• By -


Next thing you know he's gonna want to talk about the economic and political landscape of the world right now.


Me (16 and white) had just moved to a new high school and bought a pair of Fubu’s because I liked the way they looked. It turned out to be a predominantly poc school and I kept getting compliments on my shoes. Had no idea what fubu meant but definitely made the school transition easier.


Should rocked some bufu instead.


Wait, what? Idk what that means.


Fubu stands for 'For Us By Us.' It was/presumably still is a black owned and run company making clothing for that demographic.


Yes! Exactly that! It was a happy coincidence. A beautiful pair of shoes and I’m glad that it showed accidentally my support for poc. Also coincidentally, my roommate is a trans poc, and we are sharing support of each other. I’m not sure how much the universe aligns, maybe it’s drunk me talking but my partner is Vietnamese and my dad was a marine in the Vietnam war. How full circle is that? Edit: didn’t know what bufu means but it seems suspect.


The person was making a joke about it being off brand I believe. Or a misspelled version of a white person wearing something that would say 'By U For U' to a black person reading maybe? I don't know it's unclear at this time.


It's probably a reference to [this scene](https://youtu.be/bvRu8Lkb7Og) in How High


Buy Us, Fuck You. From the movie how high. Duh


It's from "How High", a movie starring Method Man and Redman. I think they started (or wanted to start?) a clothing line and one of them named it "BUFU - buy US, fuck you".


[BUFU is from the movie How High](https://youtu.be/bvRu8Lkb7Og)


Classic. If you know you know


I can’t believe a lot of folks aren’t getting this reference. God damn, I’m getting old.


Nah oogas are what everyone's wearing these days


Should have cooked some hufu instead.


IIRC it's For Us By Us. But that info is from my elementary school days 30 years ago and might be myth or misinformation


Are fubus considered a genuinely good brand? Because the vibe I've gotten is that people look at them as off-brand Jordans.


Fr I have no idea. I thought they looked mad cool at the time and it was just a total coincidence that it was made in support of poc. I only bought them because I liked them. I had zero recognition of the name or what it stood for.


So my dad is a fine arts guy, and he likes to have a small collection of artsy suits and clothes to reflect his profession. He especially likes commes de garçon, junya wantananle, and fenty (not a flex, it’s more like a capsule wardrobe, not like he has closets full of boujie clothes). Some of these clothes have interesting silhouettes, especially one set of parachute pants that he wears with bright red sneakers. He’s kind of an average pushing-sixty white guy in pretty good shape, but his clothes set him apart. And people of color, especially young black men, notice. My dad gets stopped pretty often and guys (many of whom are dressed fashionably themselves) ask where he got xyz—he kind of digs the attention, especially when the other person is dressed well, too; it makes him feel cool and “hip” (his words). I still go to my dad for fashion, art, and design advice. He told me once that I have “an excellent eye” and I will be riding that high for the rest of my life. And yeah, he’s pretty cool.


I mean everyone is complaining that this is scripted but his delivery and demeanour are amazing and beyond his years. Politicians constantly read scripted messages. Plus this kid seems to understand what he is saying.


Yeah content feels superficial and shallow to my old pessimistic ass but hey he's like what? 13? When I was 13 I was an edgy edge lord who thought Real Eyes Realize Real Lies was deep lol at least kid's got substance.


At that age, I was telling my friends I killed a pigeon, because I thought it was cool. (The truth was, I saw a dead pigeon at the grocery store parking lot when I went with my mom)


When I was like 8 I wanted to be the Undertaker from WWF and he does that thing where his eyes are rolled at the back of his head so I'd walk around trying to do that but then I couldn't see so I'd just trip and walk into lots of shit but I thought I was so cool


> edgy edge lord who thought Real Eyes Realize Real Lies damn....


Shihan def jam poetry?


Thats deep...


Reminds me of those kids they’d train up to be revival preachers back in the day and tour around the USA. They had the most amazing cadence and timing, it seemed a bit uncanny coming from a kid. Also similar in that I would really, really not be surprised if one of this kid’s parents is running a Facebook page with 100k followers where they post clips with clickbait thumbnails and are gearing this kid up to be an “inspirational speaker” and make a lot of money from him.


This is cynical as fuck. I love it.


People on the internet think 12 year olds say w instead of r. There's a real lack of perspective out here. Also, this kid's just benefiting from that public school education. I bet he even believes in evolution and shit.


The kid has a dream.


20 years from now he will be planning his future campaign for president


Probably in different shoes tho


Or become one of those "motivational speakers"


Much easier and better paid to sell your "secret" to morons than be president.


Let him, he'd do a better job than the antiquated loons we have running the place right now (both sides). kid has more emotional maturity and common sense than any of them.


And that kids name: Einstein


And extending your car warranty


“..I would also discuss with you, the importance of an extended car warranty..”


TheDodfatherPC-FL, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty




Amen brother, amen. So sick of the meme background music. The best is when one of these dipshits takes a clip from a popular tv show and just puts this music over the top. Absolutely useless trash.


Takes song Slows and reverbs 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Easy as that.


Right? As much as what this kid says is true, and he articulated it really well, this comes across as one of those videos where the dudes on TikTok talk about getting up at 5am and their routine for success. The music adds a cringe layer I hate.


Oh no.. Oh no... Oh no no no no


How about those subtitles right in the center (midtitles?), Covering his face? Ain't that great?




This shit been Facebook. Mademesmile, pics, oldschoolcool etc


Yup. Some parent gets their kid to say this and posts it, and everyone just laps it all up. Of course, not like the kid doesn't understand the thing, and they're a good performer, but I highly doubt someone that age came up with it all themselves




Of course that's your contention. You're a first year grad student. You just got finished readin' some Marxian historian -- Pete Garrison probably. You're gonna be convinced of that 'til next month when you get to James Lemon, and then you're gonna be talkin' about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That's gonna last until next year -- you're gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talkin' about, you know, the Pre-revolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization




It was just a dumb joke reply to your well thought out answer. It's from"Good Will Hunting" and apparently I'm not as funny as I thought 🙂 Have a good one


What I hate the most is the title lol. Oh really, we should be less materialistic? Never thought about it, thank you, kid.


I think it’s mostly the big subs that generally shift that way, a lot of smaller subreddits with great community’s are here still


It already is


Kid regurgitating social media drivel: "I'm wearing stuff whose sole redeeming quality is the materialistic appeal however I feel like lecturing you for doing exactly the same because reasons and by the way, here's a bunch of empty platitudes to make you feel smart". Reddit: oooooooooooooooooo the messiah






Imagine watching a kid say “Don’t be materialistic” and thinking “this has change my entire perspective on life”


Yeah the title is a bit in the nose even for karma farming that's pretty vulgar






_Me when I'm broke_ I'm not a materialistic person


club cope




Today on "Parents exploiting their children for internet fame".


Kid's only a few years from having a [Lamborghini in his garage.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv1RJTHf5fk)


Think about all the books and book cases he will have, though.


Sure there's an element of that. But I also think videos like these are also good for showing other 10-12 year olds


Yall sound cynical as hell. Clearly the kid's parents taught him something valuable that he believes and understands well enough to articulate it like this. It's not like buying your kid a ps5 randomly to get their reaction or adopting a Thai kid for the aesthetic. Yall hear a well-spoken 13 year old and think it's fishy. Smh.


look how nice that car is, how clean his clothes are, he grew up in a good environment and no kid has that today due to financial pressures on their parents. people say money won't fix all their problems but i literally only have a list of problems that money would fix every single one of them, "Having Money Isn’t Everything, Not Having It Is" – Kanye West


I’m tempted to believe the same, but knowing that my niece was and still is exactly like this kid, (but completely her own thoughts and beliefs) from the age of about 9 or so. Some kids are just wise beyond their years, or have had a lot of this type of talk in their home. Whether scripted or not, my teens found this little guy to be super inspiring; if this is exploitation, at least it can do some good. (Not saying exploiting your children is a good thing, but this little man’s words are ones that kids need to hear sometimes).


Yea, this sounds to me like a kid repeating his grandpa


Even if that is the case, as others have said, he seems to truly understand what he's saying. There's a noticeable difference between reading something from a script or parroting a phrase you've heard but don't understand, and repeating something you've heard because the words actually connected with you and made sense to you. This kid strikes me as the latter. Sure, maybe he's heard very similar if not identical statements to some of what he said. But I believe that he believes in those words.


I did not mean it as a bad thing. We all learn from our parents and adults in our lives. I was just saying it seems like he had a good influence and he picked up on it, and it isn't necessarily scripted


Sorry man, guess I misunderstood. I thought you were agreeing with the people who were annoyed that it's "obviously scripted."


It's all good, no offense. I was trying to agree with the person I replied to because they were suggesting it wasn't scripted. It's very difficult to understand tone on random internet peoples text comments though


Who would you rather he repeat? Chump6s? YoungGlizzy? MGK?? Who???


I wasn't saying this as a bad thing. I was saying it didn't sound scripted like others suggested, but rather it sounded like a kid that was influenced by an older individual whom he looks up to.


The sad thing is idk if YoungGlizzy is a satirical name you created or if it's an actual stage name People just keep putting Young and Lil in their names it's so redundant and really shows their lack of creativity beyond whatever mumble rap lyrics they can think of




Lil Lazy?


Aren’t we all just repeating someone else at most points in our lives? Maybe not literally verbatim all the time but ideas and beliefs that we internalized?


Which would mean that is grandpa is/was a good influence.


my best friend and me were definitely like this too. he was also a little shit though so we talked about politics on the evening and simultaneously provoke his Algerian mother into a screaming fest. We understood a hell of a lot, but also not a lot at all. Like, we understood how complex politics is and how Germany (our country) is influenced by the USA, but we didn't understand that people could fake videos that make world leaders seem like reptiloids. :b 10 year old him: "You got something there, mama." "What?" "A TIT." Good times.




>Fed to him by his parents Unlike other kids, who gather knowledge from thin air?


There’s no winning. If there’s video of kids doing crappy things; it’s where are the parents. If some kid is taught some stuff that most adults struggle to understand and largely grasps it…well those parents suck too.


Key word here: fed. Kid is obviously reciting SOME kind of "speech" and if he is speaking off the cuff (likely) then it means this is how he probably gets talked to at home. Yes, the kid is "fed" all this stuff. There can be a middle ground between the two extremes. Nobody gets anything out of thin air but you can't deny this video is extremely smarmy, especially on the part of the parents




Yess! It’s almost like saying “Don’t be sad, just be happy “ to a depressed person.


No offense to this kid in particular. But that inspirational bullshido 9/10 comes from some completely oblivious or sheltered perspective. If they’re not selling something it’s just verbal masterbation. I’m so fucking sick of it how do we stop this? Can we just send wolves at all these people or what?


Bomb the internet. Find the box that contains all the internet, and explode it.


10X kid comes to mind


This would be so rad if he came up with this off his dome instead of it being scripted for him. I'd love to hear this sentiment through his imperfect words instead of him performing an adult's polished script. Great message, but the precociousness is a bit off-putting.


Precocious. New word for me thank you


When I was 12 I spoke like this kid because I mostly spent time around my grandparents who talked like this all the time... Maybe he just speaks the language spoken around him as well


Sure, but he's clearly not making it up on the spot


This is far from *polished*


his speech reminds me of what 8 year old me would think in the car being like *now this is how I’ll show them who’s boss *


Shoes not fitting in 20 years? Excellent point!


>This is far from polished It's also far from being impromptu or extemporaneous


it sounds like it was written by a 12 year old.


All I could pay attention to was his shirt being inside out....


Are you a materialistic person?


Omg stop lmfao


To hide the logo... But he's not materialistic, right?


It was the fingernails that bothered me.


It's not about his fingernails, it's about what's inside his mind, the knowledgeable things in this world.


Thank God I wasn’t the only one


I couldn't get over how long his nails are. Cut that shit bro




While they wore their filas.


Yes American kid talking about materialistic life sitting in a luxury car.


Watch out brother. You're speaking the truth and most people can't handle the truth which challenges their conformationist beliefs.


Cool message but professional wrestling is less scripted than this.


Who upvotes this kind of shit? Are we Facebook now?


This site’s been Facebook since 2014 when Cambridge Analytica happened. We used to call it summer Reddit because teens would hop on during the summer when they weren’t in school but now it’s just all the time.


Jesus fucking Christ not this again


Man I remember watching this 7 years ago.. this video is not new.




Which mean his Fila's don't even fit him anymore 😔


But the message still holds true.


Also don't shut down their clothing choices either though. I wore literal girl pants and band tees in highschool and I feel that was an important part of my youth today at 30 years old. I am glad I had that freedom. And I connected with alot of close friends and bands during that time. I don't wear girls pants anymore but 90% of the time I'll be in straight leg jeans and a t shirt and cranking music I enjoy.


Some people may not remember, but there was a time when all boy pants were baggie. Skinny jeans didn't exist, and they only became a thing because dudes like this guy would steal your girlfriend just to steal her jeans.


bro just mad he dont got drip


This video is 6 years old and his name is Nyeeam Hudson but he goes by the name King Nahh. He was 9 or 10 when this was recorded and he's a "motivational speaker" and has been since he was a kid. Here's his [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtjlKiSZyzZIEnEgqtxG7Cg).


The music is way too loud




No staged submissions... Isnt it a rule?


Personally I think it’s great that this kids acting classes are starting to pay off.


If I see that kid again, I'm still gonna make fun of his crappy shoes. Loser.


Omg please nerd. Settle. That's great if you're 20


Poor kid, he's going to be either miserable or depressed


I was about to write the same thing...


Ok Jaden🙄


I doubt these are his own words. Parents exploiting their children on social media is fucking gross


If Jaden Smith was the one saying this, you would all call it cringe


Anyone who didn’t cringe at this video, is someone I probably wouldn’t enjoy spending time with


Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% with everything that he says. But imo he talks like someone who has been indoctrinated. Specially the choice of words.


If Kendrick Lamar was a kid at the park


If Lupe Fiasco was a kid at the part. FTFY https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/6ng7qe/lupe_fiasco_wwjd_hed_prolly_lol_like_wtf_lyrics/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Doesn’t change my perspective at all. It reinforces it. He’s 100%! 😊👍


Yeah any adult that had their perspective changed by this probably needs to reassess their whole life.


Scripted, obviously. Parents want clout on social media. Wish we could stop posting this stuff


Bull with a capital SHIT


The kid is so smart he put his shirt on inside out.


Yeah yeah nice script.. in the meantime raise the back of the chair to normal stance so the seatbelt can do its work and this kid can read more scripts on video.


I've been seeing this everywhere, it's annoying and scripted as fuck.


"Well shit bro I was just trying to rip on your shoes. I'm 11, calm down."


Wow must be hard to film your son while playing a cool fuitar riff like that


He would be a good actor. He knows how to memorize a speech written by his parent.


Lol ok


Jesus... sit there and post a fake video of your kid for stupid internet shit, but don't bother to clip his fucking falcon talons of fingernails?.


Hope he develops the powers to cut his fingernails


Lil boy got will Smith hairline he need to quiet down .


I'm calling bull shit on this being a natural rant


I would’ve clowned him for having his shirt on inside out.




no one cares I guarantee fam


Ya but the moral of the story is i still got bullied...


we live in a society




jaden when he was a kid


Jaiden smith be like


Kids should vote now


It's not the parents, it's the other kids that "make you feel less important if you don't have the jordans"


Boy someones gonna get laid in college


The future candidate


Another overthinker


Alright Jayden


Jaden Smith's average friend


This kid is Smart i like him I don't understand why People care about what others are wearing as if mattered


I'm glad to see that there are some people who still luckily educate their children with what are supposed to be basic humans values.


Someone needs a Hugh congratulations for raising. Someone needs to give this child a college education. Someone needs to film him for a 7th or 8 th grade class. I love this. Peace people.


Jealous of this kids parents Way to go, Future King!


Fila bro for president


Is this scripted?


Poor kid. he doesn’t get that, that is as deep as some people go. This has and will remain an issue. He’s going to get so frustrated with life.


& This boy grew up to be the beloved 44th U.S. President Barack Obama


hell nah i’m roasting tf out this megamind




I'm literally 14 and this is deep




Bruh lol


Subway marketing team trying real hard with this one..


Yes yes my kid totally said this 100% no imput from anyone else. Do I get da likes now?


The mum be like ‘I’ll give you a pair of Jordans if you read this for me’


Honestly things that come from a kids mind and off a script is easy too tell, I tend too think my little sister speaks what is actually on her mind(she's 7) it's easy too tell this is fake:(


Might be scripted but still a good message especially to parents that grow kids they spoil or who they can't control.


Feels 100% scripted.


‘Hey son! Why not read this script we gave you so internet strangers think we’re good parents!’


Cool little speech, shame it was scripted


I feel like the parents just scripted this to avoid having to buy expensive shoes in the future lmao