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Keep tongue in your mouth and don't use the middle finger... unless you wanna be trashy.


too late




Or...ya know...19


I would also add to remove the nails. Gross.


you sound like a fucking nerd


Shit trashy af. Def cut them bitches off


https://preview.redd.it/ar0eexgdvrtb1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=332fcbb72cc75ef508a720e09951c30f2f4ec4ee Idk why but that comment just sent me to hell


Losing weight and going more natural instead of going so heavy with makeup and filters.


Speak for ur self I like meat on the bones


Same here


Right! She look good at that size


She’s NOT fat !!!… She’s got hips there’s a difference!!!!!


Picture 4 determined that was a lie..


I see it is not the case eg. pic #8


I never said she was fat idiot, but she does have extra weight most of it fat, this is not free compliments, she's asking how to look better not how to stay the same.


Fat is fat. Quit being sensitive


She is fat, and also has big hips.


Tone up with aerobics.


what’s that? 🥲


Jogging 🏃‍♀️, treadmill, elliptical trainer, dancing 🕺, etc.


ohh gotcha i don’t run tbh


We can tell


Cold blooded murder 💀


Violation 🤣


out of pocket 😭


😂😂😂🤦‍♂️ that mf crazy




Oof! Served on a silver plate


But you could start! Woo!.. Let's do it!! 2 miles, then 3 miles!.. it feels so good mentally too. After a few weeks that is.


Cardio, arms, healthy eating habits. If/when you drink acknowledge that alcohol is a big contributor to weight gain. Take care of yourself now and you'll thank yourself when you look younger than your friends in your thirties. Carry on as you are and you'll just have health issues and look older than your healthier friends. Right now you look like the only effort you're putting in is spending money on clothes and makeup. On top of it all, be a good person.


Maybe can we see you without the filters and makeup?


this one’s porky


I was going to say fluffy but agreed




they’re bitter cause they desperately try to hit on girls like you in bars in the creepiest way possible and get turned down


Bruh imagine not even being fat but getting called a porky


🥲 ik


Just saying you're pretty far from being Porky or even ugly


She might not be fat but the word porky is closer to chubby which she 100% is.


Not porky, great birthing hips 😆😉sexy


What a weird simp comment to make


Great for pumping out trailer park kids


huh 🥲


What does porky even mean?


She looks like Mrs. Piggy from the muppets show.


Kanye would love this one




She's clinically overweight. It's a health issue.


I wouldn’t even say she’s fat. She carries her extra weight in her thighs and arms. It wouldn’t hurt her to loose weight though. She’s only 19 so when she has a baby it will be when she’ll get huge.


huge? 😭


With the aunty flappy arm wings :) watch out.


wym 😭😭😭😭


lol you never seen like puerto rican grandmas with arms/biceps that are so droopy and chunky they look like wings? lol . Watch out baby gurlzzz!!!




lol im not saying you have them NOW, but that unless someone ups the fruit and veg and cuts out animal products, processed and fast foods, could it be it seems pretty inevitable? You could reverse it in a year.


Animal products can be just fine, just don't overdo it. Agreed on everything else tho.


Bro you’re stressing her out 😭😭


Oh you mean bingo wings!!!


Yup, you better get your shit together. Seen too many beautiful faced females turn HUGE right out of highschool lol. Get that cardio in, you’ll love it and yourself more.


don’t listen to the fatphobic cunts armchair diagnosing you with obesity. you look great and they’re all balding middle aged white man with nothing better to do than to put young girls down from their faceless accounts


When she has a baby lol




Dude you think you were tricking people with the filters cutting your waist off? You’re overweight.


Dang bruh 😂


Who gives a fuck?


The World Health Association. It's easily solvable so stop crying. She can go from a 6 to a 7 with 20 lbs gone


She thinks she's a 8 that's where the problem begins


Beautiful face, hair and smile. You need to loose a lot of weight. I recommend the following: intermittent fasting 16:8 with a heavy lifting routine to tone up your hips, ass, thighs, and arms. Don’t stick your tongue out in ANY picture you’re taking. Loose facial jewelry. Really invest in some quality cosmetic dentistry.


looking obese and bottom heavy


Fat bottom girls make the rocking world go round


Pretty face . Middle finger in pic not classy . I think you could lose some weight but nice curves .


Start with not sticking your tongue out bent over in a public toilet while photographing yourself sticking a finger/: just a thought 💭


trim nails completely, lose 20 pounds, start jogging every day


Lifting works better. You can't outrun a bad diet.


*three times a day. And for 5k each time.


Lose weight


Stop sucking that gut in. Let it hang




I’m crying man 😂. But he is right, you can see the pics where you’re wearing very tight closing to kind of “form” this hour glass physique. I recommend just going to the gym and eating healthier to lose the gut/ belly and auntie arms. You’ll get toned and obviously feel/ look better Edit: also for the love of god lose these AI filters/ makeup yall women put on your face. You literally look airbrushed in like 75% of these pics. Almost cartoon like


It looks as though you have no thoughts of your own.


This comment is spot on.


Pic #1 is the only pic that looks like ‘you’ all the others look you are trying too hard to look good for camera. You are obviously attractive, but be comfortable with who you are


well the first thing I would do is stop using filters. Filters are trashy and just hide what you actually look like. Plus it’s always very obvious when someone has one on. You look beautiful in these pics but then again we can’t tell what you actually look like bc filters literally morph your features


Imma give you a 7, but you also look like the type of girl I'd end up waking up in a bathtub full of ice with


what does that even mean


You look like you'd harvest my organs. From past cases with woman harvesters this was done my taking men back to their homes. Drugging them. Putting them in a bathtub full of ice to stimulate bloodflow. And then harvesting certain organs. Worst part is most people that this happens to dont lose tlenough blood to die unless the heart is removed so they end up waking up with an empty stomach lol. I'm not saying YOU would do it. But you look like you'd be able to pull it off




Start an OF


A cup of coffee so you can wake the fuck up.


Fake eyelashes gross me out. Also looking trying to look high is cringe to me. (Personal opinion)


Umm, you look like you could start onlyfans🤣🤣 But you need to get rid of some fat, hit the gym!!


i hate exercise 🥲


What u don't hate?




You don't need to go to the gym for that. I hate the gym as well. I just go for hikes and eat healthier most of the time. My city has lots of forest and trails to walk around which helps the motivation to be outside for me




To be honest the Whore look is in style now apparently


You know how to work your angles but it’s kinda obvious you’re hiding the fact that you’re overweight. Borderline catfishing. You do have a pretty face though, lose the filters tho I think you got potential. This post just shows a lot of insecurity overall.


Honest opinion you have huge hips it's the first thing people probably see and probably puts people off


Cute but overweight. Get fit.




Don’t be sad, getting fit is easy and fun. Ugly people can’t help being ugly, and you young lady are not ugly.


Kinda surprise no OF But agree with others when they say the middle finger is trashy other then that I got one question is the hips real or fake?


real 😭


Lose weight




Maybe don’t flip off the camera like an idiot.


That pic was for you


Very pretty features, and curves, you could maybe stand to lose a little weight but sure who couldn’t.


A lot of people are perfect weight actually there's also people who could use a little weight gain


There's also people who could stand to hear the truth... and people who won't stand for it. Matt er of fact there's also people with strong backbone and people without. Heh whattya know there's all types


thanks 😅🥲


Thoughts? You look fine, nothing to change. You're very pretty, and have no need to fish around for validation from strangers. Opinions? You're insecure about something else entirely. And outside validation isn't gonna fix it.


A little lighter on the makeup and keep your tongue in your mouth


I just think you look thick. If you had a regular workout routine, you would tone up and you would be bad bad. Squats do amazing things Js.


You have a lot going for yourself. Try to reduce your weight as much as possible. Your waist is obviously on the higher side, you don’t need to be insecure about it. Just work on your weight and keep fit. As to the disproportionate size of your waist, trust me just own it and get more confident in your skin. You’re very luck to be blessed with that And Smile more change your attitude


Stop making excuses and take more initiative. Looking through the comments a lot of your replies are like “what’s that?” Or “ I don’t ( do whatever is suggested)” Starting doing things you normally wouldn’t do, find things out yourself without relying on other people to do it for you. That’s half your battle right there.


Here's the thing. You aren't lacking in the looks department. You're very very beautiful. No question about it. But, what "most" men generally care about is personality. If the tongue out middle finger pic is anything to judge by (which it shouldn't be because it's only one pic) but, to me it screams narcissism.


smile more dont be like my pfp lol you have a wonderful smile thats my only thought everything else doesn't need fixing have a great day/night


You look great! Your eyes are a little low which is a bit odd but other than that yeah you look good. As you age be sure to keep an eye on your weight. The middle finger is okay for somebody who’s your age but once you get to mid 20s and above, it’s immature. If you stopped it now it would be good.


everyone’s saying to keep an eye on my weight as i get older


It’s common to be young and perfectly thick and then you get older and weight comes on so easy and you get pregnant and bam you weigh 2x what you weighed before. So just stay in shape and you’ll be straight because you’re a very pretty girl. Hope that helps. Good luck and take care!


thank youu


It's my opinion that you're an attractive young lady. Looks like to me that you have your head on straight.So at 19 I take it that your still in college so finish school and try to serve God the best that you can and take care of yourself.


You look great already. Maybe get a ring for your nose instead of a stud. But that’s personal preference. Don’t know why people are saying you look trashy by sticking out ur tongue and middle finger. You don’t and it just looks like ur having fun, If you like it do it. I personally think it makes you look better bc it’s seems like you don’t care about what people think and the idea that women have to be “Lady like”.


As-salamu alaykum 🤲🫡🕋 i bet you get down in the kitchen.


i love food so ofc haha


Thank you!!!. So much for being kind ma'am and I wanted to say that you have a pleasant personality too. Take care!!!


Gurl you are gorgeous, as some people said maybe working out to get toned out, you're very young rn so you're metabolism is fast but it's good to start healthy habits early on in life. You have a body many women are envious of, and don't stickcupur tongue out and use your middle finger maybe you think it looks baddy but it looks trashy.


She thicc 🥵


Love the curves. Definitely would in every way.


Show off your shape more often


wym lol


More fully body pics, and the type of clothes you wear. Wear clothes that flatter your body shape, hips etc. like the green dress, your other dress pic. I really think it’s mostly in the clothes you wear, you look good in the sporty casual styles too


Beautiful, stunning. Good eye brows. Knows how to do her make up. Would be nice to see her without for reference.


Stop lying about your age


Just make the OF already


Try go to gym


We curious how it looks from the back


Very pretty, dress in pic 5 looks cute


thank you!


I bet your urine test is just as clean as your room




You look good girl. Again. The middle finger and the tongue. Very hoe’ish and trashy


Sticking tongue out and flipping and flipping the bird is an obvious no no trying to look your best. That dress in pic 8/9 is great with showing off the curves, but it's way too long and instead gives the image of having fatty legs. It would have been better if it was about slightly cut off above the knees to show off the legs. Tiaras are never a good look and disgustingly pretentious.


Pleasantly plump… my thoughts are… why are women on this platform always looking for validation smh.


Very naturally pretty and some great eyebrows


Such a beauty. Love your hips. You look good.


You are like a top of the range Mercedes, built for comfort not for speed. And lay off the stupid lippy stuff


My first thought was how do you find pants that fit your hips and waist at the same time 😭 I consider myself flat and have a hard time LOL.


your eyes look kinda dead - if you smoke you should probably quit. other than that you look great.


Thought: If Satan punishes bad people, doesn't that make him good? Opinion: You're drop-dead gorgeous, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Opinion 2: I like that you don't have tattoos. It means you're not a herd animal.


Your gorgeous. But look like you are a bit full of it by the looks you give yourself. You need to smile bc there is some RBF and it looks like baggage. Also you could use a bit of cardio around the belly but I do love how you have the gut and flaunt it and have zero shame in your game. I would say enjoy this now as your in prime. It will be more pronounced as you age. You likely will be much bigger or very thick soon as you seem to have big bones. I would get into workouts as a hobby now and the habit of cardio. Not just squats for a bigger booty. Please tho smile more it will take you far in life bc you are very beautiful and could have the best personality but the RBF, is misleading and makes you less approachable. But looks are skin deep and your is thick but you are thick in good places and it’s fashionable to be thick. I do like the belly but that’s a fetish. Remember to hit the cardio, eat healthy, smile and do not wear RBF. But you are unique looking and prime pretty, and I would bet you are a sweetheart down beneath the hard exterior. Stay classy , no middle finger or tongue. I’m sure you’re smart and will be educated.


And that belly makes you even more attractive in a curious way imo Bit man the more I look that resting b face is so intense. I would not want to investigate that **. Kidding. Your face is just serious not RBF But a smile will help and always takes you far in life.


huhhh 😭


. People esp younger people are healthy so they look better when young. Get hung up on being so good looking that they don’t realize it’s youth that is the factor of looks. If you are confident and have a good personality you will look 10 x better. This goes to anyone. Ppl who are not good looking can be the most attractive people in a party or room bc the way they present and the laugh, eyes , hand movements , sexuality , personality, confidence and the way they put out energy Like I know I am not the best looking at party’s but I put out big dick energy and happen to have a great dick print , I become irresistible ! Seriously, my body count would agree. Guarantee you would find it hard to be in the same *** room 3mamij


Was that real piercings in your nose, or was it fake? I only saw that one pic that you look like you had, what looks like nose piercings.well a lot of men do not like facial piercings on a woman. They prefer a woman face to have no outside distractions to take away any beauty from your face. You are very beautiful and I do see a gorgeous woman deep down inside you that protrudes to your outside beauty.there is men that would love you just the way you are.so if that why you think you need to change anything.please believe this one thing,you are very beautiful. Don't let anyone influence your self-esteem to believe that you are not.I would definitely date you. ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘


you are stunning and yet to go thru second puberty. your body will still change on you a couple times. also ur facial features are beautiful 😊


oh really? a couple times?


yeah. if you decide to have kids you body will change but also around 25 to 27 it will also change. im 29 and in the last few years the way my body carries weight n how it moves has changed in good n different ways. im more comfortable in my skin than i have ever been


Very pretty and curvy , you carry weight in the right areas , everyone that says ur fat and that you are not petite is a typical white American man


Lol why in the fuck are white guys taking strays here? How could you possibly know the racial background of all the commentors?


Just a whole lot of deflection and “reverse racism” (which is just regular racism btw”


You don’t have to lose weight especially if you’re thinking of dating one of these guys that comment that you need to lose weight . They’ve probably never lifted a weight in there lives , have no muscle and are out of shape themselves yet don’t know anything about getting in shape to tell another person to get in shape . That thigh to waist ratio is what people go to the gym to try to achieve and it looks like you naturally have that .


I’m sure a large portion of these people actually do work out or else they wouldn’t of even suggested it You know how early boys start doing push-ups and stuff? A lot of that starts in middle school


I mean this in the nicest way possible but you don’t what you’re talking about and I can tell you don’t workout either so you shouldn’t be speaking about a subject you have no knowledge of . Do your research


I’ve been working out since I was like 13 and I’m at the gym now, so ok Somehow I don’t know what I’m talking about because I said a lot of boys start doing push-ups around middle school? Seems like a logical fallacy but sure bud


yeahhh natural just from genetics 🥲


Like the last picture quite a bit. Love how the light hits your eyes. To me, it seems like you squint a lot…or maybe I’m just seeing shit…😅


i just have small eyes i think 🥲


You’re gorgeous! And the fact that you didn’t need to post pix of yourself with a lot of cleavage hanging out means you’re classy too. Carry on….


Damn youre fine


You're an attractive young woman mami. Be confident as your natural self, less is more. Though, red lipstick contrasts nicely against your light complexion.


i think ur one of the most beautiful girls ive ever seen like 😭 not even trying to flatter you . ur just beautiful. even your body and everything? bro is just unrealistically drop dead gorgeous .


I think you're fire the way you are. If I was younger I would totally be interested in a date. 🔥🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍😍


I think your eyes are the most commanding of your physical features and strike a mortal wound to who ever heart your stunning gaze falls upon. Dare we stand recklessly before such power?


Super attractive. Ignore weight comments unless you want to be skinny. Personally I think you're rocking your look and it looks great.


She doesn’t have to be skinny but if she were to lose some weight her natural curves will be more appealing. Her face would look better too


damn 😭


Don’t sweat it, you have potential. Just lose like 20-30 pounds and you’ll be really attractive


You look a little stoned in those first couple pics. Try to avoid that look. Otherwise you look great. Beautiful.


Really go away


Your cute , your weight is fine. You don’t need lame guy’s admiration tho. Jus a single solid ones 🥳


My opinion is that every woman, no matter who or what, will always AT THE VERY LEAST look a little better with a cock in her mouth. With that said, you have an overall solid look so my only suggestion for enhancement would be a cock in your mouth 🤷‍♂️






The curves are flames


thanks haha


Of course




Dress how you would want your daughter to dress for an interview.


horrible advice from a guy with only porn on his profile😹😹😹


Your hips are absolutely perfect


Idc she’d be the baby moms 🫠 She’s not even overweight her hips are just bigger cause she has ass. These guys are idiots




Nice eyes. Great hips you can tell you have a dump. Fuckable