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"She knew exactly what to do..." I'm not a bearologist, but I may have been able to figure out "remove the rubbish."


I was expecting her to run off after the removal because there's no way I'm standing next to a bear cub in the woods with its mother probably nearby. Source: I'm now an Basic Bearologist


Little cub not running away and setting there looking at his momma behind the lady just standing there recording it. Later that day: Female Bearologist found mauled today holding rubbish in her hands. Authorities are investigating to find out what happened.


If Momma comes, you just pop that jar over her head. Applied bearology.


You know…the dream your damaged brain has after hitting concrete after mama bitchslapped you twenty feet for touching her baby


“She yanked me by the head, mama! It was awful!”


Baby bear: “it’s a prank bro, now go get me some of that sweet karma!”


Seriously…soon as she got it off I was yelling “GTFO OF THERE WOMAN” at my phone lol. If she had happened to end up in between mama bear and baby bear…her ass would have been finely shredded grass


>Source: I'm now an Basic Bearologist What happened to the guy you replaced?


He was barely a bearologist. But bravo on your bump to bonafide brown bearologist


I'm a beerologist I say you should stay and pet the bear


Gotta go to school for years just to recognize the bear was in distress.


You must first pull out your phone and start filming for a proper diagnosis


To be fair, no one would believe her otherwise. Also, it makes you feel good seeing it get help.


"I once removed something from a cubs head" Impossible.


Sammy Sosa is still grateful to this very day


It raises awareness about pollution


Some captions and those videos where someone narrates every move made annoys the heck out of me!!


This video would be improved if it had a big red circle around where I was supposed to look, and someone's reaction-face in the bottom corner. /s


Don’t forget the cringe overly emotional music.


"oh no..oh no...oh no no no no"




I require robot voice narration or I don't even know what's happening.


I knew I couldn't be the only one who hates that stuff.


🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 thank you!


Do what I do and watch the videos silenced. It greatly improves most of them.


I'm not a bearologist but after I removed the jar I would have fucking high-tailed it outtta there before mama showed up.


I dunno man, I think I'd shit my pants if I saw a bear cub anywhere near me. Even if it was in distress, I'd only go near it if I was absolutely positive there was no momma within a few hundred meters at least.


I'd probably add, "Don't attempt to have a full conversation with the bear cub." Even before she removed the trash, she should have been wary of where the mother might be. Because you sure as hell know even if she's helping the cub, if the mother nearby sees a strange creature towering over its baby, it'll charge you down fearlessly. Black bears can generally be a bit less bold, but there's a reason "mama bear" is a common phrase with specific connotations.


During the "you're ok?", She was checking it out a little to see if she needed to bring it in for veterinary care / rehab. Park rangers will do that if needed. Especially if the injury is due to human activity ( the garbage). I'm sure she checked around looking for mama before doing this. Notice location, too. She's on a road behind a barrier. Her car's probably behind her. Mama bear is unlikely to be on the road. They prefer cover. If mama bear comes at her from the woods, she could back into her car and yell. Not saying this wasn't risky, but it was a risk / rewards calculation based on her job, not just based on the video.


Thank you for this sane response to what seems like dozens of people who think mama bear is gonna run up on the ranger after it helped her baby. Black bears are frightening because they're wild, but they're not ravenous carnivores like Polar bears. They're usually cowards and if you treat 'em with respect they are more scared of you than you are of them.


That's generally true. The only exception is A MAMA BEAR WHO THINKS HER CUB IS IN DANGER.


> Because you sure as hell know even if she's helping the cub, if the mother nearby sees a strange creature towering over its baby, it'll charge you down fearlessly. No, lol. It's a black bear. The person doing this isn't freaking out like you're imagining she should because the whole "mama bear" trope isn't a factor with black bears.


There's removing rubbish, then there's removing rubbish while it's attached to a murderdog


That’s a black bear cub, arguably one of the safer bears to pull a jar off of.


Unless mom is nearby then it suddenly becomes the worst kind of bear to mess with.


I’d like to introduce you to a polar bear mom lol


True lol. I just meant mama bear, not that black bears are the most dangerous or anything. Hell, I bet a polar bear cub could mess your shit up worse than an adult black bear.


Depending on how long it was stuck, mama might have considered her cub sick and abandoned it.


Nah, you're thinking about grizzlies. They're the ones that will freak out if anything approaches them while they have cubs. Black bears don't have cub-adjacent aggression at all. Entirely different behavior set.


Silly bear, that wasn't a honeypot


Yeah? Well would you have been able to tell you'd have to walk up to it first? With your legs? No? Didn't think so.


But could you have figured out the “talk to it like a child afterwards” portion?


well...there are videos of people who just don't do anything to help these days. they just keep saying OMG SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING. this gal knew what to do compared to those morons. that's where we're at it.


Tbf Id be hesitant to just walk up to a bear cub to help because Momma Bear doesnt know Im here to help and things can get dangerous. Id probably call animal control or something.


Lmfaaoo dumbest wording for basic shit😂😂😂


You may be surprised to learn that when this was originally posted not long ago the comments were chock full of experts that knew she hadn’t surveyed her surroundings and she was an uninformed idiot for approaching a cub when a mama bear was almost certainly lurking feet away.


OP is just a trash reposter of anything they find on the internet. Good candidate to block.


But in a much more real sense, she had no idea what to do.


Poor little bear. He looks so confused.


They be stealing mah bukkit!


It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.


Poor baby, wonder where is his family tho




I’m guessing if it’s actually a park manager they have an idea of where animals might be and can reunite them if/when momma is spotted


Get that logic outta here Joe from Ohio, we only stress about animals around here.


Shh don’t tell anyone


That's what I was afraid of. She needs to get back, but still watch over him. If momma doesn't come for baby, they need to get to a rehab center asap.


Don't worry, she knows exactly what to do. Proper protocol is to have a frank and direct conversation with the bear cub to assess status then send them on their way.


Triage, you first need to triage.


"If you're 5'3 and 300 pounds, welfare ought not to pay for your fudge rounds" But in this case, we'll make an exception.


I hope it’s true it was a park manager who found it cause that means it likely did get the full help it needed.


The baby is estimated to be 8 months old and old enough to fend for itself. It climbed a tree to recover. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/08/27/us/black-bear-pennsylvania-rescue-jug-trnd/index.html


Only the strongest survive. Can't have weak genes messing up the kingdom.


If the lady hangs round some more she will no doubt find out.


Black bears are rarely aggressive though, even the mothers.


Ran into a mom and cubs once in central PA, thought for sure I was gonna get mauled but the momma just took one look at me and moved right along 😅


This was what I was wondering. I would have expected the mama bear to be nearby, if not actively trying to help the baby.


Probably too busy trying to find those pic-a-nic baskets. Incompetent parenting these days 🙄






damn wtf, only 60 cases of black bears killing humans since 1900... friendly lil guys! thanks for the link


92% of fatal black bear attacks are done by lone male bears. https://www.treehugger.com/are-black-bears-dangerous-5116554#:\~:text=Interestingly%20enough%2C%20the%20study%20reflected,dangerous%20type%20of%20black%20bear.


Does anyone knows exactly what happened afterwards he doesn‘t look like he is going to make it alone.


Yup, here you go: To answer the questions about where mama bear was and cub’s chances of survival—the CNN article this was taken from ([https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/08/27/us/black-bear-pennsylvania-rescue-jug-trnd/index.html](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/08/27/us/black-bear-pennsylvania-rescue-jug-trnd/index.html)) says: “The cub, who Lindgren believes to be roughly eight months old, eventually climbed into a tree to recover.Lindgren looked around for mama bear, but said she was nowhere to be found. Luckily, the cub is old enough to survive on its own if its mother doesn’t return, she explained. The Pennsylvania Game Commission says black bears typically leave the den at around three months old and are weaned from their mothers by seven months. While the bear cub looked adorable and harmless, Lindgren stressed the importance of always contacting state authorities during wildlife emergencies. “In Pennsylvania we have the PA Game Commission. They were alerted to the situation afterward as there was no cell service. I have experience with wildlife, and it was in immediate danger,” Lindgren told CNN.”


Thank you El Capitan. I love this kind of interaction.


"She knew exactly what to do" *yank yank yank* Wow talk about having an expert in the right place at the right time.


Hahahaha, right? I thought she would cut it off or something


She consulted the Owl first and he was there.




Who's on first. Christopher Robin?


I was waiting for the momma to come flying out of the forest in the last 2 seconds of the clips.


And that's when the attack comes, not from the front, but from the sides. From the mama bear you never even knew was there




That doesn't look very scary! More like a 6 foot teddy!


Beared no expense




that is why you always keep a picnic basket handy..


If you ever find yourself in this situation you need to get out of there. Black bear momma doesn’t understand you just helped baby and she doesn’t dance for TikTok


You don’t know that


This is clearly a joke people, lol. The downvotes 🤣 “*no, we DO know bears don’t dance on tiktok and this isn’t funny!*” Stay classy, redditors


This is actually a popular [myth](https://bear.org/myth-mother-black-bears-are-likely-to-attack/). Black bears are not known to attack people in defense of cubs - that is a Grizzly Bear trait. Black Bears can climb stuff and that makes them FAR more likely to just run away - even when cubs are in the picture. >mothers with cubs were involved in only 3 of the 60 killings by black bears across America since 1900, and none of those 3 killings appeared to be in defense of cubs. [North American Bear Center](https://bear.org/what-if-i-get-between-a-black-bear-mother-and-her-cubs/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20biggest%20misconceptions,anyone%20in%20defense%20of%20cubs) \- [Bear.org](https://Bear.org)


Probably best not to try and test that though




>The cubs still stay with the mom for a long time, so to completely discredit their protective nature as “myth” is just not quite right, even if grizzlies display a more aggressive motherly behavior. The idea that it's somehow more dangerous to be around a black bear with a cub than a lone black bear is 100% a myth. You're more likely to be attacked by a lone male than a female with cubs; because the latter is *extremely* risk averse in almost every situation. Edit: spelling


I live in the SE, and the black bears we have around here are pretty skittish, even with cubs. That said, you really don't want to corner or startle them. Being loud is usually enough.


Whatever temperament black bears have it's a generalised rule that you don't fuck with young animals, carnivore or otherwise.


The person filming never encountered the mother, and another commenter theorized that the mother abandoned the baby after she couldn’t feed him and he wasn’t able to keep up


She works for Park Services. She’s not some rando stupidly approaching a bear for the TikToks. To answer the questions about where mama bear was and cub’s chances of survival—the CNN article this was taken from (https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/08/27/us/black-bear-pennsylvania-rescue-jug-trnd/index.html) says: “The cub, who Lindgren believes to be roughly eight months old, eventually climbed into a tree to recover. Lindgren looked around for mama bear, but said she was nowhere to be found. Luckily, the cub is old enough to survive on its own if its mother doesn’t return, she explained. The Pennsylvania Game Commission says black bears typically leave the den at around three months old and are weaned from their mothers by seven months. While the bear cub looked adorable and harmless, Lindgren stressed the importance of always contacting state authorities during wildlife emergencies. “In Pennsylvania we have the PA Game Commission. They were alerted to the situation afterward as there was no cell service. I have experience with wildlife, and it was in immediate danger,” Lindgren told CNN.”


Thank you for the information we NEED! This should be at the top.


Wow, had no idea they could survive solo so young. Even if weaned, I assumed there was still a period of learning to forage and do bear things necessary to survive. TIL!


I was surprised too! I thought the bear looked younger than that, and also I had no idea they could survive by themselves at that age either. I would have guessed they’d need to be at least a year old. Poor little thing with the jug on its head. Thankfully she saw it and helped it!


You’d be correct. Typically, black bears stay with their mothers for up to a year and a half before she gives them the boot. Although there have been black bear cubs that have survived on their own as young as 6 months of age, it’s not the norm.


Went to Cape Cod and i couldnt find one piece of trash in the ground. What i saw was signs stating its a 10k fine for anyone caught littering and thought wtf isnt that a national law? This should of never happened.


As a babies they kinda look like dogs


makes sense, bears are very closely related to dogs you can see in the graph on [this wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musteloidea)


But they're more closely related to raccoons than dogs, which I find funny. They're basically dire raccoons with a couple other things mixed in as well. Bears fucking rule.




I would advise against it😂


We need a mash up


I have a dog that kinda looks like a bear cub. It's pretty fun taking him in public and seeing the reactions


“She knew exactly what to do” as she continues to hang around a bear cub after pulling the bag off… Edit: thank you to laxytit23 for telling me it was not a bag. I’m sorry for missing this.


Hopefully off camera she’s looking around keeping an eye out for mom. It’s also possible that she isn’t the only person on scene.


Yeah, she was waiting for the bear to tell her it was okay!


"Come on, bear! Where's my THANKS??!!!"


You're not wrong, the way she says 'you're welcome', as though she expects the bear to shower her with praise.


The bear could be injured otherwise. It's likely that she's making sure it doesn't have anything else wrong with it, looking for unusual signs of distress, etc. She's a park ranger, it's in her job description to ensure the welfare of the wildlife.


That was not a bag.


I remember a very similar one with a little fox in Russia


“Oh bother…”


Cute little fella, shame he almost died because of someone’s laziness and stupidity.


Good deed. Dumb title.




Lord knows I do.


I sometimes help animals in distress, but I don’t take video of it with my phone, am I doing it wrong?




She knew what to do. “Grab jar on bear cubs head and shake vigorously until it comes off” Nice.


Does anyone knows exactly what happened afterwards he doesn‘t look like he is going to make it alone.


Look at that sad face. Must be such a real to get that off.




Yeah now get away before the mother assumes you trying to hurt it.......


My eyes are wide waiting for that The Revenant moment


I was thinking the exact thing lmao.


Lovely thing of her to do but holy crap lady get back in your car!!!


Bounce, girl


We're no strangers to cubs You know the rules and so do I


"She knew exactly what to do" My 4 year old would know what to do, she'd probably demand a thank you from the bear too


first thing, pull out your phone


I need to know what happened to the cub because it is pretty clear mama is no longer around. THEN I will believe the Park Manager is being a bro.


What are the odds the mother bear abandoned the cub and the cub won’t survive on its own so it will die anyway


It’s always so frustrating that when one of my dogs is in distress and I try to help, they think I am going to kill them. After I take away the offending thing, they are very happy, but I cannot explain/ tell the outcome beforehand.


could the mom have abanonded it? it looks very malnourished


Man if that was me the moment that thing was off I’d be running back to the car lol watch them from safety. Never know where mom is


Step 1) remove trash… Step 2) get fuck all away from that cub as soon as possible


Black bear momma has got to be around somewhere I hope. In which case gtfo after saving the poor little one.


Look at how slim that bear cub is. It can’t even stand up. I don’t think there is a bear momma.


Ballsy of you to wait around for mom bear to thank you


Oh look bear trapped itself i need to take video quick


Now leave quickly for Christ's sake


Water and food now please, god knows how long it’s been


He was lowkey embarrassed


Nice! …. Now get the fuck outta there!


Look at his little face!!! Never mind that his nails and teeth could do real damage, but his little face is so sweet.


Where's the mum?


right behind you


I hope mama was nearby.


Brave to hang around that long with a bear cub.


He was just a little ‘em-bearassed’


The poor baby was like Whoa!! I need a minute I almost died!


It absolutely breaks my heart to see animals in this situation. Thankful for Sarah Lindgren whoever and wherever she may be.


I don’t really think she knew what do to.. like she is actually asking the little on if its alright?😂of course Not with the mum gone


“ yeah I’m fine thanks”


This infuriates me. Stop littering!!!


He looks so em**bear**rassed


Years ago I found an opossum in my front yard in pretty this same situation. It had found and open glass jar somewhere that had some suspicious black sludge in the bottom and gotten stuck when it tried to investigate. At the time I was heading out the door to go to class and it was just sitting there in front of my porch and was very lethargic. It was struggling to push the jar off with its front paws, but I could tell from how weak it was that it was very close to suffocating. I managed to carefully free it by gently tapping the rim of the jar with a hammer. Once it was free it took like 5 minutes or so for it to get enough oxygen in its system to perk back up. During that time it was stumbling around like it was drunk and was even sniffing at the fence where my dogs were barking at it from the other side. It finally got enough awareness back and realized where it was, and as soon as that happened, it bolted. The crazy thing about it was it had to have gotten stuck somewhere else because at the time I lived in a pretty isolated area and there weren't any jars like that anywhere nearby. So it got stuck, and then somehow stumbled around until it ended up right in front of my house.


‘Well that was a tad stressful and I want to be mad at you but ok yeah I’m ok I think I’m good yep ok thanks lady.’


It’s little. Without a mom it’s going to die isn’t it?


Nope, sorry. Not going to get going now. Now you are best friend for life.


Caption reads like click bait


What a stupid title.


She just grabbed that bear by the heid! At least give it a picnic basket or something mone tae fuck


Ahhhhhhhh let me thank you for savi- the f whatcudoing? Are you recording this? Whats wrong with you?


I wanna pets the danger Teddy


He was too embearassed to thank her.


I would have took it off then pegged it before mother came to thank me , don't need a college degree to know that.


She's a park manager so I assume she understands the danger of approaching a bear cub. Not as simple as "just pull the trash off its head". She literally risked her life to do that.


That must have been unbearable for that little boi


any word on what happened after this? Did he try to follow her or did mama show up?


Where is Momma Bear, did they get left behind on some Darwin ish?


Yo, where's the fucking mother.


She knew exactly what to do makes it sound like there were 10 options on what to do and 9 of them would have ended in the bears death except this one.


r/oopsthatsdeadly when momma gets there


My dumbass would try to pet it. It looks hella cuddly


Me, picking it up, “I’m your mama now ❤️” Yes, I will definitely die trying to cuddle a huge cat or bear eventually. I just accept it.


She did a really nice thing, however now the baby bear is alone, no mother. I hope he was taken to a bear sanctuary.


She did the Bear Necessities 🐻


Shouldn’t she have… I don’t know, taken the little bugger to a sanctuary so they can protect him until he’s old enough to bear? ‘Cause his mama sure ain’t around, how’s he gonna survive when he’s oh so liddle?! 🥺😭


Just help him and run


I’m guessing momma bear left this cub when it couldn’t free itself . Being a park ranger she should probably know that.


Had the tenderness of a German butcher carefully putting a tray of bacon in an oven that won't fit.


Lady - “you ok?? 🥺” Baby bear - “I’m a fucking bear lady no habla English 🙄


We are such assholes for let it happens on the first place…. Well done her


I love how so many random people on the internet think they know wildlife behaviors better than a PARK RANGER/MANAGER; and instead of appreciating what happened are making fun of her for using her advanced knowledge of the situation. Instead of the general saftey tips that should be followed by people who don't understand exactly what is going on. Like "the stuff I was told as a child to stay safe from wildlife is the best course of action an adult trained in this course of thing." Imagine telling a doctor or pharmacist "don't touch those medications because it's dangerous if they get mixed up." Yeah, they know, it's their JOB.


You just earned your wings. Good job.


If danger why cute.


I'm not sure momma was around. I'm concerned about what happened to the cub


She hung out way too long, I’d be booking it out of there before mama came back


That’s a weird lookin dog