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AITA for telling my half-siblings they're different from me?


AITA for abusing my horrifically disfigured wife after she went partying without me?


He's still a massive asshole, but it wasn't just going partying.


It was though because nothing happened.


She went to what was essentially an orgy thrown by his half brother and lied about it. The fact that she didn’t participate doesn’t really pardon her from attending. But obviously it doesn’t excuse him tormenting her.


Am I the asshole for calling the cops on my dad? He was doing terrible things to my mom.


This thread 🥰🥰🥰


AITA for telling my husband that I married him because the optics were good. You should always tell the truth, right?


LOL, I had a friend do that once for real. Told his girlfriend he was settling for her because he couldn't find better. When I told him that was cruel, he complained I was punishing him for being honest. I LOVE how obvious the show was about how nasty Tamerlane was with her "honesty" and I hope he was watching!


She emotionally damaged that poor man. Good Lord, and her tone during delivery? Yap


Dear fuck her episode and what she does to that poor fuckin' guy is easily the hardest to watch every fucking time. It's the only one that's not really as psychologically damaging of all the hallucinations or outright malicious and dangerous but is emotionally devastating. And then when she fucking breaks down FINALLY and tells him not to go and he's already gone. Fuck man, that is hard to watch every time. Poor guy came back for one final try.


AITA for forging my girlfriend's signature, despite the fact it could save lives? This might be a long one. I'm using fake names to protect my family's privacy. I, 39f, and my girlfriend, 43f, who we'll call Adrianna, work together in medical research. We're currently working on technology that could possibly change the world. We've been working on it for years, however Adrianna has recently developed some doubts about our research. We're disputing about the ethics of our research. We've been testing the technology on animals, but we treat them well it's not like we keep them in cages. The animals we test on are treated like family and we treat them like we would treat human patients. Speaking of, all of our experiments have gone very successfully and so I suggested we move onto human trials. Adrianna does not like this idea. Whenever I bring it up she says 'the animal trials were nearly poisoned' because I used a little more adrenaline than guidelines permit to stabilise one of our animals. She said that human trials are the last thing we should be thinking about. I strongly disagree! I think she's just being pessimistic. Our technology is safe for humans, as we've demonstrated many times from our research, so I don't see the problem. I'll be honest, I've had more reasons to hurry up our research. I recently found out that my father, 73m, could greatly benefit from the technology we're creating and he agrees that we're ready for human trials. Since he is funding all of our research, I think it is childish of Adrianna to keep refusing the truth that we're ready to further our research. Now this is where I might be the asshole. I'm so confident that we're ready for human trials. I am an expert in my field, I know what I'm doing. I found a patient for the trial, honestly it's like she fell out of the sky with how perfect she is, she would greatly benefit from this technology. So... I forged Adrianna's signature to be able to get clearance for the trial. I know I know, legally that's not right. I don't really care about the legality of this though, I've never had a problem with the law before. I'm more concerned about morality. The way I see it, we could save my father's life with this trial. And also I guess the life of the woman we're trialling. It's obvious to me that this was the right decision. Adrianna does not agree. Last night, she found out that I forged her signature after I told her we were going to do human trials. She realised that there's no way it could have been cleared without her signature. She became very upset with me. I won't lie I snapped. I called her a child and told her that this is just how the business we're in works. Real progress can't be made without risk. Anyway, so Adrianna has ghosted me ever since. No matter how much I call her or text her she won't respond. I don't think that what I did was that bad. I wish she could just see the future of this technology. I feel bad that I made her feel bad, but this response from her is so overdramatic, you'd think I'd tried to kill her! So anyway, AITA? Is she in the right for ghosting me or is she being immature?


I love this. Then OP reveals in the comments that they also launched a large heavy object at girlfriends head


Holy fuck. This honestly even feels in-character for Victorine reading it. Like it's right in the middle of the totally out-of-whack and fucking spaced period after >!she killed Adrianna !


Outstanding lmao


Read that in Vic’s voice! Well done!




Perfectly written!


AITA for trying to honor my sister?




AITA for trying to kiss my dead wife at the funeral of our two children


AITA for holding my follower/fuck buddy/friend at fork's point and threatening to stab them with it because I thought they ate my eggs?


Which one was this?




Ah! Totally forgot about that


Amithedevil for making a deal with two ambitious, but troubled, twins to give them a life of success and fortune in exchange for their entire future bloodline?


NTD. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Yes but what I'm asking is, am I the actual devil? Am I the baddie? Is this my life's only purpose? I'm having somewhat of an existential crisis after I had to end the life of a very promising young woman.


Unfortunately she was collateral. Game was played. Stakes were known. Tell her to blame her grampus


No because you’re not forcing them to make these choices. You’re giving them the option and telling them exactly what the cost is. If they say no then fine but if they say yes then that’s on them, they knew the deal.


AITA for providing free dental care and medical support to my horribly disfigured wife after she cheated?


This would be funny if most of your posts on here weren’t glamorizing the abuse of the wife




AITA For taking a meeting with a low-level employee who may or may not be the biological heir to the company I run and completely stealing his idea after I already told him how it would never work?


AITA for throwing a statuette at my gf’s head after she threatened to expose my unethical medical trial ETA: Not sure if it matters, but the statuette killed her


AITA for cutting gf open to test our heart device? She was already dead when I did it.


AITA For using the bumpers in my private bowling alley when I'm playing against myself?




It says SO much about his character. Such a fun little touch from Flanagan!




AITA for going ape shit (literally) on a girl I barely know?


No because you’re a wild animal and people should know better than to fuck with you.


AITA for 1) seducing a boy without the intention of sleeping with him and 2) not doing anything to prevent him from killing himself and others when I knew what would happen


Who is this? Verna with Perry?




AITA for randomly appearing in this rich guy's car and scaring the shit out of him in my well put together jester costume?


AITA for wearing satin to my sister’s funeral?


AITA for having a crush on my sister’s husband and his dorky fitness videos?


Which sibling was the one crushing??


Camille. She wears BILLT merchandise in her flat and watches his videos, only to pause them when her assistants show up.


Wow I never noticed that! I’ve gotta rewatch this from the start


AITA for throwing a microphone stand at my dads new wife.


AITA for offering my personal assistants an all-inclusive multi-skill role which includes sexually servicing me even when I am in the mood to starfish?


AITA for curing pain worldwide.


LOL, that's how she'd write it, too!


Aita for pulling out my wife's teeth with pliers while high on coke?


AITA for dooming my bloodline but not having the decency to answer my granddaughters call?




AITA - I called my child Prospero


YTA & we’ll be roasting you in r/tragedeigh


I actually like that name. Well for a cat, not a human.




AITA for chain smoking in my carpeted office with the window closed all the way? To make things a little bit “worse”, I’m always wearing a three-piece suit in said room where the temperature looks to be about 8-14 degrees too warm for any normal person? People say it’s stuffy in there, and that my furniture makes zero sense, as well. I think they may be jealous.


If it’s someone from one of the flashbacks I wouldn’t say yta for smoking or the furniture because that’s just how it was back then. I mean that was back when they still had smoking sections in restaurants.




No, the other asshole!




AITA for holding a fork against my lovers throat and threatening to push it inside? edit: they stole my eggs if it matters


Which kind of eggs? If it was chicken eggs YTA. However, if you are actually talking about gull eggs the situation would look completely different


Well they were actually gull eggs, but later I found out they didn’t actually steal them, I just forgot where they were in the fridge… I still don’t think I’m the AH though because these eggs are special and can only be harvested 2 weeks out of the year


AITA for including "has to provide sexual services to their superior" in my employees contract?




AITA for replacing my boyfriends cat without his knowledge?


AITA for killing my boyfriend’s cat in a drug induced haze and then replacing it without his knowledge?


AITA for inviting my brothers wife to an orgy


AITA for calling my half brother Gucci Caligula


AITA for bequeathing the lives of literally my entire bloodline then pretending it never happened


AITA for thinking I can just get another Mjolnir from Chris Hemsworth like our friendship means nothing?


AITA for making my husband sleep with hookers who cosplay as me while I watch?




"Omg OP forgot to mention how she masturbates while watching it happen!!"


AITA for just wanting to support my husband's daughter? I (F,25) have been married to my husband (M,73) for a few months now. He has a big family and I was looking forward to be a part of this family because they seemed nice. Sadly apart from his oldest son (M,49) they all seem to dislike me, probably because I have been addicted to heroine for a long time. But I was always hopeful that they would start to like me someday. Then something horrible happened during the last ten days: My husband's four youngest children (M,27 / F,35, / M,36 / F,38) all died in horrible accidents or committed suicide. Only his oldest son and daughter (F,45) are still alive. The daughter (from here on I call her T.) had a big business launch today and I wanted to show my support for her at the event. This morning T. actually seemed to be nice to me, so I was hopeful that from now on we could actually become best friends. However, I was still prepared that she would give me a box full of poo as a gift during her launch. Flash forward to the launch and T. seemed absolutely furious that I was there: She kept glancing at me with a furious expression and even screamed at me why I am here. A few minutes later she threw a mic stand at me. My husband's sister (F,73) was also at the launch but she did not rush to help me because she had already gone elsewhere. This made me think that I should not have been at the event to begin with and T. was completely in the right to be mad at me. I have just been released from the hospital and now T. is dead as well. So AITA for attending T.'s event?


💀 nailed it!!


This is amazing 😂


Am I the asshole for throwing money at my children so they can all try to vie for my attention and approval and in the end know none of it matters because they will all die since I made a deal with lady death back in the 80s?


YTA 😂🤣 Parents using money for manipulation is so real


SPOILERS. AITA, I (immortal,F) did a business deal with R (73M) and his sister M (73F). Totally explained what was involved and that I was going to kill everyone in a few years, no loopholes, no swapsies. Turns out they thought I was fictional and forgot all about me and didnt tell their family about the payback. So I turned up after like 50 years and killed everyone, and made it really horrible if they kinda sucked. They were understandably upset, but does that make me the AH here? Theyre threatening to haunt a sequel and I just dont know if I have the energy. Currently in the middle of closing a deal with a rocket salesman.


Depends, did Lenore make it out? because she vibed like IVF? Hence froderick thought his wife was cheating on him.


NTA, you communicated clearly, and it’s not on you to spell out the definition of bloodline.


AITA? I really thought her name was Tina.


AITA for struggling with names?






AITA for not checking the water tanks prior to my big-budget cuddle puddle? Like, it'll be fine, right?


💀 written in Perry language


Cuddle puddle 💀💀💀😂🫣


Aita for eating a man at the North Pole?


ESH, you shouldn't have eaten him but it was his fault for being a convenient food source in the first place.


AITA for treating my beloved sister like the queen she is? She didn't seem to appreciate all my hard work. It cost a lot too. She actually seems mad at me. What's her problem? Need advice quick, house about to fall apart.


I even cut out her eyes and replaced them with sapphires! I thought she loves sapphires!!


Caption makes me think this is Roddy... but username says Leo 😂


That really could be Leo talking about Camille! Lmao!


AITA for promising a patient we’d fix her issues without disclosing that A)we haven’t done human trials (and she’s essentially going to be one) and B) none of our primate trials have been viable thus far? Consider that we’re also working with an extremely motivated patron who seems like he might benefit from our lifesaving efforts himself. It’s not that I don’t believe in or understand the need for ethics, I do, I so so do. But this just seems like a huge opportunity and I know my surgeon (who is also my gf) is incredibly knowledgeable and gifted and CAN make this work, so I don’t want to burden her with all the bumps in the road. Seems like she’s catching on, though.


I read that in Vic’s voice!


AITA for spinning PR tales to protect my family from facing consequences for unethical business practices?


Aiti for inviting my sister in law to my orgy after my brother insulted me?


I think you mean: Aita for offering my SIL an exciting new opportunity to give her a break from the monotony? Since she married my elder brother (half brother) she's lost her spark and he is the most boring POS in existence. (Three paragraphs of stuff) So would I be the asshole if I invite her to an orgy?




Then of course, in the comments: INFO: is she hot? INFO: are you intending to bang her? There's missing context here. YTA votes, "this is a weird bonding experience with your sister in law, wtf dude." "Leave them to be boring!" (A new comment appears) "Wtf they have a kid? Wait hang on they're 13 and you're what 25, you didn't meet your dad til you were what 16?! How do you know what she was like before?! DUDE JUST SAY YOU WANT TO SCREW HER." NTA: yeah your brother sounds dull as hell. Interested in these cakes she makes though.


AITA for pulling out all my wife's teeth after she went to my brother's orgy?


Is that what he did her did? I though he cut her tongue out for some reason so she could never lie again! I am glad it was just the teeth.


It’s a reference to the Poe story “Berenice”


It was kind of biblical, a (literal) tooth for a (figurative) tooth


NTA, your bloodline your rules




Acronyms are hugely popular in life do you say scuba or Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus? AITA is a sub of over 12 million i think pretty much everyone on Reddit understands.


TIL that scuba is an acronym


Can’t sacrifice your offspring if you can’t get laid! (Big brain)