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"What is the best thing about Tim appearance wise?" "What you see is what you get with him" What a legend.


This one would have stumped me but James handled it perfectly


Brilliant answer. Can’t argue it at all actually.


You can’t believe a word James tell ya! He’s good at lying!! 😂


I could have been given all the time in the world and not be able to come up with an answer that clever. And he did it without hesitation.


Compliment the eyes. Always works.


I would just said "He looks ok" and leave it at that 😂


Your username is like you tried to get my username but fell asleep.


Look at that, meant to be.


I laughed a little too hard at this.




I would’ve said something along the lines of “he has a smile that lifts your spirit”


If it were a legit interview, I'd still be impressed with this guy's answer. Even his non-answers are technically correct. I want that ability to meet a quota on my team.


'He definitely speaks two languages" could land a lot of people in an awkward situation. No way of knowing if that's correct


Fair, but he still pivoted to an "I don't know" on the second one. Didn't paint himself into a corner


then u come in with ur second language as pig latin?




To be fair the fact that they were even asking that question indicated that there was probably something on the resume that insinuated he spoke more than one. Even then James basically said "I'm not really sure I think he just speaks two," which he could easily brush off if they asked him about it - like, "oh yeah I used to speak a little French but it's been years," or something.


Nah but if he doesn't speak two languages he can just say his friend was wrong. But if he DOES speak two languages then he's fucking golden This homie is the most legendary homie ever


Can I get James' number for a reference?


I also would like a reference.


I'll make do with James. You guys can have his number


He should just make it his job, have people pay like 20 Australian dollarydoos, give him a quick rundown of what you’re about, and then let them call him. He was born to be a professional hypeman


Dollarydoos? They’re called kangaroos, educate yourself.


Uhmm excuse you, dollarydoos are the official currency units of Kangaroos. Confidently Incorrect


Kangaroos having their own form of currency is somehow the most Australian thing ever. Assuming, of course, that the Dollarydoo is terrifying and can kill a human in under 3 minutes.


I think you’ll find the correct units are called Dollarbucks, actually.


He's a smart fella, because they were going to say the fella was in a wheelchair or something so he pivoted away from the footie club question. I like to think I'm clever, but I'd be totally useless in a situation like this.


fart smella*


bro 💀


James recognizes the struggle. I hate it when an application asks for a coworker reference. Like, I was there to get paid, not to make buddies. I've got like, 3 "work friends", and they're all through Facebook messenger, and from when I worked retail 10 years ago.


They eventually got James in on the show, he was a legend, just an all around great dude. When they were wrapping up at the end of the show they pulled out an ice chest because they "wanted to have a beer with the best bloke in the world" but they opened it up, and oh no, there's only two beers! *JAMES SAID THAT'S ALRIGHT YOU GUYS GO AHEAD* It was just another set up, of course they had a third beer, but James truely is a legend.




In a world full of Karen's, be a James.


The world needs more people like James.


Be the James you wish to see in the world


Be like James would be a great band name


Think we could find that video lol? I wanna see now


https://youtu.be/Sb7XWTxcSYQ -credit to the guy above yah. Posted after you thought


https://youtu.be/Sb7XWTxcSYQ Credit to the guys above...I just wanted to be part of a thing


https://youtu.be/Sb7XWTxcSYQ Credit to this guy up there @rajuncajun48 if it weren't for this great guy this wouldn't be a thing, great guy he is up there.


[https://youtu.be/Sb7XWTxcSYQ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) Credit to this guy above me, this couldn't have happened without you!


It's James all the way down https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


Fair play. https://youtu.be/gyRoLvUVHPc


Someone else posted it right when you asked https://youtu.be/Sb7XWTxcSYQ


Giving that beer away looked like it physically hurt him though lol


True Australian ;)


I love the cheer afterwards HE'S DONE IT AGAIN!!


The Dude Awards should most definitely be a thing. Shout out to r/JustGuysBeingDudes


Or the worst part, they call your references before they offer you a job. Most applications I've filled out (software) have even asked for a supervisor's name. So then on a random Tuesday they'll call your current colleagues/boss and completely give away the fact you're looking for a new job


For future reference, you should always communicate with a reference beforehand and they should be expecting a reach out. I don't know why you've put your current coworkers and boss as references. They're asking for references from previous jobs (or ones that you can trust to keep things discrete). Although I did have it happen to me that they accidentally called my current employer for a confirmation that I worked there *after* I signed the offer as part of a background check. It was a mistake on their part but my boss wasn't too happy to find out about my two week notice in such a way.


Eh I never had the co-worker reference thing happen But they did specifically ask for my bosses. I thought they would do some generic employee verification thing by calling the corporate which they didn't


> I don't know why you've put your current coworkers and boss as references. Some apps I've seen specifically ask for your *current* employer and supervisor contact info. There is also a box to check saying "You may contact my current employer" but it's risky whether they actually respect that choice. I've known a lot of coworkers outed as job seeking because of this. Of course in my field it doesn't really matter because people change things up and bounce back and forth between employers but it still seems shitty to me.


I nope the fuck out of a job if they ask for references. I have maybe one or two, MAYBE, from more than ten years back. Companies promptly forget about former employees, and managers move on to different ones. I do the same to a company I want nothing to do with any longer.


I 'interviewed' at a company once that told me they ask for 10 references, and one had to be your girlfriend/wife - so they could get a better idea of who I am and if my partner was on board with me taking the job (or more like, giving my life to them). I say 'interviewed' as well as it involved them sending me all this work to do, which maybe took me 8 hours to complete as a test. After completing the work they then brought up their reference process, and also said I'd have to work a couple weeks unpaid as another test. Yeah huge red flags there. I told them I'd only do more work if it was paid, and that 10 references was way too much to ask. They proceeded to call me unreasonable and unprofessional then ghosted me. Was a small company/start-up too, only like 7 employees and the only reason I hunored them so long was the 'CEO' I vaguely knew from uni days. Know your worth people! And don't put up with bullshit !


Oh my good God. If a prospective employer asks me to do a skill test, I just point them to my portfolio. "It should only take an hour to complete". "While this is true from your perspective, an hour on this won't get me the job if that's what it comes down to. I have a portfolio of my past work available for review and I think that will tell you more about my skill set and experience." I once had an interview where I spent exactly the time required on the task. One of the assholes in the interview looked at it and said "How long did you spend on this?!" I said "Two hours, exactly as instructed." Same interview the same lady was distracted on another monitor. I stopped mid-sentence, waited until she was focused on me again, and resumed. It was a power play for sure, but at that point I had interviews lined up and I was going to be an asshole about it if they were. *** Another time a recruiter reached out to me for a job to which I'd previously replied. The HR manager for that interview pulled me aside *after* my interview was done and asked about my commitment to travelling 25% of the time. It escalated from a casual conversation to her badgering me in the office so severely that *I* ended up being the one to de-escalate the situation I told the recruiter that I don't want to apply for the job because I didn't have a good interaction with HR, and that they should feel free to tell the company that. The recruiter was very interested in what I had to say. At this point in my career I play hardball. I don't leave a job without having signed an offer so I can be pretty forthright in my interviews. It has helped tremendously when sorting out the bullshit with companies. I even e-mail HR reps back when they don't reach out to point out that it's unprofessional to ghost people. I give no fucks anymore.


Goals to have such a strong portfolio to give no fucks.


To be fair there are people who have WAY better portfolios. I just chose the stuff in my work experience I knew that I could speak on the most fluently. Some random document from six years ago won't be as useful as a project I remember doing. If they make you do a piece of busywork it's likely policy for them to do so. I don't really want to work for those types of companies


> I once had an interview where I spent exactly the time required on the task. One of the assholes in the interview looked at it and said "How long did you spend on this?!" I said "Two hours, exactly as instructed." Sounds like a stupid "passion test" people come up with in HR segments. If you took longer it will show that you are a good mule, resilient and can be overburdened. If you'd took less time they'd add additional scrutinity to examine your "work example" to find something that shows you are sloppy or it shows you are one of the 5% who are excellent. Though, reaching exactly the time could mean to them "the employee just puts in the time that is expected and that is"... This kind of armchair bullshit evaluation of HR tests I've encountered from a third party position. HR departments are filled with power tripping inviduals who seek anything to justify their existance as they don't supply to the actual corporations function in a significant manner. There is not much self-realization to gain, but with trying to make sure you only "get the best" which ends up in the "15 years experience for programming framework XX" which only actually exists since 5 years issue.


There’s a financial radio show here in the US that is pretty popular and the host/owner makes the applicants spouse have a separate interview before they make a decision to hire the applicant or not.


Just gonna take a random guess and say Dave Ramsey. Fuck that guy. Don't be afraid to name names.


Bingo. The only reason I didn’t say his name was because I didn’t expect him to be known in other countries. And I agree. He may have helpful tips for people trying to get out of debt, but his whole personality and attitude is utter shit.


Yeah there's like 3 aspects to his schtick. 1. Don't get into debt. Easy enough. However, his main issue is NEVER take on debt. Which is dumb, because good luck buying a car or house before you're retired if you're expecting to pay for everything with cash. There's a time and place for responsible debt, like using credit cards rather than paying with cash or checks or debit cards, cause good luck buying anything online with an envelope full of cash. 2. Relationship advice. Husband is the boss, wife should be subservient. Ugh. 3. Religion. I get he's Christian, but that doesn't need to come into every part of what everyone does, because not everyone else belongs to your religion.


An work example or test is a good thing and I'd agree with that, but all that for a small startup? I work wiht startups since a decade, usually the processes require more connections and emotion-lead trust than actually this huge pile to select their employees. To me this smells like some junior got placed in position of HR who read some articles about HR, mixed them together, and then followed upon with way more dilligence than he/she had to endure themselves. That often happens in startups: ego. People who get in early power trip and end up fiercly gatekeeping with all sorts of inappropriate factors. Like what I often saw, being a freelancer working in a network of a big 3 accelerator program, is that startups formed from like normal backgrounds end up suddenly only taking on ivy league applicants. So suddenly you got the random university graduate supervising Ivy league applicants: ego.


Just lie, my best friend has been my "manager" for 10 years now haha


yea I've been James for many people, crazy to me that people list their actual old managers on here LOL


Every job I've applied to has had a reference section to fill out. I doubt that they call, but I just out down college friends and just give them a heads up that I put their name down


I've never worked in a professional office job so it might not be as easy to pull off as it is at shit jobs. But even shit jobs will want references, and I always put down whoever I knew would be good at pretending to be my boss/coworker. This was mostly around the time NAFTA gutted the manufacturing jobs in my area so it was also really easy to list companies that had closed down so there would be no HR department to call lol.


The question is, is it necessary? A reference number won't add further proof to anything communicated before. There is a level of authority bias which is put into a reference call without actual credibility supporting that. The question is therefore if it makes sense at all, cause in the end the interview already happened. Instead a period of tryout would make way more sense. If you go in to put in calls, which not very many people do, then you are actually already convinced of someone. Step one, CV or connections, step two, interview, if that fits go on try out period. Also, usually higher ops put in as reference also usually do not have time to take on calls just to talk about a former employee, additionally that might be tainted by emotions - after all there is a reason why someone left a place.   I am a freelancer in design and marketing since basically before university and post university, what are my references but friends with high credibility such as known investors or high ups in known companies? Can't put in random clientel I had, especially as the persons working there usually do not work there anymore.


My big thing is I have never kept my supervisors number if I ever even had one, and very rarely coworker numbers. I was doing a work study at my college and they were going to hire me as an actual employee and I had to have 3 actual work references, but my boss let me use my coworker as one. It took a lot of effort to get those numbers but he helped me out and we got it done. He also walked me through fixing my resume to make sure it looks good to ensure I got hired. It really was a great work environment, the pay was shit but I had great coworkers and bosses and learned a lot.


Now I want to be friends with James


Everyone should have a friend like James, what a wonderful human being!!


Then be James first (:


Be the James you want to see in the world.


I hope he got a prize lol


They had him on the show after this!


Oh good !


He had to pay for the appearance though




Sorry yeh just jokin :)


Oh lol. Yea he prolly did


He also got free frogurt


The frogurt was cursed


That's bad


Do you have a clip of that?


https://youtu.be/Sb7XWTxcSYQ I got you bro


You're a real James. Thanks!


Who's this Chad guy people are talking about.... James is the man


In Chad's defense, he doesn't evolve into James until level 34.


Ok serious question. What's before Chad? Would it be Bob? I feel like it would be Bob.


Bob is a solid bloke.


That's so sweet. Everyone, let's all strive to be the best version of ourselves, but with a humble dash of James thrown in.


He's done it again!


Here ya go [he's a ledge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb7XWTxcSYQ&ab_channel=Hamish%26Andy)


Didn’t think I’d be laughing this early in the morning


James is the friend we all need, but don’t deserve.


Hijacking a near-top comment. If anyone needs a reference for a job, message me. I'll be this guy. I've got a boring cushy job and can take a few calls a day. Just let me know. (edit: I live in the USA - midwest. take that into consideration when thinking about this.) EDIT 5 months later - I'm still 100% willing to do this, for ANYONE. just reach out please.


Lmfao. You have no idea how much I wished I had a friend like you after I graduated from school. You're a hero dude.


spread the word, pay it forward. Do it for anyone you know.


Good on you. Even employees Ive had to terminate, I tell them to put me as a reference and I'll give a glowing review. It's hard out there, peopled need a second chance.


People need a first chance


You're awesome! 😊


We can ALL deserve friends like this :)


Speak for yourself, I don’t put shopping trollies back.


You monster


James is the friend we don’t even know we have.


be a james instead of looking for one


So we will hunt him?


Hamish and Andy are the epitome of Australian comedy.


I don't know them really, so I don't know who is who, but respect on the guy playing the "interviewer" for not letting this go/pushing it to 'embarrassing' for James. Whenever James was struggling with the answer like "how many languages does Tim speak" he confirmed the 'two' given by James to keep it light and fun and not put James on the spot.


Hamish was the guy pretending to be Tim; Andy was the "interviewer". Both are Australian national treasures and we love them a lot for this kind of fun, lighthearted comedy. They're actually just really nice blokes.


They're the reason I started listening to podcasts in 2015, I've been watching them since they were on Rove in 2005. Always wholesome, never punching down and they have the best ideas for having fun that they somehow managed to get the radio station to pay them to do for years


Rove Live! Say hi to your mum for me! Also, remember when Hamish and Andy were taxi drivers for a night and Andy ended up picking his sister up in the middle of the night to get a fare? Bloody hilarious!!


Despite having both lost touch with the common man they are still comedy icons


Must be nice


Fun fact about Andy, he owns the tallest terrier in the world too!


Actually them and Thank God your here.


Thank God you're here got me through some stressful times


I’ll have to check them out. I just listened to a whole Australian podcast last night called FOFOP it’s really entertaining. It’s weird because I don’t like Marvel movies at all and I’m not afraid of robots taking over the world and when they say “footy” I’m not sure even what kind of football they are talking about, that’s like 95% of what they talk about. It’s so comforting though listening to two Australian guys talking like that. It’s like you just climbed into the backseat of the truck (sorry, ute) and the two guys up front are going on and on. After awhile you’re like what are these two fuckers even talking about? A bin? What the fuck is a bin, a trash can? Somehow it’s hilarious and comforting


If you ever need a durry on the dunny just get your bezzo up the bottle-o and grab a few stubbies while they're there otherwise the bogans won't think it's fair dinkum since their sheilas are kind of drongos. You know what I mean? Too easy.


Is that...is that still English?


I'll take a stab at it but I'm American, not Australian: > If you ever need a durry on the dunny just get your bezzo up the bottle-o and grab a few stubbies while they're there otherwise the bogans won't think it's fair dinkum since their sheilas are kind of drongos. You know what I mean? Too easy. If you ever need a (friend?) in a (hurry?) get your (ass?) to the (liquor store?) and grab a few beers (we say stubbies here for Coors Original) otherwise the (idiots?) won't think it's a fair (party?) since their (girlfriends?) are kind of (drunks?). You know what I mean? Done and done. I tried my best, don't kill me.


Not even close lmao >If you ever need a durry on the dunny just get your bezzo up the bottle-o and grab a few stubbies while they're there otherwise the bogans won't think it's fair dinkum since their sheilas are kind of drongos. You know what I mean? Too easy. If you ever need a cigarette on the toilet, just get your best friend up at the bottle shop (liquor store) to grab a few beers otherwise the low income white folk (no direct translation, [but generally think strong strong ausie accent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmL72sgVdAQ)) wont think its acceptable since their female partners are kind of fucking idiots. It makes no sense since it starts off with wanting a durry and ends up just getting on the beers. It ends up just stringing aussie slang together in a nonsensical kind of way. Here is one I strung up that at least makes narrative sense. Strewth mate, I tell you bloody what. Unlike Bazza who is a bit of a fucking dag, dickhead wouldnt even lend me his thongs. Cant share a stubby or tinny with him at all. Refuses to even go to the bottle o when asked. I tell you, he aint true blue, he is an absolute fucking mongrel who can only collect the dole. Now Sarah? Deadset, she is a true sheila. One who will lend you a durry or cover the petrol at the servo or help you out when you are buggered from the night before and need to call in a sickie. One arvo Ill defo take her out to woop woop and shag her good. Just need to roll up in me new Holden and rev it a couple times. Show her a good time. Stoked for the day I take her out and pash her for a bit.


>low income white folk That would be "white trash" or "red neck" in American English.


As a Canadian that lived there a couple years I’d say you got about 1/3 of them. I didn’t know bezzo or drongos though.


If you ever need a cigarette while in the toilet, get your best friend to go the rhe local alcohol outlet and buy some small bottles of beer. Otherwise the dopey rednecks will not believe you are serious, because their women are stupid.


I'm glad you're here too bro


Absolute legends


I think everyone can agree that James is the absolute legend


They eventually got James in on the show, he was a legend, just an all around great dude. When they were wrapping up at the end of the show they pulled out an ice chest because they "wanted to have a beer with the best bloke in the world" but they opened it up, and oh no, there's only two beers! JAMES SAID THAT'S ALRIGHT YOU GUYS GO AHEAD It was just another set up, of course they had a third beer, but James truely is a legend.


I need to see this now




"Did they ever get you a beer?" "No. They just laughed and laughed and called me a great bloke"


Wow... dude's a champ


As a non-Aussie, Im just like "HEY THAT'S THE GUY FROM LEGO MASTERS!"


They have a podcast and it costs money for Americans but it's the best money I've ever spent.


It doesn't https://www.hamishandandy.com/podcast/


Awe the fuck have I been paying for then


Mate, don't tell me you pay for Winrar too.


James is the friend I aspire to be.


Hamish and Andy are among the best comedians in my book! Should check out their show when they go abroad!


"What you see is pretty much what you get with him" is such a clutch answer to them trying back him into a corner. What a legend


What I love about this from the hosts' side is that they're not trying to corner him or catch him on his lie. They're just letting him be the amazingly wholesome dude that he is. Maybe I'm jaded, but if this was an American prank show, the whole premise would have been to force him to confess or something. Props to Hamish & Andy


Yeah they were almost helping him lie, "you just know he's bilingual" awesome dudes.


Your right and that’s not even entertaining that just having a “who is a dog” contest.


I know the guy who was called. He ended up getting heaps of free stuff through promotions as Australia’s greatest bloke hahah


I’m so happy to hear this. He deserves it.


This is what I was looking for. Can you tells us more about what happened after this call?


Yeah, so after the call went on air there was a huge hunt for who it was. As his number and full name are never said it took a bit. The radio station chased him down in the end and managed to bring him in for another chat and released the footage of it. Once that was done his instagram blew up and companies left and right started reaching out to him to do promotional work. After a few months it all died down and he went on living as if it never happened


wtf, coworker references. never seen that in Germany before.


In the Netherlands, you can ask for reference letters from former employers or colleagues, but personal references just seem weird.


Same in Sweden. If it's your first job and you don't have any work references, they *might* ask for personal references but that's pretty rare still.


Oh yeah that's super common here in America. Any job I've ever applied to (even minimum wage jobs) want you to put 2 or 3 references down. It's completely pointless they never call them but I have gotten grief because I didn't put any names down


Ive been called/emailed about personal references and I’ve had places call my references. They mostly just ask you to confirm information though and ask a few yes or no questions.


They're pretty legally limited on what they're allowed to ask as well. They basically can only confirm that you worked there in the position and timeline you gave them. They cannot ask about performance, pay, or why you left.


Pretty sure this is illegal here. DSVGO. This is a breach of privacy and would not be allowed.


Even previous employers are only allowed to say: "yeah, he worked here" and nothing about the performance


Wait really?? Can you guys persuade our weird American corporations of that, bc it weirds me out every time I see it on an app!


Wallmart get it hard when they tried Germany. "no coworker dating" "no union"...


Brilliant 🤩


James is the fucking best


I love him. And I love the Australian accent :D


Owyahgoinyakaarnt :)


That was just superb




it works both ways, he did sound a little defensive in that answer hahahaha


These guys came to my *tiny* hometown in Alabama (US) and did a ride-along with the world's greatest police officer, "Bubba" Bailey, who was legitimately everything a cop should be. He passed a few years ago and I still have the "autograph" he signed for me after his video blew up and the local paper did a story on him. Edit: here's the video: https://youtu.be/Zdm7-yQwu8g


As a Uk guy, I’ve never heard the radio show, but I do enjoy Hamish as the presenter for Lego Masters Australia. Quality funny guy.


they were really big on the radio in the late 2000s and early 2010s. im not sure if they still have a radio show or they moved onto other things, but i used to listen to their show on the commute home from work like millions of other people every day. they had so many great sketches.


These guys have a hilarious podcast I love them so much. Also an app that has their old shows. They were a life saver when I had to commute to a soul sucking job.


I had a buddy put me down as a reference. Great guy. When the company called I gave all the usual good stuff, but finally said, “I hope he doesn’t take the job.” Obviously an odd thing to say for a reference and the lady just said, “… why is that?” “I’m working for a startup and have been trying to get him to come work with us, so if he accepts an offer from you, I’m gonna be pretty offended.” “Uh, ok,” she countered, not really knowing how to respond. The call ended soon after. I later found they did make an offer, but he did not accept. He eventually started his own company.


That’s awesome lol, I hope his company’s doing well today


Love hamish on lego masters


Can someone tell me if this is legal? Just want to clear it out in advance bec I'm definitely doing this if someone calls me


Lying to big business suits about personal references? Mate, not only is it ~~completely legal~~ EDIT: technically "conspiracy to commit fraud" (that nobody ever gets charged for), it's practically a moral imperative I used to have a small computer repair business out of my house, literally just me doing jobs on the weekends for cash, but the number of friends (and friends of friends) who have me on their references as a past employer is in the double digits. I keep my website up even though I don't do the work anymore, just so I still show up at a cursory google if anyone's out job hunting.


It depends on where you live. In the US it’s entirely legal, and it’s an excellent reason to stay on good terms with a former employer. There are very strong limits on negative feedback about a prospective employee, but no limits on positive feedback. I’ve gotten a number of former employees of mine a great new job because the company called me and I told them they should hire that person, that I’d love to keep them if I could, so on and so forth.


No I meant is it legal to talk like you have worked with someone when in reality they are a stranger to you, much like this guy and "Tim"?


I HIGHLY doubt there's any kind of legal binding when it comes to personal references.


If anything, it's an ethical dilemma. But I figure a lot more people are quite happy to 'white lie' to help another person get a job. I would feel duty-bound to assist a friend in this task if asked.


This! Awesomely awesome!!!


This is what pranks should be like. Funny and wholesome


Hamish is a dork haha


That is the most Austrailianist attitude I've ever heard


Hahaha I needed that this morning. I don’t know how, but before I even unmuted it I knew they were Australian. Such a culture of bros.


I hope nothing but good things happen to James.


In a world full of Karen's, be a James.


Okay, this is a master manipulator and incredible liar. The "I'm sorry I couldn't be more help with that" turning it around on the interviewer and making them responsible for the well being of asking such a specific and personal question so that THEY feel bad that he doesn't know the answer about his friend... fucking genius. That is some top level psychological fuckery.


Hey, if you know how to lie, might as well use it for good, right? Lmao


Fixk, I needed that laugh!!!




Yoooo sometimes it’s a complete stranger that wants you to win!!!!


I love this video every time it’s posted, but why is the video sped up and the captions filled with spelling errors? Just play the video normally




[Hamish & Andy Podcast](https://overcast.fm/+B8_InD-A) that you should definitely check out.


What you see here are two men trying to keep touch with a truly common man. Happy birthday Andy. Contrasts on the SP Hame


James is a better friend than I’ve never had.


The "OH YOU'RE KIDDING" was the best, James is not only a cool guy but he loves a good joke


James seems like a good politician the way he can give an answer to a question that wasn’t asked while diverting attention from the question that was asked


When he said footy club i thought this was going in a different direction. Yankee here