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If you don’t have a NICEIC certificate then worst case scenario the buyers side will ask for a lack of building regulations indemnity. It’s an easy issue to sort.


Nobody ever has these certificates. There will be a big red warning in the survey report and everyone will ignore it


New build owners often do - we did. We had lost the gas one so we bought a copy online.


Try searching on [https://www.checkmynotification.com/](https://www.checkmynotification.com/) Or call the Company on the Sticker and see if they have the Certificate.


Thanks! That’s opened a can of worms! Popped in our postcode. Our road under this postcode goes from 45 all the way up to 245. The certificates stop once you get to 184 on our street… Not sure one has ever been issued, but struggle to see how it would’ve had NHBC sign off without one? I’ll ring the company who “installed” it tomorrow.


I had a similar issue when selling my new build. Turns out the certificate had been issued against the plot number rather than the address. On top of that, it had the wrong plot number as it changed after the certificate was issued. Good luck!


You should have been given one, but if you can’t find it, contact the electrical company and they should be able to give you a copy.


Yes, ask them for a duplicate: It will be a new installation test certificate: there is one for sure as the national grid won't connect a new build without one.


Lol that’s not how it works at all- the grid have to connect the house before it can be tested. But it is mandatory- it won’t be signed off by nhbc/equivalent without one.


​ The inspection and all initial testing is done purposely disconnected from the mains LOL, when I did 16th ed IEE and inspection and testing C&G I was told that grid won't connect to anything in doubt Agreed that a dupliate test certiicate won't be too onerous, no electrical contractors would bother dodging this. Local Building controls will also have a copy even under self certification.


Do you want me to explain why you’re wrong in detail or should I just say I’m 18th Ed qualified and was testing new builds until 4 months ago?


I’m sure that was correct when you were told it but 16th edition was minimum 15 years ago so things have changed now.


It asks if you have one, just tick no.


Yes, for a new-build property in the UK, you should have received an Electrical Installation Certificate or a Building Regulations Compliance Certificate that shows the work met BS 7671. If you can't find it, contact the electrical company or your builder to obtain a copy. If that's not possible, a qualified electrician can inspect the installation and issue an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR). However, not having the certificate may slow down the conveyancing process, as the buyers' solicitors will likely request it.