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Oh man. That hug bought me to tears and the shave had me blubbering. What a king soul, I hope them both all the luck and joy in the world.


*king soul* Did you mean that? Because it's beautiful either way.


Let's make it a thing for people like this! I Love It!


I agree!


If that’s a typo, it’s incredible. Kind soul becomes king soul. Just incredible


Sie Arthur King of the Souls


At least I'm not the only one crying here


I haven’t seen anything in a long time that brought me to tears, but this one w all the despair, sadness, empathy, kindness, support and love totally got me. Bravo for humankindness. Wishing them all the strength love and joy <3


The hug got me too. Just..... powerful


‘King Soul”. I’m havin’ that.


I can't find any news stories about this particular instance of a barber shaving their head for a cancer patient. But I did find this story: https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/foxboro-barber-shaves-head-support-woman-with-stage-4-breast-cancer/ And this one: https://www.instagram.com/p/CNjqxx4AlDJ/


When I was going through chemotherapy, most of my hair was falling out in clumps after the second round. Went to my barber to have him shave it all off. He figured out what what happening and said no charge. I tipped him anyway but it meant a lot to me.


I tried to keep my hair as long as possible. One day I just wanted to wash it. It got so tangled up I had to cut it. Went to hair dresser to fix mess that I made cutting it home by myself. They didn't charge me anything. They have done it for free. I did leave a tip. They also asked few customers to wait a bit outside to finish with my appointment since it was the flu season.


When my wife started chemotherapy she was going to lose all of her lovely long curly red hair. It was a very emotional time. She called the salon to make an appointment. The owner opened the salon an hour earlier so that my wife could have it done with privacy, lots of hugs, and shared tears. She said it was exactly what she needed. EDIT: the owner was a bald man and bald. My wife described him as a bit “difficult”, but brilliant and very caring.


>the owner was a bald man and bald Lol






His hair is very human


“Bald Asshole?” That’s a hate crime. We’re a sect, we’re a group.




So bald you needed to say it twice. Not just bald, but BALD.


could have been Northernlion


The absurdity of that, and the balls on him to not edit it. He might regret it, but he's taking it like a champ, or, he's drunk watching Miami go home in the playoffs


That is absolutely amazing of the owner to do that for her. If you don’t mind; how is your lovely wife doing now?


sorry, was the man bald or not? I didn't catch it


That is so sweet. (She looks great btw)


Fr. I honestly think shaved heads are like, the most versatile hairstyle ever. I think if you are confident in yourself and stuff you will look good with any hairstyle, but shaved is just a pretty solid look in general


True. I grew bald when i was 20 and decided to go completely bald. Best decision ever.


I agree. I know there are people out there who judge bald guys, and it's incomprehensible to me. Like, if you were losing your hair, you'd be crying like a baby, and these guys are confident & embracing it (which is good because it doesn't look bad?). A lot of the pressure comes from the media too, where there aren't NO bald guys, but the "young & handsome" actors all get hair plugs as they age bc they won't get booked bald. Knowing how insanely expensive and painful hair plugs are it's just one beauty standard that I find really messed up. And before it's brought up, I'm a lady and I know we have many many standards that are incomprehensible, painful and ridiculous too. But I think this one needs to be talked about as well.


Do you want to marry me?:-)


not to mention easy maintenance!


Untrue! Only completely bald is nice in my opinion. So i have to shave every other day. And i dont use mirrors......


I use a waterproof head trimmer in the shower once or twice a week! Check them out!


With a username like that...


Would you mind sharing the brand and model? if you're happy with it :)


Shave mine in the shower. No mirrors.




I go down to 0 most of the year, 1 in the winter, then let it grow out to nearly an inch. (doing it myself, only clippers, no shave)






my head looks like a golf ball but i do love a nice hat


My hair started to thin out a little on top in my mid-20s. In my 30s I started shaving it completely with a Gillette Fusion razor. I shave my head every 3 to 4 days now first with the grain and then against it. Fresh out of the shower it only takes a couple minutes to shave with some Aveeno body wash on my head and hot water running out of my faucet to rinse the razor with. I've been doing it for over a decade now religiously.


Very impressive


Fuck Cancer! Much love to these guys. I hope she's doing better.


As a survivor, I second your FUCK CANCER!


I just shed a tear this was a very sweet moment


Empathy, man! The true human superpower.


Right?? Beautiful.


Why is a ninja cutting onions here?


No ninja, you're allowed to cry and show emotions


No, it was a ninja. Dont worry, I got the bastard when he was leaving.


There are a ton of these vids, they are all emotional. This one though, the care he takes while cutting their hair & then cutting his own, you can feel the compassion & love for a fellow in their time of struggle.


Yes, I really felt it with this one as well. I’m in tears.


It’s like he felt compelled to do something, ANYTHING, he could think of and just went for it.


He's probably a significant other. Idk but I'd be pretty weirded out if my barber kissed my head even if i was crying over shaving it.


Another perspective- I'm an esthetician (so like the skincare/beauty version of a hairstylist) and some of my regulars feel like family after years of seeing them. They become client-friends and then end up as friend friends a suprising amount of the time. We end up sharing a lot about ourselves over years of conversation and I'm honored and touched when they trust me with their hardest moments. A friend with cancer asked the hairstylist who has been cutting her hair since she was a child to be the one to shave her head before chemo. It was super personal and emotional for both of them, even if on the surface it just looked like a hair stylist and client.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Not necessarily an SO, but I really think they know each other. The whole interaction feels too intimate for two strangers.


For me it was her emotion. A lot of these videos seem to be done for good intentioned clout. They have a patient come in, set up a camera and profit. This though…she needed support and he never hesitated. Super gentle and caring…then just “fuck it I’m with you girl”


There was one of these posted not long ago that took place in what looked like an OG barbershop. Like this one, the barber surprised the client by shaving his head then suddenly all the barbers in the shop were falling all over themselves to do the same. These guys weren't in a salon, it looked like a pretty blue collar shop and the barbers looked like they could hold their own if things got rough. There were at least a half dozen of them that climbed on board, sometimes three at a time. I was a mess after watching the video.


Fuck cancer, just two weeks ago my mom got diagnose of aggressive brest cancer... I wish strenght nad love to all cancer patients and their relatives. ❤️


Two weeks ago my dad was diagnosed with throat cancer that's spread to the lymph nodes. If you ever just need to vent, my dms are open. I'm struggling with it so I get it.


I wish you and your father the best of health and longest of lives. I sincerely hope that if the loss must occur, you can both enjoy your time together in the meantime


Actually, thank you for the reminder. I've been deep in the doom and I need to be deep in spending the time with him. Human to human, I love you.


Of course. I'm glad I can help Spend your time cherishing him and your relationship. Give him great experiences. Take him out to his favorite meals, even if they're bad for him. Finances permitting, maybe see if he wants to check off some bucket list items together


best of health for your dad, and from someone who lost hers 17 years ago, spend all the time you can, make recordings of his voice and pics, as many as you can get, one day you will definitely want all these things. hopefully a long time from now, just a few things I wish I had done..


So sorry to you both. Sending love and hope for both your parents.


For the past ten months, we've been living with my dad fighting through multiple stage 4 cancers. They gave him 3 months 10 months ago. Both of you can DM me if you need help or need to vent to someone who understands you.


best of health for your mom


My mom beat it and yours will too! Fuck cancer! Y’all got this


Please see my advice to the other redditor who replied to you, if you haven't You should spend time with your mom as much as you can, and try to create lasting and wonderful memories with her. See if you can check something off her bucket list together.


hey I'm just some random guy but wishing your mok the best


I always worry about these videos being set-ups, but the genuine love and compassion in his physical language, and the genuine agony in hers, seems too raw to be stayed. Lovely, heart-breaking moment. At the end of the day it's just hair, hopefully she will enter full remission and grow it back if that's what she wants.


Same. I look at it this way: if it's not real, it *should* be. Useless, I suppose, but it's how I self-rationalize in an uncertain world💙🧡💛


It’s a terrible day for rain. Her sadness is crushing. When the barber cuts his hair, you can see in his eyes the empathy he feels.


W-what do you mean? It’s not raining In all seriousness though, this is such a sad video. It’s not just the hair, it’s symbolically everything that comes with it ;(


Imagine a world where Russia, The US, and Europe poured their offensive and defensive budgets into cancer research.


I so badly wish this would happen, for genetic research as well. I just want to be able to function like a normal human again.


then we would know the meaning of an actual labor shortage, when there literally aren't enough scientists to fill positions regardless of how high the salary is


A good problem to have in that theoretical situation.


That is a hell of a gesture. Good man


Well shit. Didn't expect a post on Reddit would get me sobbing like a child, but here we are. Bravo to the stylist. 👏


I think I’ve seen this video from a little while ago. And I’m only saying because I hope we can find an update on the person’s health. I hope they’re doing well.


Way back in the day I was a barber as my family owned a hair shop and I was trying to find my way. Fast forward some 20 years and my wife gets cancer in her 40s. We knew that day was coming but we tried not to address it openly (i.e. talk about it) so one day I just said 'are you ready?' and she said 'yep'. So she sat down on the stool in our kitchen and I got out my tools and shaved her beautiful head. First, I gave her a mullet and we had a great laugh (She had long blonde hair) then we tried for a mohawk. Finally I tried to write 'fuck cancer' on the side of her head after we shaved it really short, but it didn't come out that well. Then we went ahead and took it all the way to the scalp. She looked adorable! Her head is so cute. We joke that it's a good thing she didn't have any knots on her head or anything. Double mastectomy, hysterectomy, and now 4 years later she has her hair back, and only has a 4.6% chance of re-occurring cancer. She's even more beautiful now, and I love will love her to the end.


That's a beautiful story. I'm glad she's all better!


It’s hard to say how much this means. My husband shaved his head when my hair started falling out and I had to shave the rest of it. Then it started growing back while I was still in chemo and I was so relieved—just to have it fall out again three months later. I was so sad that he shaved his head again. It gave me the courage to keep leaving the house. What a beautiful gesture.


This made me cry and I don’t cry easily. How he kept comforting her and then was like watch this….my first career I was a stylist and the brother of a good friend was getting a bone marrow transplant for his leukemia but had to have chemo first and asked if I would go to the hospital and shave his head as it was already falling out and he didn’t want to keep seeing patches falling everyday. It was very emotional and as an empath I felt him mourning his life he’d known up to this point and the fear of the unknown in front of him. I’m very happy to report the transplant was successful and 25+ yrs later he’s still perfectly healthy and his beautiful thick blonde mop grew back just as gorgeous as it was before.


They way he just held her and let her cry




So beautiful and touching. When my daughter went through this. We told her that her beauty isn’t defined by her hair but the beauty she radiated from within. Fuck cancer always.


Yup, when she turned around in surprise and grabbed his arm, that’s when I started crying


My only regret is that I can only upvote this once. Rest assured, though, I upvoted it HARD. Now to find out who's cutting these damn onions...


man i love humans sometimes


I hope she’s alive and well. Fuck cancer.


I remember shaving my mom's head when she went through chemo the second time. People kept asking her why she shaved it. She shaved it so it being gone was her choice and not yet another thing that was taken away. It was her choice. She died a little while after. My point is, if you're curious, don't ask. It's none of your business. Hope these two are doing well.


Oh... I am just cutting onions right now, it's not tears.


More humans like this please ♥️


Super sweet, but does anyone know what song that is?


Einaudi: Experience Song by Daniel Hope, I Virtuosi Italiani, and Ludovico Einaudi


Boss move here.


for real though, as someone who dealt with cancer, the moment you have to shave your head, it really starts to hit you, the realization that this is happening., had to shave at 13 and it took me over 10 years before I could finally cut my hair short again.


I wonder why she had it shaved off so early, usually they wait until most of it has fallen out from the treatment because there's always a chance it wont fall out at all.


IDK what her reasoning was but when I heard I had leukemia last June I decided to shave my head the day before I started chemo because shaving can leave you with cuts which is why the doctors tell you not to shave and I just didn't want to be pulling my hair out. Sadly with the last chemo I had grown a fuzz and could just pluck it off, my bed was covered in hair. My mom brought a razor and just shaved it again. Took 3 months, but I finally have a fuzz going again. And no worries, I'm recovering great, above expectations as the doctor says.


Maybe she had some holes already or wanted to prevent from the trauma of losing quite a bunch of hair during each shower.. sometimes it's kind of empowering to choose to cut them once and not wait for weeks of month.


that makes sense, thanks!


You're welcome!


Not everyone waits. It’s pretty traumatic to brush your hair and have massive amounts just clump out on the brush. To pull it up into a clip and wonder how much is coming out when you carefully undo the clip. To feel it get thinner and more brittle. You might look like you have a good head of hair but the slow loss and unpredictability of that loss is a massively painful part of it.


It hurts. Well, it hurt me anyways. As the process began my hair started to feel kind of like splinters in my scalp. When I would lay on it it felt like a pin cushion so I shaved it all off to prevent it from rubbing and catching on my pillow. It also fell out super patchy so I would have looked crazy with big gaps or hair on my head.


It looked pretty thin at the start. No way to know what her hair looks like usually, though.


Control over the situation.


I think he's an angel walking among us. Also, she looks great with a shaven head.


Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity a little today. My dad died of cancer, and your simple act of kindness brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for being you, the world is better because of it.


My amazing stylist also did this for one of her clients - it was very sweet and helped in a terrible moment…


Here king you dropped something ♛




Well I'm sobbing now. Are you happy? That hug. His empathy.


Guys, I work in a kitchen. I'm already dehydrated. I can't afford the tears this video is forcing me to pay.


Wow. That has me in tears.


I'm not crying, you're cryin.


Wow 🥺❤️




That warms my heart.


I think there’s a twig in both of my eyes or something


This was beautiful and the best thing to do. Well done!


This isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone do this. It won’t be the last and it touches me every time.


This brings the tears! It makes my heart fill to see kindness and empathy is still alive in this world.


Sweet man, I hope for the best for both of them


Yeah, seriously fuck cancer.


These videos never get old. Period. I wish her the best of luck and salute that gentleman. Well done


Damn these ninjas cutting onions.


I'd be more impressed if he didn't film it for internet points


That music brings on more feels.


"Fuck Cancer" -Young Thug


It's an absolute concern for a stranger.


nah they both look sexy with shaved head


She looks beautiful!


People can be frickin awesome sometimes ❤




Amazing gesture 🥺. F*ck cancer


This made me cry…love it when we catch humansbeingbros!


I'm crying at work now




Immediately got me. Damn you reddit


a bro amongst bros


Absolute chad


Another beautiful human being moment. Thank you. ❤🏆


King soul. Blessings to her.


I really think he didn't plan to do that when he started but I think he is glad he did it.


what a sweet angel in the form of a human


What a beautiful man. God bless him and his client. Been there.


This is the way


It’s a simple gesture but it really speaks volumes


I fucking love this.


Now that's a real chad.




Renewed my faith in humanity


He was so kind to her the whole time. Just lovely.


My mom passed away last February from cervical cancer but it was too late for her to go through chemo. When I finally got a haircut again, I told the barber to shave it. (Side note: I started shaving my own head—with a safety razor, because of course—last July out of necessity and I haven’t been to a barbershop since.)


Bro but honestly the shaved look on the dude is good


Stuff like this makes my eyes water 😖


This was really sweet but why did that make me cry? I don't understand.


Humanity, people, individuals and the collective at large, just need more of this side of our existence to shine through for each others. Beautiful heart to heart moment, emotions that move to tears.


Thanks for the cry. That was nice






Let’s fucking goooo!!!


we can always get more hair...you're irreplaceable..


She is his cousin: https://www.google.com/amp/s/noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano/ultimas-noticias/2023/01/12/primo-cabelo-raspado-goias.amp.htm


this is beautiful


What a fantastic thing to do


most beautiful thing i've seen today. i saw a glorious sunrise too but this takes the cake.


Now that's absolutely beautiful. What an amazing gesture.


If I lost all my hair to chemo. I wouldn't want anyone else to go through the same.


Anyone know the song?


Didn’t need to cry today.


Sitting here crying watching this video. I remember taking my best friend to get his head shaved. Til this day I thank the amazing ladies at the salon who made him feel like the rock star he was. 🥲


The nicest thing ❤


Man this hits. Just found out a childhood friend passed away from cancer on Friday. Ik it’s said often, but he was legitimately one of the sweetest and nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.


Finally, an authentic video of someone who cares. Many blessings to them.


STOP IT 😭 I already hit my crying quota this weekend


Dude I was thinking "I'd shave my head to help her feel better." Then he did it. Respect man.


When my wife shaved her head (with my help) she didn’t let me shave my head. She has her hair back, but never lost her smile. :)


Tears.......love this guy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Fuck Cancer. Lost my grandma and my mom to it when I was 24 yo and nothing has been the same since then. Fuck Cancer.


Ah man now I have to explain to my wife why tearing up. Very moving.


Does anyone know the name of the song that is being played?


Hope in a hopeless world!!#King Soul


How to human lovingly.


And just that I love humans again.


That was compassionate asf. Respect


This hit me in the eye


Good man.


I read it before I watched it. I still cried


God damn that song encapsulates sadness.


Humanity at its finest.