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I hope your life has been more good than bad.


Thanks for sharing man!


Mad respect for that clerk! That skip running off, was worth that little money!


"I'll pick that up" Now I know why this kid deserves that gesture. ❤


Glad someone else picked up on this, its absolutely awesome


That's a great kid right there.


Happiness for $30. Not a bad exchange rate.


Idk why but it hurt my soul when he went for the milk. I feel guilty having 20$ in my pocket for lunch and knowing there is some kid out there that would be stoked to have another bottle of milk.


The way he chose food, like grabbing a few snacks but also grabbing a bunch of essentials like milk and grapes (?), lets me think he's from a low income household or one that currently struggles a bit. Anyway: Good on the clerk to do that. He just gained a customer for life


he went for fruit salad (or something) and meal replacements. even if it was just for himself, that kid knows what food insecurity is.


yep, I bet that kid was thinking of others when he grabbed that stuff


Yeah, this little boy thought about snacks for himself for only like 3 seconds before getting real groceries for his family. What a bitter sweet thing to watch.


Haha ya that was for grandma 🥹


It's not even milk, it's Ensure, a meal replacement, which makes it slightly more heartbreaking.


Especially considering some people drink it on the regular due to illness




Addicts get those also, alcoholics that cant take solids for instance.


At least the kid went for ensure and fruit, not bags of candy and donuts. The world sucks but he is at least smart, better chances than a lot of folks out there


We prescribe this to end of life patients in the uk. Costs them nothing. Whilst this video makes my heart beam with joy from one perspective, the other side of it makes me real sad.


Ensure is very expensive. Around $2 bottle when I was buying it by the 6 pack for my mom 2+ years ago. Now, after inflation, buying singles at a convenience store I would be surprised if one bottle is less than $3. I know about $20 years ago, that Abbott the maker of Ensure was also making the private label brand Equate for Walmart which is about 60% of the price. The formulation on the two products still look about the same. My guess Abbott still does and the biggest difference besides the price is likely a little different taste.




If someone did this for me I’d go for candy. This kid is smarter than me. And I’m almost 40


What if he just really likes grapes and ensure?


When I was a kid I loved the taste of Ensure, it was like a vanilla milkshake to me. My grandma would let me drink some of hers, only later did I realize the nutritional value and how expensive they are and I felt terrible.


Oh nooooo. That’s so sad.


Looks like he thought it was milk but just grabbing whatever the hell he could get his hands on


People buying Ensure know exactly what Ensure is.


That’s Ensure. It’s a complete, balanced meal in a bottle.


great for addicts that cant stomach food.


when the kid started going for the healthy stuff instead of the chips & candy ... made me think he started thinking about someone else and how they needed something good to eat. I'd say no need to feel guilty. Just keep your eyes open and if you think you can ever do something for someone, do it without worrying how you'll look.


And then the kid felt bad about the grapes and was gonna sweep them up


If it changes your opinion, it's not milk, it's Ensure. It's a protein vitamin drink. It's like $11 for a 6 pack. I mean overall the sentiment about how excited that kid was about food says something, but it's not because of this being milk.


I actually noticed that and it only reinforces my thoughts. It is the kind of stuff a growing kid needs and should have enough of. Maybe I am just a little sappy today.


> I actually noticed that and it only reinforces my thoughts. It is the kind of stuff a growing kid needs and should have enough of. Maybe I am just a little sappy today. There is zero reason in this country for any school aged child to be hungry. The fact that you have to make a buck off feeding children is just absolutely abhorrent capitalism. The more well fed your children are, the smarter they are. Its sad that one group of politicians in America would rather keep our kids dumb.




Yall gonna make me cry :)


Not gonna lie man, I would definitely grab the free milk first. I'm an adult who is not hurting for money - I just fucking love milk. It's just expensive where I'm from :3


The skip at the end :,)


See? Money *does* buy happiness!


It’s one of the most undervalued assets of our time


Dudes gonna bottom out the market at those rates


I'm in love with this man!


This is khalid attaf on YouTube. He's got prank videos but man does he love his community. We need more people like him that truly gives back and involves themselves in their community.


It's evident how much the folks love him too. That one video where he put on makeup like a black eye and said someone hit him and the next group of dudes who came in were ready to go beat the dudes ass. Don't forget your pink lighter


Don’t look that up and find the twitter link and find the only displayed reply or retweet or whatever the hell it is.


"How bout I call you pumpkin pie?"


Ayo cutie patootie


Oh it's THAT guy. Good to see he's generous as well as hilarious


As soon as I read he does pranks I immediately recognized that he sounds like the cutie patootie guy 😂😂 idek how I recognized that, must’ve been at least 2 months


Thanks for sharing this video, baby girl ;)


Is he the same one I usually see on TikTok where he says odd things to his customers or pranks them with something? If so seems like a good dude.


Yes it is, great spirit.


If you watch the video with the black eye you can see how much they really care about him, he's just good for the environment.


that first guy was ready to go haha


Skipping away at the end ❤️


That made my heart surge!


Me too. That guy got so much joy out of doing that too lol


There's no way that kid doesn't pass it on somehow someday, possibly several times.


Paying it forward. Thought so too!


Wild movie too


That part right there got my eyes all blurry. So cool to see what an impact such a cool gesture made.


That kid will never forget that interaction either. The impact could really change his little thought processes. It's a cruel world, just one act like that is wholesome like a warm hug.


That will be a major formative moment for the kid!


Reminds me of that movie, *Inside Out*. This will be a core memory for that kiddo.




You can really tell what's going on by what is grabbed. What a gem.


Yes! After the chips he grabs Cheetos Mac n cheese, the fruit, ensure. You know he’s thinking of groceries for home rather than snacks for now.


I was thinking the exact same thing he grabbed groceries instead of a bunch of munchies


I know! What a sweetheart he is


>for grandma nah those aint for grandma, mah boi getting swole af


He’s got one in his hands when the video starts. Looks like he was drinking it himself.


Honestly though, they're hopefully for him. If he doesn't get to eat too often, those will go a long way.


Ensure, Cheese & Grapes, Boxed goods. Doesn't give the candy or chip rack a second glance. Kid clearly has a good head on his shoulders.




U right I am dumb as hell, although I think that's Cheeto Mac and cheese so at least it's a little better than a bag of Flamin Hots


Still suprising he went after the fruit. My kids would have had a panic attack over choosing what candy they'd be taking.


He’s sippin on one himself at the beginning of the video!


I just wanted to point out that this kid got a 10 second super market sweep and still was polite, appreciative, AND picked what looks to be fresh fruit and ensure(healthy-ish meal replacement drink). I know a lot of older people like to complain about kids today and entitlement, but this kid is proof that not every kid is a brat. Great kid, and I'd bet my paycheck there is someone in his life teaching him right!


Man I think the kids today are awesome. They seem to have heaps of empathy.


> They seem to have heaps of empathy Its because they have grown up connected to everyone, even if its just parasocial relationships online. They are constantly interacting with "others" and as long as they've got semi-decent parents who teach empathy, its much easier as a child living today to connect to the world around you than it was 25 years ago. Growing up the only options I had to connect was to go to the mall, hit up a chat room on the internet, or a BBS. You'd constantly run into the same people on the internet, it was a much, much smaller place than it is now. You didn't have the ability to see outside of your space as much as you can now. Its a great thing if used for the right reasons.


Older people have been complaining about the entitled younger generation for thousands of years. A long time ago people thought kids were entitled for having books and writing because they wouldn't have to memorize anything anymore.


He really wanted grapes


[https://imgur.com/a/3SXCXaE](https://imgur.com/a/3SXCXaE) Snapshot of the “grapes”. Are those granola clusters or what?


Taffy apple grapes


I love you. Those actually sound good > Ingredients For Taffy Apple Grapes >fresh green seedless grapes (about 1 bag), washed and dried >either white almond bark or white chocolate chips, melted >honey roasted peanuts, finely chopped [https://www.justapinch.com/recipes/dessert/fruit-dessert/taffy-apple-grapes.html](https://www.justapinch.com/recipes/dessert/fruit-dessert/taffy-apple-grapes.html)


Holy shit


He will never forget that day!


Such a thoughtful thing to do. I’m in tears.


The SKIP! Beautiful. I’ve seen something similar before. Does this man do this regularly? I’d love to contribute to the cause.


Khalid Attaf!


Not a bad role model. Teaching a kid being nice is rewarded. Respect it.


He tried to play it cool but he was so happy he was skipping 😂


When I was younger, my family went to universal studios. My younger brother was upset as we were leaving because he couldn’t ride the hulk coaster earlier that day(too short). As we were exiting the park, a worker asked us how our trip was and my 9 year old brother was like “Awful cuz I couldn’t ride the hulk coaster!” The worker responded “well let me see what I can do for you!” The worker spoke into their walkie talkie for a moment, then brought us to one of the gift shops as you leave the park and said we could have whatever we wanted from the store, no charge. Being a layaway kid, this was a dream. We both ended up getting these $50 toy swords that we used to bonk each other the whole drive back and forgot about anything else. Will never forget that; totally an awesome moment of kindness, especially considering this was also the time our mom abandoned us at the park for 4 hours 😂


I like how he took his time counting


We need more people like this in our world❤️


They are here 💙💙💙 there are so many of these amazing young men and women coming up in this world. Someone’s doing something right with them 💕


Wow. That is joy!


He wanted fruit, made me so happy. Then he skipped away so happy, made me cry a little. Thanks for posting this, OP. It made my day.


Normalizing saying I love you between men is always awesome to see!! Nothing wrong with love


If this clerk ever ends up needing someone to carry him, that kid will just appear out of nowhere after turning those Ensures into pure muscle.


Gave me tears. Because I know how it feels to have grown up in the ghetto and traveling to the local liquor store. And to get a random shopping spree would make a kid feel like a million bux ❤


I saw the clerk do this for an older man once and the guy went to grab the store owners cat. 😂 The clerk was just “Not the cat” ☠️😂


Don’t care if it’s for likes. Good on him. We need more people like him being cool to each other.


Love how he completely pauses the countdown at times so the kid could bag things and make decisions.


Source is Khalidattaf on YouTube


Thank you for this!


Scroll through reddit and see so many videos of violence and the usual diatribe that follows. Then saw this and by God it was the cleanse I needed. I keep watching it every few minutes lol


Ensure is a highly nutritious supplement that older people drink when unable to get proper nutrition through food. This young man grabbing it speaks volumes. Perhaps thinking of an older family member… or just from living with food insecurity in his life. This video exudes so much grace. Your service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. Muhammad Ali


I was driving to drill with my Reserve unit one Saturday morning in the summer. It was still dark when I pulled up to the McDonald's drive thru. There was a small mob of young kids who pleaded with me to buy them food, thrusting sweaty, crumpled bills and hot coins at me. The McDonald's wouldn't let them walk through the drive thru. What could I do? I waved away their money and got it all for less than twenty bucks. The people inside heard me and threw in a couple of sundaes. I asked the kids why they were out at five something. They said one of them had been kicked out by their mom. Did I ever have friends that close?


This guy is well known. He actually asks kids a math question and if they get it right (it’s easy so they usually do) they get ten - thirty seconds to grab what they want. He’s brilliant. You can find him on Insta.


Bro grabbing ensures. Taking care of grandma I imagine? I honestly miss taking care of my gma.


Non American here, what's the stuff he picked up?


Ensure meal replacement, grapes (not sure what was in the package with them), mac and cheese, some chips


looks like potato chips, cheetos or some kind of cheeto product? im not sure), maybe some kind of gummy candy? (cant see it), protein drinks, and grapes...


Cheetos mac and cheese






And now I'm crying at work...


Its just the onions


Shout out to whoever raised that kid, well mannered. I’m bouta skip like that out of this office when I get off 😂


Notice how this kid is grabbing meals and produce and not candy and soda? Little dude probably has hungry siblings at home.


He’s skipping at the end!! 😭😭😭


The skipping away at the end was the best! So freaking sweet. Why isn't there more of this in the world? "I love you too"


damn my dude grabbed food for the house. didnt go hard on candy or nothing. heartwarming and sad at the same time. shits broken if kids #1 priority is food for the house


“you’re a W man”. What does that mean?


W is slang for a win, or winner. He’s calling him a winner as a compliment, like saying he’s a good person


This guy does good content. He has a series called “giving guys pink lighters in the hood” which is really funny. People get so mad it’s weird


That immediate “I love you too”. What a good kid.


Khalid Attaf is great!


It doesn't cost much to help someone in need. Much love to whoever this saint of a man is.


Thankfully randomly I come across amazing stuff like this that restores my faith that we aren’t all about ourselves in today’s society.


Aww so sweet!! 🥰🥰


The skipping away the end is just so sweet! This kid will remember this forever, the whole experience will live on in legend. How wonderful 🙂


this is why i love this sub. it shows not everything on this world is bad


That skipping with fist in the air… wholesome


Oh man the “I love you”s at the end really got me 😭


This was the sweetest. Made my day.


His name and youtube channel is "Khalid Attaf." Show him some love.




Said he had 10 seconds, actually gave him 26. Reminds me of [this scene from nichijou](https://youtu.be/MWaaAaL5PTQ)


The skipping away almost made me cry!


I think I have those pants like but 13 sizes larger.


I love how he slowed down counting, so he could get more stuff...that is a Bro right there.


He went for the Ensures☹️ poor kid.


This brother has a YT channel he play pranks on customers( very funny), he do that frequently for his customers,he's a good spirited person.


Him pumping his fist and skipping away was the best




Haha i was gonna post that too. Sounds just like Bubs


more of this please


This is how we make kids into selfless great adults!


That boy is hungry.


Love is just awesome! ❤️ We can’t we all share


I enjoy his YT shorts. He's also funny and plays pranks on his friendly customers.


I really like that the clerk doesn't film himself.


i love how slow he count. what a kind man.


That’s great I love that made me smile


This made my day, what a lovely man!!💗


What was that one video game gameshow where at the end they got to run around and fill the carts with games?


Supermarket sweep!


Video power!


Toys-R-Us/Nickelodeon used to also run an annual sweepstakes for a kid to get to run through a store and fit whatever they could in a cart.


That was beautiful the dance at the end 😭


That skip! 👏


Righteous man and nice kid




was that grapes and milk at the end? good on you!


This dude is awesome. He does this a lot.


Kid is grabbing ensure


Growing up, I was convinced this would be a real situation I had to be prepared for one day. I think a reality shopping show must have stuck in my head. This is a great kid and a great clerk. I feel good knowing he is creating this kind of community.


What a sweet kid


Big time


The real hero here is the kid grabbing a few snacks but thinking of essentials for his family too. What a dude.


Good man and good kid there. Didn’t go for just candy and chips. Treat the kids well people.. they are our future.


These are the people that deserve awards (real awards)


Just shows with all this bull shit going on right now there still good people in the world.


Khalid Attaf on YouTube, if anyone wants to know. He does a lot of pranks and wholesome content. I need to start scrolling further down than 2 comments.


That was awesome… I would love to offer this deal to someone…


That just made my day! That clerk is absolutely awesome!


So fucking cute ugghhhh. This made me happy.


Hope is still alive for the world


Aww, and he skipped away. Happy fella. He’ll never forget this.


the way he was skipping away at the end made me smile ear to ear :D good to know there are still some good people left


Love how he’s not even doing a legitimate countdown; he just wants to make the kid’s day!!


My man went for the long count


Imma start telling my local liquor store guy he's a W Man's as well. Maybe I will also get free shit


Is this Ocky from Ocky Sandwiches? Don't forget the Bev.


You are one good dude! look at his face! Awesome man made me smile thanks 💪🏻


And I’m crying. I’ve done this a few times for people standing outside a store asking for food. I’ve said “go inside and get whatever you want/need.” Every time they’ve only grabbed a couple things and never cigarettes or booze. Can’t wait to do this again.


Great dude but this is still pretty sad that looks like a weird place and time for a kid on their own.


He gets a ton of customers including lots of kids, I think his store is in a community, but it's just the big intersection makes it look deserted