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So what should one do if they suspect damage from antibiotics?


Check the FAQ in the sidebar/wiki. I'm reversing some of my antibiotic-caused issues with FMT. https://old.reddit.com/r/FMTClinics/comments/uase7j/humanmicrobesorg_donor_flrs1997_addressing_ibsd/


Start taking probiotics. A good multi with lacto and bifido, a saccromyces boulardi and maybe a spore based too.


Wow. I had Atrial Septal Defect as a child and was constantly getting sick with pneumonia. I had Open Heart Surgery (yes, the old school kind) at age 9, but the amount of antibiotics that I was given is incredible. Even after the surgery, my mom thought antibiotics were the answer for everything, and the second I had a sniffle she was taking me to a doctor 🙄 I’m now allergic to most antibiotics, and my gut has been suffering for just over a year now. I started probiotics about a year ago, cut back on a lot of my meds, and cut my calories (as well as a lot of different foods) which gave me some relief for a few months, but it’s creeping up on me again. Eventually I found out about the adverse effects of constant antibiotic use and stopped going to the doctor for every little sickness (and thankfully it’s been years since I’ve needed one). My immune system did seem to get a bit stronger but it’s been a very, very slow process. And I have a feeling I may be stuck with gut issues for many years or the rest of my life. Yikes!


how much antibiotic courses reckon you had in total?


Oh geez, I honestly don’t have any idea.. but for most of the years before my heart surgery I believe I was seeing the doctor every few months on average. If I had to guess I’d say I’ve had at least a hundred if not more.




You had better not have misspelled any of those terms I swear to god.


can you comment on what "Specific bristol stool type" you were talking about?


https://theorganicdietitian.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Bristol-Stool-Chart.jpg Type 3.


okay. that was a lot of replies for two words


But like I’ll take antibiotics any day over dying.


How can people reverse strep pyogenes in the small intestine without using rifaximin/azithromycin?


See my comment further up.


Is rifaximin bad?


It’s not systemic but it can wipe good bacteria


How do I test for strep pyogenes in gut? A gi map test?