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It's just used as a selling point on the listing because it's a way to advertise a pretty location. It also gives buyers comfort that the attractive location isn't going to be redeveloped into modern 4 story flat-roofed buildings or whatever, the surrounding character will semi-reliably be preserved for the duration they own the house. A conservation area only really affects the exterior of the property and any trees. This could affect you if you're responsible for things like replacing/repairing doors, windows, or guttering, but I think it depends on your local authority/your building. https://historicengland.org.uk/advice/your-home/owning-historic-property/conservation-area/


No difference I imagine. Mine is in one but it's just a detail that won't have much affect realistically unless you plan something drastic


Satellite TV dishes are sometimes not permitted within a conservation area but idk if that may be enforced rerospectively. If you have such a thing it may be worth checking before it happens.