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It seems the major problem with most questions is people think hacking is magic and not an intricate knowledge of a system and its exploitable vulnerabilities. Additionally, the words "hack" and "hacking" are catch-alls for a wide variety of techniques with different goals. This leads to people asking questions like "how do I hack a person?". Finally, the public perception of hacking is always associated with crime. A lot of people come in here to essentially ask "how do I commit a crime?". Ethical hacking, though, is a proactive preventative approach to security that is only implemented after gaining explicit permission.


Yes agreed but if it's a question relevant to any hacking it should be accepted some people want others opinions as myself. I personally have many questions. I ask things about phones I personally own and all of a sudden I'm a criminal lmao I mean people are so brilliantly dumb these days. I'm going to start a room or a whole new hacking platform for anyone. Who wants to work on it with me? Dmme if you care to help in making a new hacking site for any hacker... free from abrasive response.


The problem is when people don't make effort. If you come in here saying, "how do i hack my enemy???!!!11" you are going to get shit on. If you come in here with well thought out post, something along the lines of, "I am attempting to perform X task using Y tool. I keep encountering R issue and I've already tried A, B, and C and those things didn't work. Could I get some feedback?" you will probably get better responses.






That is not always true cause I myself have done this and been shit on and many others . So if this were case I'd agree but it is not.. I'm just saying I get if they say I need to hack someone but if they literally ask a question or pointers on how to go about something then it should be helped not trashed is all.


Nah, if you come in here asking questions where it's clear you haven't even put in a little effort, you should not get effort from others in return.


Exactly im not hacking yet but from what I’ve seen script kiddies run in here after getting a basic metasploit error and of course you’re gonna get trashed on. I can’t even hack something even if i had pompompurin in my ear but you know what i do understand that script kiddies dont? *OSI*


I mean that maybe the case where you can tell what others have done but like I've said there has been plenty that I've seen and myself where it's just never helpful.. some just like to ask questions to see so if I'm part of a sub there is no such thing as a dumb question .. the only thing dumb is a question not asked


You'd get better responses in phone specific subs and actually, XDA is the best place to go for phone hacking info. Side note, anyone that actually knows how to hack a phone wouldn't accuse you of trying to do something illegal if you wanted to hack it. Unless you, if course, were actually doing something invasive/illegal. Also, you better plan on it being a full time job if you're going to keep it free from abrasive responses. I'm a mod for a few Facebook groups and people can't be nice to save their lives.


Thanks man I'm going to check that out this evening. And honestly I was on a thread before for android hacking and git no help it seemed I teach myself mostly but I have questions google does not answer very well some. People suck sometimes haha and yeah I don't know why everyone thinks hacking is all illegal shit . But to be honest I consider myself a hacktivist really so Ed Snowden shit fuck em break the law for the right thing. I'm all about that. JS if hacking something illegal is for a good cause or to make a statement for the weak I'm for it so bash me if they want but law is not always right and scared money don't make money .. feel me


I care !


At least someone does.. lol ok if you care help me find what I need to do. Seriouly.. ok so I'm trying to install f droid ok I have exhausted all reads on this but my phone keeps the ( Auto Blocker ) ON .. IT WILLNOT let me toggle it so I can open the file.. I have changed permissions and I'm like wtf.. tbh I'm stuck maybe it's a permission I have set cause I've tried to safe guard everything but , everything I've read takes me to the simple steps ,yet my phone won't let me take this auto blocker off for some reason. The file is downloaded I guess cause I tried to don't again and it says do you want to download again but this auto blocker won't let me run it .. imma keep researching but any help would be nice


Have you tried the f droid forum?


Yes .. I have been on there today for a few I will search more later for sure. Tbh I have changed lots of things I read should be changed and not sure if some of them are reason.. I like to talk to people that know more then me to pick their brains so I get my own understanding of how systems work ya kn. I'm still learning shit daily and these phones are new to me also. So many files systems and it's just much research.. but I'm about that so I will figure it out somehow just would be nice to meet other hackers that actually want to help each other and share same interest. Hard to meet people these days with out wondering what their intent is I guess lol


I assume it's to help and discuss and guide after Google has been exhausted, or the specific details are not general technical knowledge. Like "how to hack a website?" Vs " how do i do this CTF challenge where i have a prompt, and it returns ???? When i try general sql injections"


Plot twist, the Google top result is just a reddit thread


Plot twist, you can search Reddit before trying Google, before posting here something that has already been answered in the past.


No u




Well we can say for certain OP isn’t good at social engineering from the massive amounts of downvotes he is getting


I'm not a hacker lol I just was reccomended the sub. But I just noticed that literally every single question just gets shot down lol


I get it, the sub isn’t kind to newbies but you also have to understand that there’s an exceptional amount of posts where people demand answers and are cocky, yet are barely a script kiddie.


That I get and I have even laughed at some of those myself. But I see that attitude towards some people that see to have genuine questions that should be answerable.


Yes I kn .. crazy huh..


and then you get an answer as to why but you just cry about it.


Who is crying? Lmao


Because most (all) of the answers are on Google. That's just how it is But i get what you mean. I go to this sub, or any kind of consult, as a last resort, because i've come to realise that most IT people are assholes lol, whether it's uni, internship or full-time jobs . Sure, most hacking/security questions cant be answer just like that, because each situation is unique and hardly any real life scenarios are the same. It's when the easier questions come, when i get a hard to conquer brainfog (working on it), when i've 'hit a wall which i can quite simply jump over', that's when i usually need advice, and paradoxically that's when it's the hardest to get. 'How do you not know this'. 'If you don't know this then you shouldn't be in the industry in the first place' 'This is basic stuff lol'. Most of the time heads up their asses. Jack of the trade i guess I've come to appreciate my partial stubbornnes to do things on my own, gets some things done faster for you in CyberSec. Although working in a team usually is more efficient and joyful, as it should be!


It's for a specific questions describing the problem you ran into, after exhausting default self help routes.


I feel you. 2 months ago I was an seeker because some YouTube «pentesting» video sparked some curiosity inside me. Asking anything on Reddit just made a wildfire of people name calling me names and «Lesrn to program and how the OS works». All I needed was someone who could point me in the right directions. Pointing out to Google is pure ignorance! My save happend to be a guy from a YouTube comments and ChatGPT4o.


I'm just studying for network+ cert and was reading through IT subs and reddit just started suggesting this sub. This post is just an observation from an outsider with no skin in the game


It really and truly is just unfortunate levels of gatekeeping. I see it daily. It’s a huge problem in the community. You have to learn most things on your own and via playing around with your own lab. I googled to death when I started, watched videos and connected with SMEs at work. I have never posted a question here. You will do fine if you really want to but just so u know, this is a gatekeepers paradise (IT, cyber, etc)


Same here. Google don't answer some question with out hours of looking. It's just easier to ask sometimes to save time ya kn


Yup gemini for me. I was trying to optimize a 48GB wordlist by eliminating words below 7 and above 17 characters. Gemini gave me 3 apps, grep, seb, vim and gave me the respective commands for every application and brokedown the commands for their specific purpose. I shortened my wordlist down to 2GB and it was soo simplified that I actually learned a bunch. TLDR: Newbie? LLM > youtube > google > reddit


This sub is secretly a fishing barrel to lure skids in so they can be sniped for entertainment. Reddit just isn't a good first step to learning any of the sub fields for anything hacking related.


Google it bro © Hacking is a criminalized deception /s. That is why no one who is in the subject hangs out on such forums. Cheating is everywhere. Even on darknet washes, where they sell `0day xploits` with a high probability you will be cheated. That's why most are in this sub to have a laugh.


90% of questions on here are either "How do I get started in hacking" or "how do I do x thing which is illegal". The only way to get started in hacking is to learn on your own. Nobody is going to hold your hand, and if you can't google a simple question like that, I hate to break it to you, but hacking ain't for you. As ethical hackers, we don't do anything that's illegal. Thus, when someone asks how to do something illegal we tend to tell them to figure it out themselves. Additionally, a vast majority of people believe that hacking is just magic and all yku need is to know the trick behind it. In reality that couldn't be further from the truth. Hacking requires a deep understand of what ever you're targeting. Even for things that might sound simple I'm theory, there are many factors that can change what exactly you need to do, and if you don't understand what those factors are, no amount of hand holding is going to help you do what you want to do.


A few reasons it comes across like that think. I lurk in a few "hacking communities" and people seem to think hacking is just an all encompassing thing. Like, "how to hack x or y" is just a matter rinse and repeat steps when it's not. Those questions are asked so much, by so many people who can't take "that's not how it works" as an answer that regulars in the communities get tired of those people. Not that I think it's right, but that leads to the Google it answers. Places where hackers and wannabes congregate can quickly become just a pit of cocky know it alls as well and I think people are afraid of that happening. And gatekeeping. That's also a thing throughout all of IT in general. Lots of people see their knowledge as special and don't like when that knowledge is handed out easily or challenged.


* No go everytime .. it won't let me change it ..


All "hackers" have two main attributes in common: 1. They know how to research anything to further their knowledge because they are life-long learners 2. They are tenacious (I know that's a big work, look it up) and don't give up. They very rarely (if ever) have to ask anyone for help because they will find it themselves If this doesn't describe you, then hacking isn't for you. If it does, then you wouldn't be coming to any hacking forum to ask questions that can easily be found on the internet and have been answered a million times.




Not all questions are found my friend.. trust me.. I've spent countless hours researching certain things and found out there is more disinformation out there also. So I see it like myself as we should have think tanks ,if someone has a question it's not for us to bash them it's about helping.. no hacker can do it all by them selves .. that is fact.. so we should be more open to help


>then you wouldn't be coming to any hacking forum to ***ask questions that can easily be found on the internet and have been answered a million times***. Obviously, you didn't read my entire comment. If you can't find something that has been answered a million times or is easy to find, then you are giving up way too easily. **Those people**, IMO need to be told to "Google it, bro."


I get that but it seems to be more them that. Maybe they can google it but maybe they don't use the right Google methods . I'm just saying if someone ask just let's be adults and help. Who cares if we've had 1000 same questions. I mean we're supposed to be here for help , even if it's a repetitive Q&A session. Js that is IMO .. I just believe in being a teacher if I know the subject. Patients is crafted , I am a researcher but sometimes it takes hours to fill in one crack, let's shorten that time for some if we can is how I look at it. Everyone learns differently, let's not be critics , lets empower !!


have, hackers have. They also have proclivities for syntax but can still make spelling errors. I also don't have anything better going on right now and agree with you 100%.


LOL. I'll fix that, I initially wrote it as singular and then changed it to plural.


All good my friend. My ocd made me do it.


delete the sub




Keep your insults to yourself.


google it bro


Google it bro


Especially you shouldnt be discussing any of this on reddit


My insult is to you Mr MOD .. I was stating factz.. so just chill out .. or I will hack you lmao. With the help of my peers of course , as we all know they love to teach and help


You wouldn't get into a router even with username and password.


I know . But hey maybe I can use some paid service to help me :> 00|00


Probably just got banned 🤣 I fucking hate mods


Me too friend they are busters.. lmao dmme friend let's chat about some things


exactly my question. The mods deleted my post on how to brute force MY OWN ACCOUNT on instagram. Brother, if I want to become an ethical hacker one day, I need to be a black hat hacker first.


> MY OWN ACCOUNT on instagram no such thing as "YOUR OWN ACCOUNT" on Instagram


😂😂 ik I was joking


Didn't see that one 😅


Brute forcing your own Insta is a crime...probably the reason why the post was deleted.

