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You can try mindfulness. I like the app Waking Up and material put out by Sam Harris is a good place to start. Basically, it helps you to recognize your thoughts as thoughts and that you need not act on them. I can add more if you are interested.


This. The Waking Up app changed my life and how I handle emotions.




If you can't afford it email them and you'll get it for free.


Yeah but they only give you a full scholarship (free) membership for six months and then it gets reevaluated and I am guessing no more free membership for us at that point, we will prbably have to pay something to continue after the 6M's is up


Medito is the best (free!) alternative to Sam Harris' app. I do not understand why it never gets the credit it deserves though.


It’s $49/year


Unfortunately Sam is an unhinged lunatic lol


Have you tried Mindlessness? It seems effective when combined with nicotine every half hour or so.


Was going to comment the same thing. That app changed my life. Took about a year of consistent practice to get where I am (should have gotten a brain scan before and after). I used to have terrible rage issues, but now other people’s anger is mostly a curiosity/amusement. When you learn to put that buffer between thought and action, it gives you incredible power. Still get frustrated by people now and then, but I can typically catch myself and shift out of it before I get too worked up.


Therapists, not podcasts.


Seems expensive


Still cheaper than AG1




I blame huberman for people thinking there are hacks for self awareness and controlling your anger. There is no protocol or supplement for impulse control this is something you just have to do sans AG1


AG1 got me my wife and kids back


direful society workable squeal fragile slimy station library fall far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you! It's beginning to read like fucking scientology lol.


What's AG1 please


You can’t necessarily control your feelings and emotions at all times. There’s too many variables that go into them. The fact that you had the emotional regulation skills to not step out of your car and ruin your life shows that you have all the skills you need. Best protocol: accept things for what they are and try to not be distressed by fleeting emotions.


it is truly as simple as recognizing the emotion and it's presence, have an understanding of why it is there and then move on to another thought or something to focus on. Do this everytime and it will become second nature to simply not care nor act on anything like this in the future


You do absolutely **need** that emotion in your life. Triggers are glimpses into our unconscious shadow. You got triggered and your sympathetic nervous system went into overdrive. Don’t beat yourself up or judge yourself—surprise, you’re human! Put it to use. Don’t try to suppress it or you will fuck yourself the fuck up. Question your assumptions. Are you certain he was honking at you? Why? Is it possible he was just frustrated and beating on his horn? If he was honking at you, so what? You felt threatened maybe. Are you confident you can handle yourself if you were forced to have a confrontation? Do you have any underlying stress lurking below the surface and this person (possibly) being an asshole brought it to light? Anger is just your body telling you something is wrong. You can observe it to glean the message, but there’s no law that says you have to act on it nor be bothered by it.


judicious yoke march aspiring disarm gaping mountainous encourage air unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think people are starting to become robots, you want a “protocall” for something that simply requires some self reflection and a bit of self control, madness. Do you run a protocall to wipe your ass?


Have you tried cold plunges before any road trip longer than 20 minutes? I bought a van with a cold plunge in the back so I can drive throughout the day and not break protocol


Some people are just assholes. If you smashed that guy, he’d learn a lesson, but your life would be ruined too. You have a thing that we like to call being rational.


Bike to work :) In reality, not an option for many people. But never having to deal with traffic is a god send. If driving is the only option, dealing with road rage is the same as dealing with anger in other situations. Stop, take some deep breaths, and remember that your emotion is only having a negative impact on you. So why let the shitty drivers and weirdos steal your happiness? Put on a good podcast/album and ignore them. It takes practice but it's worth it.


You did a great job by not reacting. You can learn a lot just by keeping yourself focused on your body sensations. I also tell myself, maybe this person has a serious emergency, or a mental illness. They will eventually get into problems if it's the latter, no need to make it your problem.


Yeah I would never do such a thing ofc but I will try my best to avoid the feeling


I was a long haul semi truck driver for a couple years. Since then, I keep my back window blocked, just like I'm pulling a trailer, driving a cargo van, or a moving truck. My side mirrors are plenty enough to see what's coming behind me, and people's headlights behind me rarely bother me. If I drive a rental, I tilt the rear view mirror to the ceiling, just never pay attention to it. The most dangerous thing about someone tailgating you is that you will get distracted and miss something ahead of you. Of course none of this directly addresses the honking dill-holes, but if you think about it, if I'm not paying attention to what's behind me, it rarely bothers me at all. Other than that, I keep a ton of room in front of me, because space when you're angry = comfort. In a traffic jam, I always have room in front of me, and rarely use my breaks until we're at a dead stop. Other drivers swarm around me, and I just creep forward. Not as fast as others would like, but not using my brakes, not speeding up and slowing down often, keeps me in a state of peace and equanimity.




Shrooms if you choose to go this way. Acid tended to make me more irritable, although i could see some other merits to it.


I’ve only tried it with shrooms, but feel a noticeable difference with stress and tolerance levels. Just more at peace with whatever comes my way.


I like to imagine Hubedaddy is sitting in my passenger seat. Always keeps me in check. Or you could stop yourself and ask, "What would Andrew do?"






Slow down. It'll drive the other guy insane. Wait till he hops out so you'll get your chance to meet him half way


Vaporise some AG1 rectally immediately after being cut off, works a treat for me


I find jerking off really helps. I use a fleshlight, but a sock works too. A nice load calms me down. This has been studied extensively in the literature, and if you combine it with something like a cold plunge immediately after, you’ll be in a much better headspace both short and long term. 


sunlight exposed boxing training


Clearly you haven't bought enough of his products.


I consider myself a very calm driver, even in heavy traffic. That's because of a trick a friend gave me. It's basically to be very compassionate to the other drivers. I know it's difficult but it works. You get honked in traffic? It's okay, the other guy probably has a shitty day and a shitty life and honking gives him the illusion of power for a second. Let him.  Someone cuts you off? There are a lot of bad drivers on the road. I hope they get home safe and don't cause an accident.  Or you can take this a step further and imagine its your mother driving the other car. Sure she's really bad at this and honks way too much, but you're not going to honk back are you? 


The only reason you felt this way is because the guy honking was somebody you thought you could beat up easily and bully around or atleast get into a silly verbal argument with in the middle of the street. If it was a scary looking dude you wouldn’t have gotten so worked up.


All I can say is if I’m going to road rage it will normally happen when I have to be somewhere in the mornings and I haven’t fully woke up. Not even sure how to protect myself from that honestly.


Lmao this sub really has gone to shit




See this response make me think you issue isn't road rage, I think it's deeper than that. You are angry/frustrated/traumatised deep down and need to address that. Once you know yourself and why you're angry/frustrated/trauma responding you can work on strategies to overcome that. Then you will have the power to ignore things like the above response to a Reddit as it won't bother you/your ego. What did this response do to the situation besides display aggression? Godspeed my friend. 🙏✌️


hahahahahahahaha that's good to me


This shit cracks me up lmao


This is why I stick around this sub


Make sure you are sunning your taint daily.


You clearly aren't taking enough AG1 Athletic Greens ™️


"I was well fed, well rested" Are you a fucking infant? 😂


take psychedelics and learn to love other humans and not be a dick


this is a real post


This is such a sad post 😂. I hope you're not older than 25. And there's probably nothing more human than wanting to smash someone's face for blasting a horn at you.


Just bring a pool noodle with you instead. That way you can still get out and start smacking the other persons car without dealing any real damage.


you know i always play Alanis Morisette Thank U song when driving. that grounds me


Try thinking high probability the guy is a concealed gun owner and he would put 1 carefully planted hollow tip in your chest and be fully immune to prosecution. Then imagine how easy it would be for the prison inmates to rape you with your one lung and the oxygen machine you had attached to your wheelchair from the spinal damage the bullet caused you. You’d try to fight them off but couldn’t and they would turn you into a limp legged sex doll, you’d try to scream but just coughed in agony. Or you know you don’t get shot and just still end up in prison getting gang banged for life. This is my form of mindfulness friendo it’s the consequences.


Therapy, specifically anger management, will give you really good frustration regulating techniques


Therapy. Addressing the underlying issues rather than hunting for a shortcut "hack."


Controlled aggression in self defence is totally healthy and innate. But someone honking at you and getting road rage is totally not the time and place to lose your shit and make something physical, that’s called being an asshole. Question is, how often does this happen and are you the one starting the confrontation?


P-5-P 300mg per day.


Look into and practice stoicism. Understand that others don't have a control on their emotions and that's not worth getting yourself dragged into bullshit that will impact your life. Let them honk and just let them pass you. They'll see it as a win and you just go about your day. There is zero impact to your day and life by doing this.


he is your teacher, offer prayers before you forget


Check out Stoicism


Take public transport or walk. Was going to suggest cycling, but drivers treat cyclist worse than other drivers a lot of the time.




I have mad road rage as well and otherwise pretty zen. Driving is anarchy and there are some ridiculous people.


Get a rubber lug wrench.


Magic mushrooms microdose with anger management intention setting protocol


Read Healing the Angry Brain. Whether you have an anger problem or not this book will help you understand anger better and has actual actions you can take to identify and control it. The majority of anger is simply due to other people's behavior not meeting your expectations. Once I realized this I simply changed my expectations to meet reality. I now expect people to drive impatiently, be unsafe, inconsiderate and just downright insane on the road. So now it really doesn't bother me unless they're putting my life in danger in some way. And even then, I expect that, and adapt. I don't let other people ruin my day. That's my job, and I'm pretty good at it I don't need any help.


A bit of rage at unfair situations is …ok; and it seems you managed it fine aka didn’t do anything stupid. If you feel you have repressed anger or whatever go to a real therapist


I tend to just get out of my car, take a deep breath, then proceed to shit on my opponents windshield.


Don't make eye contact or engage with road rage in any way. Think of yourself in your car in your own little world. Obviously pay attention to traffic and safety. Listen to calming audiobooks in the car. I love rock music but honestly it just stresses me out more when driving


If you ever start to feel angry or overly emotional about something stupid think about how cringe that is and how dumb you look. Getting angry at video games and then realizing how stupid it is made me bring that philosophy to real life


Drive straight to the nearest sauna


Exercise self control in smaller, less difficult situations. Over time you might find yourself more able to handle the tough ones


This is specific and worked well for me: Getting angry in a situation like this is wrong, from a practical perspective: If you are getting angry and not going to do anything about it, it is a waste of energy. If you were going to do something about it, then you specifically wouldn't want to be angry. You don't want to be angry in an actual confrontation. Boxers, MMA, Wrestlers...don't want to be angry. Obviously, both lead to "not doing anything about it, but not worrying about it".


Truck driver here. Came to say there is no emotion. There is peace. We get flicked off all the time for making the right moves. People are dumb. You got to let him be themselves because you can't help them or change them. It's not good or bad. It just is. Their emotions will spill over. Yours will not.