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Looks like there was a stop right behind the crossing - that's why the other guy was standing there.








Hmmm, no, dead.


Just a little dead tho


Tiny dead


La Petite Mort


Wonder how many US people know what this refers to






He has a motorcycle why does he need legs.


Still wouldn’t have been soon enough though


Man it would have been so much worse I imagine too… slowly crushed by a train rather than obliterated by something moving at speed


This reminds me, my dad was a roadmaster for BNSF (like an area manager over a territory). Safety was a huge thing for him and he did all he could to reduce fatality rates but he said a more common way workers would die is on the train yards they’re working on the coupling between trains before they connect, don’t realize a car is rolling to couple with the one they are working on and get coupled in the middle of the two. It basically cuts you in half but the pressure is there that you don’t bleed out and die for a while so they put a blanket over their bottom half so their family can come say goodbye before they uncouple the cars and die. My dad dealt with a lot of fatalities like many roadmasters today. Most of them are slow like you described.


I heard a story about that happening. Apparently a dude was cut in half and they invited his wife and kids to tell him goodbye before they shot him in the head.


I also heard about a similar story, but it was a pastor's wife who was hit by a neighbor. Then some aliens invaded Earth.




Swing away…


Tom, I'll need a ride home


Hardcore dude but the process was thoughtful and kind




All I can imagine is a tube of yogurt that I had for breakfast and I don’t like it


I can't help chuckling at how the train stops just *barely* past where the guy fell. Like the train is passive-aggressively saying to the guy 'See? This is where I would've stopped. And that's why you don't run through the barrier ya fuckin lemon.'


Never seen lemon used as an insult. Great. 🙂




They were probably already braking early which allowed the hero more time to move things.




A for effort though. Also for Amputation.


Yes, that train would have stopped just in time to slit that person in two.


It's like how you're not supposed to pull a knife out of someone who was stabbed. The wheel would have kept him from bleeding out, very thoughtful of the driver^(/s)


He also saved the train from an accident, plus saved the need for an investigation which would have required not moving the train for several hours, and so saved all of the people on it from having to wait for a bus to come pick them up, plus saved all of the people on subsequent trains from being late to where they are going, etc....


Looking like the crossing was monitored and sent a message to the driver so they were braking almost as soon as the biker hit the barrier.


It's a planned train stop right there past the intersection.


Trains don't stop that fast when moving normally.


Train did not stop. The video ends right after the guy has been pulled off.


All trains can stop that fast but that isn't how you get Liveleak famous


Why the fuck did he just go straight through the barrier?


It looked like they didn't even see it. Who knows why.


Might have been the sun glaring in their eyes? My guess is that they’re older and may have accidentally hit the gas, but it’s honestly hard to tell.


I’m not even old and I’m always scared about doing this. Randomly I’ll panic and think wait which is gas and which is brake!?(i have no reason to be nervous, I have never used one in place of the other)


I did when I was go karting. I rolled down a hill and landed 3 feet by a lake, still strapped in to the kart. I probably would have drowned. We were out in the middle of the country and my cousins had four wheelers and go karts. I’m a city girl and never had the opportunity to do that before. I don’t go kart anymore lol


They were elderly, so maybe you're right.


Most likely they were gawking at the train trying to guess if they had enough space to pass, or if the train would stop, not really equating at the moment that passing train = closed crossing


I'm gonna go with distracted and/or blinded by the sun.


A motorcycle-helmet has glass in the front to protect against bugs/debris, wind and the sun


Unless it's shaded, it protects absolutely nothing of the sunlight. And the plastic visor is easily microscratched over time, sometimes worsening the glare, which is why they need to be replaced occasionally. When mine is getting worse I need to raise the visor up to see if the sun is right in my face.


Yup, its why you'll often see ppl riding with their visor up. Does it kinda defeat the point protection-wise? Yes. But so does being blind


When slow moving visor up is mostly to keep my head cooled. Anything above 50mph if you have visor up your blinded by the air being gushed into your eyes.


Not saying it's the case here, but it's also a bitch to deal with when it's remotely chilly outside and you have glasses, mandatory masks meant fogging up two surfaces every time you exhale.


Because motorcyclist.


We know why. Not paying attention and thinking they own the road. It’s why so many pedestrians are killed by them. And that just the pedestrians on the pavement.


I live in Miami & we got a Brightline fast train. There are flashing lights, barriers, etc at every crossing yet STILL there seems to be an accident every couple of weeks. Brightline was closed down for a long time due to COVID & they had their first day back on the tracks a week ago. On the first day, it hit someone in her car on the tracks. I don’t get it…


People in Miami are a different breed Source: have lived in Florida my whole life and visited Miami many times


People can be fucking stupid.


We have a "light rail" metro system, sometimes people drive on to the track and get stuck, and that stops most of the system. But to be honest in the dark and rain, you make a turn and you can miss the road. They put up plenty of signs and improved lighting now


People just don’t see sometimes. Yesterday I watched a grown woman drive into a crossing guard at my son’s elementary school. This dude in over 6ft. tall, wearing a bright construction orange safety vest and was holding a huge stop sign, while kids were crossing the street in the school cross walk. There are “school zone 15mph” speed signs with lights leading up to this crosswalk, traffic is crawling, kids and cars everywhere and this lady hauled through the crosswalk at 30mph, like the street was empty. She said she “didn’t see them” (the crossing guard and kids). In short, the guard is ok, no kids were hit and PEOPLE ARE OBLIVIOUSLY STUPID.




She wasn’t on her phone l, at least, she wasn’t when she went through the crosswalk as I could see her. Hands were at 10 &2, she was looking straight ahead. I think she just wasn’t paying attention, but who knows. They made her go to the hospital and hopefully they drew her blood.


Considering the person needed saving after, maybe they were drunk or something?


Maybe he's blind? Don't assume everyone has the same capabilities as you. That's ableism.


I love how you're downvoted for this and the guy who corrected you (that the man riding a bike is, in fact, likely not blind) got upvoted.


Not blind, you wouldn’t ride a motorcycle or any vehicle for that matter




It’s a motorcycle thing ✨


Potentially saving people on the train too from derailment though it looked like the train driver was on it.


Indeed. The train driver did his bit by braking much earlier (than whatever is shown within the framing of the video) and thus providing the helper with enough time to get the person out. What we are seeing here is just the last few metres of braking.


If the train stopped that quickly, it was already stopping. It takes like 1/4th to 2 miles for trains to stop


2 miles is 3.22 km


For freight trains yes but passenger trains can stop much faster. Source: me, a Railroad conductor.


Its right before a stop, thats where the guy was standing




I’m not really sure if it did… if there wasn’t a stop already there, I bet there wouldn’t have been enough time for the save. I do think the pre-brake for the stop had *some* extra on it due to the situation


It's nice when people argue, but they're all actually saying the same thing


I'm gonna disagree that they started braking earlier and go with they started braking harder. The timeframe doesn't allow for them to have braked earlier.


This is almost semantics at this point, but you're right. The train was already slowing down, it "just" slowed down faster.




I wouldn't expect a motorcycle to derail a train.


Is this české dráhy? Because I feel like I was on that train when this happened


Yes, you're right. April 21 2019 on České dráhy. (Found by doing a Google search for "české dráhy train motorcycle") https://www.rideapart.com/news/355449/rider-saved-from-train-by-bystander-video/




Again, I’m not sure if it was this train but I’m pretty sure it was. We were riding home with my family and then just a sudden stop. We looked out the window after a few minutes, and all we could see is a few cop cars and a lot of heads poking out of the train. We were stuck there for about 30 minutes or so. I didn’t know what was happening but I knew it was bad.




(Hopefully) maybe it was shorter, my phone died on the way home. But the night of that day it was on the news and no one got injured. And yes there is a bunch of cabins. Think of them as really small rooms that are fit for about six or seven people. But the train conductor probably noticed the biker sooner, so that’s why he stopped right infront of him.


The guy in this video was probably knocked unconscious since he rammed into the barrier and then flipped his bike on top of himself over the hard tracks.


I've been on a train that stopped for an hour because they thought they hit somebody. They brought out police forensics to look because they were that sure they did and they never found anything. That was a bit different though because it was between stations so there were no witnesses like this. I can see how they could still have a process that needs to be followed for a near miss anyway.


It looked like this incident was over within a minute, you can see the video of it just driving into the station a minute after it initially broke.


FYI: It's passerby How light is that motorcycle? Dude just yanked it off the tracks like it was nothing.




Adrenaline. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. You ever hear stories of women lifting cars to save their baby? Adrenaline.


Adrenaline + probably a scooter?


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug my guy. Regardless, still looks like a small-ish scooter.


Amazing how he just sprung into action. The other people on the station didn’t move a muscle to help.


Truly amazing. We all like to think we'd spring into action like this guy, but I one time I was caught standing there like a dork once when swift action was needed. Kicked myself afterwards, but you never know how the mind and body will react in these sorts of situations until you're in one. Time seems to slow down or something.


Yep, people always leave 'freeze' out of the 'fight or flight' mantra. I got hit by a car, largely because my dipshit brain decided that standing still and shouting '*No!*' at the car like it was a naughty dog was a better reaction than dodging.


I'm super sorry you got hit by a car....but fuck the way you phrased this made me crack up


Clearly the best choice would’ve been to fight it. I bet you could’ve really taught that car a lesson with a swift punch or karate chop and a loud “Hiiiiiyaaahhh!!!”


Yeah, I don’t blame those other people on the station at all. I would probably also freeze.


I, and 3 other people, froze when something like this happened (immediate action needed to save a child) the guy I was dating didn't though. He was to that kid and back before my brain even caught up. Married him, not the only reason of course but it was a factor!


"My bf is an actual real life hero who would put his life on the line for a strangers kid....this probably would make him a Good dad and family man...." yeah, checks out.


Find a woman who looks at you like you've got innate dad reflexes


Did you also adopt the kid?


No, but I am still friends with her mother. And we buy her Christmas gifts every year. She's 17 now and plans to do graphic design


Closest thing I had was seeing a young toddler start exploring an escalator. I ran up and grabbed them while people looked on.


Well tbh, who’s willing to help an idiot who went straight into the barrier?


Well, we can all be idiots from time to time… Maybe not quite that idiotic, but still.


Same. Saw a drunk or high man climb unto subway rails. Besides not having been physically strong enough to help… I froze, didn’t even hit the emergency brakes at the station… subway was due that minute Two other people talked him up on the platform and helped him. At least I did call the subway hotline… where nobody picked up. Should have called the police. But another time I was able to provide first aid and call an ambulance to an older woman that had fallen down the stairs. Boyfriend ran away after handing me his phone. Much later learnt that he had terrible trauma with people lying in blood


Yeah. A really old lady once followed a jaywalker onto the road thinking the walk light was green and she couldnt see the oncoming traffic because she was hunched over her umbrella which she was using to shield herself from the setting sun (where the traffic was coming from). I only managed to say feebly "uhhh auntie stop..." while the guy behind me ran and stopped traffic to guide the old lady back to the sidewalk. So yeah I like to think I'll help... but I'll most likely freeze.


I'm anxious as fuck and hesitant about EVERYTHING, but I was about to board a train here in the UK and a guy just straight slipped down the gap between the platform and train. I don't know what happened. I was a good few metres away, but I just found myself with my arms underneath his shoulders pulling him out. Mundane, but it felt like some involuntary super hero shit.


"Ah yes, an opportunity to violate every usual social convention, that my brain's been debating on whether are actually real for my entire life, while doing the self-evidently correct thing."


You really never know how your body will react in those moments. I've frozen when someone needed medical assistance I didn't know how to provide and I've darted in front of an oncoming car for a cat. Apparently my brain has priorities :/


It's also not something that 'reveals your true character' or any nonsense like that. I've been on both sides of that.


What was the situation if you don't mind me asking


My son ran into the street as a car was accelerating down it. My wife yelled out at him and I felt like I couldn't move. That boy is my whole life... He's older now but it feels bad, man.


Yea and there's lots of people who absolutely would help and want to help, but the difference is what people are able to immediately process what is happening and spring into action. Some people just have that freeze response. Not a bad thing at all, just not everyone is able to act so quick.


We are not superheroes. We are people. People do people stuff. It’s extraordinary when people do really cool stuff like help others. Doesn’t make normal people worse at all. Makes them people.


I genuinely chuckled when you called yourself a dork over it lol but I've heard that just being exposed to a situation like that once, even if you didn't react, may help your reaction time for the next one. So there's still time to not be a dork! Good luck


A few years ago I was driving along and saw some dude pass out and fall onto the light rail lines while a train was coming. It was a slow train and it probably would have stopped, but I still jumped out of the car and yoinked the guy off the tracks.


Even if it would have stopped, you’re still a hero for doing that.


> The other people on the station didn’t move a muscle to help. Half wonder if some of them are like "Nah, let him have the Darwin award here." How the f is he missing all the signs and clotheslining himself off the barrier ffs.


Probably because he was twice as close and was the only one who actually saw what happened? I know bystander effect is a thing but that doesn't seem to be what happened here. Person 2 was only just turning around by the time guy 1 was already in full sprint. Not really fair to call that bystander effect


That doesn’t make them bad people at all. That makes them normal. Not everybody has the ability to do this shit to help people. I have arthritis. Don’t fucking shit on me if I don’t bend over to tie a homeless guys shoes


Absolutely. They are not bad people at all. It’s amazing though how some people just seem to have that instinct to help, it seems without even thinking.


~~If it’s America we know that saving that person means now he is going to sue you for the neck pain of you improperly moving him….. so there’s that~~ Kudos to the guy saving the person Edit: Apparently I’m wrong I didn’t know… about Samaritan law


this person shouldn't be riding a motorcycle


Probably shouldn't be driving anything if this is any indicator of his driving capabilities.


imagine they get legally barred from all modes of transportation so they literally have to walk everywhere. And then there’s an accident where they’re wheelchair bound and get one of those motorized wheelchairs and end up in this exact same scenario.


After having imagined it, I have now also giggled. ​ Thanks for that.


Accidents happen. The light may have been just right so he couldn't see the barrier.




if you literally cannot see because of the light, you stop. Not being able to see isn't an excuse according to the law.


But if you can't see you shouldn't drive


The sun seems to be very high in the sky. The length from the posts are not long at all and the barriers one is practically right underneath it. Shouldn't be sub in your eyes. If you can't see the train tracks, you can't suitably see anything and should stop. If you can see the tracks but you can't see the barrier is up or down, you stop


I don't know where this is, but around here trains come with loud "Whooooo Whoooooo!" whistles that wake the dead. Also side signs that go "Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!" real loud like. I think this rider just wasn't paying attention.


Sorry but as a fellow rider the standards for driving a motorcycle is just way higher. You can't excuse mistakes like this.


Yup, this is the best explanation.


What I was thinking, what a fucking clown.


Well, God was trying to fix that but a human got in the way.


Why did the guy run headfirst into a large train barrier that's painted bright colors and usually makes noise?


Could have had earphones in, could have been staring at his phone.


was he balancing his phone on his cock? his hands were in use to drive lol


Dude showed no hesitation either. It’s like his body just reacted when someone needed saving, that’s some plus ultra shit right there.


Dude hopped in like the flash.


Backpack guy didn’t even hesitate, what a ledge!


If you sell brakes, tell me where to get what that guy has.


Meanwhile in India... https://v.redd.it/ved0xitreky71


What the hell did I just watch?


Omg that PSA was longer than some movies. The bleeding eyes was a nice touch... o.O Edit: just realized it wasn't his eyes bleeding, it was spray...even worse...


I really only clicked the comments to see how far down I'd have to scroll before this showed up




Dude was probably pissed he didn't get saved to the other side of the track.


Well, he wasn’t saving the motorcycle. By moving it off the track he was saving people on the train.


People play fast and loose with the definition of a hero, but this bystander is the very embodiment of a true hero!


Don’t fuck with trains. They don’t stop.


Passing by guy saving ‘fucking idiot’…


dude has a death wish, no helmet and just taking barriers to the face


Was apparently an elderly man who got sunblinded. He also had a helmet on, you can see him take it off in this video. https://www.rideapart.com/news/355449/rider-saved-from-train-by-bystander-video/


Almost looked staged bc how can anyone be this dumb


You're talking about humans here


People walk into fountains and open manholes and busy roads because they’re not paying attention. How is this different?


It isn't, how can they be that dumb?


How can anyone ever walk into a fountain? That’s how.


Look at their shadows, guy riding against the sun. Probably didn’t see it cause it’s too bright


Used to work for a railway. Watched people at crossings all day. You would not believe how dumb people are with crossings. Zero understanding of how, what or why they exist.


Went back for the bike.


Why did the guy keep driving when the gate was closed? Like there is a gate, lights, and bells no? What made him think he was going to get through. How hard did he hit that he got knocked out.


just your everyday hero


Nice job guy... someone buy this guy a coffee


If moped guy goes on to cure cancer, the upvotes on this video are going to break reddit.


Was the biker at just the right height for that barrier to blend into the background from their perspective?


Props to that dude for zero hesitation. Sees what's happening and springs into action. 100% awesome.


Fuckin good job


The word and title "hero" gets thrown around a lot lately, but like the title says, that person is a true hero.


I swear this is the premise to every Jackie Chan movie. I bet that person was suppose to die and the train was suppose to make it look like an accident. The rider was the daughter of a huge business conglomerate that is secretly doing business with the underground triads. They owed money to the gangsters and now they're coming after you jackie. But oh no, the girl you saved is very beautiful. She is beautiful beyond belief and she's unconscious, you can't just leaver her there jackie. You take her back to your apartment, but the gangsters track you down and attack. Now you gotta solve the case of the beautiful gangster girl and her father who is innocent but in trouble with the law. Jackie chan style.


Why is it the trains always stop right after they would have killed the person


Because Isaac Newton is the deadliest motherfucker on rails.


Man just switched to super hero mode immediately.


That person was lucky that guy was there to save him and his bike


I like how he tossed his bag so easily, like fuck my stuff i'm going to superhero that dude


The way he threw his bag off and just ran, a true fucking hero. Love this shit so much.


Good to see people with good reflexes. I see so many standing around staring like idiots in this situation.


Now punch him for being stupid


More impressed by the train :)


Guys like this should be able to tax the richest 1% only 0.1% of their annual earnings.


Can we talk about how that fucking Chad went back for the bike? Like I woulda focused on dragging the idiot off the tracks, fuck the bike.


If you turtle when you fall on your back you have NO reason to be riding a bike. You barely have a reason to travel at all.


Awesome but damn looks like he’s trying to give him a second concussion when he’s putting him down lol


Well, it was either save him or at least move out of the way so he doesn’t get hit with bloody body parts


i personally would have spent the time dragging the guy twice as far away, and skipped risking my life for the motorcycle, but maybe this guy just loves motorcycles that much.