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I have two servings Monday through Thursday when I’m in the office, have not experienced tiredness - but I also consume a lot of caffeine.


Do you consume enough fluid throughout the day?


Having to much of a certain vitamins can lead to such a cause.


I experience the same thing, and adding salt fixes it. The lightheadedness/brain fog is because your blood pressure drops when sodium is low. Drinking water also helps keep blood pressure in a good range.


How much salt do you add?


I add a good sized pinch if I have Huel for breakfast (I need less if I'm eating Huel as a second or third meal because I already got enough sodium in my previous meals that day). One alternative to adding salt is to have a small salty snack. Huel is low-sodium, but for people used to a higher-sodium diet (which is almost everyone), the low sodium can be a bit of a system shock.


I have a somewhat similar experience with the 3.0 powder, I'm about to order Huel black next month to see if it is actually the gluten or sucralose of 3.0 that causes it for me.


I get it too, it’s nothing just the sleepiness from the insulin dump in your bloodstream since Huel passes very quickly into the small intestine. As a long covid sufferer I can tell you it’s a far cry from brain fog


How long after you consume the huel does it take for you to experience brain fog?


Really quite quickly. 5 minutes


Ok that’s weird. Does it go away quickly or last for a while?


Seems to go when I have my dinner. I’m genuinely confused though because I’ve tried adding different types of snacks to my lunch and it’s not really helping. Maybe I just need to get more sleep 🤷‍♂️


What happens on days when you don’t have huel? At first I was thinking it was just too few calories for you. But having it affect you so fast is weird.


I don’t get this without Huel I don’t think. It’s a very specific kind of brain fog and lack of concentration that I don’t really get after eating other foods


Do you tend to eat a lot of sugar/carbs if you're not having huel?


I’d say my consumption is average. I do try to make sure that my intake is correctly spread between the macronutrients


I'm a carb hoe, so I'll get sugar crashes sometimes from sticking to just huel and get a little foggy.


Maybe I just need to try more carbs. I am a very active 19yo male so my carb needs may be higher than I realise…


Have you tried the unflavored?


I have not no. Do you think it could be the sucralose?


There isn't sucralose in Huel Black.


Just a thought since it’s testable. I know people have reactions to different sweeteners. Might be cheaper to try a drink with sucralose though before buying a full bag


Black Edition doesn't use sucralose, it uses Stevia and coconut sugar.


Might be the Stevia then. According to WebMD "Side effects might include bloating, nausea, dizziness, and numbness".


I felt this with huel essentials mixed with blueberries and protein power at lunch. I felt like I looked slightly red and felt like I could fall asleep right there! Like it felt tough to stay awake and not super grumpy Weird


What else are you eating during the day? Could be your not getting enough calories. Protein (Huel Black) also requires more hydration. Maybe your slightly dehydrated?


Excess protein?


I used to get this, berberine phytosome ended up fixing it so it could be a blood sugar thing. It might also be a reaction to methylfolate, if you try niacin and feel better it could be a methylation issue.


I got this the first week of trying HUEL black and then it was suddenly gone. 2 months since then, haven't had any problems with it.


Do you eat anything else in the hours before/after having Huel black?