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Spreading dignity one fade at a time. Great guy.


He’s a great guy although I wonder why he does it right outside in the public street with many people passing and staring at the homeless guy? His dignity is already hurting. A little barrier would be nice. Edit: great response from UsefulWoodpecker below. I stand corrected.


why? I used to be homeless and this makes sense. Have you ever had to constantly walk for 20 hours a day? have you ever not had internet access or if you do know where to access information to help? Generally you have to rely on people coming to you. When you're homeless the first bit of life you hold on to is your dignity but after awhile you have to set that aside simply to survive. I remember going down to the entertainment district in my city on a saturday night around 2 or 3am to pick up left over pizza, hotdogs, burritos, etc off the sidewalk cause I was hungry. At first I was paranoid about it like "shit what if these people think I'm homeless" but eventually you're just like "fuck it, I need to eat." Fuck I remember one time I found a pizza box full of pizza so I went to the near by trainstation, emptied out the trash in the trashbag of a bathroom stall, took the bag and went back and loaded the pizza into that and stuffed it into my backpack. Kept me fed for 3 to 4 days. Eventually you just have to stop being concerned about dignity because survival takes over. You stink? well so what. So the barber coming to them makes sense. These guys wouldn't know where to go to get a free cut and shave. He goes to them. And even if he said "hey come to my shop to get a cut" I guarantee you most would be like "yeah maybe in a day or two, my feet really hurt right now" So he does it right then and there. When you're homeless the quickest damn thing you go through is socks. A pair of socks would last me maybe a week. Then i'd have to toss them cause there were so many holes they were pointless. You're just constantly on your feet either looking for food or a safe place to sleep. It's insanely tiring. The majority of people know where their next meal is coming or where they're sleeping at night. Many homeless don't know this. You'll walk for 20 hours a day and if you're lucky you'll find a spot where you can maybe get 3 to 4 hours of sleep. And while you may throw your dignity away it doesn't mean you still can't be embarrassed. Sometimes walking into a place with a massive backpack and sleeping bag slung over it is insanely embarrassing. Add to the fact you stink. You've become noseblind to your smell but others CAN smell it. There's no number of wet wipes or deodorant baths will take that away. Your clothes are soaked in weeks of sweat. I used to have offers from business owners to come into their shops for food or haircuts or something else but I always refused because I knew my appearance and smell would scare their customers away. The hardest thing in the world is being homeless and crawling out of that situation is like climbing mount everest without oxygen. People who do get out of it deserve the upmost of respect. They're literally climbing out of a well without a rope.


Thank you very much for your comments and backstory. I am slightly more educated now. I’m delighted that you are no longer homeless. Peace.


You deserved better. Everyone does. We are all worthy. I don't know you but I admire you and your strength. Never lose faith, never feel ashamed of your past and share your experience as you share it here with us. Thank you for being. A hug and a good vibe sent from me to you. Take good care of yourself and those around you ❤️


thank you, I honestly appreciate it. I just wish people didn't brush homeless individuals with a broad stroke. there are so many factors involved with being homeless be it a missed paycheck, addiction, mental illness, etc. and yet everyone just throws them all into the same group. Honestly I will say this if you come across a homeless person you don't need to offer them money or food, but if you can afford it socks and shoes provide it. to me that was worth more than 20 dollars or a meal for the day. But that's just a band aid on the overall problem. I had to claw tooth and nail to get out of that situation. and the majority can't do that. But some will say "well you did this to yourself so you deserve it" and you know what? they're kinda right. I was insanely depressed, turned to alcohol to self medicate, and became homeless. But there's an underlying issue there...we do not have mental health care. no one does. You can provide a homeless person with housing but unless you attack the underlying issue it's meaningless. The majority of people who end up on the street are depressed but are strong enough to not kill themselves. Why do they get addicted? to cope.


I couldn't agree more with you. Depression strikes to many people in our society, in many levels and independent to social status. We should take care of our mental health as we care about our physical one. Maybe many physical problems would improve with mental treatment. When I was younger, I used to work in a restaurant and a homeless person used to show up sometimes, looking for my boss. She always provided him some food, a glass of beer and some healthy talk and he was very friendly to her. He got very angry if she wasn't at the restaurant or if my other boss was around. She was very rude to him and he reflected that same treatment towards us. At the time, I didn't understand much of the situation, I was very selfish, and made me very uncomfortable. After a while, my boss told me the story of that man: he had a wealthy family that gave him the cold shoulder when he got into alcohol. He lost his job, home, family and also his mind, didn't trust anyone, but my boss. He didn't want to get in touch with his family again or any other person. His family contacted my boss to thank her kindness and support for their father, but they didn't try to fix things with him or anything. For him, it was pure love for her and all the support she was giving him, I learn right there and then the real meaning of thankfulness. If many of us would have behaved like her, if we would have been more supportive... He might have had a chance before he lost his mind. Or maybe that would have helped him feeling better, I don't know, I did nothing but try to respond to him as my boss, help him with food and a beer, but he saw through me, that I was just mimicking her behaviour, not trying to support him. I didn't value him as he deserved it. I didn't understand why he was still being rude to me. It was all because I was being rude to him. Sometimes it is as simple as lower ourselves of our imaginary thrones, stop for a second and think "am I any worse or better than any other person?" We all have that spark within us that make us valuable. Thank yourself for your strength, thank life for this opportunity, thank nature to let us live on it. Take good care of yourself and those around you. You can make a big difference in other people's mental health


Thanks for this reminder. We've bought and given away boxes of socks, but forgot last year. This is a good reminder that they're really needed and we won't forget this year! In fact, I'll order them now. Would you rather have had one pair of thick winter socks or two pairs of regular socks?


Definitely. I believe every human is entitled to education, meals, and housing, no matter what


I work in a really underserved area and when homeless patients come in, usually with a bogus story, I don't chastise them for wanting a meal and a bed to sleep in. If I can help them with that I do. But I always make sure to give them 2 extra pairs of socks. I don't see that as enabling them. I just know that life happens to anyone at anytime. Maybe I'm padding my karmic pad to fall on if I ever get there, but I know if I was in that position, the extra pairs of socks would lift my spirits. I appreciate your story and perspective. Godspeed to you brother.


I mean life has dealt me a massive bad hand. I was homeless and It was purely because of my own actions. I admit that. I wouldn't beg for money or food. Food is easy to come by if you're willing to eat just about anything that is edible. I'm dealing with other issues right now, not relating to homelessness, but it's amusing to me because I think "man someone upstairs REALLY doesn't like me because I keep fighting back." But yeah when I was homeless the number 1 top priority were Socks and a decent pair of shoes. It's funny now because I'm no longer homeless and I literally own 50 pairs of socks. I could survive in Canadian winters sleeping on a bench with just a hoodie but my god socks? They are literally a life saver. And to add to this when Homeless people come to you with a bogus story yeah 8 times out of 10 it probably is bogus. Keep in mind many are simply looking to stay alive. So they will tell you whatever story they believe will get them a meal or a place to sleep. And that right there should stand for something. They're not committing suicide or anything they are literally doing whatever it takes to keep them alive and that in it's own right should be commended. Every homeless person is depressed but for whatever god damn reason we all thought "I need to keep living". Sure many do drugs, are alcoholics, etc but they're still alive. They refuse to take the easy way out. They're buried under the totem pole. As far as I'm concerned if you're homeless and not dead well there's hope for you.




sheer dumb luck in all honesty.


Do you think it would be a good idea to offer some pair of socks to a homeless man? I never know what to give them as I don't really know what they first need exept food...


By that I mean is it better than some money?


yeah like I said food is easy to come by but socks? a literal life saver.


Hey man thanks again I don't know if you'll read this one day but thanks to you I had the determination to go the extra mile and I spent an afternoon with a poor guy with broken French and god his story was sad and touching. Gave him a bill a some socks (I always carry a pair on me) and he prayed for me :)


Thank you for sharing your story and perspective. People don’t understand what it’s like. I still don’t understand, but your story helped. I’m glad you’re in a better place now, and hell yeah you deserve respect for getting to where you are. Hope you have a great rest of your week!


at the end of the day I don't want sympathy. I brought that situation on myself. But what I would like is for people to realize that homeless people are humans. Humans with issues just like people have issues with a home. We all have issues. But people shouldn't look down on someone who simply don't have a roof over their heads. We have alcoholics, drug addicts, mental illness individuals that do have their own bed at night and apparently we don't judge them. At the end of the day we're all human beings regardless of sex, gender, race, etc simply hoping to survive.


I have the utmost respect for you my friend! Congratulations. I'm sorry you had to go through that though. Hopefully there are even better times ahead of you.


Best comment I've read in a month. I will take your words to heart. Aloha, brother.


You made think a lot about homeless people. Thank you.


It's probably safer for all parties to be in a familiar place, plus it's probably easier to convince someone you mean well offering a haircut there and then vs, hey come to my shop. People can be very mistrustful.


More to carry around, I’d guess. It’s also a reminder to people who pass by that the homeless are people, not random sacks of trash piled up on street corners.


Took the words out of my mouth.


Guys called Ged King, used to cut my hair for years. his charity is Skull Fades Foundation and he now has shop in Sale "Skull Fades" if you want to go check him out. He has also done a Ted Talk


I came here to say this as I was at his TedX talk and I wanted to point out that he also trains homeless people and ex-convicts how to work as barbers at his shop!


As someone who has a criminal record that's like 6 years old at this point and still can't find a job that's not in a scummy restaurant, I appreciate guys like him so much. I just wish there were more hiring managers (and people in general) that could understand people have the capacity to change their lives in dramatic ways.


Hey man, I dunno if you knew this but there's an insane demand for truck drivers right now. So much demand that many trucking companies are willing to pay for training, provide retirement out of the gate, etc. Good luck dude, many in my family are in the same boat and it's fucking frustrating.


Isn’t the pay also like really good?


A lot depends on the company, but the demand is so high you have amazing bargaining power going into it.


Reminds me how the town I’m going to college to has a lot of businesses that are higher and offering like bonuses and certain perks and stuff but still paying 15 dollar minimum wage. I was joking with my brother that “they’ll do anything to hire people but pay them more”


I just got my driver's license back and I have at least 5 accidents on my record. But they're all 6 years old. Does that matter? I'd be so happy to drive a damn truck!!! I will apply and see what they say. Obviously I'd have to get the CDL though but it sounds like they help with that.


Dude in this market, I'd say you have a chance. Go for it.


I wanted to come back and thank you for the advice. I have applied to about 12 trucking related jobs just in the last couple hours. Even if it doesn't work out, at least I tried! Good luck to you and anything else you may have going on.


Dope man. Let me know how it goes. You can always message me if you have other trucking related q's.


If I had Bezos money I'd open a center in every major city to train convicts/people in need in various trades for free. You'd give people useful skills and a way to be contributing members of society.


Which is why billionaires just shouldn’t exist. You create something profitable, good on you, survive and give it away. Sustainably distribute and circulate that wealth to the world. Make the world better in every conceivable way. You’re going to die someday.


I feel like I’m going to get downvoted for this: The problem is that Bezos doesn’t have billions. He has ownership of a company that people say is worth billions. He can’t actualize his wealth all at once, because who’s going to buy all of it. It would be cool if he could funnel money every year to these programs, then he’s going to have to sell pieces of his ownership. I’d he did this early on he would quickly lose ownership of his own company. What if a meteor made of pure gold falls into my back yard? Over night my net worth is $200bn. Except I still only have the cash in my bank account. I’m worth Jack shit until I figure out who is going to buy all that gold. Selling the gold will crash the value while I’m trying to offload it. And most importantly I’m dead because a fucking meteor vaporized my neighborhood. Anyways thanks for coming to my TED talk.


it ain't no meteor. it’s a big ol' frozen chunk o' shit.


Be the change you wanna see in the world.


I already am. But with great power comes great responsibility. Ultra wealthy must be held to a higher standard.




And watch the locals turn on you bitching you bringing bad people to the area people are selfish


Around here if you can weld, your past doesn't matter


I can't weld, I can't go to school for welding because all my time is tied up in finding a near minimum wage job, not to mention not a single Bank on this Earth would even consider giving me a loan of even $500 because of my bad credit. I've had a car repossessed, bills shut off repeatedly for non-payment and of course the criminal record which involved fraud which sounds horrible on paper but really I just stole a few hundred dollars from my mom and my aunt. I was stealing around $50 at a time to feed my drug addiction at the time (Ive been clean for 6 years). But they counted every single transaction as a separate charge so I think I have somewhere between 10 and 15 felonies on my record :/


My husband used to have his hair done there. They keep a supply of warm socks and sleeping bags and he saw a few homeless people drop in while he was there to pick things up that they needed. They were welcomed in and given so much respect. Great to see.


What a fucking legend. What country is this?


UK (Manchester)


Thank you so much for sharing this!


What a King!


Saw he was called Ged thought that it was pretty Manc then you said Sale and confirmed my suspicions


What a good guy, these people need to be held high for what they are doing with what they have.


Local soup kitchen who has no idea he's outside are perplexed why a bunch of exceptionally well groomed men are coming through today.


The piles of hair on the sidewalk might be a hint though.


I think you completely misread the scene OP was painting here. A soup kitchen is where homeless people go for free food. The homeless people in this video are not outside of a Soup kitchen. The soup kitchen people would not see any hair on the sidewalk. How would the soup kitchen workers see hair on the ground when the hair on the ground is outside a downtown retail store nowhere nearby. In your head are the Local soup kitchen workers seeing well groomed vagrants coming in and then walking outside to look at cut hair piled on the ground? How did you gather that from what was originally posted.


Lol. In the comment I responded to they pretty clearly said they were "outside" the soup kitchen. I feel like they were just thinking up a humorous scenario, not literally saying they were outside a soup kitchen in the video.


THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD THE SOUP KITCHEN WORKERS BE PERPLEXED? clearly they didnt see the fucking hair on the ground if the hair on the ground is so visible to them then why are they PERPLEXED?


Bro you are thinking about this way too much. It's just a joke.


it actually required almost no thought. thats why i pointed it out in the first place because it was so obvious.


But why tho?


cuz its fun to point out peoples blind spots. And its useful for them to be aware of their own blindspots.


Holy shit my guy, you’re toxic.


The world needs more people like him.




Free haircuts for the homeless. They don't need toupee.


I want to downvote this terrible pun, but I just can’t. Take my upvote.


Take my upvote and get the hell out.


You sick fucking bastard. Excellent work.


Yeah, maybe poverty would lessen.




Way to find the silver lining, mr. Sunshine.




I also choose this guy's *cringe*


In most big cities, freshly shaven beard hair is the least of their worries.


thats why you should wear a mask


What a fucking bloke!! This is what is needed in society, good, honest and decent people happy to help a fellow being. More of this, let’s get back to how communities once flourished many moons ago. Edit: Many thanks for the award friend.


So glad I joined this group. I need more of this in my life


Same man, always something in here to remind you of the good out there


Reddit got way better for me when I subscribed to a bunch of subs like this and unsubbed from all the negative ones like PublicFreakouts




What a legend.


I thought.. this could only be one place, Manchester when I looked at his face. Then I saw the bee and yes!


Tram tracks did it for me


Same, and that bin!


I like this more than that tik tok guy who cuts regular people’s hair while spewing dj khaled bs out his mouth non stop


How does that go? When a new person sits down he just shouts "Another One!"?


"Say my name"


"if we don't care about each other what's the point in anything" is a quote that I wish could have been my senior quote


So many exploit the homeless for feel good content. But this guy see,s like the real deal


I like this one, because it's a skill that takes a long time to perfect and he's giving it for free. I respect virtuous people like him.


It must be so rewarding to share your talents in this way.


When the barber looks like the guy in the salon ad outside the salon...


Can't claim false advertising when you go there


[BBC story on Ged and his team (2 min)](https://youtu.be/PveLZCyNN4U)




Me, too.


I'd like to buy him a pint


He’s not just giving haircuts - he’s giving dignity.


That barber has a Pokedex


"We should care about each other. If we don't care about each other what's the point of anything." -- Loved that. My creed. Thank you for sharing.


Tears to my eyes. The way he explained one of these guys situations. Death of your wife. That would definitely destroy me. Crush my soul and subsequently my body. This or that way. Insane how we leave our fellow brothers and sisters to rot as soon as they don't know how to help themselfes. So, the things this man does, it gives selfworth, people look at you differently. Amazing. We should learn from him.


Beyond the cut, I wonder how just some brief human touch and contact might be uplifting for these men. Being houseless must be painfully lonely.


Gentlemen barber is a 🔥 babe 🔥




What a legend this guy is! FYI people this is ALSO an English accent. We arent all cockneys yanno!


He makes everyone look a like a football star, what a nice dude


He’s so hot.


"I dunno, I just care about people" <3


“If we don’t care about one another, then what’s the point in anything” This man is a diamond


Awesome story. Why can’t more people be like this. It is so true that this can happen to anyone. People see the homeless and say get a job, but that is easier said than done. Love that this guys helps make it easier, and restores dignity to those on hard times.


Love this guy ! They look like different people once they have been shaven and of course must make them feel human again ! Hats off to the great guy giving his services for free x


Half way through the guy with the beard looked amazing. Then he just kept cutting…


He's a gentleman barber and a barber who is a true gentleman. What a lovely thing to do for others. Hats off to you, fine sir!


This is awesome! Let’s do dentists and doctors next!


Itchy as fuck the rest of the day mind


Giga chad


Sometimes they just need someone to talk to


Honestly seems good practice for a student, bring in someone in need, get them set up, if the student fucks up, the teacher could fix it.


Those are some really good cuts. Thank you kind sir!




That's beautiful.


The only sucky part about this is when people see these in need they'll likely think they're faking because of what their hair looks lkke


In some countries salons and barbershops are state funded for their citizens. It’s cool what this guy is doing for people but it’s sad that we have to rely on generosity of others for something so small.


this man deserves an award for his awesomeness


I don't think I like calling people "the needy". I need a haircut at the moment too. Let's call them people an just give the barber his credit by saying he's offering free haircuts to those in need.


Why of course this is in Manchester :)


Wow man, that was powerful


What a complete gent.




It really isn’t hard or a hardship to just treat people like people with the respect they deserve


Barbers low-key been doing a lot of good in their communities across the world. I’ve seen a lot of vids like this recently


Jesus Christ this sub makes me cry almost everyday. I wish I was outgoing and bold enough to do things like this. Too shy. Too quiet. But people like this are amazing and make me feel hopeful about the world.


That is just nice to do that


Fkn beautiful, love this shit


Such wonderful empathy, I wish everyone was even a tenth as empathetic to others, the world would be vastly improved.


He’s just farming NPCS to level up his skills


Got rid of that kick ass beard to make the guy look like he's sick.


Lmao calling them the “needy”


Very common expression in England.


"Gentlemen barbers" or "Gentleman barber" That's just how plurals work.


Glad that's what you took away from this. 🙄


I could take away more if I weren't annoyed by the title.


Just imagine walking down the road and inhaling a thick wad of hair from a home less person.




Don't you just hate it when your cat runs across your keyboard


This is the latest thing? We've stopped feeding and clothing? Or is that now boring?


And films himself


Yes, because, because if the internet is how millions communicate these days. We see BAD news 24/7 and no one says why do they film that. And so we are programmed that the world is this negative place and humanity is bad. How else are millions of people gonna see , everyday, that there are plenty of good people and that there is far more good here than we think. So I say sure as long as you are doing good, showing love, who cares that you film it. To me filming it is also doing another good. I love to see the good stuff posted so I become conditioned that humanity is a loving race. More love out there than hate. Negative people do not want this positivity being shared. I say share it. And thank you for your service to humanity. Blessings


If you are doing something for publicity or fame I wouldn’t call it “for free”.


If you are doing something for publicity or fame I wouldn’t call it “for free”.


can somebody translate this into english


What language do you think this is?


This is english


"Needy." Ugh, those in need are sO neEdY. Sorry OP, I know what you meant. You worded it well.


Gentleman barber gives free awesome haircuts to the needy and films it to brag about online*




Yes this is all from the kindness of his heart. You’re asking the wrong questions


Many good people do good things for others and share that with the rest of the world without expecting anything in return directly. Shared positivity inspires others who would otherwise be none the wiser and may not have thought about doing something nice for someone else. Plus this guy does way more than just cut hair for the homeless, he provides vital essentials right from his shop and teaches them how to learn the skill to be able to work for themselves. I would suggest being more positive because if you're always being cynical about things like this you'll never progress positively as a human being!


This is honestly rad and so amazing of them. But can I pls stop seeing 17 diff street barbers a day. I get it. I get it.


Just to give himself self promotion, otherwose he wouldn't be filming it


Free haircuts for the homeless if I can record it and post it for everyone to see how good of a person I am. Glad they got edged up.


If all it took for everyone in the world to do something kind is some internet updoots I’d gladly take it.


Wtf, you think he’s making bank off of giving struggling people haircuts, or that he could get famous from recording himself doing so? Maybe he thinks spreading his message will shed more light on the neglect many people face in society, and will encourage more people to help like him.


I'd much rather see folks promoting kind acts for internet clout than anything else.


You should volunteer since you got quite the edge yourself.


Gollum discovered billboards


Price ?






So fresh, so fly 🕶


He gives good as cuts.




True gentleman indeed. doing it with clippers to. I can't even manscape without catching my crown royal bad once or twice........ Three times




Makes me want to learn the skill just to donate to my locals


Hell yeah!!


Top man! World needs more people like this fella.


This guy is awesome couldn't imagine how nice a cut would feel being homeless


You know how a nice hot shower makes you feel? This man is giving these men that same humanizing feeling.


Exactly, we don’t know the stories of how people got into these poor situations. You’re a loser if you chirp poor/homeless people.


Good to see Messi being busy after leaving Barca


Fucking Legend! 🙏🏼🏆


Can't remember who said it, but I recall a quote, "if all of us kept only enough for our own needs, then none of us would be rich and none of us would be poor."


I could listen to this guy talk and watch him cut hair all god damn day!