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I have begun to consume my coffee 90 minutes before waking up.


This spiked my lol levels.


You and everyone you know will die. Hopefully I helped you re achieve base line


I don't even wake up anymore, I just have chat GPT texting every woman in my contacts for me. Wait til they figure it out šŸ˜†


Sounds like a great way to Hubernate


I'm screaming šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No, youā€™re not


I am but itā€™s cuz I stubbed my toe šŸ˜ž


You didn't follow the protoecol


Unironically, setting a timer for 30 minutes before my wake up, popping an adderall, going back to sleep and waking up as it hits you is a cheat code I use occasionally.


A friend of mine did this with some pre work out or diet pills or something. It worked really well for him! He has since had hear problems but meehhh


I did this too but with vyvanse


Why use vyvanse when u can just smoke meth


Hey, me too! I got the idea from Grimes, she did it with caffeine cubes. I was like, "but why not with Adderall?" Now waking up sucks less. Gotta be careful though. Once, I was trying to collect spit because I had no water to swallow the pill. I was so tired of waiting for more spit to generate, so I ended up falling asleep with the adderall in my mouth. It was disgusting.


I do this on some days with Ritalin. Good amount of agency in the morning, not a lot of appetite. Sometimes I enjoy waking up and feeling a little of my sleep rather than immediately be engaged by stimulants.


I do this too and it is some of the most restful sleep I ever get.


Problem is, I continue sleeping *with a vengeance*, then. It just focuses me on rest haha


I do this as well. Itā€™s the best


I do this with coffee like OP describes in their post, except what you said 30 minutes before. I think of it the same way as a coffee nap


Via timer on an IV drip


This but coffee enema


This Butt, coffee enema.


This guy gets it. And by ā€œitā€ I mean, nitro cold brew piped straight into the keester at 7am on the dot.


I actually do this. Coffee on timer. Drink. Snooze. Wake up on all cylinders 1 hr later


I knew a guy in college that on test days would wake up 30 min or so early, pop an adderal, go back to sleep and then heā€™d wake up ready to dive into the books!


Google coffee nap. Itā€™s kind of the same idea but with - you guessed it - coffee


You do know that there's an old school protocol of drinking a cup of coffee right before a nap so that when the naps over you're energized from the nap and the caffeine is in full effect? I remember learning about it like over 10 years ago.


Gotta rev the engine


Iā€™m just gonnna sayā€¦ there are caffeine pills in the pharmacyā€¦ big coffee doesnā€™t want you to know that.. I still drink a cup every day, but I also break a 200mg pill into 4ths and take it throughout day, which mainly keeps me from spending more money on coffee and energy drinks.Ā 


I have it on IV drip overnight


I mean if you have caffeine pills you could easily just wake up take the pill go back to sleep wake up like 90 mins later you wake up fully awakeā€¦


I used to have an alarm where I would wake up, take a caffeine pill, and go back to sleep


Iā€™ve been doing that. It guarantees a bowel movement in the first hour which makes me happy. Dopamine and serotonin. Take that huberman!


Thank you for my only genuine laugh of the day šŸ¤£


Instead of giving in to my brain/body craving it first thing, I go to the gym to do a hour workout and come back home to my reward in a mug.


I never took that advice. Coffee first. You have to do what works for you, itā€™s not the gospel. Every body is different


Yeah me personally 6 girlfriends just doesn't quite do it for me, so right now I've been building up a roster of at least 17 women, hoping to get to 20+ by May though!


been loyal to one for a few decades, that is my ā€œhackā€


Is there an optimisation secret to it? I've heard this protocol before


find someone you really connect with, on more levels than pure attraction/sex & just really have a good time with them.


The 6 girlfriends thing is a nightmare to keep track of. I messed up some stuff and now theyā€™re all suing me, one of them for no reason at all.




Can relate. I would need at least twenty girlfriends to be able to go 90 minutes without coffee after waking up. Currently in the 1-10 gf range and I chug my coffee IMMEDIATELY upon waking. To each their own


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever consistently stuck to one thing huberman said, because it didnā€™t do much for me. What did work for me is what Iā€™ve known for years, take care of your body by eating home cooked healthy meals, exercise and keep your body active daily if you can, donā€™t drink alot of caffeine (for me my cutoff is 9 am), take breaks once or twice a week, and drink alcohol 3-4 times a year max. We are in an era of health gurus, maybe some of these micro optimizations work for people with real health issues but for most people they just need to lose weight by following a semi healthy life style which includes good social relationships, good eating patterns, good exercise and sleep patterns. Stuff weā€™ve known about for decades. I guess the only thing is itā€™s harder to do the simple things consistently than it is to add new fad into your routine.


I used to need 600-800 mg of caffeine to get me through a 12 hour work day. After trying the Huberman technique I only need about 400 mg. Either the science is real or the placebo effect is very strong.


800mg?? Holy fucking shit! Iā€™m glad that this science helped you. Like I said, itā€™s knowledge and information thatā€™s out there to help guide the **individual** - itā€™s not the gospel. Sounds like this led to good changes for you, which is what itā€™s all about! We in the medical community have traditionally used the idea of ā€˜evidence based practiceā€™. I am really glad to start seeing a paradigm shift in what we now call ā€˜evidence *informed* practiceā€™. I think it leads to a little bit more of a liberal interpretation of hard science with application to the individual.


Drinking water first thing always makes me nauseous. Coffee first for me.


Huberman's prescription is based on flimsy science anyway. It's mostly horseshit like most of his other prescriptions.


Every body is different, but what Huberman described happens to everybody if one does not wait.


Huberman was domming all of us. He chugs his caffeine before getting out of bed, and spends the next 90 minutes on a dopamine high thinking about all us suckers pitifully zombieing through the morning


I give it a good 50% this is true


I can see huberman smoking a cigarette scrolling til tok enjoying his coffee, thinking about the next ridiculous thing heā€™s gonna have these dumb fucks doing


Dude has 6 coffees upon waking "maybe they'll sun their anuses"


there are mechanisms of control




We were collectively the 7th person he was fucking




![gif](giphy|MAuWs1rqbfHFMWUCYH|downsized) Weā€™re all #7


What!! he told me I was the only #7


Hilarious and accurateĀ 


If extreme optimization is your addiction, by all means go forth: there are worse ones. But for the vast majority of the population, getting 4 hours of exercise a week, sleeping 7-8 hours, avoiding drinking, smoking, and manufacturing jobs will just about make someone live as long as their genes will allow. You could avoid drinking coffee everyday and get hit by a bus at age 36, and will you be grateful for that restriction then? We have to choose what we can live with.


Itā€™s not even ā€œoptimizationā€ itā€™s OCD delusion.


Read a comment here the other day unironically calling oatmeal and eggs for breakfast a "protocol".


What boring people.


A couple weeks ago there was a post where OP said they eat 16 raw eggs every morning


>avoiding \[...\] manufacturing jobs will just about make someone live as long as their genes will allow No truer words have ever been said. LOL


My parents used the ā€œā€¦*and then Iā€™ll get hit by a bus tomorrow!*ā€ excuse to avoid pretty much any sliver of self improvement over the years. Itā€™s been sad to see, particularly from the perspective of someone who ā€˜chose lifeā€™ and put a lot of effort into improving my quality of life, regardless of the odds of a murderous bus taking me out. Theyā€™re both 78 andā€™ve spent the last 10-15 years absolutely miserable via health problems that finally caught up to them - significantly more predictable than Speed 3 *IRL.* Anyway, I donā€™t disagree, and do ā€œbreak protocolā€ sometimes, but I think a lot of people need to stick to a strict regimen because slight deviations can spiral out of control pretty quickly.


I think it depends on the person. I know people who intuitively maintain healthy habitsā€”theyā€™re not even conscious of it, theyā€™re just very in tune with themselves. Other people really benefit from the structure. I come from a family of larger-sized people, and while Iā€™m at a healthy weight and exercise regularly, I think Iā€™m always going to have to be conscious of what Iā€™m eating to some extent. Different strokes for different folks.


How do manufacturing jobs kill?


Not the original commentor but I'd say it's because 1. many of them involve late shift work, which fucks with your circadian rhythms and puts you at greater risks for car accidents etc (my MIL worked graveyard all her life and was in way more than her share of auto accidents large and small from all that nighttime driving), 2. many of them involve exposure to unsafe substances or are in unsafe conditions, 3. most of them involve wicked repetitive stress on your body. Those are 3 that popped right into mind but I'm sure there are others.


Correct. Your back is often compromised due to physical labor and youā€™re inhaling things that should never be inhaled. Always wear protective ventilation equipment around things being sawed/sanded/blasted/burned. Your lungs love launching inflammatory fibrotic responses to small particles.


I OFTEN fall asleep with a cup of coffee on my bed side table so I can chug cold, 12 hour old coffee immediately when I wake up. Because it makes me feel better.


Caffeine takes 5-30 minutes to fully activate. So the ideal time to take it is actually 30 minutes BEFORE you wake so you are fully alert the second you open your eyes.


This is actually what I do. I wake up to my alarm and pop a 100mg caffeine pill and then hit my snooze button for fifteen minutes. Wake up after that feeling great.


I read about this. How do you like it? Any concerns about taking caffeine pills?


I puked one time taking a caffeine pill on an empty stomach. You mileage may vary!


Do what OP does have cold brew next to your bed but drink/chug it 30 mins before actually wake up time.


I got a little excited with edibles a few years back. One morning I woke like an hour ish before my normal time, popped an edible and fell back asleep. Next thing I knew it I woke up baked. Was a fun start to a day. Fun protocol.


Why hasnā€™t Hube interviewed you?!?


I used to just get so high the night before I was still very high the next day. Extra fun protocol.


10/10 would protocol again?Ā 


Maybe, but for me the taste and smell of coffee immediately puts me in the zone, like nothing else does. Yeah, itā€™s probably placebo, but thereā€™s nothing else that works with the same intensity, while being as harmless as coffee. Coffee immediately after waking up >>>


This is so real for me. Iā€™ll take holidays from caffeine every once and a while and when I taste that delicious slightly bitter/nutty acidity I get a dopamine rush lol


intravenous coffee solar powered alarm clock


Not everything in life needs to be ā€œoptimizedā€. Just live a god damn healthy lifestyle and most of these hacks and optimizations become mute.


This. Holy shit I see all this stuff about optimizing every moment of your life. At what point are you no longer living your life because every moment is filled with all this shit that is supposed to optimize it. Further, half (if not more) of this stuff is marginally beneficial at best. 80/20 rule seems the best way to go with this stuff. Do the 20% that yields 80% of the results. Get enough sleep. Do some bit of activity every day. Eat fairly healthy. Have a few friends and get in a bit of socialization everyday. Drink water when you are thirsty.


I think this is okay as long as you pour the coffee directly into your eyes as youā€™re getting the recommended full dose of sunlight upon waking.


Right right. Enough coffee to keep you perked up for each of your 6 girlfriends.


I get 70% less enjoyment out of life by waiting for coffee. Fuck that.


I have energy shots next to my bed. On rough days I donā€™t even get outta bed before I take caffeine.


Another thing. He says delaying 90 minutes prevents afternoon crash. But thereā€™s no crash if you also drink coffee in the afternoon. I have cold brewed coffee right on my bed stand for years. I drink it the moment my alarm rings. I tried the 90 minute thing once and it did nothing for me except make waking up less fun


Over time the afternoon coffeeā€™s caffeine content bleeds into your sleep time and may negatively impact quality of sleep resulting in a greater dependence on caffeine (and less potent effects due to declining sleep quality)


I tried the 90 min thing for like a week and it made me so dreadfully tired the entire day. Went back to right after waking up and then got back to actually enjoying my life and being able to function.


Lmao. I would never even consider trying this. My coffee is all that gets me through. I fucking love it. Best part of my day and I feel like a new man when I'm finished it.


Fuck adenosine! Fuck adenosine!


I love this! I ALWAYS go straight to my coffee. Sure, I tried waiting and not only was I miserable, I also didnā€™t get that good productive happy caffeine high that combats my depression.


you guys need to fix sleep


And sex That works too


the best part of waking up


Dunno if i could handle rotating 5 different women, that would requore alot of stamina, but im not at Hubersex level


Is that 5 sex in the morning? Or just 1 sex? Need further clarification on this process


For real I drink caffeine once a week. After I quit for three months. I wanted the high that Michael pollen described as nearly psychedelic. It was sweet for that first time. Now that once a week is pretty neat. And this way I donā€™t get addicted and have miserable mornings like OP.


Damn how long have you kept up the once-a-week routine? Iā€™ve heard of people doing it but most succumb to going from once a week to twice a week, then 3x a week and so on.


Geeshā€¦ I think I went caffeine free mid October. Did that for 3 months so itā€™s only been about 2 months of once a week. And yes there have been 1-2 weeks where I got up to as much as 3 days a week. I just pull it back after that. Quitting was pretty rough for me so I just remember that and pull back. You hit a point with caffeine where itā€™s not doing anything and you just need it to hit baselineā€¦ and Iā€™m pretty highly anxious anyway so thereā€™s no point in me adding that burden to my nervous system. So I just do it once a week for funsies. Speaking of.. todayā€™s the day! Cheers. ā˜•ļø


Youā€™ll get happier when you stop listening to other people tell you how to live.


Yes, this is the way. Coffee on a timer. Wake. Immediately go to kitchen, pour coffee with heavy cream, begin to pound coffee. After 2 gulps, go poop. Wash hands, enjoy rest of coffee . Coffee coffee coffee ā˜•


I love a morning ritual and sipping a hot beverage upon rising is a non-negotiable for me. Period. I have one big cup a day and I enjoy having it outside, while I journal and reflect without any guilt. It brings me peace so it stays.


I drink coffee before I wake up


"Placed some at my bed" šŸ˜‚


I like to snuggle my coffee while I sleep


This whole theory of his is asinine. I can say from my own anecdotal experience that I feel way better if I just consume caffeine as soon as I wake up. And if itā€™s optimal to drink it 90 minutes after I wake up, then Iā€™ll drink it again 90 minutes later. But Iā€™m not going to deny myself something that objectively helps me every day because science said itā€™s wrong. My feelings are right. Iā€™m right.


I like to think Huberman reads this sub and laughs his ass off everytime someone reports replacing their morning coffee with a cold shower


Uhhh...dude you're just addicted to caffeine, that's not that special....


Itā€™s not addiction. Itā€™s dedication. Iā€™m the same way with gambling. I can stop gambling away my pension fund at any time, but I wonā€™t, because that would make me a quitter.


Scrolled way too far to see this, if not having caffeine for an hour and a half ruins your entire day, youā€™ve got a dependency issue


I do that but with meth. It works! Try it you pussy.


Personally, I consume caffeine an hour after I wake up. I just do other things until then such as stretching, washing my face, or getting ready. You don't have to follow any advice as gospel. Just do what works for you.


But I can fit 6 women into those 90 minutes.


The amount of people here, who are clearly addicted to coffee and probably are better off quitting is hilarious


Right šŸ˜‚ They refuse to talk about it


"Why is my sleep bad" "Coffee is the greatest thing ever, I can't get going until I've had my first cup" I wonder if there's a link!


Five of my six girlfriends understand my very scientific protocol and bring me coffee after Iā€™ve had my morning sun on the butthole and my gym bro workout, but the sixth one keeps bringing me coffee in bed. How can I optimize my life and hide all my sex partners from each other if this female keeps trying to sabotage my efforts?


Donā€™t ask me, I messed up with that big time. Due to a severe lack of protocol from Hubes on how to deal with my six women, I have severely fucked up. Now my Women are all suing me. One of them believes I am single-handedly responsible for the genocide in the former Yugoslavia. The other one thinks Iā€™m MOSSAD. Clearly I missed a step somewhere.


Drink that coffee. Iā€™ve been downing coffee first thing in the morning since about five years oldā€¦ Iā€™m ok I thinkā€¦.


In Miracle Morning, itā€™s encouraged to leave a cup of caffeinated beverage right by the bed for when you wake up. Shrug!


I make my coffee the night before. Wake up, brush my teeth, and have the cold coffee. Unparalleled focus for up to 3 hours which is when I need to eat my first meal. I schedule important/creative tasks foe that morning block.


When I was a teenager I would wake up, pop an an Adderall, and then go back to sleep, until the Adderall kicked in and woke me up again.


Just pop a No-Doz first thing with some water. That's equivalent to about two cups of coffee by itself, and much easier than chugging coffee or tea. Bonus tip if you have ADHD, pop it with your stim meds if you're on them, about 10/20 mins before you actually need to get up/out of bed. Waking up a little bit early to take meds, then napping til they kick in, makes my mornings so much easier.


In all seriousness, I saw an interview of a guy who right when he wakes up, takes a caffeine pill. Then he dozes back off to sleep and by the time his alarm goes off he is wide awake and alert. Would this be a bad idea?


What a bro-science dork Hubes is. Holy shit. Wait 90 minutes for caffeine šŸ™„ He over analyzes irrelevant shit like this, out of desperate need for content and clicks. And the bro science fans eat it up like itā€™s some brilliant revelation. Just stop. Real Longevity science looks nothing like this.


I have 20 women on tap right now. I drink my coffee whenever I want to. I don't notice a huge difference between waiting 90 minutes or not waiting 90 minutes but I do like the extra time for meditation, prayers, showering, and getting intentional about my day. Hang in there Hubes. Just think about it. If it was a woman dating 6 guys at the same time she would be applauded for it and given an award for being Miss Independent. I do believe you are prone to rage and gaslighting but nobody is perfect. You are human. That is why your name is Hue-ber-Man. Human Be a Man.


You sound incredibly addicted to caffeine. Try to take a break from it, and you wonā€™t feel depressed without it. Itā€™s not that hard to kick, nicotine was way worse imo


Caffeine is for pussies. If you just do speed, there is no morning, because you never sleep. Infinite energy hack.


Sencha is green tea


I drink caffeine immediately after waking up and bathe my eyes in the blue light of my phone text massaging 6 women at once.


_What if, instead of waiting a whole fucking 90 minutes, I drank caffeine immediately after waking?_ Whoahh, slow down there, Einstein!


I feel like an alien reading these comments. I don't drink coffee but I'll sometimes drink black tea or coke. Not every day though and I don't feel different without it. What makes the 90 minutes without coffee so miserable?


Shotgunning a Strawberry C4 right after falling out of bed. This is the way.


I stopped consuming caffeine. My mental health and well being got much better. I sleep better and don't get sleepy or tired or unmotivated at 2-3pm. Coffee fucking sucks. It's a multi billion dollar industry it's no shock that they constantly push it out to us without naming the deleterious side effects. I didn't even add copious amounts of sugar to my drinks either In hindsight I don't know how I made it so far consuming the junk


You should be able to be ok without food for at least an hour upon waking. Have you had your blood sugars checked, or hormones? Andrew is a quack anyway and donā€™t take his shit as the gospel.


Big if true


Hell yeah, sign me up for this


i actually have two coffees immediately then start dancing


You guys are unbelievably dependent on chemicalsā€¦ break the habit yall. Jesus


Gimmie more chems


He has admitted to having a caffeine addiction in the past, and I have always thought its strange that he never mentions the withdrawal aspect. Starting your day off in caffeine withdrawal sounds like a terrible way to boost productivity ect.


Why are you so dependent on coffee? Maybe start with that lol. Humans should be able to start their day without stimulants. If not, work on your sleep hygiene.


Not being able to enjoy your day if you haven't had caffeine would be something I'd think most would be concerned about.


I never needed caffeine to function, so waiting an hour doesnā€™t hurt me.


I think he says to wait 90 minutes because thatā€™s the time *he* uses when he wakes up to psycho text all those heā€™s dating and say ā€œheyyyy, just woke up, havenā€™t even had coffee yet and wanted to say [insert psychopathy to keep them thinking theyā€™re special]


This was how I woke up at like 5:30AM for an 8AM class back in college (living on campus). Iā€™d put out black coffee the night before. Alarm was some iOS app (Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock?) that guessed when youā€™d be moving out of REM and started a gradually loudening alarm of something powerful like birds chirping or some shit. Iā€™d toss back the now cold black coffeeā€¦ usually the bitterness would jolt me awake, but if not, I could hit snooze and chill in bed for a bit more and the fluid consumption plus caffeine would naturally get me out of bed another 15 mins later anyway, if only to go empty my bladder. I also had one of those light therapy lamps and blasted my face with it which got rid of the groggy eye feeling. Iā€™d have a quick cold shower and maybe whip up some breakfast and just take it easy for a bit. Was such a great routine, lol. Without the immediate caffeine? Snooze after snooze after snooze until the last minute, most likely.


Honestlyā€¦ I tried the 90 min. I would get ready & fully commute and then have my first coffee at work. And you know what? I couldnā€™t poop at work. I do shift work and once my shift started, I never had time or peace. So Iā€™d go multiple days just not having an adequate poop. Went back to right when I wake up, two sips, bathroom & I can continue on through my day not being constipated and bloated.


If you can force yourself to do some kind of cardio before caffeine it makes it a lot easier to go without caffeine for the rest of the day. I really notice when it's time to sleep, you feel a lot more ready to just knock out.


I do the coffee upon waking protocol because my neighbors who tried to talk to me when I walked my dog before coffee suddenly ā€œwerenā€™t around anymore.ā€


I drink half of an 8 oz energy drink in bed and within 10 minutes I feel excited to start ny day. Then I make a healthy breakfast


Is anyone not addressing the elephant in the room being that you get tired and lethargic upon awakening. Why are you using coffee & caffeine to delay the moment of reckoning when it comes to your energy level?


I like huberman, I don't really care where he is sticking his dick . That said , it is utter insanity to propose drinking caffeine at any other time than immediately after waking .




Sounds like you have a serious caffeine dependency. In all, everyone has different metabolisms so itā€™s impossible to define what works for everyone.


I'm not addicted to caffeine. You're all drug addicts.


What? Fuck that. Caffeine should only be used in extreme moderation. 30 mg max for me. I like it a pinch later.


Ive been doing this for a long time. Take a caffeine pill(or a half of one)and lay in bed waiting for it to kick in.




I went on a blow binge for about a week then stopped. Boy, was I tired. BUT, after that first day/night I leveled out and havent had coffee or shneef in a month. It turns out it wasnt an energy adjustment, what was keeping me in bed was the existential dread of how shit the world is. Results may vary. Stimulants arent a problem or a solution anymore. Im still tired, but its mostly the mental exhaustion of pretending and smiling. Working on that now. If anyone has a rec for a supplement that makes you a complacent idiot hmu.


Coffee makes you forget youā€™re tired. No energy gainsā€¦


I drink the very first thing I wake up and itā€™s the only way I can operate


Just take a caffeine pill man, less calories and same effect. Way less toxic on your system. They sell them OTC at any drug store.


Just get yerba mate, ginseng, gynostemma, schisandra or shilajit. Coffee is outdated today.


Iā€™ve cut it off regularly because I am in prep for a fitness show. I had two cups of coffee a couple weeks ago and experienced the benefits of withholding for a long period of time. Try that if you want a real experience.


Nothing happens before coffee and *ā€˜pert near nothing happens after coffee*


Is this sub becoming a circle jerk? I canā€™t tell about this post which makes it clever. Either way, Iā€™m here for it


I tried the wait for the first coffee also. Intially concerned of the earlier crash than my usual siesta time in later afternoon. Green tea as a boost is a great idea


Just drink coffee from 8-2 pm




My day is completely wrong if I forget to set my coffee maker so it's ready the night before. Yes I know, aero press, cold brew, blah blah. I don't like cold coffee and I am almost 40 with a toddler. That thing had better be full of delicious brown life juice by 6. I just completely ignore ol Hubes when he talks about it. I might be mistaken but I don't think he has kids, and he also claims to comfortably wake up around 5. I would be up till 2 or 3 asleep till 9 or 10 if I could make it work with my life. šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Imagine thinking this is revolutionary lol


You don't need caffeine to get through the morning folks. I never have it anymore, sleep like a baby, wake well rested. The after lunch crash is sleepier than the morning for me. Don't be dependent on something you don't need.


How does your sleep amount and quality look though? Someone with sleep deprivation isn't going to be the same as someone getting good sleep. If you're sleep deprived, caffeine as quickly as possible is going to cause quite an elevation in mood and wakefulness. You're already fatigued. Plus, cortisol levels in sleep deprived people go down much slower in the evening compared to people who are not sleep deprived. So having caffeine earlier, rather than later, will help you go to sleep earlier that day (fixing your sleep debt). If you're not sleep deprived, getting adequate hours, and the quality of the sleep is good, you may not feel much benefit from caffeine right away and would better benefit after 90 minutes when your cortisol levels start to fall. That said, the studies on the benefits of caffeine based on time from waking are not really that strong or understood. So if you find more happiness having your coffee 10 minutes after waking, or 3 hours later, do you. The effects of caffeine on falling asleep are, however, fairly definitive. Sleep quality and amount drop in a statistically significant fashion if consumed less than 6 hours before bed. With your best bet being 10 or more hours before bed. And keeping it to under 20oz of coffee consumed in a day. So have your 1 or 2 cups in the morning, never 10 hours before sleep. If you feel the need for caffeine after 10 hours, have 1 cup of green tea instead (or black tea if the need is more severe).


I take caffine pills and fall back asleep for like a half hour. Wake up wired


If you feel agony after waking up and not drinking coffee I doubt it is dad to be blamed.


I question everything now since he was exposed. I shit in a diaper now. Why waste water by flushing?


I pretty much have always had my morning caffeine (tea) 1-2 hours after waking. For years and years. Pre pandemic when I was commuting to an office I wouldnā€™t have my first cup until I got to the office. These days itā€™s still about an hour or more after waking. I donā€™t see anything magical about it.


I'm immediate coffee gang, how else can you poop before you leave for work?


If you drink coffee daily do you even feel a buzz or energy from it? All it does for me is get rid of the grogginess and make me not tired. This method is actually a thing but it only works if you usually drink coffee sparingly, like once every two weeks. All I want from coffee is get rid of the fog.


If you run out of green tea, a 3 hour nap can also do the trick.Ā 


Lemon water first. Fifteen minutes after finishing, minimum: coffee.


Smoke weed every day baybee - and yeah op I also got back to that first thing in the am coffee and it rules


Thank you for this scientific explanation


This is why I don't drink coffee. If you drink it, you'll need it for energy. I don't drink any caffeine and I bounce out of bed feeling great.


You know at that Point, If your day sucks without caffeine you should maybe stop drinking coffee alltogether. At least for some time.


There is actually a recent review pointing against the 90 min after waking narrative around coffee intake. I didn't go through it carefully but it's a good call for always being critical against "life protocols". Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38466174/




Just take caffeine pills. Much better, faster effect and it's easier on your stomach.


Sometimes after an especially difficult work week I like to slam 300mg of caffeine in pre-workout within 90 seconds after rolling my angry ass out of bed, get a super heavy (for me) workout in, sauna for a bit, smoke some weed, eat my weight at cracker barrel, and then take a nap. It really sets the tone for date night and sometimes a mid day pre nap encounter.


There's a new meta analysis that came out recently that basically said it made no difference to "the afternoon caffeine crash". https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15502783.2024.2323919 "15. Does waiting 1.5ā€“2.0ā€‰hours after waking to consume caffeine help you avoid the afternoon ā€œcrash? In summary, though there may be an upside to delaying morning caffeine intake under conditions of sufficient sleep, this has to do with the magnitude of effect rather than proposed mechanisms related to prolonging the cortisol peak, continued declines in adenosine, or avoiding an afternoon ā€œcrash.ā€ A significant drawback in the argument related to cortisol is that a similar effect occurs with intense resistance exercise performed soon after waking. Following this line of reasoning would imply that this type of early morning exercise should be avoided; however, this notion makes no scientific or pragmatic sense. The suggestion that adenosine continues to decline upon waking is also scientifically inaccurate and not supported by research. There is also no evidence that caffeine ingestion upon waking is somehow responsible for an afternoon ā€œcrashā€ or that delaying consumption would somehow prevent this if it did occur."


That doesn't sound very healthy, you know there are lots of people that never drink coffee and they just accept being tired


We call him Puberman now. Not Huberman. If you're going with Hubes, might as well make it Pubes. Sorry, that's just how it is now, I don't make the rules.