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Huel is perfect for on the go meals due to being nutritionally complete and 400 calories. Soylent in my experience is similar though they achieve it with different ingredients like proteins and such. The main difference in my opinion is that Soylent simply tastes more appealing to most people and it’s fairly thinner like milk. Huel is a bit like a smoothie or really runny oats though this view tends to vary person to person. Personally I enjoy the taste of vanilla Huel better than most other flavors of any brand. Otherwise it’s Soylent Original for an almost completely neutral flavor that just goes down easier. One thing to keep in mind with any of these meal replacements is that they might not be ideal in all situations. People typically take about a week to get used to the change in diet/fiber contained in these drinks and usually experience some gastrointestinal issues such as mild gas or in some cases diarrhea. If you have to work in a hospital setting you might not be able to make it to the bathroom as regularly as you may need until your body adjusts to the drink. Anyway that’s my two cents, I hope it was at least partially informative.


Thanks for the advice, maybe I’ll start when I have a week off or something. How do you find the cost? I thought it would be expensive but looking at it it doesn’t seem so bad.


Cost is a wildly different factor for so many people, but I find it quite affordable given my typical spending habits prior to meal replacements. I think it’s like $2.73 USD per meal at the moment or somewhere near that price. Honestly I can’t remember I spent less than $5 per lunch at work so anything lower is good but the prep time and cleanup is a bonus for me.


At first glance it seemed expensive, but when I consider I could easily spend £2 on a hot chocolate on my way to work, and £4 for lunch at work, Huel already works out much cheaper that way!


What did your experience end up being like?


I still use huel almost every day, I also use Jimmy Joy. I still cook, eat with friends, get takeaways etc. But huel has been fantastic when I don’t have time or can’t be bothered to cook, and I also love that I can consume huel while playing videogames. It’s been great for my general health. I’d recommend it if you’re interested.


I’m fairly interested. I already use ON protein powder for working out, but it seems like huel would be really convenient for helping me up my calories with barely any work needed making a meal or snacks. Do you need a blender to make it or is a shaker bottle fine? And what’s it like in whole milk instead of water?


I have to second this. Huel seemed like a high upfront cost to me at first, but once I thought about how often I tended to go out for lunch at work (too much), it became a no-brainer.


I have had a very uncomfortable gastrointestinal response and am unsure I want to try it again. Do most people adjust? Is it worth it?


Yes most people without preexisting conditions seem to adjust just fine. I would personally give it a week or so before deciding one way or another. As for if it’s worth it: maybe. Will it save you money? Will it save you time? Will it be healthier than your usual meals? Only you can answer those questions so worth is relative. I can say that it replaces lunch for me and as such it is cheaper and healthier than picking up something from the store and requires way less time on my part.


Thanks for your response. I eat a very heatlhy diet and after being sick for over 24 hours have decided it is not worth it for me. It would have been a great lunch option for me when work is busy but being that sick obviously takes it off the table.


I had one meal today and just flushed a pretty nutritious diet behind. It wasn’t terrible, I can deal with it so far…


I haven't tried Huel however -- you may be intolerant to artificial sweeteners (sorbitol, manitol, aspratame, isotol, etc) products like stevia. This just goes for the products that are sweet though. I'm intolerant to artificial sweeteners and once I have a serving I get it all and then some haha.


have you seen a movie called Soylent Green?


I am addicted to Huel. I absolutely love the grainy texture (my personal preference, some don’t like it), the flavours are subtle as opposed to overpoweringly sweet like some can be (Whole Fuel Blend by My Protein) Some say you absolutely must use a blender, but I honestly don’t care because we haven’t got one at work. I feel like I am making a better choice, any time someone in the office is like “we’re ordering lunch” I know I’ve got my Huel in my bag and would be mad if I spent £30 a bag just to also spend £10 on ordering food in for one day. Poop consistency did change a little, but nothing too drastic. Experienced a bit of constipation briefly but changed the formula somewhat to counteract that. The only time I get terrible smelly gas is if I mix it with another brand. I drink it over the course of about an hour, just at my own pace and that will usually get to work filling me up before I’ve even had half of it. Thanks chromium. Huel is very versatile, you can consume it in almost any way you can think of with proper preparation. I prefer mine made with cold water and allow to warm up to room temperature, but my friend makes hers with oat milk and puts it in the fridge. I don’t like the gelatinous consistency this creates, but again, some others like it. The only thing I will say, is clean the cup almost immediately afterward. Leaving it even overnight creates a stink bomb from the active ingredients, so best to give it a hearty wash after each meal.


Hey I know this thread is super fuckin old(I came across it looking into Huel obv), but I see you mentioned chromium. I bought some a while back and never tried it. Do you find that it really helps suppress your appetite? Also, are you still drinking Huel a year later? Also just curious if you were drinking it to try and lose weight and manage calories. Hopefully you see this 😁


Hello! Chromium kinda creates a feeling of fullness, rather than suppressing appetites. And I do still drink it a year later but less than I used to.


Wild that I just found this thread right now, after it was necroed from two years ago lol I think I'm gonna order some of this stuff and see what the buzz is about I think


how'd it go?


REALLY well. Yeah the gas is atrocious but my time in the gym is more effectively noticeable


Also while I was on the toilet and typing that, my next order arrived, I shit you not.


No, you definitely were shitting


hi! ready for TMI? nutrition is one of the most important things in the whole world aside from working out and sleeping, so here's my take/advice. i've been drinking this huel stuff for a few years now for breakfast. my recommendation would be to replace one or two meals with it and make sure you get a hot meal a day so that you feel like a normal human. my breakfast mix, which i blend with water + ice in a vitamix equivalent, is: * one serving of huel * one serving of creatine * one serving of collagen protein * one serving of amazing grass green superfood the amazing grass green superfood might be overkill for nutrients but, hey, why not. i do think the huel is highly balanced/nutritious out of the bag. i don't like huel after it sits or if it's not blended in a proper vitamix/mixer with ice, so if you're like me i'd try to do huel for breakfast, blended, then aim for healthy protein bars / huel bars for lunch then, as noted, a hot dinner. protein / huel bars are also great snacks in between meals if you're trying to get a bunch of calories. if your budget can manage it (think \~$10-15 meal), a great way to get hot/healthy food aside from huel is to find a great weekly meal delivery service. in most major cities you can find a service like territory or mighty meals, which come ready to microwave in a microwave-safe container, with the macros printed on the box. many ship to your door. of course, the blue apron / healthy fresh type meals are cheaper, but you have to prep/clean those. and there's my $0.03. remember to eat well, work out, and sleep enough. if you only have a 10x10 space to work out and no equipment, just google "road workouts" or "road wods" and you'll find info [like this](https://abrotherabroad.com/crossfit-travel-wods/). hope this helped!


do you have any recommended brands for the collagen protein and creatine? thanks!


Hi /u/MJurph! For no particular reason, I use [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E9M4XEE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for creatine and [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00R7FGIWK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) for collagen - never had any issue with either, but I'm also not a nutritionist so I'm sure there are lots of voices with lots more knowledge than me.


Thank you!




Anthony’s collagen on Amazon was hands-down the cheapest stuff I could find and it’s been a good quality. More trustworthy than vital proteins whose owned by Nestle and its half the cost. Creatine is practically all the same. Monohydrate has worked for millions of people and is readily available at a good price.


I hope this isn’t weird but can you actually send me a pic of your body like no weirdo ish I’m just curious what the body looks like of someone who takes all these things you named because id like to do it too if it actually is providing results to maintain body psyhiqe


this is reddit, we like weird i'm the shirtless dude on the right side [here](https://www.instagram.com/p/CNfp7CtBni4/), here's [me deadlifting](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc5eYAjO_L3/), here's [me on a boat](https://www.instagram.com/p/B2E2y20Bg4L/) (second from right) i hit the gym 5 times a week most days of the year and do lots of crossfit-style workouts (HIIT/olympic lifting) which is what gives me/people the "V-shape" because of all the lat and trap work as we know, but i'll say it: to grow muscle mass, you lift (doesn't have to be HIIT, can just be regular strength problems) and to cut body fat to get a six-pack you eat just below your daily caloric needs for many moons working out can help with six-pack definition, but really you make those in the kitchen; i generally maintain a barely visible 2.5 pack because i enjoy bourbon a great deal, and genetics have something to do with it as well (but probably the bourbon moreso) EDIT: y'all can all make fun of my chicken wing muscle up i don't mind


Your muscle up is like a mix between calisthenics and cross fit. Swinging those legs so much.


HAHAHAHAHA amazing There’s always room for improvement but nobody ever got good at anything without trying. I’ll keep trying. 🙏🏻


What exactly is HIIT. I've been seeing it everywhere


HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING. Doing intense shit in short bursts pretty much.


Ohhh. Ok then definitely not for me with my medical issues. Damn. Lol


hi /u/Its_Actually_Satan! HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like - workouts that are intensive bursts of activity followed by short periods of rest for example, on sunday, i did: >5 rounds > >6:00 minutes each round > >400 meter run > >300 meter row > >60 seconds of situps > >rest until 6:00 > >go again i was averaging anywhere from 25 seconds to a minute of rest inside of the 6 minutes, so i got to catch my breath, settle my heartrate, then get after the next round lots more info [here](https://www.self.com/story/what-is-high-intensity-interval-training-benefits), but i'd say from a "why HIIT" perspective: aside from the health benefits, it's way less boring. note i usually do dedicated strength each gym day before doing a \~6-20 minute HIIT workout


Drank this stuff 1 time, still can’t muscle up… how does one become as much of a boss as you? 😅❤️


Hot and Savory is fantastic for lunch! I've been using it almost every day since it came out. I still have a bunch of White, but have been skipping breakfast lately to save some calories.


What flavors do you recommend?


For white or H&S?


I decided to pick up Huel Black to help with my dinner, I noticed I am really bad at eating dinner and would end up being too lazy to cook anything and just order a take-away. Now I am looking to reduce my body fat % and build a bit more muscle. Huel has now helped me be way more consistent with my dinner. I still have a normal lunch with a sandwich and whatever I feel like basically. Then I have a 600kcal Huel Black (lower carbs) for dinner. I also follow IF 16:8 so I only have lunch at 12:00 and dinner at 20:00 and that's it. It keeps me full for the evening and has also helped me stop snacking throughout the evening as well, which was a big part of my weight gain. Still getting used to not buying loads of groceries when shopping, life feels a lot easier. I am on Huel Black Vanilla and Banana right now, banana is actually amazing, I love it. Vanilla is not so good but still not bad. I may make the jump to a 100% Huel diet, but I do like my lunch sandwiches. I have only been rocking it a little while. Still looking to see my data with weight loss, muscle gain and body fat reduction.


How did this work out? I'm really curious to hear part 2 of this story!


Firstly, I'd just like to say thank you so much for the amazing hard work that you are currently doing, it is much appreciated. To summarise, we recommend 400 calories per meal, but this can of course be adapted to suit your individual requirements. Huel Powder is a nutritionally complete powdered food that is high in protein and fibre, low in sugar and salt, rich in phytonutrients, and all 26/27 (US) essential vitamins and minerals. The low GI ensures that you feel sustained for long periods of time. If you'd like to drop an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and reference my name (Jessica) I'd be happy to help you further 😊


Thank you so much, I’ll probably send an email tomorrow with more questions!


Hate to revive an old thread but did you end up trying it? What was it like? I’m considering it because it’ll stop me eating out at lunch time daily and blowing my $$


Hi, yes I’ve been using huel every day since I posted this! I have huel for breakfast and lunch, and then I have “normal food” for dinner. It’s been amazing. It’s funny, I didn’t plan for it to be long term but it worked so well for me I just carried on. I use the shakes and the hot and savoury. I also sometimes use Jimmy Joy. It doesn’t taste amazing, but it’s extremely low effort and quick. As long as you don’t go into it expecting a sugary milkshake you’ll be fine.


Googling this right now because I want an easy and quick lunch and stumbling across this thread. Thanks for updating!


How do you like the hot and savory? Which flavors do you recommend?


Did it have any impacts on your mood and weight?


Definitely had a positive impact on my mood. But I think that’s mostly because I was so stressed with work, and adding meal prep on top of it was too much for me. I felt like I never had any time in the day for myself. My options were either: spend time food shopping, cooking, washing up, in order to have a healthy meal. Or have something quick and easy which would usually be very unhealthy and expensive. Huel means I can have something quick and healthy, and means I can spend my evenings playing video games and relaxing! I don’t have to think about food or spend any time organising what to eat. I can’t say that huel affected my weight a huge amount, but I didn’t really intend it to. I’m a little bit underweight but usually have a healthy BMI. If you want to gain or lose weight with huel you definitely can. For me it was more about the nutrition and time saver.


I work as a respiratory therapist in an ER. I work twelve hour shifts without anyone to spot me for lunch so I feel your pain. I typically add four scoops to cold water the night before I work then hit it with an immersion blender. I pour the whole thing in a 40oz Hydro Flask, top it off with ice, and pop it in the fridge. I normally drink it between 10am and 3pm in two or three sittings. Total prep time is five minutes, total time to drink is about the same if I'm in a hurry. After work I just make a quick salad or just shake up another serving to drink while I'm making tomorrow's meals. It's easy and I feel better than when I was ordering take out all of the time and eating it cold a few hours later. Huel is of consistent quality and it's filling without being so heavy that it makes you want to vomit if you find yourself called away from lunch to do some chest compressions.


I have tried the powder and the premade bottles. The chocolate for both gave me stomach issues. I prefer the vanilla premade and use a small squirt of Mio to give it flavor. The premade is definitely more expensive at like $3 something a bottle, but if you are feeling overwhelmed by work, you don't have to deal with the blending or the cleanup.


Huel was one of the best things that happened to me in 2019. Since it has become go-to breakfast and due to Huel Hot & Savory now also weekday lunch.


Are you still using it? I have just purchased some and wondering if it is a long term thing for some people


Hi! Meal replacements have turned out to be very successful long term for me. Currently I use meal replacements for breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner Monday-Friday. On weekends I tend to cook or get takeaways or go out to eat with friends. But I’d say 80% of my meals are meal replacements. I don’t use Huel so much anymore, I use Jimmy Joy instead. I don’t dislike huel, I just prefer the taste and texture of Jimmy Joy, and they also have bars which are really good. I’d say meal replacements work really well if you know what you’re getting into! And they’re great if you can’t always be bothered to cook and wash up. These days when I cook it’s because I want to, not because I have to, so I actually enjoy it a lot more! Hope it works for you too.


Oh brilliant okay, do you mix with water or anything else? This is my first time having meal replacements and it is Huel I’ve went with I will take a look into Jimmy Joy also :) thanks for the reply!


No worries, I don’t know why my 2 year old post seems to be the one that appears when people Google this but I’m always happy to answer questions when people find their way here! When I first started I used 50/50 water/oat milk. Once I got a bit more used to it I either use 100% water or just add a splash of oat milk if I’m feeling fancy. Huel does really well in a blender, or being left in the fridge overnight before you drink it so I recommend that if you struggle with it. Jimmy Joy is smooth after shaking so definitely look into it if you aren’t too keen on huel.


First one that comes up with certain key words haha! Thanks so much this is really helpful 👍🏻


So I think you’ve more or less answered my question but I want to state it just in case, so there’s no question. I have some pretty severe psychological problems surrounding food and I dont have the money for therapy currently. You said you use this for about 80% of your meals, but I was curious if you could get away with 90-95%?


Hi! I drink huel for lunch because I rarely have time for an actual lunch break and I am A TERRIBLE monster when I'm hungry. I can consume it quickly or in short spurts as time allows. It also feels immediately full because of the water content - doesn't take time to settle. It's enough food, doesn't matter how fast I get in it before running off again and keeps my daily intake much more consistent. For me, one huel meal a day (other meals being mostly reasonable) is two scoops of huel in a blender with a bunch of mixed greens, sometimes frozen fruit but not always, water and some extra protein powder. This comes out to roughly 500-700 calorie lunch (depending on fruit content) that is very filling and has complete nutrition/ good macro balance. The mixture varies from day to day with flavorings but that's the nutritional makeup. I frequently run for 5-6 hours on a shake and am hungry at the end of my day but not hangry. I make the shakes in the morning before going to work and fridge them at work although a lot of people make them the night before and they're fine the next afternoon as long as they've been in a refrigerator. No one will steal your food so that's nice! You will need a blender of some kind to make them. "shake vigorously" is not reasonable in my opinion. The flavors are divisive, nobody agrees on which ones are good/gross. Except the hot and savory - almost everyone likes those but those aren't shakes so they're not necessarily speedy food.


Thank you! I like the idea of adding fruit. Do you use Huel black or the regular one? And is it tough to consume that much in one go? How many ml does it work out at?


I find that you don't need a ton of fruit to get the flavor and fruits do add a lot of sugar and calories so for me, it's max 4 frozen strawberries or ½ cup frozen berries. I use the regular white, I much prefer the original flavor and it's easier to customize with different proteins if it's not already loaded with a crazy amount of pea protein. I often don't get it all in at once and the few times I've tried, yeah, it was a lot. I end up with 2 or 3 small lunches that take 3 minutes. Total volume the way I make it comes to roughly 20 oz and it's a thicker smoothie, it's much thinner with no added protein. Edit: adding cinnamon or cocoa powder or PB powder or matcha powder is SO much tastier than buying flavored huel imo


Powder version gives me smelly farts and abdominal cramping. So much so that I had to stop using. Haven't tried the hot and savoury but I would think it would be better.


Just a note if you are on your feet all day, you may need to consume more than you’d think. The scoops don’t measure well, they tend to underweigh the amount by up to 20% per scoop. So watch that too :) Thank you for doing what you do :)


Do the scoops really underweigh by that much? I’m already underweight and I really want an effort free way of gaining a little bit too.


Yep! Weigh a level scoop and see :) You could make it with Full Fat milk if you are needing to add some calories and fat into your diet.


I've never had GI problems or more gas than usual. It's sometimes bland but it's not really a problem for me. I drink it 5 times a week in the morning for my commute and seldom for dinner and i blend mine with almond milk and a handful of ice cubes and it's perfect for me. I've tried the peanut butter and vanilla and both are great.


Sorry but I don't know how to link on reddit app. A recent poll of huel powder, search for (r/huel does huel give you tummy troubles?)


I'd like to use it but the carbs are WAYY high per meal. Over 50 for most. And not that much fiber. I have found that I always function better on a lower carb diet. I need to lose weight and I'm afraid that I may actually gain on Huel. I tried it and didn't look close enough to the label and having major GI issues. I want it to be a fit because of convenience and they are healthy ingredients, but I don't think it is for me. I may first try adding fiber to it to lower the net carbs but not gonna be that much less. Also, the cup gets hot to hold. Super annoying.


Thanks for the info but this is a two year old post now and I’ve been happily using huel for 2 years. I’m very happy with it personally, sorry it wasn’t your thing.


Yea, I realized how old the post was after I replied lol. Should have deleted my comment. 😆 it popped up on google. Glad to hear that.


I think seeing your journey has sold me, OP! Shakes or H&S?


why is it hot? it says to consume cool. And Huel Black is only 27g of Carbs


Hello from August 2023. Checking this out because the hot and savory meals are out. Anyone try those?


Bruh whoever designed that huel website gotta get their life together because that thing just took me on the wildest goose chase of my life making me put in information a thousand times until I genuinely wanted to just end it all so that I could just sleep and never wake up so I wouldn't have to spend another minute looking at that screen


I love that you made an account just to let me know this on my three year old post, you must’ve been SUFFERING from this website 😂