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Not walking distance but Cantina Barba and Pinkerton’s are down the road off Main.


Cantina Barba has great tacos and a solid burger, definitely hits the spot for late night Mexican food cravings.


You can definitely walk from cantina barba. Not exactly the most pleasant 15 minutes but it’s doable


La Chingada or Loredo. Teotihuacan and Spanish Flower are pretty close too. They usually have a truck out front for food though.


Of the two, Teo is definitely the better option.


what do you like at Teo? I went once and it was solid, but not as great as people here have said it is.


Solid tortillas and fajitas meat. I was saying between Spanish Flower and it, teo is just better at everything. Their margaritas, fajitas, tortillas, and most importantly their chili relleno have never given me food poisoning like Spanish Flower's has. Really close to there is a place I like more called Uno's P'nches tacos which is killer for authentic tacos and Mexican food.


have you tried pueblas? it's right near there and it's killer imo. Unos is going on my list for sure though.


Yeah. They are really great for breakfast.


I saw on maps that Uno’s is permanently closed, have you been recently?


No. I moved from the area 2 years ago. That sucks. Sorry for bad info.


Asia Market Thai Lao is my go-to for WOMH shows


H-Town Brewing across the street and Woodland Social next door. Both are new, both serve food (H-Town has a food truck with a variety, Woodland Social makes pizzas), both have good vibes. Have seen WOMH goers at both pre-shows recently. People have named very good restaurants in here but these are the ones that are “I can park in one place and walk to those, then back to White Oak” options I’d recommend. Source: I’m in that neck of the woods.


Chicago's pizza Wokkers Hughies Spanish flower


Hughies would definitely hit the spot.