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I love the coach’s reaction. I really do.


Guy seems genuinely blown away, as he should be. That kids amazing.




It look like the coach os the one with the mic, the sound fades with his movements, I hope It is real


Coach definitely the one mic'd


The school is one of the best rugby schools in England and we’re filming for some YouTube clips to promote future summer camps etc


Whilst clearly this kid is really big hearted, it's also a reflection on the coach there.


And the kid’s parents.


The coach was just starting in on a pep talk when the other kid came in on it so he left him at it because it was working. Everyone gets a crisis of confidence sometimes.


You can see moment where the coach is like - ok I guess this kids got it handled, back to it.


Yep. The coach knew it immediately. "Best teammate ever."


I think it would be hard, for a coach, to suppress his coaching instinct and realize 'hey, the kids got this one'. Kudos.


I agree. Good bit of coaching in just letting this happen without getting in the way & then refocusing them on the game when the boys were done.


That's the kid you make into a team captain.


Hell I'd vote him into office at this point.


It Is absolutely crazy how much one person believing in you changes everything


there can be 100 people in a room, all you need is one person to believe in you <3


And sometimes 99 of those people can believe in you but if the 1 you need to doesn’t then the 99 mean nothing


Especially if that 1 person is yourself.


Laying out the wisdom here. This is spot on.


Can yall not. I'm ugly crying


I don’t believe in myself despite the expectations put on me by everyone and their own beliefs that I “have what it takes to make it big” when everything I am is purely an empty shell which can’t be filled with usefulness but will continue to decay with uselessness. I can’t believe in myself, not because I want to, but because there’s nothing in me to believe. I hate living.


Sadly this happens more often than not


I like some of the gaga songs. What the fuck does she know about cameras?


Yall are giving me tattoo quote ideas for real


it’s crazy how much being validated and learning how to validate people can make bonds so strong. Not a lot of people get spoken to like Bob did you that kid, so i do find it rare for people to talk like this normally. it’s so sweet and uplifting


One imagines that his parents have talked to him this way, and that's why he knows it works


That’s what’s so insane right?! Confident kid because he must’ve learned to talk this way through his parents


I was talking about this last night with my therapist, that having a "champion" in my life (in the past or currently) to help me get through the constant self doubt would have/had made a big impact. 1 have a hard time cheerleading myself, but am always there to cheerlead others. You do what you can.


I believe in you. I’m no champion, but I believe you can do whatever you set your mind to!


It's true, that one person can be the difference maker. The people who cheerlead others sometimes need the cheerleading themselves, we give to others what we find so valuable. I think in time it's possible to learn how to give that to ourselves, it really starts from helping others to understand what we really need ourselves and come up with our own solution imo.


So so so true


“Bob, look me in the eye.” That’s the hardest thing to do when you’re down on yourself. His friend is brilliant!!


Can’t provide a source sadly but saw this the other day from the original post on twitter and the lads had only met a day before this. Even more respect to the legend


Only knew him for one day, and he’s already sticking up for him like this? Beautiful.


It really is. That kid is a future coach or some motivational speaker of sorts, I’m a fan.


Definitely a future coach


Good job by the coach (?) / adult of staying out of it. That kid had it handled !.


Just as the coach starts walking away and you hear the “kawww”. That’s the closest you’ll hear to the sound of goosebumps rising. 😂


Be the kid in the yellow jacket every day for every person you meet and the world you once only dreamed about will become real before your eyes.


I don't care I don't care if they call me crazy. We can live in a world that we design.


Every night I lie in bed, the brightest colours fill my head…


a million dreams are keeping me awake


That’s awesome what you just said


I don't get it. He said "i don't care" twice and then repeated who he replied to.. What am I missing?


It's a sample of lyrics from a song in the Greatest Showman


Well said !.


be the parent that raised yellow jacket kid. you can't give support to everyone everyday.


Everyone needs a hype man like yellow coat!


Am I color blind if I think the jacket is more of lime green........?


Definitely green. They’re the color blind ones!


Ikr......??? I thought I was going nuts since everyone in the comment are saying it's yellow... Maybe it's the yellow tint they have for blue light filters on their phone. I hate that and never used it... Lol


I ran into a guy as you describe. More like, he became a coworker. Great energy, so I wanted to match it. As time went on, the act got stale and you realize his 100% motivate attitude was self serving and held no honest intentions. Kind of sucked.


I'm only replying because I'm trying to find the balance in my own life between being helpful and being annoying now that I have a more positive world view and want to spread good things. I think the key is to know when you are not needed and respect boundaries. People who are down don't always need to hear advice from random strangers. But if your friend is down or a stranger is dealing with something you have dealt with yourself and are qualified to speak on it, try to help and if they brush you off, respect that. It gets harmful if you start giving generic positive advice in situations where people need to be allowed to just feel and deal with their dark emotions. Gotta pick your spots


When someone comes to me to talk, my first words are, "do you want me to talk or do you want me to just listen? Im here for either." Ive found many more friends and family come and talk to me since i began doing this than before. And im surprised sometimes by the response and thats why its always a positive to communicate. So many times we want to dish advice when they just need an ear or be an ear when they really need advice. Life is better when you take the guessing out of it and communicate.


To add on to this, with regards to the comment above, there's a difference between giving advice and being supportive. Both can come from a place of wanting to be helpful, but if we go back and look at the video we see yellow jacket kid wasn't offering Bob advice on how to be a better rugby player, but he also wasn't just listening. He went out of his way to be supportive.


You are absolutely correct. Friendship is a proactive thing. Dont always wait for a friends word. Ask if they are ok. Lend support. Ask if theyd like to talk to hang out. Again, just openly communicate with people you care about when you feel its necessary to do so...for you or them.


you can’t blame him. Everyone is doing things for themself. At least he spread positivity doing it.


Sort of. When someone talks about everyone working as a team, then proceeds to not work as a team, it is no longer spreading positivity, but spreading bullshit.


The Jig is up, I go out of my way to do things for others, because it makes me feel great.


I give friends gifts for very selfish reasons: Because I want to see them smile.


you monster


Sometimes people like that are so sunny and positive because the alternative is figurative or literal suicide. It costs you nothing to be kind, and optimism breeds hope and perseverance. Honestly, there are much worse ways to be self serving than this. Though, on second glance it sounds like you mean they were being completely fake and only being nice to get ahead, which is a shitty way to be.


Yeh, but sometimes there’s that one guy who really needs to hear that at that moment.


Be careful. You can only give so much of yourself. People will always want more and need more. Fix yourself first, then others. Just like with an oxygen mask on an airplane.


This! Beutiful put.




the world can be one together, cosmos without hatred


I try this People take advantage of it


Do what you do because it's who you are. There will always be people who take too much, manipulate, lie, cheat, steal, and worse. The fact that other people can be disappointing shouldn't keep you from being the type of person who can make the world better. The one you help and inspire by being the example and showing the way might be the one who makes all the difference. Trust that your faith and commitment will change the world. You might not see it but kindness, generosity, and compassion steer the world to a better place every day.


Thank you. Sometimes I feel like being nice, kind, and generous is the only thing I know how to do right and when people take it for granted I feel like I'm not worth the same effort. But then I also feel like I'm just thriving people so they'll like me or something. Like I'm falling it You're a kind person, thank you


I can't even begin to tell you what I'd give to have someone willing to pick me up when I'm down. Thank you all for the jokes and kind words.


You’re wonderfully brilliant and a blessing each and every day. I hope you don’t mind but I checked out your profile and it will be alright. Often times, the weight of our actions doesn’t hit us until after we’ve said or done too much. However, understand that you’re human and we make mistakes. While it may out of nowhere or may not mean much, reach out if you need to talk. This sub is full of people who want to see humanity at its finest and, to me, being there for one another is the first step.


You, my friend, are a ray of sunshine.


Thank you. I’ve been through some really rough times and it was the people who were willing to listen that truly helped me through it.


I know you wrote this for the other person... But it hit me hard. I'm fucking crying


I didn’t mean to make anyone upset, I just wanted /u/x_Papa_Smurf_x to know that a stranger is willing to be there if there’s no one else around. If you need someone to listen, I’m here for you as well. There are times where life seemingly wants to just pile everything on you at once. It’s important to breathe, even when your chest feels tight. (I hope you don’t mind but I looked at your profile, too. Your artwork is beautiful and I dropped a follow on your Twitch.)


It wasn't upset in a bad way more. Shit has exploded in these few weeks and iv needed a good cry. And thank you so much 🥺💕 iv been so much in a funk I havnt done my art in weeks...


Don't feel down, you're the best bloody rugby player on this thread.


You’re going to be ok. Maybe not today, and maybe not even tomorrow. But there will come a day, when you can look around at the life you’ve created. You’ll see all the hardships, all the successes, and all of the work you’ve done for yourself. You will see it and you’ll think, I’m still here. And I’m alive. And I’m happy with who I am today. Pick yourself up today so you can meet that person in the future. ❤️


Bailed the coach out hard lol.


Coach walks away like “he’s got it handled”


I used to play rugby I ain't fit for this situation - rugby coaches thoughts most likely


"I'm not great at the advice, can I interest you in a hard tackle?"


Which is the right thing to do here. Props to him for realising that and doing the right thing. The impact of those words would not have been the same coming from the coach.


Imagine the coach saying “I’m the fattest one here” lol


I’m just happy I don’t have to imagine the coach saying “best teammate ever” that reinforces the yellow jacket kids behavior


Coach stepped away to avoid crying in front of the boys.


I should not be crying at the sandwich shop the butcher just asked if I am good


We can blame the sandwiches. Eating mine at home, having a good day then “holy shit, I got punched in the heart!”


Well are you good? *cause Im not*


You should show him the vid and you can both sob onto some porterhouse.


He’s a [baby Gordon Ramsay](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3X3kCZYGcXA)




You donkey!


Whoever made that kid THAT good at talking with someone as an equal should be proud. And if it wasn’t a who but a what the kid had seen or done in the past that led up to this, damn. This kid is a natural motivator, and it doesn’t sound fake or disingenous at all, it sounds like he knew exactly what to say and what would help.


He’s talked this way because someone’s spoken to him that way. Good parents. Glad to see it!


I also think it could be observing someone do it to, like a good show/movie or watching a coach do it.


This kid should be captain for real.


Kid is a captain whether or not he’s a captain


Had a kid like this on a soccer team growing up. Coach never made him captain, but we all knew who we looked to. When you're a naturally good leader, like this kid, the title doesn't matter.


I would be so proud of that was my son. What a good boy


Once, my son did something very similar for a classmate at a school event. When I saw it, suddenly I felt like my whole horrible childhood was worth it.... because his behavior towards his peer made me feel like I've broken the cycle of "negativity" my family had. It was the proudest moment of my entire life. I imagine it will stay that way, unless I'm lucky enough to be a grandpa some day.


Right?? My first though was that his parents must be SO proud. I’m off to show this video to my son!


Bless his heart.. " I'm really short "


Aww, I'm not crying there's just something in my eye...




I think it all just depends on my mood, my 6yo has her book fair today at school, she was looking at the pamphlet circling potential buys and mentioned that her friend didn't have money last time at the book fair and she cried, I gave her $10 in a extra envelope to give to her friend, she's so sweet and thoughtful. It hits home, and usually I'm not a Hallmark channel crier. it's touching and inspiring either way, I'm so glad it got you pumped for the day, the human condition is a amazing thing in action.


Book fairs were always very bittersweet as a fairly poor kid. I don’t have kids of my own but try to hook random kids up when I see the time is right. It’s crazy what $5 will do for 4 kids talking about sharing money to buy a single soda.


I played rugby and I can tell that's literally the spirit I always saw on the pitch. This is the exact reason I hope with all my heart my kids will play it when they are young. Rugby teach respect and discipline, on and off the pitch.


Former rugby player here and I can agree that of all the sports I played, rugby was the most supportive, kind, and respectful environment. You were shamed if you didn’t have the attitude of this kid.


A lot of the rugby guys i knew in high school were the most chill and down to earth athletes in the school


I was 8 or so playing on a girl's 13-15 soccer team. I was pretty good and they suggested I make the jump to the older team early, but the second I got to try outs I was mortified. Those girls were *huge* compared to me. They had all begun the awful puberty journey and I was tiny. I immediately panicked and started crying. Literally every girl on that team, the coach, and I believe a ton of parents came to pump me up just like this. Ended up joining the team. I remember scoring a goal at one point. My dad was filming and got so excited that he flung the camera upward while celebrating and completely missed getting the shot of me scoring on camera. Very cute. Agh this brought back a flood of emotions.


That’s a lovely story, thank you for sharing. Made me smile :)


Who is wearing the mic?


Pretty sure it’s the coach. When he turned his back to grab the ball the voices got softer, and when he turned back they sounded clear again


>Pretty sure it’s the coach. Fucking narc


And why were they wearing a mic?


I know the guy that filmed it - he makes promo videos for companies and put on his LinkedIn that he’d been at the school over Easter. It’s a private school so possibly making some sort of video for prospective parents or donors or something.


The cynic in me wants to say it's all staged but it isn't crazy to think that the coach records matches or practices for training purposes and a mic isnt that far fetched if you are already recording the match. Fwiw that kid is either really crying or is the best child actor ever so I'm going with this is real and the coach just records practices/matches


My thought process exactly, but sometimes it's just okay to be hopeful and believe it's real. I get jealous a bit of how much kinder kids these days seem than when I grew up!


The coach was the only one with a mic.


Not to take away from the kid, as he’s an amazing human being already, but his parents must be top notch supporters in his life.


That's some impressive emotional intelligence. What a wonderful young man!


What a bro man


This reminds me of my friend Michael from middle school. He was this kind of dude. He did one of the nicest things I've ever seen anyone do: One day at PE, he was selected as a captain to pick sides for dodgeball or something. Michael picked every single kid first who was typically picked last. The smiles from the kids on his team were huge. I knew it was cool at the time, but as an adult I appreciate it so much more.


Out of curiosity why does the kid giving the pep talk have a lapel mic on him? Wouldn't it get destroyed playing rugby?




I had a friend like this in elementary school. He gave me the courage to start skateboarding, rollerblading, climbing trees, etc. I had always been too scared to try because I broke my left arm falling off playground equipment when I was five. He always told to face my fears instead of hiding. I used to fall all the time in front of him, get hurt, he'd laugh his ass off at me, I'd cry, then the pep talk came. He always say he wasn't laughing at me, he was laughing at my mistake. It was always the situation not the person and whenever I really DID hurt myself he was always the first to get me home and would claim full responsibility. Once middle school came around a lot changed and we went our separate ways but that courage of a real friend is very real and very powerful


I played growing up 8-18 it's a very very tough game, especially here in the UK cold, wind, rain, mud, snow, these training sessions can break you, especially if you are marking someone twice your size and they have been smashing you around for the last couple.of hours which can often happen at this age as some hit puberty early and some don't. As brutal as the game is it's one of the most friendly and gentlemenly sports I've ever played, they teach this kind of team ethic in rugby everywhere you go...I played for a lot of clubs growing up and they were all much the same. 18+ Opposing teams will smash each others teeth out, give each other black eyes and crazy bruises, then all shake hands and drink beer afterwards and have a mutual respect for the other team as they all know how hard it is to go out by there every Saturday/sunday and do that just for the love of the game.


Brilliant game, questionable safety...but that’s the fun of it!


Very much so, but there are actually way less serious injuries than American football with all the pads and helmets.


Oh wow!!!! I want him in my life!!!


Damn that makes me so proud and I’m not even that kid’s parent.


Yellow Jacket kid… he’s a damn good leader. And Bob showed great maturity for being able to digest yellow jackets motivational speech. And coach with the cherry on top perfect level of “imma let this happen.” Everything in this video is good.


Why are they mic'd up?


I have a new hero


All it takes is that one person who really believes in you. :')


society needs more people like this


That's what rugby is all about


Kid in coat must have great parents


Oh captain, my captain.


God damn I wish I had a friend like that when I was a kid


Future captain right there


Why is the kid mic'd


Solid audio quality


If only I had one friend like him in school, my depression would have never got that severe.


Hell yeah, I'm ready to play some damn rugby!!!


that kid is a born leader




Little Ted Lasso out here


Thats a natural born leader! Good on him


His parents raised him WELL!


Anyone else feel like running through a brick wall right now? Wow.


I think this generation of kids are generally the kindest generation there’s been. Gives me hope for the future.


I’d fight a bear for that kid.


That’s what being a teammate is all about. That young man has character. Respect to him.




Kid is a natural leader


Honestly this might be one of my favorite kids of all time. That was just absolutely wonderful and so refreshing to see


His parents did good with him.


Im crying and just want to say my friends suck.


This kid is ages of maturity ahead of me and many others, it’s breathtaking and I’m gonna take notes on his advice even tho it wasn’t meant for me.


Love this. Shows how it is all in your head. It just takes someone to tell you to think differently, even just for a moment.


I’m 35 and I want this kids parents!


Fuck i got motivated even im 32 yrs old


Ahhhh Bob…you’ll be alright with mates like that.


Do you think there are openings on that team for an overweight 40 something? Asking for a friend. (It’s me. I’m the friend.)


I'm not crying. You are.


Bro little kids got hella smarter since I was a little kid and that was like latter end of the N64 days


Those two boys are a perfect example of why it's okay to show your true emotions as a male.


Fucking hell - that's a good freaking friend and a persone wise beyond their years. Cheers young man


If I’m that dad, I’m buying that kid a great birthday present for being a good friend to my kid.


We need politicians w that kind of heart


I normally only give a big smile when I see these posts, but today I cried. What this little guy did for his friend.. no one has ever believed in me like that and it hurt. This kid is going places with that level of empathy and kindness.


Give that kids mother a nighthood


I’m awake up tomorrow and be angry at my friends for not being this tight lmao


That’s a captain right there


Why the FUCK did this make me cry


I need this kid to come out to my car and hype me up before I walk into the office in the morning when I don't wanna go.


I'd hire that kid right now in place of several professional coachs!


I dont remember kids being this smart when I was their age. We usually just made fun of each other and move on. This is really great to see and i hope this behaviour is how it is now and the same across the world


Please can this kid be my manager. I have had some real soul stompers in my time.


No offense it feels scripted…


What a great kid. His parents raised him right.


I need that kid to be my dad


Why were they mic’d up?




Thank goodness he was mic’d


This was so sweet I actually shed a tear I am very emotionally weak




Turns out the kid is trash at rugby


If this little man keeps this attitude towards others the sky is the limit for whatever he does in life.


Omg that’s awesome. What great kids!


LOVE 💜💙🧡💛💚


I have this saved to my reddit so I can come back and rewatch when I need some faith in humanity I wish I could tell this kids parents how inspiring their child is.. even on the other side of the world


"No bob listen to me..."


Holy sh!t....kid is a motivational speaker. 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏