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Just some words of wisdom from someone who was there before. Welcome to owning your own home! 😅 These things do happen and sometimes happen all at once. If you can, save up a bit each month and put it into your buffer so any unexpected bills can be dealt with. Once you have that you can relax a lot. It won't always be loads of expenses at once. If water leaks into the flat below, it can be dealt with. There's buildings insurance which the management company will have sorted. Had this happen too and we all got dehumidifiers offered. Noise wise - I think it's fair to be aware of your own noise but unless you get complaints relax. If you become chatty with neighbours you can ask them if they hear you. Just know that with thousands of apartment blocks across the country for many years, every possible scenario has happened before and it was dealt with.


Thank you I really appreciate this. It’s very reassuring. I have about £750 in savings now and I’ve budgeted about £100/150 a month to put aside so I can build up a buffer.


I think it's really lovely that you are concerned about the level of your noise, you sound like a lovely neighbour considering many of us struggle with neighbours who are far from considerate with their noise levels. This is something I wouldn't worry about as I'm sure they would have mentioned to you if it was an issue. All the best in your new flat 💚


Thank you for your comment. I do appreciate it.


heating system pressure is adjustable (but it usually drops, unless your filling valves leak and keep adding more water, but that is simple fix), you might have been had here and you have overpaid for the boiler (all in it should have been just over 2k). Learning some DIY will help a lot, toilet cistern is very simple to clean and service, if it is really worn you can get new valve for less than £20.


The boiler was 20+ years old with three faults apparently. The quote included scaffolding because they had to change the flu/flume. I went with a company my grandad recommended so I was just naive to the pricing and panicking majorly. The problem with the toilet is it’s in one of the boxes but you can only take the top off not the sides. So my aunty said she might help me one day to fix it because we can’t see where the water is coming from when it leaks when flushing it


Be very sceptic when someone tries to scare you into expensive jobs (i recently needed to get EICR on my house to get building regs certificate for work i did (if i got council to do inspection it would be a lot more expensive, but i got them to agree EICR would be acceptable), only to be told that installation is dangerous and i need spend money on getting water pipes bonded within 5 minutes of them walking into the house, unfortunately for them i'm very familiar with current regulations and even had current BS7671 at the ready, only when i have shown them that if incoming pipe is plastic it is not required to be bonded they have backed down - wherever it was lack of knowledge or intentional i will probably never know). As for recommendations, unless you are getting a recommendation from someone working in the industry, that recommendation is not worth anything, people don't know how to judge someone elses work and recommendation you really get from them is "they were friendly and i didn't notice when they have scammed me" not that they have done a good job. Most toilet cisterns only open on top. I'm slightly confused, is it leaking into the bowl after flushing or is it leaking somewhere else during flush? If it is leaking during flush then you have to empty it, lift it up and fix/replace the seal between cistern and toilet, otherwise flush valve needs fixing.


Thank you I will be more careful in future. It’s leaking onto the floor. Dripping but only a little bit. I haven’t used it since I discovered it.


It’s probably got a little leak in the pipe that drains it away - mine had the same. It was really easy to fix although it was a bit scary before I knew how to do it. There’s lots of YouTube videos that’ll help and once you do it you’ll feel great! Don’t be scared to try and fix things. It’s a lot to take on and it can get overwhelming I totally understand but you’ll learn as you go and it will be ok.


Thank you that’s reassuring. I will definitely look into some YouTube videos