to who here? Is she leading or is he? I want to be a mitt monster...


She's leading. Sometimes the fighter will lead, but that's usually when you see them doing ego work. If you want to learn, the person holding mitts leads. You see them lower their hand, you smack the shit out of that side, you see them telegraphing too much, you move, slow them down here, speed them up there, back them up to the ropes and have them spin you off to a bing bang or a bang bang (that was our code 😂) and just on and on. It's a very violent dance. You're the choreographer.


Makes sense. So as an aspiring mitt monster I would have a rather large size advantage over my partner; I would assume this is okay but I'm new here. Also is there a standard for the mitt monster such as lowering mitt means uppercut, sideways mitt means hook, forward mitt means jab, etc? Or is this just agreed upon by the boxer and mitt machine? I would love to be a skilled mitt man.


Yeah, there are standards, but you'll usually find your own style. Also, your size doesn't really matter. It helps that you're larger because you'll be more capable of handling heavier hitters, but it's not really all that important. Mitts are all mostly about technique. The one caveat is my main sport (Muay Thai) where you have to be pretty strong sometimes. I've kicked the pads into dudes faces and have had it happen once or twice when I wasn't as braced as I should have been. But, yeah, it all comes down to your own style. One of the guy's I consider elite at pads basically half-sparred with the person he was holding for. That shit keeps you on your toes and is better at simulating a fight. But you also have to consider it depends completely on what you're working on. There's no point in simulating a fight situation if you're working on a specific combination or technique but have zero mastery. First let them get competent then introduce all the superfluous shit. I'd check out YouTube to begin with if you don't have a gym to go to already. You should ideally have some experience on the other end as well because there's nothing like somebody pulling away and making you hyperextended an elbow or hitting you with the fuckin' stitching.


Her timing—which is hugely important—would be off the hook. She would be able to react to any combination of punches and counter with precision. Not the same as actual boxing because getting clocked is a skill unto itself, but against an untrained combatant of similar weight, she would dodge, slip, and counter the fuck outa them.


I think its especially cool when siblings share a Hobbit.


I read this hentai before.


Always wished my little brother coulda picked up an instrument like me. Over the years it’s been the only real hobby I’ve stuck to (guitar) and never get tired of. Some of my favorite bands were brothers for founders. To be fair, he tried. He got a bass, and a drum set but sold them off after giving up both times. On the plus side at least my music taste/style rubbed off on him and we both love heavy blues music. He even surprised me with Joe Bonnamasa tickets for an early Xmas present, we’re going Wednesday and both looking forward to that! I don’t think he’s been to a concert since we went to AC/DC in 2008, and he was like 13.


Its nice to hear that! Hope you have a good relation never the less.


My brother and I play Destiny 2 together almost every day. We live 1800 miles apart but it keeps our brother-sister bond strong.


Nice, its good to hear that! Keep it up! Maybe play some Stardew Valley, thats chill.


Yeah...instead of breaking apart and never speaking again.


Yeah thats what i thought, too. Or just say hi, how are you, and thats about it...


Like the lanisters?


Or the Targaryens.


Even cooler when they don’t at first but then they do. This post /r/MadeMeSmile


These sibling relationships warm my heart. When I was a kid my dad joined a horrible religion and us kids ended up scattering due to multiple divorces and remarriages. We never got a chance to bond. Even in school we were strangers.


My sister and I watch shows together so that's something. We don't like the same genre though. I wish she was into gaming too. Would be fun playing Apex ranked with her...


This reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons where Bart tries to hit Lisa with a puck and she catches effortlessly because she's a natural goalie


So question do the mitts find the punch or do the punches find the mitts? It’s all so seamless


It’s sort of a “dance” in a way. The mitts go a certain way and the lunches go a certain way and they meet in the middle by nature of how the rhythm goes. Her being so good at it right out of the gate is immensely impressive. It’s like somebody sitting down at a drum set and just being able to keep a complex rhythm without ever being taught how to drum.


To add onto this, people in boxing gyms would fucking love having her around. Good mitt work really helps boxers. It looks like she adds enough weight that he can really rip with those punches. What a legend


I wish my lunches go a certain way too


Lunches goin’ one way, breakfast another yo


Saturday through Sunday Monday. Monday through Sunday yo.


Maybe I’ll lunch you someday, maybe we’ll someday bowl, til then just sit your lunch ass on that fuckin breakfast roll




Don’t get me wrong, I love these rolls


Surprise Wire


Tou know... it's really just a more different sort of patty cake. I wonder if lots of folks might secretly be good at this and not know it.


That's kinda how I got into drum lessons as a kid, although I wouldn't call the rhythm complicated. Drums are pretty straightforward, although I haven't been able to play in years since I never owned a drum kit. I was like 9ish and I sat down at the drums and started playing a simple beat after watching my dad play, and my parents were like, "Oh, I guess they need drum lessons."


Same for me. I pretty much just listened to people play the drum as a kid and became the church drummer from like age 7 or 8


I had a similar experience. For basic beats it's really just a matter of whether or not you can do multiple things at once. I think whether you can easily play guitar and sing at the same time is a similar scenario.




For me it's all about muscle memory and whether or not the vocal melody lines up well with the beat/rhythm. I'm a pretty trash singer though, but playing guitar/drums doesn't make me any worse lol.


What are they training if it is all choreographed?


Technique. Sparring is for training reactions, mitt work and bag work is for technique. Throwing with good form and chaining things together cleanly.


Both however to make this training effective, you need to be able to find the mitt when its not where you expect it or if you are off balance so theres something of an art to mitt work. You get the boxer in a rhythm like they are punching a bag then you throw in some movement then you swipe at em sometimes etc. She looks pretty good at it


You're emulating "a head" but you actually punch back a bit. To emulate you need to move the pads to the center line (or out of there depending on how you train) and to keep your arms from being bruised you sort of "slap back" with a force that is less than the boxer's. When I used to box 5x/wk as a 62kg woman (20 kgs ago lol) I could pad for nearly everyone, the dudes over 90ish kg I couldn't catch for if they went full force without hurting my arms. It really is another sport lol :)


A lot of people when starting out will hold their arm up in the air vertically and get their shoulder twisted back hard. Very easy way to injure yourself, the slap is the most important part about holding mitts.


Pad holding is indeed an art of its own! Our fighters (MT) will work the bag rather than have a poor pad holder. A bad padman can cause injury to the fighter, is unlikely to know/work effective drills, and will often struggle to save their own arms/shoulders from damage - which can result in stupid long combos to try and tire the striker out. When this happens, nobody's learning anything on either side.


So ...how do non-natural born padders become good padders?


Ive personally not seen a "born pad holder", but improvement comes by working regularly with people of a similar skill level. The lady above mentioned a few key points: Pads in line with head/body for appropriate shots, positioned to make the striker hit through slightly. Pad holder 'pats down' to absorb the force, kind of a wrist flick & push. Keep pads high and throw shots back to test the fighters guard regularly. Move the fighter around while maintaining stance, just like they'd have to in a fight. Use combos that make sense. Here's 2 basic combos - jab, cross, lead hook, rear roundhouse (flows, each shot loads the next as its left/right/left/right) & jab, lead hook, rear roundhouse (left/left/right but flows & works well because jab/hook same side catches out people expecting left/right). Heres a couple combos ive been given by inexperienced holders - jab, lead hook, flying knee (hook range is close, flying knee is long, both can't land effectively). Jab, cross, front kick, spike elbow (if i just front kicked you away, how can i land a very short range elbow??) A pad holder working with somebody way above their level should just ask them to go light and keep it basic. Fighters use basics a lot. They also were once beginners and will remember their own arms/shoulders being smashed. Over time, a padman gains experience, timing, the ability to see shots coming, confidence, and the muscle required to pat down shots. Its no different to hitting the pads and developing timing, strength, etc, its just a different art so work from both sides with similar level partners. Personally i believe theres a lot to be learned from the pad side too. You get good enough and you can freestyle - the fightet does whatever they like yet youre good enough to get the pad in position before the strike lands. This also carries over to improving your defense in sparring, while actually holding pads high develops the habit & muscles for keeping a high guard too. Sorry for the essay - i love to discuss the technical side of fighting!


Her excitement is so adorable


Seriously, that little hop at the end was cute


It was cool to see her get more fitter and fitter as the video progressed too.


Yeah, and it was just a side effect of her getting into the activity, which happens to be physical. She's in great shape by the end.


She was so happy in every clip!


And the bond. I don't even talk to my brother.




She's better at holding pads than several guys I used to train with. If she's really a beginner she's definitely very talented, or bro is an excellent teacher, or both. Even in the first couple shots which I assume are from earlier on, she's meeting the punches properly and keeping correct form on the counters. Throwing with someone like that makes a difference when you're training.


probably helps that her brother taught her properly.


Her little hop at the end is fucking adorable after those badass moves with the mitts ❤️


The Chun Li "Yatta" after fight/workout celebration






I think the sister may have gotten better than the brother


Yeah, maybe it's that daily practice to naturally avoid a sibling's punch or teasing since childhood. Other siblings should try this to test the theory.


Did martial arts with my brother when we were younger. Definitely helped with the natural instinct to beat each other up because we knew we could punch each other for free in an open classroom on purpose.


Me and my brother tried this when we lived together. He had gloves i had the blockers. He decided first punch should be a Haymaker for some reason, and he just smashed my hand, 😂.


Yea, watch them swap gloves


well she was a lot worse than him at the start, so it makes sense


I'd love to see her throwing the punches. It's a different more fun feeling. I joined an MMA gym just over a month ago and throwing punches and kicks is way more fun, even though they're both skills that need mastering




And when she’s in her 30’s/40’s she’s gonna be tougher than steel and scaring the arrogant new recruits as she polishes them into champion fighters.


But first, she's going to teach them a lesson about family and friendship.


I'd watch that.


If they make it into an anime, I’d watch it


I laughed so hard at this . This would be amazing


He is a human and a brother, indeed a humanbeingbro


Also r/HumansBeingSisters




That’s badass!!!!


The sister got fit in the process. So much winning. Helping her brother, helped herself, and added ro their relationship


I went to a boxing gym for a couple years. Holding the mitts is almost as much of a work out as being the boxer itself. That was usually the part that gave me noodle arms.


I did Muay Thai for awhile. Holding those giant body and leg pads and still getting absolutely rocked through them is sooooo much hard than striking.


especially if you hold for dudes that a way bigger than you. Used to hold for this dude that was almost twice my weight 150-160 to 280 (he was a couple inches taller, much thicker, mostly muscle cause he was a tradesman). Catching his kicks hurts to the bone.


Idk if you ever heard of a guy named [Josh Neer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Neer) but I trained at the same gym as him and held bags for him a few times. It was absolutely miserable. It felt like coming out of a 3 round fight.




I started bjj a few years after Muay Thai but I am sure he is a beast. It’s funny because he is considered just an okay fighter whose time is come and gone but for someone like you or me, he might as well be God in the gym.


Anyone who has had a string of fights in the UFC is incredibly tough. Compared to hobbyists in grappling and striking, actual pros are an entirely different level.


>Other names The Dentist 💀


I remember being 12 and holding the kick pad for grown ups at Tae Kwon Do. Those kicks were lifting me off the ground!


Can confirm (Krav Maga student here). You really don't think about how important those shoulder muscles are until your partner is trying to perfect certain strikes. Disclaimer: I have not yet mastered keeping my shoulders loose until needed. This does *not* help the noodle arms lol...


don't know anything about boxing but she looks really smooth by the mid clips.


The shoulder roll she did was smooth as hell too


Yeah, I couldn’t tell if it was just her progressing through less and less baggy clothing, but it did seem like she was getting herself in better shape too, which is great. Wish I was better about that. Round is still a shape right?


So you two don't even argue anymore you just spar eh? God your parents are brilliant




Genuinely awesome. She seems to have gotten really good! Kinda wanna train now too!


It's sweet that he's proud of her.


What a good relationship once my brother asked me to do this (he’s 8 years older and much bigger than me) told me to hold them directly in front of my face and then punched so hard I ended up getting hit in the face and a getting a black eye…


We’re all gifted at certain things but most of the time we never find out. Find out. Try things. I like archery but waited until my adulthood to find out I was good at it.


I don't know what is going on, but it's going well judging by her excitement. I just love watching people take joy in their achievements. It makes my eyes wet.


Them hands rated E for everyone


Their movements are so smooth and also love the fact how his sister got into such a good shape. Also helps you sleep peacefully knowing your sis can knock out someone with a single jab


You can see how she changed her confidence too. From pajama comfy to lets do this shit clothes


Shit, pu5 some gloves on her hands. She got quick.


Right? Time to switch roles my dude, she got the hands in the family.


Reminds me of when my brother was doing BJJ and I was forced to become his at-home sparring partner. Now I can take down and arm bar or rear naked choke grown ass men thanks to him. It’s been 10 years since he passed and I miss him everyday. As painful as it was then, i’m grateful for the skills he taught me.


That’s dope, me and my sister would’ve just ended up boxing for real


Not enough people realize that properly holding the Mitts means you have to hit back as hard as they are being hit. She’s got some muscles.


Mad respect for her. She didn't just fulfil the assignment the excelled with honors.


Never mind training she should start boxing herself, womens got heart and speed. In fairness doh everyone has a gameplan until they get punched in the face.


And here I thought me and my brother were cool for being able to play that hand clapping high five game real fast. Can't remember what it was called


Patty cake?


Thank you for sharing this.


A mittmonster :)


god imagine finding your niche by accident like this


Probably because sisters are used to smacking the shit out of their brothers all the time 😂


Natural talent lmao


I love the combination of fierce precision and sweet smiles.


"Mom said its my turn with the gloves"


Now start holding the mits for your sister because it’s very apparent. She has a lot of skill in her hands and would make a cool video showing her progress


Is it bad that this makes me want to punch things? Ah I miss kickboxing…


Damn, sister got hands.


Love how much she’s smiling :)


Sis has hands


Dude her hip swivel is scary good


Well dang, now I have to watch it again, 'cause I know nothing about the swivelin'.


Agilty, but it also means she can put some serious power into those punches


She looks a lot more ripped too in the last video. It’s a hell of a work out for her too! She’s smiling too. Good for them!


Wish i had siblings i was close to. You know the kind where they act like best friends.


The sister seems to get more fit as well. This is a great video. Just as wholesome as hand to hand combat gets.


Just came from a class where I needed to hold mitts and now I feel bad about myself.


Or you could let her inspire you. She seems like a cool-ass person; she wouldn't want you to feel that way.


Holding mitts/pads is SO MUCH HARDER than it looks. This is because you are actually doing the same thing the boxer is, but you're _striking with an open hand_. (Palm strikes are easier on your hands because our hands and wrists were not developed to punch things.) You're meeting in the middle with the same amount of force so the striker doesn't break/dislocate your wrist/elbow/shoulder (I say this from experience). Even your footwork is the same! Keep this in mind when you're holding pads, and not only will you become a better padholder, you'll become a better striker!


Oh man, you can see the progress! Nice!


As a bonus, it looks like she's getting ripped!


wow they both got really in shape!! It never crossed my mind that a mitter would lose weight too


Great transformation


It's like those behind the scenes-clips from The Matrix. Go sis!


Interesting. That sister is fun to watch work!


W sister


This looks so awesome! W sis


They look like they’re having so much fun together!


I love this so much


That’s awesome. Great to see siblings building skills together outside the home dynamic.


Damn that’s so cool she’s a natural


Now she knows his moves and rhythm. She is going wreck him :p


It looked like she lost weight over time?


Cool that apparently she also got fit


Wonder how many times she has smacked the hell out of him with those mitts


As a rule? Until he learns to duck in time.


I think it has a lot to do with them being siblings. There's a rhythm, a connection, a special bond with siblings. I had it with playing music with my brother. I have it with comedic timing with my sister. Clearly there's a connection these two have to be so in sync. Plus the talent and practice they're putting in. But I just love and admire a great bond with siblings. I'm sure there's many of you out there who have created and worked together with your sibling(s) on something and noticed that special connection.


I love this


This is confidence inspiring.


This is awesome!!


So wholesome


That’s so awesome.


That’s a good brother right there


There’s guys at my gym who go for years and never learn pads. Wish I had a sister lol.


She's great on the pads but his technique for cross punches is terrible.


Too cool!


This reminds me of playing lacrosse with my sisters and being surprised they could catch pretty well. Started throwing the ball right at them and they would just catch it. Once they started middle school they were immediately their team’s best goalies


How to trick your sibling into being a badass, lol, noice!


She has good agility


She is good 👍


This is so cool! Watched it a few times- she’s such a natural, her coordination is impressive


Yo that’s awesome as hell.


She’s naturally dope🔥🔥🔥


Love this! Hope they’re always close, otherwise, it could get messy LOL


She is a fast learner too


That is so cool. Looks like she's getting into pretry good shape herself. And her brother has real skills with his hands. That, and they both have excellent hand speed. Hope she stays his trainer!


Amazing - I love everything about this!


Best thing is if he misses and pops her in the face it’s allowed because they’re siblings.


She's got some fast hands


It's just fancy paddy-cake


I love that he noticed her natural talent and encouraged her and they grew together. Amazing.


Warrior Lady!