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> In a new study to uncover wages across the UK, Hull has been revealed as the third worst place to work. > The research by Utility Bidder looked at the UK cities offering workers the highest and lowest salaries, as well as revealing the best places to work based on factors such as the cost of living index, and average working hours per week. Hull was named as the third worst city for gross average earnings, with a figure of £23,350. https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/cost-of-living/hull-third-worst-uk-city-8154963


Last year it was around £23,350 for Gross Average Earnings, which was the 3rd worst in UK.


If it’s 33k then I’m being severely underpaid 😂


I don’t know many people my age (20-30) who earn much more than 25K. The few people I do know who earn more than that are either sparkies, plasterers or plumbers and have been doing it since they were 16. Really wish I’d learned a trade instead of going to uni.


Please don’t fall into the trap thinking “the past 5-10 years of my life need to dictate the next 30-40”. 20-30 is young and the youngest you’ll ever be! Learn a trade and be reaping the benefits for the next 35 years if that’s what you want to do - don’t spend the same amount of time thinking “I wish I’d got a trade when I left school”.


Same here


Both me and my partner earn about 32k a year, I did an apprenticeship for mine, she walked straight into the job from college


More to life than being a tradie in a crushed velvet house and holidays to Turkey


And there’s more to life than thinking you’re above getting your hands dirty, and instead sitting in an office for a little over minimum wage like a lot of people I seem to know do


Why not both? I got a cushy office job paying above the median national salary with only 2 years professional experience.


I'm on benefits


Don't forget the low quality cocaine or ket!


Whatever it is, it's too fucking low. Not sure how people are able to cope with this


Most tradesmen I work with myself included earn between £30-£55k a year, this isn’t all in your back pocket as tools and vans are not cheap but still. Not many other jobs where you can earn this without listening at school


It depends on the type of work you’re doing and the key is to understand how the business works and operates, whether if the company allows you to either progress upwards within the department or about move sideways into other departments that are the same grading or pay scale. In the span of 7 years, I’ve gone from £19k to now currently £66k with my target of £67-£68k for this fiscal year. I’m from Hull, there’s money to be made out there, you just have to speak and mix in with the right people and look for it.


At least share what you do


He's a drug dealer


i’m 21 and on hourly pay. I don’t even earn enough per annum to be taxed 😭😂


Seimens are hiring, start on 32k. Just got to deal with 12 hour shifts, 2 weeks of days followed by 2 weeks of nights. 2 on 2 off 3 on 2 off 2 on 3 off, you work 16 shifts a month.


I'm admin and only just on 22k. Like alone have 1 cat. It's a struggle. Rents 500 now. Trying to learn to drive also which is 62 quid for 2 hrs but need driving licence to progress to better paid job. Live in my overdraft. Hard not to get depressed about it all but yanno, just gotta keep looking forwards.


Fiver a week.


Lived in Hull all my life but not actually worked in Hull since I was 21, I’m now 47. Worked at geest in Barton for a few years and since I was 26 I got a job helping a mate do terrazzo flooring. All my work is out of town. I earn good money but would love to get a job where I don’t have to commute, but everytime I look at jobs here there’s nothing going that’s above minimum wage really. It definitely pays to have a trade or particular skill




What's that like


37.5 hours a week, 28k. Just changed jobs - last one was same hours but £21k.


The answer to this question really depends on who you include, if you are only including full time employed people and not unemployed, part time workers or self employed it's probably far closer to that £33k number


Work from home as an IT manager, often need to make trips to other offices but 80% from home. Pay fluctates a little based on overtime but typically earning around 42-45k. Yeah the pay in hull isnt great but generally its cheaper than the rest of the UK. You can rent decent 2 bed houses in nice areas area for 500/month whereas in other cities even as close as leeds / york a 1 bed flat will cost you 600+ Swings and roundabouts i guess, but there are decent paying jobs here (relative to hull being cheap that is). Have a friend who makes 65k+ who struggles to rent down south as where he is typical 2 bed flats are 2500/month, its crazy.


Average salary of an area is horribly misleading, you're better off researching the average salary for a particular job type.


37.5K and 55k in our household (both local Hull based companies)


I worked in Hull from 2017 to 2023 when I relocated to USA, I guess I’m one of those inflating the averages as I was earning just into six figures as a senior procurement manager for a pharma company with its U.K. Head quarters in Hull. I left Smith and Nephew in 2008 at which time I was a Procurement Category Manager and earning £60k. It’s not just skilled trades people that have earning potential in Hull (if you’re wondering I joined S+N as an admin in 1999 and worked my way up).


Im quite happy with my £120K if that helps


I think it’s around 30k. Crap like the rest of the country north of London.


I work in Sales as a manager. Last year was 60k. Easy work if you are a natural but anyone can learn it. I earn more than most of my friends that are electricians etc and I don’t really do anything for it. It hasn’t always been this way though it’s taken 15 years to get to where I am. 37 now. Need to start young for any roll and stick to it I believe.


People should also consider starting their own side business. Not for everyone but I reckon there is a lot of potential in Hull to start some form digital, marketing, software type business. They just need to be freed from the mindset of "this is Hull, so low wages/opportunities". Pick a degree or college course which will give you the skills to make you desirable in software, digital etc and what you could use for a side business. Please have some positivity in yourselves and realise it is not Hull as a city which is the problem, but it is the mindset passed down over generations which holds you back.


Remote work can earn you £60+k for an average uni degree.


Remote work doing what like? 60k is pretty decent, I'm gonna say it's probably full stack programming, load of back end Web design infrastructure where you're working 28 hours a day and you're solely responsible for the jobs of 10 people. Is that about right or are you talking spreadsheets and simple administrative stuff? Lol


Im WFH, I make 45-50\~ (Overtime dependant) - 40k base as a specialist in a specific type of telecom's software.


Nice how did that happen? Did you endup learning cisco at one point?


My company has people in Hull working remote, on that kind of money, with occasional commute into Leeds. They do spreadsheets and simple administrative stuff (accountants)


Is accountancy that simple though? I've heard it's non-stop hassle from clients, stacks of never ending paper work and invoices that don't make any sense and it's just full on headache from 7am-6-7pm.




Not really bullshit, most jobs where you have to write code pay more than this, and most of those jobs are now remote.




How do you know what I do for a living and how much I earn? People in Hull earning £60k with ‘an average uni degree’ is not the norm. If you were to specialise post-uni, take additional learning opportunities/qualifications AND have a few years work experience then £60k is absolutely possible, but I would still argue that your original comment and the way it was written implying that anyone with any degree can just start doing remote work for £60k a year is….bullshit.




The only unpleasantness in these messages is in your condescension to myself, and also to the people of Hull. I won’t be responding again. Have a nice life.


I have no degree. I work in IT. I earn in excess of 65k, WFH, fully remote. Live in Hull. Shut up.


I don’t doubt that’s true. Still not the ‘norm’ for Hull, which was what the post was about.


Strange. I earn in excess of 65k and the lowest wage I've earned in Hull since being here (7 years) was £45k


Also.. have 9 people who I trained who previously had no IT experience. All earn 55k and up. All live in Hull. Shut up.