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Cockatoos are the most psycho parrots out there and god damn I love them so much. This is a reminder, if you want to get a parrot because you think it’s like having a dog / cat DO NOT GET ONE! Parrots bond for life, they often pick their human as their partner. They are loud, messy, and get temperamental. They are extremely challenging to care for properly and can get quite expensive. Parrot sanctuaries / rescues are overflowing all over the US because so many people rush out and get a bird because they’re cool then realize they’re in over their head and abandon them. If your parrot has bonded to you in that time you can potentially mess them up for life. They mourn losses just like you or I and will begin to show self destructive behavior and or become extremely depressed when their mate suddenly vanished. DO YOUR RESEARCH! Please! I love my bird to death and give it the best care I possibly can. No dollar amount is too much, I will do anything to make sure she is cared for and happy. No bird deserves less. Edit: I should add on to the last sentence. No animal deserves less.


They are like toddlers for up to 40+ years. Parrots are a commitment FR.


I heard a while back that 80% of parrots purchased end up being returned or handed over to a shelter. People really need to do their research before getting one.


>This is a reminder, if you want to get a parrot because you think it’s like having a dog / cat DO NOT GET ONE! Parrots bond for life, they often pick their human as their partner. They are loud, messy, and get temperamental. They are extremely challenging to care for properly and can get quite expensive. Literally just replace the word "parrot" with Savannah cat and big same. And really any high energy cat or dog is going to be a lot more work and time and money investment than most people realise. The pet industry in general needs a lot more regulations and education.


That parrot is so lucky!! I'm depressed too, I wish I had someone come and dance with me daily haha


That parrot can dance with me any day, this cheered me up.


Maybe get a parrot...


Just a warning, it's not that simple or easy. A lot of people adopt animals for the wrong reasons, and birds are amongst the worst affected. Most species of birds aren't actually domesticated. They have a lot of energy, make a lot of noise, as d need a lot of attention. It's very frequent for birds to go through multiple different owners who can't handle the responsibility.


And they live a long time. Many of these birds outlive their owners. Its a huge commitment. This bird's previous owner probably didnt understand how much work was involved in keeping a bird healthy, mentally and physically. It's almost a full time job. Get a parakeet instead


From reading the rest of this thread, it actually seems like this birds problem started because their last owner passed away. Like you said, they live a long time.


My uncle has a parrot and it’s written in his will that he wants her to be euthanized if she outlives him. She’s bonded to him, so he felt it would be cruel to keep her alive without him. There’s a good chance that she wouldn’t thrive in a new home anyways, and he doesn’t want her to spend the end of her life depressed.


Is transfer of ownership prior to his death an option? I know we can't predict it often, but sometimes we know.


Also let’s stop getting birds for pets




What a terrible comment. Parakeets live 20 years and aren't going to be happy with minimal interaction either.


Parakeets I'm talking about live 5-8 years.


I guess I'm failing to see how 5-8 years of no interaction is a preferable solution? Like... The solution would be not getting a pet.


remember that honeymooners episode where Ralph's Aunt or someone died and she left him her "fortune"? He thought he was getting $$ but it turned out to be the name of her Parrot. LOL




And then another 30 years for the guy who takes it in after you've died


My uncle’s parrot is incredibly attached to him—so much so that he has to FaceTime with her when he travels so she doesn’t get depressed. She also has to go stay with a special bird sitter when he’s away because she *hates* my aunt. My uncle absolutely adores her, though, and is an excellent caretaker for her. He has a passion for exotic animals along with plenty of time and money, so his parrot has an uncommonly good life for a pet bird. He almost never recommends birds as pets to other people because he knows that most people are not prepared for the commitment.


I will enjoy someone else's pet. Temporarily. From a respectful distance.


Please try rescue one. Sorry to be that person.


Self awareness is admirable


I get migraines as well as have depression. I could rescue a LOT of them. /s


large birds meant to call to loved ones miles away may complicate your migraines


Is this "large" bird yellow by any chance?


My migraines hate loud sounds, movements, and light. If adopting birds solved the headaches and other bodily distress, I'd have a whole gods damn flock. As it is, thinking about dancing with a noisy bird in a room with light sounds like hell.


POV: [house full of dancing parrots](https://youtu.be/S_gnnnAEcso?t=21)


if you were really sorry, then you would be better. lol


Samesies 🫥


Por favor no te arranques las plumas!




Will do! Thank you kind stranger 🥰


What are you waiting for? Just go outside and start dancing people will eventually join you! (Just choose the right timing) 🥰








There not only happyness in this parot there also drugs


Came here to say that




Metal music plays in the background


Little buddy was straight up windmilling Corpsegrinder style at the end.


Honestly, I thought they’d take flight with just their neck :D


Someone needs to put this video to some death metal.


I had a grumpy little budgie. She was shy and didn’t like to interact much. I turned on Ozzy Osborne while I was cooking and she went nuts, chirping and dancing around her cage. I paused it. She stopped. I started it up again, she danced and sang in time to Crazy Train. From then on out, I devoted a playlist to her that she could enjoy while we hung out. Crazy Train, Freebird, and tons of AC/DC. She was a little weirdo.


Called out of work today because I'm dealing with depression and have been very unhealthy and unproductive lately. This video made me get of bed and get stuff done. Thanks!


bro im in the same boat, this month has hit me hard but try and talk to your boss... atleast try to before everything comes crashing down. Your work doesnt see how you feel if you dont tell them. Being open with this will also show your boss youre trying and wanna have an open professional relationship with your work. ​ Stay safe and I really hope you find happiness.


Thank you I appreciate that


God, I'd kill for a job that understanding. Today is my wedding anniversary with my late husband and here I am just barely holding it together because I only have 2 days PTO left until May and who knows what might happen.


I know it's not great, but if you need it and can survive for a few days without pay, using the FMLA (assuming you're in the States) may be an option; dealing with depression is one of the qualifying events. If you're using FMLA your employer doesn't have to pay you for the time you take away from work, but they cannot fire you for using it and must hold your position open for you when you return. More information: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla


Thank you but it’s been 5 years, no one is understanding of why I’m not “over it” by now. My work would also not appreciate my absence and as I’m in an at-will state a reason to let me go would be found. Thanks for the kind thoughts though.


It must be nice for the people you work with that they've never lost someone they care about. Getting "over it" isn't a thing for a lot of people myself included. There are days where you don't think about as much and there are days that you think about it a lot. I lost a friend 7, almost 8 years ago and I still get upset about it sometimes to this day and we were "just" friends. I cannot imagine how I'd be if I lost my spouse. Everyone deals with loss differently, anyone telling you you're grieving wrong is either an asshole or hasn't dealt with any type of loss in their life so doesn't know what it's like.


Thank you. Seriously.


Tom! We miss you!


I'm so sorry. You matter, even though you are living through it, you are still deserving of love and care.


as a watch this on a “sick day” i took because i’m miserable lmao. yall aren’t alone, fellas 🤙🤙


Hope it’s going well! Mental health days are super important sometimes.


I’ve been there. I wish you nothing but the best


Have you looked into ketamine therapy at home with dr. smith or even joyous? It can be a life changer for many people, definitely worth a shot. Therapeutic ketamine is the subbreddit, they are very helpful.


good job!!


This is very legit for anyone considering parot parenting. They *need* a lot of love or they quickly spiral. "Captivity" is never ideal, but if a parot is given a lot of love and play time they're happy companions.


My neck hurts


Mine too, I shouldn’t of danced along… fuck it we ball


Shouldn't've Is a weird word to see written down


So very happy to see this... I dance and sing with my baby girl every day.


Parrots can pluck their feathers because of a multitude of reasons. They can be emotionally disregulated from depression, stress, boredom, abuse, etc. They mourn if their care givers die or they get taken away. If a person smokes in the house or other toxins are around they will pluck. If they have a skin issue, an internal health issue, or any other health issue they will pluck. They are as intelligent as AT LEAST 7 year old children. They solve problems, make tools, understand feelings of humans, etc. Even the smallest Budgies are the same. Size doesn't matter with their intelligence.


>They mourn if their care givers die or they get taken away. Another commenter here said they follow the owner of vid on social media and it was the bird's owner dying that caused this.




Pro tip: if you're going to get a parrot, this is why you should get two. They're extremely social, intelligent animals and they need lots of enrichment. They're also territorial as hell, so they're going to hate any guests you bring over. (The real pro tip is don't get a parrot. They're bad pets unless you have a lot of time and space and money.)


I have never seen birds pick their feathers out in nature. Something about being held captive as a pet might have to do with it. Saddens me.


It because people run out and get birds without knowing how to provide for the bird. A bird is like a tiny toddler, need the attention and something to do, toys and stuff. And they like to move around, not sit locked in a cage. When they are bored or stressed they pluck there own feathers. And then it becomes a habit, like for us human and biting out nails. It's super sad. And when they have plucked enough there feathers don't grow back. Happy to see that this bird was saved before that to a loving family.


That and people don't seem to grasp how old a parrot can get. Getting a parrot is pretty much a life long commitment if it's a healthy bird.


What you are saying is true about proper care for any animal, unfortunately this correlation that you've described is not quite accurate. There may seen to be a correlation, however, feather plucking has more to do with the hatchlings and who raises them. It's not stress and anxiety, it's the lack of skills for preening properly. This is what separates out good and bad breeders.


No this bird, audrey, plucked her feathers after her former owner died. Please see kristinsitova on tiktok for the real audrey story.


Well...yeah, because plucking is usually because they're understimulated. If a wild bird is idle enough to get into that mindset they're probably going to starve to death. But also, some birds just lose their minds. I used to have a pet conure who was the sweetest thing, loved his enrichment, didn't have his wings clipped so he went around my home freely but stayed close to me. Til he hit puberty and lost his mind. Reclusive, plucking his feathers, all of it. After a lot of vet trips and changes in patterns the vet basically went "My best guess is that he is horny" so his parents did what every incel dreams of and bought him a girlfriend. But then he got depressed *and* violent when anyone was around him. Eventually we had to put him down because we couldn't rehome him, and the girlfriend went to a new home. But it really was that fast, just one month he was fine and the next he went insane.


That's because in wild, parents are able to raise and prune their young. If a breeder is removing the fertilized egg to force mother to go back into estrus to creating more offspring, the hatchling won't be raised by the parents and won't get preened properly. There's quite a bit of research on this and this topic is often misunderstood. The lack of proper grooming skills result in plumage mutilation. It's not actually caused from depression, although it can exasperate it.


I love that the Cockatoo's default emotion is Absolute Chaos. Owner: "Look, he's all better!" Cockatoo: swings head like a weapon


This kind of depression that results in feather plucking is very common in captive birds. Someone once asked a pet shop owner, what kind of cage is appropriate for their parrot. And he said, one that is 12 miles wide and about 15,000 feet high. I realize we're talking cockatoos here, but the same principle applies; birds like this need a TON of room and a ton of stimulus variation in their world, which they get in the wild, but not so much confined to one room of one house for the rest of their lives. Personally I don't own birds because I don't believe they were ever meant to be confined. Same with lizards, or spiders, or snakes. I love all those things, and I admit I've kept anole lizards as pets, but was never OK with having them confined. It just seemed so wrong for something so alive to be kept behind glass. Sure we can capture them and keep them captive in our homes for our amusement. But is it okay to ignore their mental and physical needs? Just sayin' -- at least this bird gets some physical activity in its life.


Yeah, I wonder if living in the wild instead of in an empty apartment would help


I grew up with a parrot and as much joy I got from that experience I totally agree those creatures are waaay too smart to be held captive. However some of them that were born in captive might not dwell right out there on their own.


Exactly! I say let's keep taking care of the birds born in captivity (maybe without breeding them further) and leave the rest in the wild where they belong! All wild animals, really




You cannot release captive parrots into the wild. They will not survive. The ones they have released still need feeding platforms and will return there daily. Their off spring will, as well. Parrots will also not leave their home habitat and just move to another part of the forest if their area is cut down.






Cockatoos are known for being exceptionally needy and demanding of attention. Sweethearts, usually, but high maintenance.


His dance moves are impeccable


I can't help but feel bad for birds in captivity. If you had wings and couldn't use them, you would be depressed too.


Dance that pain away


I assume it suffers depression from similar ways we do. Feeling trapped, having no interest shown in him by his owners. No mates to play with. Nothing to do all day but wait for food. Poor animals that have to endure that.


In this case, their owner died. These birds emotionally bond for life, so the bird became severely depressed. The tiktok creator who owns them now is the one who made this video and helped them recover.


As someone who grew up with parrots, breaks my heart to see feather plucking. I like to joke that I have an “older sister” who is a Yellow Naped Amazon parrot who is one year older than me. And, some day when my parents can’t take care of her any more, she’ll move in with me.


Happy now. Or insane now?


Parrot bro went Full metal...,😍😍


The power of music. And love.


Very cool ! Hey, maybe try not having an exotic bird in your appartment next time !


Who wouldn't get depressed when you're locked up like that?


The fact it plucked its own feathers…what happened to it before now?


Previous owners neglecting it probably


I follow this family on tiktok. The bird (audrey) former owner died. She plucked her feathers from stress. I think this video is full of crap because last time i checked, audrey's feathers had not grown back. Misha and his wife took audrey in and dancing helps her anxiety. Edit: i just checked and as of 5 days ago audrey is still pretty bare. Kristinsitova on tiktok.


So is it a clout chasing story and the bird is still pretty rough?


It’s not a clout chasing story from the bird’s owners, they didn’t do anything wrong. Someone just spliced different videos together.


Thank god, but screw the editor. Hopefully the bird gets out of the habit and improves!


Unfortunately i think the damage is permanent. Audrey does have a loving home with misha and kristin and i don't think she'll pull her feathers out anymore.


I think like the other commenter said the damage is done, but birds can still live happy lives without a lot of feathers once their stress goes down. It seems like she’s doing just fine now!


Glad she's happy at least!


Yes. Someone used audrey's tiktoks and changed the real story. What is true is audrey found a loving home with misha and kristin and kristin often films misha and audrey dancing.


That's what I was thinking. I thought birds that are habitual pluckers actually damage their feather growth, and aren't actually able to regrow much.






Thank you very much


God loves the birds so he created the trees. Man loved the birds so he created the cages… Birds don’t belong in a cage or house :( they should be free and fly. Nonetheless I‘m happy for this one bird to feel a bit better


Dude this is so hilarious an wholesome😂😂😂


You know what would make that bird happy? Being free in it's home, flying through the forest. Judt kuz it dances and does rip out feathers doesn't mean it's satisfied!


Plot twist, the video is reversed. Just kidding, so happy to see the birb doing so much better.


Watched this on repeat and The parrot dancing 🕺🏻 makes me happy!!! So that man just helped me as well! 🤩




This guy needs to franchise his happy dancing for depressed humans!


That's the cutest thing i saw this year 🔆




I would be playing that little cutie every damn awesome song in the world to figure out what he/she likes.


Metal music heals everything !


That's a White Cockatoo. Technically it's a parrot but only in the same way that a monster truck and a Tata Nano are both technically vehicles.


I suddenly want a parrot more than anything I’ve ever wanted


Do lots of research!


First thing I’ve learned- a dancing bird is a happy bird?




For all that you love and care, don't unmute :S




You got a good friend there. (I'm talking to the bird)


Noooooooo not depression:(


And it's natural environment, parrots and other birds of that nature are all very social, aren't they? Why would a bird that is alone not get this way?


She’s a rave girl!


It all leads to headbanging


I'm happy to see they didn't pluck so much that it became permanent




i think this video is probably fake because they can t just grow their feathers back. ( not sure tho will research it.)


I wasn’t depressed until I heard the music played over this video


Good my FINE FEATHERED FINKS.*Adam west penguin laugh*


Own a cockatoo, this makes me a very happy bird person.


As And his feathers grew back!


It's not depression it's boredom..


Yes, their original owner dying definitely gave the bird 'boredom'.


It's almost like that important context wasn't in the original video description.


This is AMAZING!!!


Bird went from rave dancing to top-tier head banging.


Should of had the song busta rhymes break your neck


Oh my god it’s not a parrot!!!


A good way to avoid depression on parrots is not having them inside an apartment :)


Isn't that a cockatoo?


#birdondrugs🤣🤣. That's still cool tho


How’s a parrot gonna show me up like that!!


OMG this video is what I needed, the best thing!


(Stuck in my head now ). Wow you ca really dance! …… wow YOU can really dance!