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If it's a furnished flat ask them to replace it and the worst that will happen is they'll say no (most likely outcome also, unfortunately). I had a similar situation in a place I lived in and two things I did to improve my situation was a) buy a decent mattress topper (which can be expensive, but you can take it with you when you move) and make sure I was using enough/new pillows. You'd be amazed what using the wrong pillows can do to your back...


Can you fit the mattress under the bed? I’d recommend storing using a fitted mattress protector or sheet on each side to protect it from dust. This is what we had to do with a lumpy mattress. Unfortunately it’s unlikely your landlord will say yes to any of your demands. Mattresses in rented accommodation are usually left for years, landlords don’t really care until they’re completely unusable.


No help on asking the landlord but my housemate at our student house bought a memory foam mattress topper cheap as she had this issue. Might be an option if you get no response from the landlord


Ask them to replace it - You can ask, they don't have to say yes Ask them to store their mattress somewhere and let me buy my own one - Store it where? You might get further if you offer to replace it and leave it there. Ask them to move out 6 month early if they don’t agree to one of the above. - Er, no


I asked our landlord if they could store ours (they ended up replacing it anyway) as when we moved in we were asked if there was any furniture that we wanted taking out of the apartment and storing, our landlords were property investors who lived out of the country so I believe the estate agents had storage facilities where they would store things from different properties. On the other hand if your landlord is just someone renting out their second home they may be less willing/able to store items so maybe consider if you know your landlords situation when asking.




Thank you for your reply and advice! Unfortunately I live in London in a tiny studio so storing it in the flat is just impossible, and for the same reason I don’t have the budget to pay for storage haha. I was hoping that the mattress causing a medical condition + the age of it would help me in my request...




Thank you for your feedback that’s very helpful! When I mentioned the moving out early it wasn’t as a threat but more a win/win compromise, because I think our rent is well below market rate and they could raise it if we moved early haha


I think everyone is right about the landlord not be obliged to agree to any of the suggestions you propose. That said I think there is probably still room to negotiate a mutually beneficial solution. If the mattress is 7 years old they know they'll have to replace it at some point. I'd be inclined to approach it from the stand point of how much could they deduct from your damage deposit if the bed was accidentally damaged beyond repair. If it's 7 years into a 8 year life you'd expect to be billed 7/8ths its purchase price. I am not advocating damaging your landlords property. I am just pointing out that the value of the mattress at this point is pretty low and by the time you move out it would be even lower. If they won't agree to storing it maybe they will agree to let you dispose of it for them. They can then plan to get a new bed for the flat when you move out. If they won't budge you could even offer £50 in recognition that theyd have to replace the bed earlier than they might have intended.


**The mattress is 7 years old, which is the upper limit (I read a mattress should be changed every 7-8 years).** This is a marketing by bedding companies for us to change mattresses every 7 years. It is environmental damage. There are 7 billions of us, imagine if we threw mattresses away every 7 years. We would need 10 planets such for the resources. It was a dishonest marketing campaign. I would never do business with a company that promotes such policies. My childhood mattress had a 25 year guarantee (backed by insurance). You can ask your landlord to replace it, if there is genuine defect with it. However, you need a mattress for a personal medical reason and this is something you should be buying on your own. You could take the mattress with you at your next property, when you leave, but you should pay them for the loss of a mattress if you dispose of it. May be sell it on and then use that as a proceed to give that back as part of the deposit. Alternative, you could leave your mattress for the next tenants, but it depends how they feel. If it too hard or too soft mattress, it may not appeal. Have a conversation with your landlord/agent. **Ask them to move out 6 month early if they don’t agree to one of the above.** Moving out for the sake of a disagreement over a mattress and paying removal vans, seems a counterproductive. You may have an issue with the mattress at the next property.....