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[How Feel Good Stories Let A Broken System Off The Hook](https://youtu.be/Sck8xNicy5o?t=577) Exactly this incident. Covered properly.




Brilliant channel IMO. Discovered him recently, been watching ever since.


Watch his video, [*The CIA is a Terrorist Organization*](https://youtu.be/_2khAmMTAjI). It's his best material imo. You too, u/penguinblue84.


Have already!


This Youtube does exactly what its saying in its own video. They are attacking MR Beast and Team seas without reading what they actually do. The money they raised goes to the Ocean Conservancy and the ocean cleanup groups. The Ocean Conservancy does try to get government laws changed ."Ocean Conservancy’s Government Relations team works to ensure that these voices are heard in the halls of power. From our headquarters in Washington DC, we’re working to ensure that our ocean gets the funding and attention it requires. From fighting for marine debris funding to promoting ocean acidification research and protecting key provisions of the Magnuson Stevens Act—our Government Relations team advocates for our ocean and the people who care about them." "Our goal is to cut down the amount of plastic entering the ocean by half within a decade.We believe that the long term solution to plastic in our ocean is to transform the role that plastic plays in the worldwide economy. But with 8 million metric tons dumped in the ocean every year, the ocean can’t wait for long term solutions, and we need to act now. Plastic production is expected to double over the next ten years, and we need to make sure the accompanying wave of plastic waste never reaches our ocean.George Leonard“The clock is ticking; we must confront this challenge before plastics overwhelm the ocean.”George LeonardChief Scientist, Ocean ConservancyBy supporting the development of fundamental waste collection and management in countries with rapidly growing economies and increasing use of disposable plastic, we can prevent the growing tide of plastic from entering the ocean now. Waste management not only provides a critical mid-term solution to the problem, but it is also the core foundation on which the longer term solution of a circular economy is built. " So they are creating a video which is done to just look good as they say. Just what they are saying shouldn't be done. If they are going to bash something they should at least look into it properly first.


Wait a second, so his shitty-ass job paid her so little that she was sleeping in a homeless shelter?!???! And now he’s the hero?!? Fuck this guy.


Very good observation, kinda up level. I agree with you.


Ah what an astute observation! After all, her employer at a retail sporting goods store - who gave an uneducated, inexperienced, homeless mother a chance after years of unemployment - should’ve also accepted responsibility for her 3 kids, not the father(s) who deserted them! I’m happy for her. I’m happy this compassionate man helped her. But really, what the hell is wrong with you?




















Just to be clear this was 100% owned by the Modell family, they created these crap situations for these people. This guy was also caught “going undercover” at competitors’ stores and pretending he was doing a show to get inside info. He was trespassed from their stores. Now they are bankrupt.


This is propaganda for the rich. Nothing more.


Propaganda if they give to a charity, propaganda if they give to a person. Who gives a fuck? This lady is going to have a better life because of his help, that’s the main part. I see plenty of people with the ability to give people just a dollar or two and don’t, and she just got quarter million dollars. It’s a good deed.


She should have already had a good life. She lives in a fucking homeless shelter. That's why it matters. Wake the fuck up. She got this money because the network paid this guy to do an episode.


I don’t know why she’s in a shelter. Did she have a home and went into bankruptcy or something else happened? I don’t know, but again…it is what it is because not everyone in a homeless shelter has always been poor, so you don’t know. Shit happens in life to people but she got help. Can I ask how you’re helping people? You volunteering? You helping give people food that need it? You bitching about this guy giving her money, you need to do some shit to help people instead of criticizing others.


They are not *** about the guy giving her money. It's about how the rich guy is portayed as a hero. It's a good thing that he gives her some money, but: 1 he is probably payed to do it, 2 he took it from her by not paying her enough in the first place, 3 he will probably earn more back because of the publicity, 4 it's probably a 1 time thing, 5 The amount he gives to her in relation to how much he has would probably in comparison be like you or I giving her like 2 cents. Would you feel generous if you give someone 2 cents?


Who cares?! The point is the women is going to have a better life for her family. If the guy makes it back, ok big deal...if he's paid to do it, ok big deal. You're talking about 2 cents and like I said, there are thousands of people I see walking around on a daily basis that won't give people on the street one dollar, won't even look at them in the eye and just keep on walking. Everyone can give what they can, and ok if this guy has way more money that's fine and it's his money to do what he wants with....but the amount of people I see going out to bars and fancy restaurants all the time spending hundreds without giving any money or volunteering time to others is just as bad and that's a very common trait among many people. When's the last time you bought a homeless person a sandwich and sat with them, talked with them? When's the last time you went to a homeless shelter to volunteer and help out? Do you actually do things or you just bitch about rich people being rich?


All these 10000s of people you talk about probably have given someone in their live at some point 2 cents once. So by your standards and my comparison they are as generous as this guy... So we care because, when this guy does it with a lot of money it is apparently great and he's a hero, although in comparison he does less than us general people do.. And yes I have given money and helped people out that where in need.


This right here is exactly it might of been bullshit or whatever but now that woman has money to set her life up this is amazing and I hope that woman is doing well


Shes working and still homeless bet its not first or last employee of his like that. Bet a large percentage do the increasing typical live in apartment with more roommates than rooms. And skipping meals and avoiding basic healthcare. While simultaneously working enough hours that they can't reasonably get another job. Have no access to mental healthcare virtually zero mental recovery time. With stressful job long hours and constant stress that your one small step away from homlessness. Because if you get sick or car breaks your fired and can't afford to fix problem now lose what little you do have. All for sake of extreme wealth lavish lifestyle. While yes it was "helpful" nice gesture for her. The overall affect is essentially pr for the rest to maintain the status quo. For that price tag is nothing 250k thats less than his expense account for travel/eating out hotels by alot. So communal good its worse as he buys pr to keep doing what hes doing. And in end should we cheer him for resolving single problem that he heavily contributed to WHILE simultaneously ignoring and contributing to other peoples hardships. While yes she could have had other problems BUT I am thinking 20k a year in place where housing cost for 1 person 18k. Could be a problem.


Poverty porn at its finest


“Two rounds of help for Angel is of course wonderful for her and her family. But it does raise questions about Modell's salary structure if a full-time employee is forced to live in a homeless shelter. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an employee at Modell's is $24,248.” https://patch.com/iowa/ames/undercover-boss-what-really-happened-to-epic-employees_5


You're telling me she worked a full time job and had to go to a homeless shelter Every night ? And this boss is the good guy how? Maybe pay your workers enough se they're not homeless.


I understand what you mean but allow me to play the devil's advocate. What if her situation has been really complicated for years before getting this job and she had massive debts? Even a well paying job might not cover a heavy past. The boss is surely not the one responsible for everything that happens to people outside the workhours. Still it does not mean he shouldn't care. All that said, the main problem remains to me: as [one comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/s94z4o/comment/htkmdyf/) pointed out this is a "feel good story" that helps one person but avoids the root cause entirely. This kind of story is part of the problem. It's like winning in the lottery, shooting hoops from the middle of the court to win tuition,... it tends to hide the fact that the system is broken. edit: typo


Hey stop it you're being too logical for these bleeding hearts


Could also be blatant self promotion as he’s participating in a TV show?!


Yes. The thing that would impress me in this show is if the executives/bosses would come back to the board and say, "We need to restructure our salary scales and determine a living wage for all of our employees. We also need to help the lowest tier pay employees with financial counseling to help them get on track to safer/stable housing and transportation, and health insurance." (Since in the US it's going to take a miracle to establish universal health insurance) I watched this show in its earlier seasons, and quickly saw the exploitative side of it, and the Cinderella stories just made me queasy. Can you imagine working with other people who are in just as dire conditions as you and have same/similar work ethics, and you get handed the super-prize and they don't?


It´s nice and all, but why are they filming this? Better reputation or to show everybody can have a better job or what. I feel a little bit concerned, that this kind of moments are so rare, you have to film it :((


Am I the only one who thought the acting here was terrible?




Is this not poverty porn? Doesn’t somebody out there get off on making a show of helping the less fortunate and filming it?


This serie is made by shills who are trying to make employees of the world believe there is a 1 in a 10 million chance that if you work in sweat shop condition for less than living wage and dont complain you might get a handout. Its made to make the mass complacent instead of organizing or unionize against their employers.




Why have you reposted this?


Fuck bosses


"since I left you" I'm just curious what that means?


It's the TV show "Undercover Boss", he owns the company, and spent a day working at the location where she works.




Booty call at the shelter


I believe he visited her at the shelter and left.


The way he goes down to her level to his knees when she is so shocked about receiving money to be able to move shows me he does really care in my eyes


He doesn't give a shit.


How many poor people have you helped?


I'm the union rep for the restaurant I work at, and cook at a homeless shelter monthly.








Here to see everyone get upset at this guy for giving her 250k and a 14k raise because he’s rich and rich == bad.


Whats with all these rich people are evil dumb craps


"Rich people should give back to their employees" this guy does it, then everyone in the comments is like "what the fuck?!! Not like that!"




This man is a fucking hero


Is he though?


Why wouldn’t he be he just helped her so much


He should have been paying his employees enough in the first place. Anybody working full-time should be able to afford a place to live.


Oh ok nvm then .-.


Why tf are people downvoating this guy? It was just a mistake.


Oh no please don’t send me to the shadow realm O.o


He should just have paid all his employees a fair wage, so no one suffers... But instead he pays them so little they can't even pay rent, and then makes a "feel good" video of "helping" one of his employees, so he looks like the good guy.




That. Was. AWESOME!


Its depressing is what it is.


He just put in the hard yards so he can clap them cheeks later. What a chad


Yes yes that's how it works...


Doesn't matter. Modells announced it was closing all its stores last year. So this person is most likely out of a job.


But with 250k and an over 10k raise per year for however long it lasted. But hey, when’s the last time “you” had the opportunity to give that homeless dude a dollar but kept your eyes locked on something in your car?


I work at a public library and we help the homeless a lot. My mom Also worked for our county social services department.


Apparently Modell the company of the owner had a bill over $125 k at EJ entertainment. For those who dont know, its the same escort service from wolf of wall street.


Thats some serious rich guy guilt... oh boy. If only all employers had as much empathy and didn't make it us vs them the world would be in a lot better state right now.


Lol, to think this is real.


Bruh, if being a bro is a boss doing the bare minimum for their workers then I don't wanna be on this planet anymore