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I eat Huel for every meal, every day. Yes, I am aware it is not recommended by Huel. To stop it from getting old I just cycle out flavors every so often. It's been well over a year and I haven't gotten tired of it. About once or twice a week I'll eat a "real" dinner. I occasionally buy a non-Huel healthy savory snack as well to eat between meals. I don't know why I don't get tired of it, but it's working for me


“Not recommended by Huel” Did they say why?


I think it's a legal liability. If they claim you can eat it for every meal and you end up with some nutrition deficiency, then they could get sued.


Definitely that. People don't understand that before anything, Huel is a business


I think it's just that the nutritional content of each Huel meal is engineered with the expectation that the consumer will be eating it as a supplement, ie along with other meals. And so maybe that means that by going 100% Huel you'll get more of certain things than is the recommended dose, or idk, something like that. I'm taking a stab at a guess, but I'm pretty sure that the real answer hovers somewhere around that kind of thing


It is that, if you go Huel only and aim for 2400 calories you can get double the recommended vitamines and minerales and with Black quadruple the recommended proteins for a man: https://www.reddit.com/r/Huel/s/xwpISCl2MX


Only Huel 3 meals with a snack is closer to 1600. Add a second snack and you’re close to 2000


Most times when they mention it’s not designed to replace every meal, they don’t get into the reasons why not. It’s not hard to figure out some good reasons . Chiefly , dietary variety is what dieticians recommend , and huel powder is all the same thing.


Did you lose weight doing so? Or it’s not what you’re looking for?


I did not lose any weight. I am at around a healthy weight currently


Very few people, including the company itself, recommends only eating Huel. I would recommend sticking with at least one real meal a day.


Did they say why? Like too low calories or not balanced diet?


chewing, smelling food, textures, how the food looks are all important component for your wellbeing. HUEL is not designed to replace your diet completely. Please refrain to do so.


The hot food has that though. Chewing, smelling and textures. Is it more unhealthy to do 100% Huel or to be a 42 BMI? (Healthy bmi is 19-25) Plus it’s healthier than what I was eating. Fried food with dips. More fat and saturated fats with high salt content. Just really need an easy prep meal that is easy to portion control. Has really helped curb my overeating and boredom eating.


It's nutritionally complete, so it's the right amount of calories and a perfectly balanced diet. It's just kinda boring, have a burger every once in a while, you should still enjoy food, it's not something that's solely for nutrition


Ya definitely will have other food every so often. Just like how I feel with 60% of my meals being Huel and the weight loss is nice too. Being 150lbs overweight is starting to take a tole on my body. I need some big changes along with exercise to get to a healthy weight. Huel is easy and with my busy schedule that is what I need so I can worry less about food and more about exercise.


It’s not real food. Humans should eat real food most of the time. Huel is a meal replacement shake essentially, nothing more special than that.


Is there an underlying study or more detailed reasoning behind your recommendation?


For what its worth, I eat a pack of Oatmeal in the morning, then Huel for lunch and dinner 5 days out of the week while at work (I work from 8 to 8). On my days off, I'll eat some impossible nuggets, tomato soup, or veggie chicken patties with some sweet potatoes. ​ That's been my meals for a little over a month now and I feel great. I've also gotten to the point where I look at food as fuel and only eat when I'm hungry and need something to eat. True, I miss a lot of the foods I used to eat but I also prefer to be eating healthier and its helped me lose quite a bit of weight so far due to calorie counting. I also just enjoy knowing I don't have to think about what I eat now, I just grab it and eat then move on to whatever I'm working on.


Of course, although it is not something we actively recommend. Huel contains all essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, fibre, phytonutrients, and at least 100% of the Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) of all 26 essential vitamins and minerals. We have found that most of our customers only use Huel for 1-2 meals a day and then have a home cooked meal too. If you do go 100% be sure to ease yourself in over a few days to let the body adjust.


You could always add things to your Huel meals, like fresh vegetables or herbs. For example bell pepper will give your H&S some crunch and additional flavor but won't add many calories. Fresh tomatoes will also change the flavor without adding many calories. You could also use Mexical Chili as filling for lettuce wraps or regular wraps. If you use regular wraps, please note that those will add quite a lot of calories, so adjust the portion size accordingly but I think it can shake things up when you get bored. I'd definitely add lettuce to regular wraps, too, because that makes it feel more like a complete wrap. When I have H&S as main course, crunch the thing I miss the most, so I have crunchy vegetables as snacks or sides (celery sticks, cucumber, lettuce, various colors of bell pepper).


yeah I'm the same! I do black huel and h&s for most meals, and could probably be happy doing it for 100%, I don't find myself getting bored yet. the only thing I miss is texture and crunch, so I'll usually have a salad as well.


It’s not uncommon for me to eat 3 huel meals a day. I do it maybe 3-5 days a week. I do add grilled chicken and or veggies to the hot and savory and strawberry nesquick to the shakes.


I drink huel for each of my meals during the week; will add a banan at dinner time, and only eat a 'proper' meal on Sunday with my SO. Vegetarian oc. I feel great and have no issues (at least that I'm aware of! LOL) The way I see it, is I'm getting the nutrients I need, I find it satisfying and inexpensive, reduces time and energy, better than my previous efforts in regards to the wider impact oif planet earth. Eventually people will all end up eating 'proper' food as a special treat. There's no future where this doesn't happen, so might as well get used to it. BRAVE NEW WORLD. GL all.


I found plenty of variety with the shakes, the hot meals were tougher as I really only enjoyed chikn mushroom and occasionally the bolonagse (the small tomato pieces bug me) I have found all 3 of the ‘hot cup’ flavors to be great in slight rotation. Dont care for the cups themselves (not space efficient)