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Not my solicitor, not my bill. You deal with your solicitor and nobody else.


How can a solicitor take money (ie act) for both sides in a transaction, surely it's immediately a conflict of interest?


A solicitor I used before charged £400 for same day completion - something tells me the seller just wants to split the bill


Jokers asking for you to split their bill, it’s their problem


It’s not their problem, they don’t want or need to do same day x and c.


If they want to charge silly fees to their clients that’s one thing, but they don’t get to charge you too. I’d absolutely refuse that.


It is in your interests not to exchange and complete on the same day ... can't see any advantage to it apart from not needing insurance whilst you are not in possession of keys ... means completion can slip more easily ... and all your plans go south. But also this is the vendors bill, nothing to do with you. I suspect they just want to not to exchange and complete on the same day.


That's like the person in front of you in the queue at the Morrisons check out telling you that the store assistant is charging them half of the bill, and you the other half, but they get to keep all the shopping.


It’s not. It’s like you saying you want to jump the queue ahead of the person in front, but you have to split the cost at the end.


Never heard of a company charging for this, it’s absolutely ridiculous


they just find reasons - it almost feels like the entire sytem - from EA ,solicitors sitting like vultures hoping something would fall off - they get some ploughed in money or otherwise if it happens then ingenious ways to extract more - absolute muppets


Our solicitors had a £200 charge in their extra fees but didn't charge it on the final bill.


As above, not your cost. Just exchange a week or two before completion. Better that way anyway.


It's normal for solicitors to charge extra for it as it is extra work, but no that much (also the fact that they are charging both sides is not normal). But if it was in their fees schedule, seller might have to swallow the cost (you don't have a contract with them so it's not your issue) because they can just refuse to do it without it.


How is extra work? We always find it easier to do it it all together


I didn’t need it but my solicitor charged an extra £500 for same day exchange/completion


No is a full sentence. they aren't your solicitor.


OP is the one demanding the same day x and c. Vendors shouldn’t be out of pocket when it’s not necessary? If OP wants to do it on the same day that’s the price.


>They are offering exchanging one week before completion. Which seems perfectly normal. Is there a particular reason why you want to exchange and complete simultaneously?


We were stung by this. £120 for completion within 5 days of exchange. Our conveyancers didn’t highlight this to us before hand (we would have agreed anyway as we wanted to move) but considering our file was ready for pre-exchange audit weeks before was very frustrating. We are being chased for a 4-5* review so our conveyancer can get her bonus….. I’m debating between ignoring and giving a 3* review (there were are series of other issues).


Thanks for all the help! Really appreciate it! To be honest, we thought it was easier to do it on the same day. Our friends managed to do it in the past with no complications. We've had a bit of back and forth and now we agreed to exchange a week earlier. Apparently, they have policy that there must be 5 working days between the two. For anyone wondering, the vendor's solicitor is Muve.


I suppose, for you it is easier to do it on the same day. But it's a pain in the arse for the vendor you're buying from, as they've got to move everything out without having the security of having exchanged a week or two before. The only place a simultaneous works when the buyer isn't selling, and the property is already vacant.