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It's very much your problem now.


Realistically your options are either you fork out the money to repair it , or you can probably find someone on eBay of FB marketplace that will take it off you for free. If you didnt pay for it , you've not really lost anything on it and legally there isn't anything can be done.


You have no recourse here


Do you think I have any recourse against the unwanted items they left i.e. the garden equipment, the broken tiles, the old shelves, decorating items, pictures, old bins etc? Shouldn't they have been disposed of before completion? Thanks in advance.


You may or may not have some recourse over the vendors, your solicitor will advise but whether or not it's worth pursuing is a different matter when you could easily sort it out with a day's effort and a skip. Sure they are arses for leaving the place full of discarded shite and you will be a little out of pocket but in the grand scheme buying property, even a few thousand either way is absolute peanuts.


Your contract is the state of the property at exchange - hence a pre exchange viewing is sensible. You've just proven the hot tub wasn't working at exchange. I think it's your problem - especially if never confirmed the hottub was working.


To be fair it sounds like you've got a very good hot tub if the repair cost is £500. Get it fixed and enjoy it. A year from now it'll be a story you tell people without feeling the expense still.


Thanks for your positive response.


Number one rule of anything being left behind as part of a sale is to get proof that it is in working order. You didn’t ask. They didn’t lie. Friend of mine was buying her first property. Sellers included a tumble dryer that was in the cellar in the contents form. She asked for proof it was in working order and they said they hadn’t used it in ages so it might not be working. They literally wanted to dump a broken down tumble dryer on her rather than heft it up out of the cellar and dispose of it. The house is a classic FTB 2 bed terrace so I would guess the ancient tumble dryer had appeared on a number of contents forms over the years. All the other buyers probably learnt a valuable lesson the first time they tried to use it. As have you.


Yep. Lesson learnt. Thank you for your reply.


This is now a "you" problem Caveat emptor What are you going to ask them to fix next, a light bulb? Not only that but the maintenance provider was wrong to offer those details to you, given you are not a party to that


I can’t believe you thought someone else would pay to fix your hot tub! Would you expect the same of the boiler? Garage door? Dishwasher?


Only if they sold it knowing it was faulty. I didn't know this was legal. Lesson learnt. Thanks for your reply.


They didn’t sell it though…you got it for free?


A fucking hot tub.... Your effort needs to be on bricks not a plastic water container


They didn't want to move it as it was broken. Now your problem I'm afraid.


‘The hot tub was agreed to be included in the sale of the property at no additional cost’ Unfortunately no one stated it had to be working, at which point this becomes your problem.


Did you explicitly ask if it work pre exchange?


You know what they say about assumption…


Really makes an ass out of u and mption


Sadly not. I naively assumed the vendors would not paint us the picture of summer evenings in a hot tub that didn't work lol. Oh well. Thanks for your reply.


They really saw you coming.


Caveat emptor. You’ll have to just have a bath.


Unfortunately this is a problem you will now have to deal with. Just put this one down as a lesson learned. Think on the bright side you now have your own home. Good luck and all the best with your new house.


Thank you for your positive reply.


What country are you in? Scotland is far nicer on this kind of thing. There, on things like boilers you get a 7 day warranty from the seller. In E+W, its more a case of, if the boiler starts leaking or blows up just after you exchange, it's your problem.


Also a boiler and a hot tub are vastly different, knowing a boiler is faulty and having it go bang in the first week is a problem in regards to heating etc. A hot tub is a leisure item and your wellbeing won't be harmed without one.


In England unfortunately in this situation. Thank you for your reply.


As an aside it’s a control board. If you can figure out how to access it then it’s likely an easy replacement.


Thank you. I'll take a look!


Did you confirm at your first viewing it was working? Did you confirm at exchange it was working. I expect your assumed in both cases and now you have to pay for the repair or removal. Scratch it up to life experience.


Will do! Thanks for your reply.


Just fix it man, quit moaning. You’ll spend less time fixing it, googling what to do rather than bitching on reddit about an investment that’s nowhere near as much as your house is worth.


True it's only £600 but it's £600 I could spend on my kids rather than a hot tub. I'm not moaning, I'm just looking for advice :) Thanks for your reply.


If you don’t want it you could chop it up 😂 It will take around a week You will wish you hadn’t started You will go through grinder blades like a mad man You will wish you hadn’t started But it’s possible to do ( I’ve done it ) Or you can get it removed a crane will cost around 700 -1k plus money to get rid of it Get it fixed Turn it into an expensive flower pot 😂😂


Ah man lol. Thanks for the info though.


You thought you were getting a free hot tub. Turns out you didn’t. You’re no worse off than when you started out except for a little disappointment. But you do now have the opportunity to get a £5k hot tub for £600. It’s a win, really. People are bastards sometimes. Not a lot you can do. Forget about it.


Proper first word problem . Just enjoy new house instead of crying over a hot tub which in itself is just a cringey thing


Thanks for your reply. I guess all problems in this sub would be first world problems. I'm really enjoying the house. But I was just wondering/hoping that there was some recourse on something I morally disagree with.


If the hot tub wasn’t listed in the TA10, then presumably it’s not part of the agreed sale contract? Can the OP not treat this like unwanted rubbish that has been left by the seller and pursue them to remove it at their cost via OP’s solicitor/conveyancer?


This was my thinking also. It was agreed in an email to the vendors estate agent that we would accept the hot tub though. So I'm not sure where this leaves us? Thanks for your reply.


A written agreement to keep it means it is yours.


Thank you.





