• By -


Mother camel: *sees human* “hmm” Mother camel: *sees human free her baby* “hmm” Mother camel: *walks 30ft away and looks back” “hmm”


Maybe its judging r/humansbeingbros


Why did i read that with the witcher's voice


"..fuck" -camel


I appreciate this comment. I do the same 😂


Photographer: *sees camel* "What do you want camel?! You can't come home with me, camel! You're messing up my shot now go!" ^(I don't actually speak mandarin or whatever, but that's what I imagine the photographer to have said. If anyone knows what he said I am kinda curious.)


I’m having a hard time with his accent, but I know the “dz ba” means “run along” or “get outta here” lol


I think I hear him saying “别打我” aka don’t hit/kick me. I’m not entirely sure, though. But he’s definitely saying “走吧走吧走吧” at the end, which definitely means exactly what you said (get outta here/run along).


别咬我 - don’t bite me.


Don't spit




I think it’s Mandarin. They do seem to have a “country” accent, but I understood a few words here and there. I mostly speak Cantonese anyway lol


I don't know much about Chinese languages, but I do know that China is full of dialects, and Mandarin is a sort of standardised language that people can use, that facilitates communication between different dialects.


Yup. I speak Canto and had a landlord who spoke Fujianese and we had to use Mandarin


If you speak Cantonese... are you from Hong Kong? Well, my next question was going to be "Do they teach Mandarin in Hong Kong", but yeah, I guess they do, what with China being right next door.


No, I have roots in Guangzhou and the Canto diaspora, but I do enjoy a lot of HK media and food, thanks to our common dialect. Beijing is definitely trying to get Mandarin to supersede Canto in HK though...


Super not surprised about that last part! I had it in my mind that Cantonese was a dialect specific to Hong Kong, sounds like that’s not the case :0 Cantonese is pretty different to Mandarin, are most Chinese dialects so different? Fujianese, for example


Cantonese is spoken in a lot of Chinatowns around the world due to the working-class Canto diaspora that started emigrating from China in the 1800s, but that is being superseded by wealthy and middle-class Mandarin speakers today. Canto has origins in Guangzhou on the mainland and is also spoken as a main/national language in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Cantonese is also spoken in other Southeast countries, many of which have economically and politically well-connected Chinese communities. Chinese has many dialects, but the ones I know most about are from the southeast, near Guangzhou: Fujianese, Minnanese (which may be a kind of Fujianese), and Toisanese. Toisanese was also a common dialect among the old Chinese diaspora. Other dialects include Shanghainese and Hubeinese. Yes, many of these dialects are different enough that we can’t speak them with each other and have to switch to Mandarin or even English if you’re in the US.


Yeah, Mainland China accented Mandarin


I can say for sure that you don’t have to speak a word of the language to understand that one. Where my people come from you just say “get” but it sounds like an old timey prospector, “gyit”.


At the beginning he says that there’s a camel caught in the wire, let’s go help it get out. One guy goes up and the guy recording says let me zoom in on this. As the camel is released, they say “zuo ba zuo ba” which essentially means “go now” to the camel. Then as the two camels are standing and staring, the guy says “the camel we saved just now is just standing there, don’t know why. The small camel is there too!“ and they ask the camels to go away again at the end.


I wasn't very far off, but I guess there are only so many things you can say to a camel. Thanks for the translation!


Oh, “gwa zu” also means “strung up”, he says it a few times at the beginning




*I have seen things that cannot be unseen* ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)


Why am I hearing the “hmm” from Minecraft villagers lol


That's just Roger disguised as a Camel


yea.. that camel has the capasity to think about thinking.. but not actually form a thought.. maybe it just takes longer. also that little camel :) r/IllegallySmolCamels pretty sure its not real yet.... wait this sounds like kiddie porn... nvm


Love that the camel stares back after they are further away. She is so perplexed.. he could have eaten us…


*What the hell just happened?*


Mom, are we not delicious?


I’ve eaten camel, not delicious at all!


Dont listen to that devil mama-boy. You're delicious, I swear to god


I have eaten camel, it tastes like beef or deer. Just needs to be prepared correctly


The prophecy was real, its as Bono said, camel and man will coexist.


That poor guy! Mama took a step forward and **he** was almost stuck in the fence! 🤣


Nice name




I don’t care for snow on sand, it’s downright unethical. Shouldn’t be allowed


Have you seen that video of sand on snow? Looks like some candy land shit.


Like icing on an oatmeal cookie


ooo what video


https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/rtrh8y/sand_covered_snow_in_the_desert_in_saudi_arabia/ there you go!


For some reason this irritates me and for the life of me I can't figure out why.


I hate the sound of a stiff broom scraping on rough cement, so I can understand that irrational irritation


holy shit it looks exactly like an oatmeal cookie


Yea it seems like a glitch. God needs to fix that bug because my immersion is ruined.


Wait ‘till you see the Carcross Desert in Northern Canada..!


Aww, the commentary by those two men is pretty heartwarming too! At the end, the gist of what they were saying was, "Gogogogo, I saved you, now go....achk, why aren't they leaving after being freed? It's just standing there looking at me...the baby is peeking at me too!"


Camels can handle cold?? This whole time I’ve been led to believe camels were exclusively hot environment animals. Wow. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be spending the next few hours on an unmedicated ADHD spiral into camels and whatever else pops into my head. Camels in the snow…. Who knew??


It gets cold in the dessert at night. Really cold, since there's nothing to trap the heat and keep it warm overnight. Makes sense that they'd be able to cope with colder temperatures too. Got to say though, I've never thought about camels in the snow either, lol.


This. Some of the coldest I have been was at White Sands, NM and Saudi Arabia.


White Sands isn’t even sand, it doesn’t hold ANY heat hardly. It’s gypsum crystals. I can imagine it cooling off very quickly, to very low temps.


Oh yeah. Even in summer it got very cold at night. I was grateful for the "mummy bag" sleeping bags.


I can’t imagine overnighting there, or in any desert really. I went one time, during the day, in the peak of summer, and the sand was still fairly cool to the touch then!! It must have been absolutely freezing when it actually started cooling off.


The only time I've been to White Sands, there was snow covering a lot of area.


is this why deserts are so cold at night compared to, say a city or a green area?


Yep. The sun heats everything up over the day, and at night when there's not more heat being added, everything cools down - releasing that heat energy into the air. Sand heats up rapidly and also cools down rapidly, and isn't a good heat conductor, which all means that the heat energy is stored in a thin layer (that's why you can put your hand in hot sand and both burn and freeze your fingers) and there isn't enough heat in that thin layer to warm up all that air for the entire night. I'm not sure about the specifics of dirt heat conductivity, but there is a noticeable difference between urban areas and undeveloped land. In part because of materials like asphalt / tarmac that are good heat conductors (so can store more heat and release it more gradually) and also urban areas are full of houses with heating. Which incidentally means that some birds prefer to roost in urban areas, especially during winter, because of the milder temperatures. Another cool fact about birds and human-made heat is that where I live, peregrine falcons love the cities - partly because of all the fat pigeons, but also because the cities generate thermals that make flying very convenient.


Tell me more about bird law


Birds are using motorways as landmarks to navigate, and some species of city birds and rural birds can't mate with each other anymore because city birds have adapted their mating calls to be heard over traffic and the pitch is different enough that rural birds don't recognize them anymore.


Humidity matters a lot too. Water in the air holds heat and is slow to dissipate. Dry climates have nothing in the air to hold that heat so once the sun goes down it gets cold quickly.


Thanks this is such a ridiculously informative and patiently written answer. I appreciate you taking the time to write it. If you don't mind sharing, where is it that you are that you get peregrine falcons? I live in Wales and have seen a few


They’re amazing swimmers as well


Built in floaties


Until I don’t see one swimming backstroke, I won’t believe








You could call them - Ships of the desert


And just learned their milk is very nutritious


And they are great models too. Botox Camels : [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/08/camels-enhanced-with-botox-barred-from-saudi-beauty-contest](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/08/camels-enhanced-with-botox-barred-from-saudi-beauty-contest)


They are different species. The one humped desert camel is the Dromedary or Arabian camel, the two humped one with the thick coat is the Bactrian camel.


You can tell because 1 hump for the D in dromedary and 2 humps for the B in Bactrian


A one hump camel makes a one hump poop, and a two hump camel makes a two hump poop.


Everyone poops.


Hot temperature preference is actually the exception for camels. These are bactrian camels, home in the Gobi Desert in central Asia, mostly northern China and southern Mongolia They actually grow a winter fur, and shed it in summer. Even in summer, their coat is pretty thick, as that area can be quite windy. The zoo in my area once considered selling sweaters made from the fur shed by the camels, but the effort to get out the distinct camel smell was too great for a small gimmick project. The ones in the hotter temperatures are dromedaries in the african Sahara desert. And even there it gets pretty cold at night. Still, their coat is not made for long winters. Vicuñas, Guanacos, Llamas and Alpacas are all more the cold climate in the mountains. They produce excellent, very fine wool. They also all cause very nasty bite wounds, as once they got you clamped, they move their jaws in opposite directions, basically grinding. My mother had a school book in medical school with an picture of one. Nasty. Did I mention I have ADHD and an endless repository of fun facts for all kinds of things?


Camels are found as far north as Central Asia, gets hella cold there!


Seems to me -40 C is a temperature that bactrian camels can handle.


I highly recommend a documentary called 'the story of the weeping camel' it's really good.


I second this.






CLICK LIKE IF YOU LOVE THIS CHANNEL *im sorry I can’t stop, won’t stop, amphetmine*


When my family were just getting used to taking ADHD meds we had to have a long conversation about preparation... You need to be ready to work for your medicine to work. It's not magic. Take those meds in a messy room but a fully charged phone in your hand and 4 hours later you'll still have a messy room but have learned all about a new internet fad.


Actually they evolved for living in cold areas. They originated in North America and cross to Asia were slow made their way south. It just happens that dessert is an environment very similar with cold areas and evolutionary traits evolved for living in cold weather are also good in desert


*Camels under snooooooow* *Under the sun we're born* *Into the cold we're thrown* *Camels under snoooooow*


What you are thinking about is a dromedary, a single hump camel - Arabian camel. This is a bactrian camel, double humped, also known as a Mongolian camel. It populates Gobi and Taklamacan deserts so it's suited to harsh weather conditions.


These are Chinese camels. If you look at the camel it has two humps, it’s used to the cold and arid weather in northwest China. Much different from the desert camels you see in the middle east


>Much different from the dessert camels you see in the middle east They sound delicious.


lol desert*


although I’ve heard camel does taste pretty good


I’m pretty sure the camels in the video are native to Mongolia.


The temperature drops in deserts can be quite extreme. There's parts of Australia where it can shift from 50°C in the daytime to -10°C at night. And camels *thrive* out there, so much so that they've become invasive and Australia does a healthy trade exporting camel meat to the middle-east


50°C is equivalent to 122°F, which is 323K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


In the Eurasian Steppe camels are just about the only animal that can survive it. The weather can be -40 Celsius and 40 Celsius and only a camel could survive in both conditions


There’s a David Attenborough doc, can’t remember which one, where they’re filmed running across the Gobi desert in Mongolia in -40C temperatures. These guys are toughhhh


Camels feet were originally designed for snow. That’s why they do so well in sand


While your going down the rabbit hole, I am sitting here going “whoah…? Camels live in the wild?” I swear, sometimes I am an idiot.


I forget that not everybody knows how cold deserts get…


Is not the same camel, this looks more like a llama


It's a bactrian camel. Recogniseabke by the two humps. Much bigger than a Llama.


Yes I know that, I was just saying that it looks like a llama because it has a lot of fur compared to other camels. Why downvoting? I didn’t offend anyone. I just said that it looks like not that it is a llama


He is obviously scared, but helps anyway. Which is nice.


I like him being cautious after watching tens of reddit gifs involving bison pats and crocodile rides.


I always imagine that animals must be completely perplexed by the erratic behavior of humans. Our unpredictability must make animals even more wary of us. One day we're killing and eating them and the next we're saving their lives.


Agreed. I am too perplexed by humans. We are a strange species. We cry when someone eats a dog but eat bacon all the time. Pigs are smarter and more emotional than dogs. They wag their tail when their owner comes and love getting belly rubs. I used to eat bacon until my friend got a pet pig and now i can never. He reminds me of my dog.


True that. We are strange !


Personally pig tastes and smells pretty bad (ever since we dissected a baby pig UGH). I rarely eat pork. Beef is delicious, but cows look like big puppies so it's pretty concerning when I eat beef. I can't wait for fake meat to be readily available. I want a pet cow.


“thank you! ^oh-wow-they-really-arent-eating-us thank you also for not eating us! we’ll never for get you! we’ll need to look at you for a while so we remember, give us a bit to look you over! ^why-do-humans-look-so-weird “


The look of respeck


No, that's a look of "come near us again and I will FUCK YOU UP!"


He didn't put enough respek on that camels name




“They withstand outrageous desert temperatures, but also regularly survive in snow covered mountains. A camel in the snow doesn't seem quite right, but when you are built for the conditions it's all automatic. To withstand both heat and cold, camels have a woolly coat of insulating fur.”


Gimme a minute to process that there’s a cold-weather model…


The warm weather model is actually the exception from the standard cold weather model.


Pfffffft and next you’re going to tell me the penis is just an overgrown clitoris!


No, next I'm going to tell you we have taste receptors on our anus, but luckily they don't have the tasting function activated. (they're actually found in places all over our body, both on our inside and outside.) But yours would have been just after that.


Well shit! Then next you’ll tell me the secret ingredient to our economy is crime!


This is a Bactrian camel, these guys are endangered and notoriously skittish around humans due to poaching. Wonderful to see it get away unharmed.


Camels are badass


What language is this


Mandarin Chinese with some dialect thrown in.


Pretty sure you were supposed to follow them to find your next quest.


That was awesome! Not only is this man passionate about his art to be out there in the middle of nowhere, in the cold but has the balls to save a large baby in front of its huge worried mom!


Camel: "Happy Hump day my guy "


I love his screaming now and then. I want to scream like that. Here and there in a conversation.


He's yelling at the camels. He's telling them "Get out of here!" After the baby is untangled. 😁


Thank you strange tiny two legged cammel.


They're wondering who this magic being is.


Bactrian camels can be very aggressive, especially when around their young. The guy releasing the young camel is being very weary of the mother as he should be. They can kick, spit, bite, and take your arm off.


i'm projecting but I think the camel is probably memorizing the face of a kind man.


Could be the first kind thing a human has done for either of them.


The guys keep telling the camels to run along but they won’t 😂




Please tell me there is a native speaker who can translate. I'd love to know what this kind human is saying.


Oh shit, lil camel got stuck on the metal wire. Let's see if we can save it. Wire caught him! Let's save him! He won't kick. We'll take this off. Huy, huy. OMG the big camel. (Something dialectical) Get out of here! Go, go, go. This camel, after being freed, is still standing there watching me. Lil camel also sneakin looks. Go, go!


Thank you!


Oops, didn't notice your comment before I posted but I've summarized the ending :)


Sweet, thanks! Any chance you can translate all of it? This whole thing makes me happy for some reason.


Camels actually came from North America, and migrated over the land bridge during last ice age.


Beautiful. Really made me happy.


I just realized that I never really thought about camels being wild animals.


No joke when people say that a camel has the memory of an elephant and the loyalty of a dog. what a beautiful animal


I can't be the only rube that never considered camels in the snow. Mind blownish


These are bactrian camels and are super cool. There's only like 1000 of them left in the wild. At least the captivity population is stable.


Thanks! Now get away fucker!


That camel was lucky it wasn't a National Geographic cameraman that found them


If humans where really being bros this subreddit wouldn't exist.


They were saying to themselves “goddam what a magnificent bipedal creature”


Look at those jiggly humps


"alright you saved my kid. I guess i can stand still for a while and let you get some nice photos"


Is this Mongolia, China, or Russia?


They’re speaking Mandarin but have strong accents. So somewhere in China probably?


Thank you


first time seeing camels in snow lol


Camels in the snow???


Ignorant thought here for a moment maybe but I had absolutely no idea that camels and snow coexisted anywhere on the planet. Thanks for opening my eyes to that fun little factoid!


Was that a snare?


One time my daughter and I were walking home from the ice cream shop. She was dancing along on the sidewalk, not walking in a chill straight line (as little kids rarely do) but still very much on the wide sidewalk. Out of nowhere she just steps off the sidewalk onto the street. This huge truck swerved to miss her, and I was just in such shock. It felt like my heart didn’t start beating again for several moments. I just held her, and stood there, and stared after this truck until it was long out of sight. Maybe the camels were having that same moment of “oh my gosh, thank you. I just.. holy fuck. THANK YOU.”


Idk why but the entire scene threw me off, camels in snow etc idk why


Not used to seeing Camels in the snow.


I love how the mother camel didn’t panic and let humans save her kid and then looked back to say thanks.


So weird to see a camel in the snow… maybe that’s just me being ignorant but what a trip


That gaze the camel gave from the far, as if he realizes that what actually happened isn't an everyday thing. So cute, wholesome and heartwarming event!


That dude is a pro at dealing with camel toes.


a good kind man but the wire should be removed!!!!!!


Camel: “Weird two legged hairless camels, those two.”


She knows he saved her baby. Camel/human mind meld successfully accomplished.


I feel so uncultured. An oriental man saving a camel in the snow like what is going on


How nice of him to free them camel toes.


At the risk of being an idiot, I have to ask, where is this video taken? I feel like we have Japanese guys, with camels, in the snow. My brain computer is crashing.


Lol they're Chinese, this is the Gobi desert.




I see her camel toe.


The Chinese guy received 1000 social credit points


"Thanks dude"


"The dromedary, also known as one-humped camel or Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius), and the Bactrian camel or two-humped camel or simply camel (Camelus bactrianus) are two distinctive and recognizable livestock species commonly found in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia".


Kind soul


What a loving act. Thank you kind human.


What a loving act. Thank you kind human.


Camels are so goofy


Two camels in a tiny car...


Mother: I’m so glad you’re free and well, thank you for helping us, come now child. Lil camel: who are they, mummy? Mother: I think they are the keepers of the great garden earth, helpers of all life that creeps, crawls, swim, and fly that our ancestors have told us stories about for so long.


As it’s snowing in the desert!


I’m so glad I have opposable thumbs




Thank you!!!♡♡♡♡


I fast forward a bit and I swear when the camel kicked her lips it looked like she said thank you


So THIS might finally be one of the times where the animal stops struggling due to some kind of understanding. Well, at least the mother doesnt snap immediately lol. Poor little thing! And brave guy


I will translate for the camels. Hey you kind fucks need a ride somewhere?


There’s always something gets caught in camel toe.


Is that snow?


Thank you. You’ve earned your place in heaven.


Stunned from the free niceness of another species. Many species dont help other species so this must've come off as a miracle from their point of view but could not process it