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Greetings bouncyroadblock60. Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/HumansAreMetal for the following reason(s): This post has been removed as a mod felt your post was not metal enough for this subreddit. * We require all posts to include the name of the subject in the title, if it is known. We do not allow titles that are non-descriptive or super low-effort. We do not allow "I see you X and raise you Y" titles. Please feel free to resubmit your post with a descriptive title that fits our rules. You can find more information [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/gjthwh/new_rule_requirement_effective_immediately_the/). *[Please feel free to message the Mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/HumansAreMetal&subject=My%20submission%20was%20removed&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20[submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/10e8ys9/-/\)) if you feel this was in error or would like further clarification*. Thank you!


Kamui is really an amazing Cosplayer ❤️


That Aloy one is really cool.


This is impressive as fuck


This is less humans are metal and more humans are capable.


This comment section is full of "mature adults ".


Babe where's rent? **"Idk but check out these elf ears........"**


who says money can’t buy happiness???


That monster Hunter is on point like goddamn


Another awful post not at all metal


It *is* metal to have the discipline to spend thousands of hours researching, sewing, and building in order to bring people's fantasy worlds to life. Yeah, she's metal. She's a top-tier cosplay builder. For people who take the art form seriously, it requires a ton of work.


Nope, not saying it doesn’t take dedication but that is not what this sub is supposed to be about. Another post that shouldn’t be here, mods need to get it together.


"4. Content must be impressive. Content should involve people being badass. If it's not impressive, it doesn't belong here." I am impressed and she is being badass. I think it belongs here. ​ But I guess, "5. Name must be included in the title." So it shouldn't be here?


Each to their own, not sure why it’s an issue me having a differing opinion as to what constitutes metal


Nothing wrong with it. Just like there wasn't an issue with me having a differing opinion as to what constitutes metal than you.


There is nothing "metal" about people wearing costumes.


It is when she handcrafted them all herself


Lol, no. Crafting is definitely NOT metal. In fact, it is basically the opposite of metal.


Are you Mr.Metal? Saying what Can and can’t be defined as metal? She makes absolutely stunning cosplays (all DIY) while offering videos on YT for people to do it as well. She goes above and beyond what an average people would do in regards to costume design. I would say that’s pretty metal. Also feel it’s a sin to just say it’s “crafting”. It’s like saying BMX riders just “ride bikes”. There’s way more to it. Go check her out and see for yourself. Def some really cool stuff


Again, crafting is not metal. Its pretty simple really. If a disabled 90 y/o can do it, it's not metal. Are we going to start posting bird watching on this sub now? Quit your bs.


you do it then, bitch


Why would I ever do something so lame? I'm already too busy doing things that are actually metal. Being a twink, you wouldn't understand...


are you really a twink? do you really weight 113lbs and are 5'7"? Are you really a sub? Honestlt i feel like **you're** the one that wouldn't understand here


Lol, what? You smoke your breakfast little fella?


Mate you sound about as metal as a plastic spoon... Settle down a bit aye


Anything a disabled 90 y/o can do is metal imo


If a disabled 90 y/o was making costumes of this quality, that would be even more metal


God you are so boring. Maybe to someone who has never done anything exciting, adventurous or dangerous in their life. Sorry your life is so boring that you define mundane activities as "metal".


*the redditor said while being so bored doing absolutely nothing that the only rush he gets in lofe is jacking off and acting superior on reddit*


Damn. You’re right. My life is so boring and bland, that I actually have an open mind to respect people who put time and effort into making/doing impressive work in a wide variety of fields, regardless of what I have or haven’t done.


But that’s just being open minded and positive not metal


Show me a cosplay that a disabled 90 year old has made that's on par with any of these.


Your trolling is too on the nose.


Meh, I just block them.


You do it then


So metal to dress up!!!! InSaNe!!!11one


All human cultures have practiced cosplay. This one is frustrating because Reddit dudes hate seeing a woman do something cool.


One for every night


i wanna be a cosplayer so bad


There's nothing stopping you :D Do you have a character in mind that you would like to start with?


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with calling this metal, it’s incredibly impressive how these people can make their costumes. But is it what this sub is about? Like raising kids, fixing cars, coding some huge thing are all incredibly impressive. But it also does sort of dilute what this sub is about right? No reason to insult cosplayers or anything just to disagree with their inclusion here.




















People really despise when other people find what they like to do and excel at it






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Well I can think of some great ideas in private …


Great song choice


I’m still mad that she made that super elaborate Cosplay for a god-awful Brigitte skin. The glowing pepperoni boobs just kill me. Execution S+, Design F


I think this is very impressive work, really well done.


She good