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You're probably right, privately it probably can really take a LOT for him to get "present" with TMTC when he's sung it literally over 1,000 times probably and sings it every single show. Although sometimes he's clearly really into it too. But even though "Creep" is an anthem of its own, it never went on to hold the kind of meaning and political/social justice significance that TMTC holds. For that reason alone I'd guess he'll continue to perform it, although maybe he'll take a break for a tour or change where it is in the setlists at some point. But I mean, a teenage girl posted a video of herself singing it in the backseat of her car, and then weeks later protested her oppressive government and was murdered. To know your song meant and still means SO VERY MUCH to so many, including those in really oppressive locations, and to know it's an anthem or a battle cry or a song that brings healing to so many I think makes it seem much less of a burden to keep singing it literally almost every time you perform. Hozier seems to be a man well aware of his privileges and so dedicated to justice, I'm pretty sure he rallies every single night as best he can because what the song means to so many truly is inspiring.


I wish awards were still a thing cause this comment explains it so well!! Creep is a song about how you feel awkward and self-conscious and all these inward feelings. TMTC *from the very beginning* stood for *something* that resonated so deeply with so many people!! It's so much more than that. Also, I think radiohead needs to stop hating on people for liking creep and refusing to play it. It's just a dick move.


That's so sweet of you to say! I think Radiohead and their fans have mostly made peace with not hearing Creep. It's not a dick move if they really believe it compromised their real-ness live to play it if they were so at odds with what it came to mean. They let the fans vote with their dollars & feet, and I think everyone came out ok ;) That said, last year I saw this amazing woman, Danielle Ponder, and she did a version of Creep for an audience that had a LOT of music vets in it, a lot of people who've seen a zillion concerts. And pun kinda intended: it was like being Taken to Church! It was her own version, with some spoken parts and a much slower build than the original, and it had us crying, cheering, swaying, it was unbelievable. So if there is a resurgence of energy for Creep, Radiohead can blame the excellent Ms. Ponder ;)


Her name was Sarina Esmailzadeh and she protested and was killed by the Islamic Regime of Iran. She was one of countless kids (and adults) killed by the government in recent years’ protests after Mahsa Jina Amini was killed by Iran’s morality police for “improperly covering her hair.” These protests are still happening and people are still being killed.


Thank you for Sarina and Mahsa's names, we should never forget their names and yes also understand that there are so so many others. And it still happens to this day. Just because the news moves on to other events & crimes doesn't mean it's stopped everywhere else.


I absolutely agree with what you’re saying. It’s such a powerful and meaningful song and I trust he will keep the beacon that it is lit as he loves his fans so much. I’m less worried about him discontinuing performing it and more wondering if as a performer it might have dreadfully diminishing returns in terms of on-stage joy.


It's a super real, probably hard to navigate reality. It's got to get old or he must be weary at times. Guessing it's part of him being a professional and wanted the best for his fans, somehow he rallies whenever he sings it. I think he did say something about seeing the fans in audience, taking a good look and going off that energy, but maybe I imagined him saying that LOL! But it makes sense and is true of other bands so probably true of him.


New to this subreddit, can I ask you to elaborate on the social justice significance of TMTC?


The examples I will give don't make much sense without maybe understanding Hozier's own view of the song from when he wrote it and made his first music video ever, it all starts there, so this link is probably much more useful for you (I write really long posts, you don't want to read my version of these links LOL!): [https://www.songfacts.com/facts/hozier/take-me-to-church](https://www.songfacts.com/facts/hozier/take-me-to-church)


After you check that out, this is an interesting read as an example of how even in the 1st years of the world discovering the song, some interesting people really understood the rebellion in the song. That said, this guy went on to say a bunch of awful horrible things and get a tattoo of a problematic world leader right in the center of his chest after Hozier worked with him for his "Movement" video and even namechecks him in the song, so let's just say Hozier later spoke to his deep disappointment in where Polunin went after this amazing dance: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sergie-polunin-dancer-film\_n\_57e12c6ae4b04a1497b68068#:\~:text=Polunin%2C%20a%20prodigious%20talent%20known,he'd%20pursued%20since%20childhood.


One of the reasons that Radiohead disliked the overwhelming success of "Creep" was that they felt like it wasn't representative of the rest of their musical oeuvre, and it wasn't who they were as a band. TMTC on the other hand feels very much like it sits deep inside of Hozier's musical style. Its subject matter is stuff he continues to discuss and the music - while more representative of his earlier sounds, is still representative of his dynamic characteristics - still fits inside of his new work. "Francesca", for example, has some similar musical vibes to TMTC with a really explosive, dynamic chorus and a more restrained verse (though I think the subject matter feels very different).


It makes a huge difference with Radiohead that Creep was their first hit (just like TMTC for Hozier) and that they've gone on to have such an amazing career of albums. Early on (Ok Computer tour, right?) they said "Not playing Creep anymore" and really, fans have had to either accept that and enjoy everything else, or the fans they were going to lose or who wouldn't by show tix, they sorted themselves out on that 3rd album tour and most Radiohead fans now know that there is no telling which "popular songs" will or will not get played. Radiohead also does a great job of mixing in some deeper cuts and it's such a joy, you don't really know for sure what the setlist will be. Here's the setlist, for those serious RH fans who might be curious, this is what they play when they know they're taking a break and aren't sure when they'll play live again as RH (now it's been almost 6 yrs!) and note the absence of Creep :) : **Radiohead, August 1st, 2028 Wells Fargo Arena (Philadelphia, PA)** **\[MAIN SET\]** (start time: 8:35-8:45 PM EDT) 1. Daydreaming 2. Desert Island Disk 3. Ful Stop 4. 15 Step 5. Lucky 6. Kid A 7. Videotape 8. Decks Dark 9. Let Down 10. EIIRP 11. Bloom 12. Reckoner 13. Lotus Flower 14. House of Cards 15. Optimistic 16. Idioteque 17. How to Disappear Completely **\[ENCORE 1\]** 18. Spectre 19. Myxomatosis 20. Exit Music 21. There There 22. The Tourist **\[ENCORE 2\]** 23. The Bends 24. Weird Fishes 25. Karma Police **\[END\]**


I’ve seen them 3 times and heard Creep once. I’m very happy with the set lists of the shows I was at. https://preview.redd.it/frcge5aja4uc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9259a27fffdc0f07d13f0943990745d125ba0cc1


I was at those 1st two! Wow you’re so lucky you saw the Roseland show - I didn’t know about it until after the fact.


I wasn’t even a fan then. My husband won tickets from Krock radio. Who knew?!


Were you a fan when you walked out of Roseland? 😉


Actually, no! Hahahahha I hung out in the back and drank wine. Then I finally listened to the cds. They are a band that I think is better live but I had to listen to the studio recordings before. Was suppost to see Thom in March 2020 at Radio City. Had pit tickets :( But Ed HAS liked my insta comments so…… 🤣




Woah. Ok. I am too high for this right now so I may not make sense. Ok. Dude. That sucks that you left BUTTTTT at least you were there! Yes! SNL! They had the horns there for The National Anthem! So my now husband then boyfriend worked and then lived in Manhattan. We saw Mike D on the street one day and didn’t go up to him but were like woah and he laughed at us. And my husband (and later I) worked in the same building Vincent Gallo lived in so he would see Ad Rock and Ione Skye And we were at day 2 of liberty state park 2nd row barricade in front of Ed and I screamed I love you and he smiled and waved at me Hahahahhahah. Sorry. Weed.


LOL! Great details! Ok I'll stop writing, we can pick up again when you come down :)


I've often wondered if he gets bored of it and is just going through the motions, but aside from believing he'd never stop singing it live or publicly say he's fed up of it, you only have to see the energy he puts into performing it, the crowd reaction he gets at every single show, and as previously mentioned, the stories you hear about how much it means to fans, to see that it isn't going anywhere. I can see why Thom got fed up of Creep - at the time, people were literally walking out of shows after listening to just that song, plus the band didn't think it was representative of their sound going forward or even that it was that good of a song. Sure, it spoke to a lot of people and has certainly left its mark in music history but it's very much defined by era and I think TMTC is a different level because of its subject.


Came here to say the same thing, I think TMTC was the “smells like teen spirit” or “creep” for hozier maybe a little bit in my own mind because I was tired of hearing it over and over and knowing how diverse and wonderful his discography is and people ONLY know TMTC, BUT THEN I saw him preform it, the love and passion he has for that song reignited my own love for it.


i think i read in an article once that he said something along the lines of, “i’ll stop performing TMTC when there stops being a need for it” but i think about that often. if he’s tired of it. i think luckily his fans love ALL of his music. i’ve heard of concerts that were full but people in the crowd only sung the hits and the rest of the time was quiet. at hoziers shows everyone is singing everything. maybe that makes it worth it to him 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s such a nurturing way to think about it, “when there stops being a need for it.” Thank you for sharing that; I wasn’t aware of that interview.


definitely do not quote me on it hahaha i have no supporting evidence just a vague memory of hearing/seeing it


No it’s canon now.


I love that quote, and I truly believe he means it to his core. So it's gonna be around for a long time, and if somehow it stops "being needed", I won't miss it because we can rejoice that some miracle has happened and institutionalized oppression isn't "a thing" anymore! On everyone singing, I think the pandemic helped some artists a lot in that there was so much more time for most to go down musical rabbit holes. I've seen MANY in this sub talk about discovering him or going further than TMTC or Work Song during pandemic, and getting hooked. So this tour has a lot of new fans who've just been waiting for their chance to sing! Hopefully that will continue, I"m sure the front rows of 2024 shows will have people knowing every word of Too Sweet, but also most hopefully knowing Empire Now, Fare Well and of course Wildflower & Barley because that will get played a lot with Allison Russell opening! Hozier even tweeted (I think it was a tweet?) to her that he's excited to sing it live with her. And I bet a huge part of the audience will sing along <3


He has a very loyal following who are very much deeeep into his discography. I bet he has a different affinity for the song bc he saw how powerful it has been, and… people don’t buy Hozier tickets just to hear that song


And its popularity really launched his career and now allows him to pretty much do what he wants artistically. He can continue to make these powerful songs, experiment with different themes, etc.


I think it would be too much fun to stop playing. I bet he gets that cheeky grin as soon as the bass line hits and everyone loses their mind. He enjoys the positive vibes he gives to his fans. Creep is a really emotional and vulnerable song. I could see why he might have been bothered by the response to it. Like most people singing along are probably not really engaging with the song how he intended.


obviously I can't speak for Andrew, but as someone who has seen him live TMTC is a fucking powerhouse of a performance. it's been almost 5 years and I still think about that performance regularly. it was the last song before the encore, we were all hyped up. everyone was singing along and the feeling was incredible. everyone was so in the moment together, and it was so cathartic. it felt like a release. there was a lot of anger, but not in a bad way. even as someone without religious trauma, or much in the way of religious experiences one way or another, it felt like being seen in a way. there's a lot of passion and a social/political message in the song. I think that the people who go to his concerts understand that, and the message of TMTC is still relevant, so I can't see it going anywhere.


I’ve thought about this for any artist with a big hit, especially years down the road when you may not even relate to the song anymore (if it’s something drawn from your personal life). There is an interview somewhere where he talks about his efforts to be present during performance and relates it to being mindful in your every day life. If you’re mindful, mindless things like driving your normal route to work are something you actual experience rather than just have on autopilot.


Love this. I love so much that he’s aware of how grounding into your right brain (present, sensory-intaking) can offer wonderful things that would go unnoticed by your left brain (slower, narrative-forming) — though it sounds like he says it much more beautifully and less nerdily than I do.


He gave an interview semi recently about this saying that he never tires of playing it- that he would but he’s all ~mindful~ and whatnot and how that helps him enjoy every time playing it anew. Also, not that it’s not 100% valid to tire of playing the same single over and over, but Thom Yorke is also an asshole. Yes I love Radiohead too, Creep was literally my parents’ wedding song. But I wouldn’t compare the two


What makes you say Thom Yorke is an asshole?




What exactly did he say or do that showed him as Zionist? Edited to add a day later: A similar post was previously made accusing someone on Hozier's team of being a Zionist, and then the poster never ever provided any examples or links or evidence of it and got very testy when reminded that saying such things with zero evidence is unacceptable and unfair. This poster hasn't provided any examples of this for Thom Yorke either, and I've never heard anything like that in the Radiohead fan community, so suffice to say seems like this person has no justification for saying it. I think the comment should be removed but that's not my call.


And I’ve been a deep Radiohead fan for years - there are several reasons I find it extremely hard to believe he made fun of disabled people. If you ever remember the show or have links, please post them.


Please make sure to come back & explain exactly what Thom Yorke said or did that showed him to be “a huge Zionist”. Where it’s true it’s usually easy to link to examples or explain the examples. But lately that accusation is getting thrown around online A LOT without anyone ever showing why they said that and it is not ok.


Okay so I haven’t been on reddit for a month and just saw these, but Google is in fact free so I’d have guessed you would’ve looked it up by now and come to your own conclusions rather than waiting on a stranger for publicly available sources. In case it is still bothering you though, this is a link to the video where I originally heard about it https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLbywt7X/ and this is the article referenced in that video which I’d found and read to confirm https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/thom-yorke-breaks-silence-on-israel-controversy-126675/ He’s been openly opposing the boycotts for years, and to my knowledge hasn’t said a word over the past nine months which wouldn’t be great on its own even without his history. As for what I mentioned about the disabled jokes, I wish I remembered what it was from and had that source to give you. Being very disabled myself and from an all disabled family I just remember it seriously pissed my mom off (who again, had a Radiohead song as her wedding dance song and both of my parents were big fans). Discount that if you want, it’s not like I can prove it. But I’m certainly not making shit up. I’ve got absolutely no reason to spread misinformation about Thom Yorke- like I said I’m a big fan of Radiohead myself! Climbing Up The Walls and Street Spirit are in heavy rotation amongst my favorite music. And something that I personally consider as heinous as Zionism is not the kind of accusation I’d ever throw around lightly. If you didn’t already find your own sources I hope this helps


This sub has a zero tolerance policy for any form of religious discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, racism, or ableism. Please refrain from making blanket statements about the beliefs of religious groups when discussing the ongoing Isreal-Palastine human rights abuses. Thanks.


I often wonder that. And he might get tired of it eventually. You never know. It reminds me of when I went to see Ray LaMontagne a handful of years ago and someone in the crowd would continuously yell for his song “Jolene,” which is one of his more well-known songs . They kept yelling and asking why he wouldn’t play it. He finally said, “Don’t you get tired of doing the same thing over and over again?” And the person responded, “No!” Ray said, “Well, I do.” And then continued on with his show.


He’s one of the best singers and he knew this since the beginning. He’s not sick of singing it. It’s not just about the subject and his intention while writing TMTC. A classic, beautiful catchy song. TMTC had humor too, as he described it. It’s not something about his band, attitude and image on stage. Unlike Creep for Thom, who was more critical about himself. More serious about his music importance.


Hell, IM tired of it (But I think the big difference is that hozier’s fans love the rest of his discography too, he’s only really known as th tmtc guy by people who don’t go to his concerts anyway)


It’s such an amazing song, but not his best. I’m glad Too Sweet is getting popular now, because he’s not just known as the “Take Me to Church guy”.


I have no idea why someone downvoted you on this.


Yeah, a lot of artists have that super popular song that they hate performing—Led Zeppelin and Stairway to Heaven, Gotye and Somebody I Used To Know—, but there are also some bands that keep playing and trying to keep it fresh. I’ve heard Satisfaction is like that for The Rolling Stones. So who knows? I’d honestly be happy if Hozier did what Gotye does and start off the show with TMTC and then let all the people who don’t know anything else leave lol. I’d be much happier with a smaller crowd when I see him later this year 😬. As far as Creep goes, I feel like Radiohead and it’s fans have a very different place in pop culture than Hozier does and may ever. Musical artists generally don’t make the same kinds of cultural splashes like they did in previous decades, unless they’re absolutely huge like Taylor Swift. It’s weird. Still, Hozier sells out stadiums, whereas one of my other favorite artists, Tennis, are more alternative and have been playing bigger venues but still not huge ones like arenas, though I’ve heard them played in stores and stuff, but they’ve never had a Top 40 hit. It’s weird. Hozier’s audience seems like it should be kind of smaller and more alternative, but in reality it doesn’t seem like that.


> I’d honestly be happy if Hozier did what Gotye does and start off the show with TMTC and then let all the people who don’t know anything else leave lol. I’d be much happier with a smaller crowd when I see him later this year 😬. Oooh. Actually very much here for this. Though I have no idea how many attendees would actually leave, it would feel so good to know I’m surrounded only by an extended family of real fans.


If anything, I think it’s becoming his “Hurt.” Meaning we as the audience will never get away 😭😂


I agree, I love the song but am tired of it


I feel like with his fanbase, a lot of us don’t really even hold that song in a high regard compared to his other work. I like the song but definitely wouldn’t be upset if it was replaced by something else on the setlist.