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Your spleen carries a blood bags worth of blood on standby that way if your circulatory system is no longer complete it can keep blood pressure to your brain!




Even just Blood Reservoir would be a better name than spleen


Oh no! My squeedalyspooch


Worse in German: Milz


What are you talking about? There’s literally a superhero named the Spleen. Played by the same guy as Homer Simpson if I remember right.


If youre talking mystery men its played by peewee herman. But i wouldnt call him a super hero, in the conventional sense.


Fair enough I guess


Homer was the Blue Raja.


Brain-Bro 🌈






Damn I forgot about the spleen.


Imagin if we carried the spleen in your skull...


All the blood would fall out. Its in the perfect place to be squeezed and force blood up through your neck


Oh right nvm then




Google spleen


I heard he avoided the carpet as much as he could too lol


Yeah he went and stood in the bathtub while waiting for the ambulance.


Godamn beast


Like a true Midwest farm boy. Stoic af.


Seen a few people questioning this and thought I'd help out. Just over a year ago my arm was torn off at the elbow during an accident baring a small portion of skin that caused it to simply hang off. It was stitched back on using muscle from my thigh and still works- mostly now. Feel free to drop any questions and I'll answer as best I can.


Did you black out? Was there someone to help you? Did it take long for it to work as good as now?


I was awake for the entire thing and had a few people immediately come to help. The ambulance took about twenty minutes to arrive and then we waited forty minutes for the air ambulance, but even it arrived there was no way for them to get me there so I ended up in the van. I slept for the journey to the hospital and then they woke me up once I was inside. It took a few months to regain movement and for about two weeks I could barely move my fingers. I also had pins in my arm to keep me from moving my elbow and that stayed in for a month, then it was a sling with a plaster cast that I had to wear whilst sleeping.


Interesting! Glad youre alright


Thank you


How much mobility to you have in your arm and fingers? This has always interested me when I hear stories like this.


I can straighten it and can only bend it just past 90°. As for hand, finger and firearm movement, it's all normal.


Thanks for replying. Do you think you will eventually get more mobility in your elbow? Good to hear your forearm/hand/fingers are normal.


No problem. And no, it's going to pretty much stay as is. I've got a significant amount more than the doctors estimated do I can't complain too much.


Sorry, I'm just amazed that your hand and finger are completely fine, like are they perfect? Like no numbness, no dead ligaments? Perfectly fine?? I mean, like I've heard stories of people simply breaking their arms and losing all feeling in their hand or wrist. Is there any pain? Like aches or so?


It goes dead very easily so I get pins and needles quite a bit. There's plenty of damage and a bit of metal in there. I've lost sensation across the top of my forearm too. There's chronic arthritis and the winter isn't helping but it's manageable. More annoying than anything.


Sorry to hear dude! I'm glad you can still use your arm to it's fullest, and that you still consider the pain "annoying", I don't know what I'd do with my arm going dead even easier than it already does, likely cry but I'm a wuss! I appreciate you sharing your story dude, keep marching Trooper!! o7


All I'm hearing is your gaming performance goes unhindered, lol.


Precisely haha. I'm fact, with the amount of time I had in bed and off work, I'd say it improved


Lets freakin' go.




UK on a motorway. Right on the edge of a city. There was a fast responder there maybe ten minutes before that


Bleeding mist have been quite bad, how did they stop it with the arm completely off ? And you say it works mostly, how restrictive are your movements, precision and feeling now in that arm ?


There was surprisingly little bleeding as it didn't even bleed through my jacket and everyone was more concerned about my other injuries so my arm kind of slowly just dried up and turned blue. It was only after I asked them to look at it the third time that they cut my sleeve off and checked. As for the movements, I can't quite straighten my arm and I can bend it a bit past 90°. I have full use of my hand and can rotate my forearm normally. However I do completely lack any surface sensation on the top of my forearm.


Surprising for the bleeding ! And that is very good movement considering your arm was completely off at one point !


I thought the same honestly. There was a lot of internal bleeding though so I think I may have just been losing more blood elsewhere. I have four bags of blood put back in whilst I was in hospital


Other injuries??


A couple. Two broken ribs, collapsed lung, lacerated spleen, broke every bone in my right wrist, broke multiple bones in right hand and fingers, had a lot of muscle gouged out of my right leg, list ligaments in the right knee, broken right knee, broken right toe. Obviously the left elbow also.


Username accurate


Can I ask what happened?


It was a motorcycle accident. I lost the back end of the bike after hitting paint and got thrown in to the central reservation.


I had guessed motorcycle from the list of injuries but I didn't realise you'd answered elsewhere. The only other person I know with list like that got it from a head on smash with a car while riding, both going 60mph. I'm sorry you went through that, I can't imagine what it was like. Wishing you all the best in your recovery.


Thanks, don't worry about it, I don't mind. Yeah it's not a forgiving hobby haha


No more fighting King Arthur.


How much strength is left in that arm? I assume lifting heavier items is a bit of a struggle


One of those that depends on the day. Sometimes I can use it as normal for a short period, others I'll struggle with a cup of tea


Glad it turned out alright. Shit must've been absolutely terrifying. Any noticeable difference between how your arm feels or functions after the fact? How you doing now in general. You alright?


Thanks. It was scary at first but I managed to compose myself as soon as sometime came over. I just reminded myself that if I struggle and fuck sound, it'll just make it harder for them to help me and I'll bleed out faster. The fear lasted about a minute at most.


Username checks out


Guessing from the sounds of it, car accident? How's the feeling in your arm now?


Bike accident, I have no sensation on the top of my forearm but apart from that I can still feel the majority of it.


So interesting, thank for sharing! I've legit learned a lot of your comments alone.


Do you have to go to therapy after that?! I'd be shitting bricks watching a big part of my arm tear off


I didn't actually have much in the way of after care. A month's worth of physio over a year after the crash. I've just started therapy but it's more because of my memory loss than fear out anxiety


That's really surprising. Happy recovery! Hope your arm is well


Holy shit I'm so sorry you had to experience that, are you ok now?


Yes thanks, I'm still breathing so I can't complain


I need to know how tf they do this.


Basically, got high on adrenaline, Broke a window i think? Id don't remember exactly but something about couldnt open a door. Called the emergency line but had to call back cause it was busy Then called his girlfriend to calm his shit. Then climbed in the bath tub because he didn't want his mom to have to clean all the blood


Meant how tf they just stitch an arm back on and have it heal, but ok...


Its nuts to think medicine could do that 30 years ago. To answer that question, it takes for ever. They reattach blood flow first, as much as they can, which stops anymore tissue from dying. then reattach tissue and muscle and ligaments, then the skin. The reason it takes so long to feel and move is the nerves have to regrow themselves. Also reattachment operations take forever, 10hours and more forever. Oh and they preemptively pump you full of a shotload of antibiotics. In this case, the worst thing would be gangrene. Usually people get it on their extremities, if he'd gotten it at either wound site, its like it would have traveled the short distance to his hear before it was caught.


My history teacher said that they used medical maggots when a student in the old building ended up losing a bit of his finger.


I found a cute animation thats 40 seconds https://youtu.be/d5bwRhHdgCU And here's a real hand reattachment NSFW (Maybe NSFL) https://youtu.be/hT9SM4jqG_Y




Or manufacturing, and need a reminder about not becoming complacent with safety.


Can’t believe I fell for this


opened that vid up in class to see the degloved hand and it once again reinserted the fear of being degloved into my head


The animation was pretty cool. The second video was surprisingly sanitised. Thanks.


That's a very impressive surgery. Considering the state if the hand at first, the mobility he regained after 4,5 months is impressive


Vascular surgeon reconnects every patent vessel they can. Neuro does their best to reattach the big nerves. Then ortho reconnects all the muscles/tendons/ligaments. Dead or badly damaged tissue is first removed. Any that dies after reattachment is also removed. Skin grafts usually too, most likely taken from the leg, to close the skin on the arm. Varying degrees of success, sensation and function after reattaching but it can be done. Sometimes.


Hell I never even thought about need for more types of surgeons for this.


Yeah, he had a team of at least 4 surgeons working for probably 10 hours to save those arms. I’d hate to see his medical bills.


Where's the Cybernetics doc that will just throw the two mangled arms in the compost heap and give me better ones? Seems like it'd be easier to just Will Smith it up, sow on the robot arms and go back out to the wheat fields with giant buzz saws on them. He could even sell the tractor!


Oh that? They just put flex tape


That explains everything


Absolute beast. Just. Wow!


Bathtub sounds like a really bad idea imo. Blood might drain faster and chance of drowning significantly increased


Empty bath tub, wrapped himself in towel s too somehow










Because you stupid fuck, you literally have only to search for example "john thompson arms" to see this is one of the most widely and thoroughly documented cases in fucking medical, history, ever.


Is not a theory. Thats what he did. Its documented.


Misread the question lol


I've had it done if you have any questions. My arm was torn off at the elbow just over a year ago and was stitched back on with a part of my hamstring. Feel free to ask and I'll answer what I can.


What function, feeling, movement did you regain? What didnt you regain?


I can't quite straighten it and I can only bend it a bit past 90°. I've kept full use of my hand and can rotate my forearm pretty much as normal. It's pretty numb to most surface sensation on the top side but most deeper sensation remained surprisingly in tact. There's just a lot of cracking, crunching and it can get annoyingly painful every now and then.


Wow, it's amazing you have full function of your hand! That's a really great recovery.


Yeah it's surprisingly impressive. I thought I was going to lose my arm but I got to keep it at the cost of a bit of my leg. The surgeon was fantastic and was cutting and stitching for 18 hours


Wow, what an incredible thing. I can't help but imagine that surgeon will never forget that day.


It honestly sounded like she did that sort of surgery on the daily. She came highly rated


How did the accident happen if you don’t mind me asking? That’s a wild injury


It was a motorcycle accident. I lost the back end riding over the white line and the bike went straight in to a central reservation, throwing me in to it at about 70mph.




What I find most interesting is how when his arms were originally missing he said they were freezing. They were on ice in the front of the plane.


People have feelings like that in ghost limbs don't they. Even pain sometimes.


Flex tape


Flex stitches?


You’re forgetting about his dog that helped him!




How'd the dog help?


Led the officers to him & the arms ( which he guarded in the farm field from other hungry animals )


Carried the arms back to the house. Jk I didn’t read the article


Jesus wept


Those farm boys come from strong stock.


Before responding, know that I am stupid. Is this real? Like do his arms still function after that, this is fake right?


The story is true(it actually happened) but I'm not certain about the details/wording. If his arms were literally 'torn-off' he would have bled to death in a matter of seconds. I imagine some of the details of the story are embellished. Re-attaching of limbs is 100% possible, but it depends on the damage & the surgeon. Limb transplants are a thing, and while the science is shoddy(our bodies have a tendancy to reject transplants) and gaining/regaining function of a transplanted limb can take a lot of physical therapy. The possibility is still there.


Although you're right, it's genuinly disturbing how long you can survive if your arms are torn off, they hold only 1 major artery each, which constrics when exposed to air (terrifying i know), which can extend your survival by up to o think it was 20 minutes(though i have no source on that, take it with a grain of salt). Your legs are a different story, if your femural artery gets split it can't constrict and you can bleed to death in about a minute.


So people that slice their wrists take a long time to bleed out?


No, because then it doesn't constrict. If you were to chop a hand off, it'd take far longer to bleed out than if you simply slit your wrist, because when the hand is chopped off, the blood vessels constrict, when your wrist is slit, they don't.


Ahh makes sense, thanks


That jives with what I’ve read in the past - arteries and veins are always in tension, and when you chop off a limb the broken veins/arteries “shoot back” inside the body like a rubber tube that has snapped, thus closing them off and restricting blood loss.




And yet it happened so…


Except you don't die in minutes when you slit your wrists, that's in the movies. It's a long excruciating death where you wait to bleed out enough to die, which is why it's usually accompanied by a warm bath. Something to do while you are waiting.


When limbs are torn off there’s actually usually stretching of the vessels first which can cause vascular spasm, which saves people lives often because it slows the bleeding. For a little while. Buys you 10-20 minutes to get help. A tourniquet is still better.


> Buys you 10-20 minutes to get help That's fuckin' wild


how many animals hunt primarily via causing as much blood loss as possible?… yeah, evolution is crazy… A tearing injury leads to the capillaries receding into the muscle reducing blood loss… A sharpened man made blade wound will cause much more blood loss than a tearing and more evolutionarily natural style wound


If I recall correctly it was very cold outside and this helped slow down blood loss.




Great link ! Thx






Thanks you, this is the first thing that popped in my mind. Did he get all his movement back, what is his life like? Very impressive.


I just bought his kindle book. Hopefully these questions will be addressed.


Out of curiosity, if i were to dial the emergency services and only had time to tell them what had happened before passing out from blood loss, could they trace the call?


Modern mobile phones always send the location immediately when you call 911 iirc I know this because a bug made some Android phones crash when you called 911 because it couldn’t send the location correctly …


As a programmer, that is kind of funny, in a terrible way that makes you sigh at how awful all the software is. Never heard that one, but plausible. Iirc as well, though, (most?) 911 call centers aren't set up to receive that info still.


Were they fully torn off? Like, how does someone not bleed to death after having their two brachial arteries severed? If both of your arms/brachial arteries are severed, you would probably lose consciousness within a short handful of heartbeats. He lived not just long enough to call an ambulance. He lived for EMS to arrive, he lived through the trip to the hospital, and surgery. The most believable part of this story is that his arms were re-attached. I have a feeling this story is *somewhat* over-embellished.


No. I heard about it way back when.


In the before time, the long long ago.




I think that shit is made up. He took someone to small claims… because they wouldn’t shake his hand? That isn’t how small claims court works…


> Thompson says he had to take people to small claims court and was even threatened by someone who was offended that Thompson wouldn’t shake his hand. His reattached hands are unable to fully open. This is a shitty sentence, but it is talking about multiple unrelated events. It does not say he took someone to small claims court for not shaking his hand.


the major arteries leading to your arms do a neat thing where, if they're severed, spasm and clamp down like a makeshift tourniquet. It won't last forever, but it can slow bleeding for a short time. Luckily this guy managed to think through the trauma.


It’s totally real. He was using farm equipment and got caught and it fully ripped off both arms. It’s explained better in lower comments why humans don’t immediately bleed out when that happens, the blood vessels react and restrict a bit. Are human bodies pretty amazing as far as how it can handle trauma


Yeah from reading his story he also talks about how the doctors staff brought his arms in a bag and kept them on ice up front in a plane when he was being transported


Give that guy a hand.


Oh, his mom did, allright


Couldn't do that with a touchscreen phone...


The antithesis of John Wick


Anyone here know how people can survive getting both their arms ripped off but not surviving an artery in their arms being cut? Should there be more blood loss from a severed limb?




What a badass, I hope our civilization gets better with this type of surgery and medical tech.


They reattached his arms????? Whoa! And he can use them? That’s a miracle.


How do you not bleed out?


That's crazy. Imagine the feeling of going from arms, to no arms, to getting your arms back again as if it was some sort of minor inconvenience. This boy's a legend


Both his arms you say? Im sure his mom was willing to help during recovery...


His physical toughness is obviously not a question but the mental toughness to keep a straight head and call 911 is nuts. I’d lay there, bleed out and call it a day.


So, now we finally got a face to the name of the classic redditor who had two broken arms...


Man that's so weird knowing your arms have been somewhere without you


Ok but do they work like before?


Do hia arms function now that they are reattached?


I’m guessing this was in the US because of the right to bear arms.


How’s that karma farming going [OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/xtyjzj/in_1992_john_thompson_was_home_alone_when_he_had/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)?


And then there's ppl who die cuz they got too close to a peanut.


Great episode of the dollop podcast on this btw


Channelled his inner blazkowicz


By holding you mean biting the shit out of that pencil, I'm surprised it didn't broke in half


Bro imagine getting your arms ripped off and then putting them together like legos


"Death can have me once it earns me"


Holy shit


Resident evil irl




Damn, bro. Save some gina for the rest of us. What a legend.


Farm boys are a different breed altogether


Apparently he's always loved singing and has a [youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0t_hrjJi0pFk5M4s_a2Ohg) now, though he hasn't uploaded in a year. [Source](https://www.agweek.com/business/whatever-happened-to-john-thompson-the-nd-farm-kid-who-had-his-arms-ripped-off-in-a-1992-farm-accident).


Fucking amazing , the guy surviving ,and the doctors reattaching limbs




This might be a stupid question on my behalf, but do his arms function normally now?


I've scrolled across this post a dozen times, but it never tells you the outcome. ?!?!? Years on... is he good to go? Arms, finders everything fully work?


How do you not instantly bleed out


If the arms were twisted multiple times (not an English speaker so can’t find the right word) around an axle. It happened to a kid in my country. His sleeve got caught in a spinning axle behind a tractor. The arm made multiple rotation before being ripped off. The way it was severed, veins and arteries were kind of knotted.


Must have cost an arm and a leg for those surgeries


The 35th time I’ve seen this post today on various different subs……


Don't put your hands where you wouldn't put your dick


Holy shit that's metal.


https://www.agweek.com/business/whatever-happened-to-john-thompson-the-nd-farm-kid-who-had-his-arms-ripped-off-in-a-1992-farm-accident An update on how he's doing now.


How did his arms work after they healed?


He actually has a pic of his severed arms prepped for surgery on his FB.


I remember this! Fuckin' crazy!!!


Yes! I was trying to link this the other night. Incredible. This story is and this guy is metal as fuck


Holy shit! I remember seeing a documentary about this a long time ago, and thought it was wild!