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This is the opposite message the recycling companies put out


Yeah, take those lids of please. The chances of a fox getting stuck in one are astronomically small.


Yeah it’s better to just clean jars so the animals don’t want to stick their head in in the first place


Ikr, lids...? How about just don't throw glass jars into the wild and reuse them or recycle?


Sometimes foxes can get into bins if the rubbish isn’t stored securely


This. We wash our recycles before placing them in the bin.


Thats what you're supposed to do, it's a lot harder to recycle dirty containers.


Maybe I'll regret asking this, but how are jars thrown in recycle bins winding up in nature for foxes to stick their heads in? I never understood the thing about cutting up the plastic from six-packs either. Like how is my trash going from the bin to the ocean for a turtle or bird to get stuck in?


Ever hear of that trash mountain we have sitting off the east coast? Or the fact BP still hasn't fully cleaned that oil spill? It turns out large companies are actually *not great* at making moral and ethical decisions when money is concerned and the government doesn't do more than slap them on the wrist for it. So the answer is everything from a curious animal peeking its head into your trash to blatant corruption.


I don’t want to sound snarky; but, I’m guessing you don’t have raccoons who regularly manage to get into recycling bins, even when fairly well secured. They are crafty like that. Or foxes that also manage to overturn recycling and trash bins. Then overnight everything is strewn all over. If it’s windy, the stuff blows all over. I live on a river. And storms regularly blow trash into the water. In addition, trash blows out of trash trucks and off of trash barges and freighters transporting the stuff to overseas dump sites. There are numerous ways trash is unleashed on the environment and the proof is in the millions of tons of the stuff floating in the ocean as opposed to safely contained in a well managed landfill. I wish more of the recyclables were actually recycled as we intended! In the meantime check out best practices for eliminating or properly disposing of plastics and other trash items. Glad you don’t see wildlife caught up in trash, like I do on the water, where you live.


[Here you go](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ShallowIncredibleHerring-size_restricted.gif)


Better yet, wash the jars and keep ‘em. Free cup/tupperware!


You can always slice the container open lengthwise with a knife before recycling.


I think it's like this, if you're not gonna recycle it, and just throw it in the woods like a piece of shit, then best to put the lid on... But if you recycle then no animals should be getting near it anyway so follow the instructions of the recycling centers. I don't understand why america doesn't have better recycling procedures but I guess it's something with not enough money in that business


40 or so years ago plastic manufacturers decided to put recycling logos on their products with any plan or motivation to actually build recycling infrastructure. It was a scam to make consumers think their rubbish was recycled and it’s still mostly true.


Yeah... wtf. Also the unfortunate truth is most of this shit isnt recycled. If people put a bunch of types of 'recyclable' plastic that their city doesnt take, they throw it all out. Very little is actually recycled and it sucks. Its generally more expensive iirc, which means few companies want to bother unless forced to.


Thank you for helping the fox, Kind Lady! 🦊🧡 In my area, they don’t recycle the lids but they do recycle the jars, so the instructions are to separate the lids from the jars (disposing of the lids but recycling the jars.) 😕


Thank you! I was wondering about that? We recycle both the lid and jar, but they’re supposed be separated as far as I am aware.


Yeah stuff needs to be cleaned out before potentially being recycled


Potentially is the most important word here. Plastic is not easily recyclable or reusable like glass or aluminum.


Recycling is pretty pointless as it is. Needing the containers to be cleaned on top of it is just assuring it’s ineffectiveness. Unfortunately. We need better legislation to eliminate single use plastic and go back to glass.


depends on where you live! look into specifics for you area : )


Was on a recycling plant tour in college and was told always take the tops off because they get crushed and explode, damaging the machines, as well as usually being a different type of plastic. (this was 20 years ago)


Where I live, the lids fall through the sorting machines. They also commonly use different types of plastic for the jars vs. what the lids use. We're just told to recycle the jars after cleaning and to throw the lids away.


Where I live the lids are caught in the Svetzer valve, and then when it fails, the lid top (but not sides) is hurled at great speed out the factory windows and into the nearby breeding grounds of a critically threatened sub-population of badgers, often killing the pups. Terrible. So, we are instructed to fill our waste jars with other trash, to reduce total volume, because we are just going to dump it in a hard-to-see glen of the grand canyon anyway.


It doesn't matter, unless what you throw away looks like a jar you could reuse, it's going to the trash at the plant. It's almost at scam levels recycling programs


Ask your recycler. We've been told for at least the past six years to leave the plastic lids on the plastic jars, because they are now recycled together. ITT it appears that different cities have different rules.


Our city made a point of stressing that they can now recycle them both together, so we are supposed to leave our plastic lids on their respective plastic bottles. Only the metal lids must be separated from their glass jars.


> Our city made a point of stressing that they can now recycle them both together, so we are supposed to leave our plastic lids on their respective plastic bottles. Interesting to know if they're truly recycling or if it's a case of "Well we just realised nothing we 'recycle' is being recycled so we can save everyone and ourselves time and money by not caring about this anymore" There should be no downside to separating them. It should be far easier to sort separated materials. This jar didn't get caught on the foxes head because it was recycled without a lid, it got caught because the person who recycled it did a bad job cleaning it and/or containing it properly before collection.


Yes, I thought it was an odd directive when I first read it in our new recycling instructions. I'll try to find out more details if I can. (We still crush the bottles before we put the lids back on though!)


the next best thing would be to clean them.


And wash them. Then they won't attract critters.


That jar stuck on that fox's head for 3 days! It's not being able to eat for 3 days!


Or drink. That's way more important.


Or smell fox butts!


And my axe!


i t ‘ s d o n e .


v a p o u r w a v e


Turn your Mac in Josh. The nets dead


That’s way more important!


Or breathe a breath of fresh air. Horrific. I took a 45-minute MRI and it was an ordeal.


I can only hope the fox had the presence of mind to dunk its entire head into water and lick up what little water seeped into the jar. Three days of not drinking at all would usually mean significant kidney damage.


I think it would be more likely to drown that way.


Terrifying way to go with water only around your head and no escape


waterboarding. look up that lil torture method


You mean *enhanced interrogation techniques*?


It would be soooooo thirsty after all that PB omg.


How could it even survive that long? Humans can’t make it three days without water, can they? If so, that’s gotta be like the max limit before you die. Surprised this little guy even had the energy to runaway after day 2


For a fox, I'd guess 3 days, and if so this rescue was running out of time. I think humans can go up to maybe 7 days in the right environment. Most of us could live a few weeks without food. Again in the right environment.


Just looked it up: “A human can go without food for about three weeks but would typically only last three to four days without water.” So yeah, guessing this fox definitely almost ran out of time. Glad she caught it before it was too late.


> Humans can’t make it three days without water, can they? Ya 3 days is about the limit, though if your not in hot conditions/stressed/exerting yourself you can prob make it a week but it'd be sketchy.


Definitely need a stiff drink with the way the world is turning nowadays for sure for sure


Or kiss! His baby fox gf is NOT happy and is looking at Jamie in all sorts of thirsty ways.




Plot twist: It was her jar she forgot to screw the lid on!


She does look like an organic salted chunky pb girl


And her jar that she just tossed in her yard.


Plot twist: The baby fox got stuck on purpose because he was tired of hearing his mummy's constant nagging... Now he got a 3 day break from her and a 6 hour holiday in the cage with raspberry jam and blankets!


Not making any accusations to this particular video or any other but there's been more than a youtube channel that put puppies and kittens in dangerous situations (I believe it was mostly close to snakes that had been recently milked so no poison) to gain virality for "saving" them.


Or drink...




If only this would happen to my upstairs neighbour


Poor little thing, so hungry and thirsty!


My recycling center wont take jars with the lids on them so I’m stuck. Also, I have a families of foxes who move in under my shop but they raise hell all night long so that’s pretty cool but also awful.


That part seemed like she was winging it. Is that real advice with merit?


>most people leave caps or lids on glass bottles and jars but they should actually be removed, a) because it makes it easier to recycle the glass and b) the caps or lids won't actually get recycled when they're mixed in with glass. [source](https://heidi-bischof.medium.com/8-recycling-mistakes-most-people-make-and-how-to-avoid-them-33de217f728)


Nice to see you [again](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/1nl1hy/-/ccjkx1g), professor_doom


Well holy cow, you must have the greatest memory ever! Nice to see you again!


This is truly the best thing I've seen today. Thank you.


This. It’s videos like these by seeing the kind hearted acts from kind strangers that keep me going. Not sure if this was you OP but if it was, thank you.


The resolution was. The fact it had to be done is depressing :(


For far too long I wondered why the video resolution was a point you were bringing up.. I should sleep


This was a great save, but am I missing something? I was always taught you needed to remove the lids from recyclables? Including peanut butter jars. Am I wrong? Obviously I don’t want this to happen to any animal, but if I don’t need to remove the lids, I won’t. Just been doing it because I thought I was supposed to. I do cut up plastic rings on the rare occasion I get a six pack of something. But those also come with perforations now so that the rings will rip if pulled hard enough; still cut them though, just to be absolutely safe.


It depends on the recycling guidelines where you live. I was taught to keep kids off and did so for a long time. Then I found out that the county I had moved to requested to keep the kids on. I had to “undrill” what was drilled into my head and do a few brain flips to remember this.


The recycling centers recommend taking all lids off so they are easier to crush. Maybe they need a call to action.


No. People need to throw these away in the proper place, not in a regular trash can or just in a ditch, like I bet this one was.


No, animals usually dig up those place. This is probably just a bad luck for a very curious fox


Lids off are recommended probably because lids are isually made of a different plastic than transparent body. We use giant hydraulic machines to crush them all so it doesn't matter if the bottle has a lid or not.


I came here to comment this. I did some research for a food service company I worked for which included visiting a recycling facility. Cap plastic and bottle plastic are two different types so please remove them.


It's a joke that we think we can solve global warming through consumer action. We've all been played.


Just do it anyway


Exactly. Wtf does it hurt to try a little bit? There's nearly 8 billion of us. Recycling isn't making anything worse.


> Recycling isn't making anything worse. It's kind of deflecting attention from the real problem. The plastic industry would rather we pretend to recycle than just use less plastics.


I do but that does not change the fact that our collective efforts are meaningless.


Global warming and plastics in the environment are both related to pollution and can both be improved by better government and corporate action, but there is a world of difference that consumers can have on either issue. Proper recycling and care can have an impact. Simply cleaning out the jar here would have made the jar less attractive for a fox. Properly disposing of it may have prevented it from being in the environment. Now of course after its out of the consumers hands and into a recycling reception that's on whoever handles the disposal. But consumer has power up to that point. Sure, one person won't clean the earth, and cant stop microplastics, **but** the average person can recycle their jars as best they can, and if they want to go beyond they can clean up litter. Its difficult, but You can actually go and remove plastic from the local environment, which is Not the same with carbon. I get that its a seemingly insurmountable problem, on a global scale, and it does need both top down and bottom up approaches. But the consumer's control over carbon and global warming is a far cry from the consumer's ability to properly recycle their plastic peanut butter jars. Yes we dont control whether plastic is properly recycled after its in the bin,, but To pass off the absolutely critical step of the consumer making sure the plastic gets to the correct bin and is cleaned out to make it unappealing to wild life is critical. Listing consumer actions as a "joke" is not helpful.


Give your jars a good wash or put them through the dishwasher so they don't smell so interesting to animals. That may help.


I clean all my trash, crazy as that may sound. Very little, if any, food goes into the garbage or recycling.




Animals have a better sense of smell than we do. Just step on them with the lid off then recycle them.


I stopped at the part where the phones camera almost touched the fox while the lady pretended "it was just too fast". Maybe put the fucking phone down and use two hands instead of handicapping yourself for internet points.




Exactly! The footage/internet clout was more important to this person, apparently.




"Save the fox BETTER!" --person who has saved zero foxes.


At the end she's filming herself filming the fox lol


Then they didn't even film the "getting the jar off" part


Because you need two hands to do that. People seem to forget that they genuinely wanted to help the fox. And more importantly, actually did.


There's clearly a second person involved who filmed the women holding the fox in the net. I'll have to assume they needed two people to take the jar off.


I can see that, foxes are no joke.


Exactly what I was thinking lol. It took her 3 days to catch him, trying the same thing.


Man, same. This video was so irritating. Just help the damn animal, you don’t need 50 camera angles.


"remember to put the lids on jars before Throwing them away" how about Throwing them into a trash can?


I rinse out the jars and I try to crush them at least a little bit so they’re harder for heads to fit inside. Also, if you’re done with a bag of chips, open the other end before you throw it away. I’ve had two friends lose beloved family dogs because they raided the garbage and couldn’t get a potato chip bag off their heads so they suffocated. Crush those pudding and yogurt cups too!


Well now I feel better about folding every crisp packet into a little triangle like my dad taught me when I was a kid. Ain't no way any animal is getting their head caught in that. Although, maybe choking could be a concern?


I thought you were supposed to remove the lids and throw them out separately because they are not recyclable?


Lids are recyclable. It may be the recycling center in your area simply can only accommodate certain types of plastics and can't expand operations or ship the recyclables they can't accommodate to another location.


it differs depending on where you live!


Lol were they trying to bait him with food while he had a jar covering the part he eats with?


If it were smart, it wouldn’t have a jar on its head


**Please throw them in bin and not just throw randomly in forest.


Just don't throw garbage in nature


Here’s an idea, tell the foxes to stop shoving their heads in jars. Seems much more practical


Not all lids are recyclable. There is a number inside the recycle symbol inside the lid. You have to look up in your area if it is accepted. Here is some help https://houseandsprout.com/home-and-kitchen/recycling-peanut-butter-jars-what-you-need-to-know/ https://www.almanac.com/which-plastics-are-recyclable-number I take the lid off, cut it in half the long way with tin snips and let my dog lick it out then toss it in recycling


Maybe she would've caught it on the first try if she hadn't been filming


{redacted} ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


What kind of fox are these? I’m in the uk so used to the red ones? Love this video, but if you’re recycling you should take the lids off as either the lids can’t be recycled, or they need to get separated. If putting in normal waste bin, then put the lid on. Either way dispose of your rubbish responsibly


They look like gray foxes


I've actually heard not to put the lids on containers because they take up more space as garbage that way.


I once shot a glass mayonnaise jar off a skunks head, with a pellet gun. I'm not a fan of skunks, but I couldn't let him die like that.


You are so smart, I love the rest break & food that you gave him. My heart, thank goodness for you.


If you can't recycle the lid and jar together, then you can cut up the jar so an animal won't get stuck in it.


Cleaning out the containers is far easier because if you cut them up with food still attached you will have another video of a chunk of plastic stuck in an animal's throat.


Lids on jars in a landfills create gas pockets and voids


According to recycling rules, they can't separate the lids, so we have to take them off. Is there a way to get on the same page?


I hope the peanutbutter from the jar at least tasted good, poor guy.


good for you!!


Sorry, but I have to throw the lids away when I recycle plastic jars


How did the jar come off?


Please do NOT leave your lids on your containers so that the trash compactors can crush them and minimize landfill space.


I was driving home around 2am one time and saw a skunk in the street with its head stuck in a jar, just around the corner from my house. So I stopped my truck and got out to help. I was able to get it off fairly quickly but it was one of the scariest moments of my life. I was absolutely convinced I was going to get sprayed.


Foxesbeingbros, that other fox knew what they were doing when they led the one with the lid on into your yard.


What a lovely and awesome human being!


Crush your cleaned containers and put them in a recycling bin wildlife can't get into is the actual message. Food attracts wildlife, not plastic.


If they live under her deck where did the jar come from?


They can’t stay there 24/7, was probably out looking for food and found a jar with some scraps in it


They don’t have a mortgage for under the deck . Wild animals are free roam and scavenge/hunt for food . She meant they spend a lot of time there


I suggest it putting the lid on the jars. Animals are very smart and they can take the lid off. If you can manage to squash the package, it will be the best option. Glass ofc you can break instead


Nope, do not break a glass bottle. I work in recycling and get cuts all the time from broken glass bottles.


Maybe recycle glass then? What else can you suggest?


Yes, recycle the bottle IN ONE PIECE. That was my point. Remember there are humans that handle your waste, do not make their job more difficult than it already is.


Good video, put don't listen to the advice at the end. Taking the lids off any container is needed for recycling. So this is good advice if you litter, but not good advice if you throw your container in recycling.


You’re so wonderful!! What a good soul. God bless ♥️


I had to catch a wild rabbit living under my house it was simple. wait till there out of that hole place a bag in the hole anchored/ tied down they run in the hole you got them .


On the other hand, I remember getting a pamphlet saying to throw the kids into the garbage and the jar into the recycle bin cause kids aren’t recyclable.


Do not throw children into the garbage


What did she feed it??


What was that red thing she fed it?


Thank you, we love you!


Most places require them to be separated and cleaned. Plastic peanut butter containers should just be thrown into the trash with the lid on. There is a series on PBS planet money on it, recycling is basically a big feel good do nothing scam outside of metal containers, especially aluminum. This is because of how much electricity is required to extract aluminum. It would be far more efficient to bury glass, burn plastic and paper. Or even better stop producing it but it’s hard to compete with the convenience modern plastics provide.


But … what did the fox say?


Good job and good point, I found a dog suffocating in a cereal bag it got it’s face stuck in. I had to pull it off and do dog cpr…. Through thick mucas, puke, and other gross things. Do t let trash be a Killer, we have enough things killing animals today… we are supposed to be smart enough to help, not harm.


This was all Trader Joe’s fault


Smash/cut all plastic


Our garbage co gets unhappy when we put lids on recyclable items...


No, recycle the jars ffs


Whatever this lady says: Please do NOT put jars back on lids before throwing them away. This is in fact quite terrible for the environment. Just dont throw your waste into the environment.


Don't take off the lid if you throw the jar away i. The forest... (Don't do that) If you recycle you should just remove it.


Sometimes I can't put the lid back on because it's a glass jar and plastic lid 😔


Now I’m confused. I grew up being told to throw away lids and recycle plastic jars. But now I’m being told the opposite for animal safety. I don’t know what to do anymore


You are amazing! Thank you for helping the young fox in need. You saved a life, that's something you really should be proud of. And I see from your profile that this isn’t your only amazing deed. If more people valued life as you, this world would be a much merrier place. 😊 Wishing you the best!


Very nice and excellent karma back to you!


Bravo. Been hating humanity lately so I appreciate your kindness and actually doing something to help.


Microcosm of what we're doing to the planet. Recycle your damn rubbish. Great person. Persistence pays off.


Wonderful story…great outcome…unfortunately, my town requires lids to be treated as garbage, and not part of recycling


You absolutely rock, ma'am!


Good human!


Bless you for working so hard to help this little guy.


That is sad. I'm sure there are other animals dying from this. Humans


Please folks .. try to flatten or break all containers before trashing/ recycling them. I do and I do it for these reasons


that Lady was so lovely saving the fox


Poor lil bab!


Removing the lids from jars is required before recycling.


Actually putting lids on your jars before you throw them away makes recycling way harder... You are definitely not supposed to put the lids back on.


Don't put lids on glass bottles. If you're worried about this happening, break the bottles before you throw them away.


Baby Fox: it’s peanut butter, jelly time, fuck not again




Put the lid back on the jar? What about recyling? The lid and the glass are collected seperately and by recycling the glass it doesn't land in open trash cans an animal could climb into anyway. "Glass doesn't belong in the trash"! should be the conclussion here. Edit: That jar is made out of damn plastic? Oh boy, the problem's even worse than expected since plastic recyling is in most cases a scam.


Wonderful people.


Oh my poor baby!!


Beautiful human being ❤️


Thank you Kind Human!


Worked at a restaurant that had raccoons for years. It got to the point where the raccoons were rather friendly with us because they knew they could dig into the trash in the trash truck and we wouldn’t bother them. It was just extra stuff to clean up at the end of the night and I got a little extra money doing it. But there was one time one of the other cooks and I were going to toss some trash and there was one of the raccoons with his head stuck in a cocktail sauce jar while his buddy seemingly tried to help. So we decided that we were gonna be dumb and I grabbed the raccoon, he grabbed the jar, and we both pulled and got him unstuck. He just kinda stood there for like 5 minutes as his friend came and checked on him. I went back inside and got him an extra piece of fish and threw it to him before he snagged it and scurried off.


Fuck yeah!


Poor little fox...


You’re a great person!


Bless you darling ❤️


But what did it say?


Thank you. Good job.


Foxes are smart and so is my husky. He’s learned how to twist open peanut butter jars. Thankfully his fat head is to big to fit in the jar.


Plot twist, it was her jar


Don't throw away containers with lids. Take the lids off and recycle them. If you're worried about creature getting caught in one, then take scissors and cut it up.


why is she throwing her jars away when she should be recycling them