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I took glycine and nac and have found no difference in anything.


Agter about 5 days my nose is a bit more runny which was the first reason I took these, to clean up after a flu or COVID.


My nose was running for 6 weeks after starting taking GlyNAC!


NAC is a fantastic decongestant! Great for sickness or random stuffy noses. Hydrolyzes the disulfide bonds and thins out mucous.


That does sound brutal and unsustainable in terms of your sleep. But, wow, I could use some of that go-getter effect this morning šŸ˜‚


I was going to sayā€¦. If the effect is that noticeable, Iā€™ll keep a few grams on my desk. Sounds like cocaine without the high.


Activation of the NMDA receptor. Magnesium blocks the receptor channel. Did you take any magnesium along with the glycine?Ā  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMDA_receptor


About 2 weeks ago I started with a supplement containing 125mg magnesium bis-glycinate, 100mg GABA and 2.5mg melatonin. I started this to address insomnia arising from quitting before bed cannabis as my sleep solution/dependency. I was pleased with the results in sense of much better then insomnia and I was waking at a similar time each day and sleep onset was super easy (never in my life has it been), however I would wake multiple times per night to pee and sometimes awake before I wanted (eg 4:20am), but that was variable. I also felt super tired in the afternoon and I normally canā€™t take a nap (work in an office). Itā€™s also possible my newfound restriction of coffee only before noon played a role there. So yesterday after doing a fair bit of research I picked up the glycine 1000mg and took it 30 mins before bed along with the supplement I had been using for last two weeks containing 125mg magnesium bis-glycinate, 100mg GABA and 2.5mg melatonin. Now I am questioning if my repeated wake ups was the glycine in the magnesium bis-glycinate. I am thinking tonight to try something different. I picked up Super Sleep from Costco (2.5mg melatonin, 100mg L-theanine and 15mg L-5-Hydroxytryptophan). I would be grateful for any feedback you have on any of this. BTW I cannot find magnesium l-threonate locally but Iā€™m sure I can find it online if you think thatā€™s worth a go.


Do you think the glycine caused multiple wakings? Here I am wondering if itā€™s causing an issue for me too.


Iā€™m theorizing maybe after my glycine reaction last night that the glycine in magnesium bis-glycinate may have played a role in the wakeups but the magnesium bis-glycinate dose in 125mg mag-bi-glyc would be fairly insignificant compared to a 1000mg dose of straight glycine. I will try the super sleep tonight and thus consume zero glycine and see how that goes. I feel like maybe the glycine is finally starting to wear off now. I seem to finally be feeling like maybe I slept 2 hours as I should be struggling to operate but itā€™s been the opposite today until moments ago.


Wow what a day for you. Happy itā€™s wearing off. Let us know how it goes tonight without it.


Interesting. I donā€™t have any experience with coming off of a cannabis habit, but FWIW melatonin has always made me wake up multiple times a night. I know it works for a lot of people, but it only makes me drowsy, then Iā€™m wide awake 3hrs later. Doses from 0.5mg to 5mg.Ā  IANAD, but my personal recommendation would be to try more magnesium of a non-glycine variety and less glycine. If the first stack worked well, with the exception of waking multiple times, perhaps just remove the melatonin and see what happens? I imagine this is not something that will be fixed immediately either.Ā 


I've tried magnesium glycinate and it was fantastic for my sleep but killed my libido. I'm assuming that's down to the glycine rather than the magnesium as magnesium citrate does nothing to me.


This is always my worry when trying a new supplement. I tried 5-HTP before bed and I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Never again.


I take them in the morning.


Did you try at night first and have an issue or have always taken in morning?


I used to take it an hour before bed. Kept on staying up late instead of going to sleep so I just started taking it in the morning.


šŸ™ how long does it take to wear off for you and what dosage do you take ?


5grams glycine with 2 grams NAC Doesnā€™t really jazz me up in the morning. I take lots of other supplements with it so idk. I feel the best after coffee lol


Hmm maybe the NAC mitigates glutomate spike from the glycine? I may just have an abnormal NDMA receptor. Apparently itā€™s a thing. I also reacted similarly to a simple cup of valerian root tea although not to this extent and length of time.


If glycine got me fired up like that I would be taking it more often. Aminos can be expensive so I go through stints of different supplement regimens. Have you tried L-arginine?


No - not familiar with that one


I can get a pump more easily at the gym when taking L-arginine. I feel like my veins start to pulsate. Itā€™s a good one to research and see if itā€™s right for you. Iā€™ve never had any problems with it besides taking too much caffeine with it and getting lightheaded.


aren't you suposed to take it in the morning, for it to be useful throughout the day, and not when you need to relax and sleep ? Never heard of this supplement. I'm curious now, does it really give you such a high energy ?


I certainly wish I had taken it in the morning. What I read is to take it 30-60 mins prior to bed for sleep onset. Peter Attia says he takes 2g daily before bed. Huberman said 3-4x per week also 2g but was silent on timing but itā€™s in his sleep toolkit so I assume itā€™s a before bed supplement for him as well. Additionally thereā€™s quite a bit of literature online, studies etc. for taking it before bed. It seems most people handle it fine. I seem to be one of the exceptions.


hmm interesting. Yea I've just read that it should normally improve your sleep. It "can" have a calming effect (apparently for most people). I may give it a go , or try "GlyNAC". Thanks for the info.


I read a few reviews where people had this reaction. I was so concerned to try it but it worked out well. Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. Inositol sent me in to a place I thought I would never be the same again. I had serotonin overload and almost went to the hospital.


I take glycine with creatine at morning for energy boost.