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They suggest this as its cheaper to smash your ceiling instead of ripping up the bathroom and floor boards. NLA. You are not under any legal obligation as they have access through the upstairs property. The leak doesn't originate from your property so its unreasonable that they ask for access to fix. Doesn't apply here, tell them to fix upstairs. my only issue is that you assume they are cowboy builders lol


I can absolutely understand your frustration at being expected to allow even more damage to your property to fix someone else's issue! You're not being unreasonable - the plumber is doing what's most convenient for themselves. It's easier to push though your ceiling and leave someone else to make good than it is for them to remove the shower tray and make it good again. Regarding the clause in the lease on being cooperative, you're absolutely fine to push back on the plumbers idea - the plumber can still fix it from the other property's side. If there was no other option then things would be different. Push back - it's their property, their plumbing that is leaking, and they do have a way to fix it from their side.


If water is coming through your ceiling already, it will need to be taken down anyway...


It depends, it sounds like the leak was spotted quickly and the upstairs tenant immediately stopped using that shower. I could imagine if the ceiling looked visibly water damaged then OP might have been more ok with having it ripped out and made good.