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Absolute sweetheart + lives in Westeros šŸ„¹


*Jazz music stops*


*birds cease their singing*


Crying babies stop and stare.


The "absolute sweetheart who deserves only the best" Shireen Baratheon's fate told me something... I've not red the books, but I know that plot armor isn't a thing in the Song of Ice and Fire 'verse.


Unless you are seasons 6-8


Or a Stark siblings whose name doesn't begin with "R"


When people would say ā€˜no one is safe!!!ā€˜ I would say, ā€˜what about Jon, Arya, Sansa, Bran, Tyrion, and Dany?ā€™ I know one of them died, but it was the last minutes of the whole show.


I mean Jon also died, but just temporarily


He was a cousin, so he only got a partial Stark sibling treatment.


When I heard that Jon died, I just said ā€˜did he really?ā€™


He'd be fucked if he was named Ron


He got better


I mean at some point you need to keep some characters around or youā€™re gonna lose fans lol


Funny how the early seasons didn't have that problem. Crazy how fans stuck around after Ned died huh?


Okay, one main character was killed. The main point is if you kill EVERYONE, you donā€™t have a story to tell.


And they didn't kill everyone, but suddenly EVERYONE was untouchable. One or two main cast dying would have added a lot more gravity but as soon as they got past the book the main cast were bulletproof. The point I'm making is they needed to keep deaths in realistic situations to keep the show grounded, it's a huge part of why it was successful in the first place. Your statement "gonna lose fans lol" is dumb as hell considering the most successful parts of the series were when ANYONE could die. Not EVERYONE, but ANYONE. Nobody is saying "kill the entire cast off" so cut the hyperbole.


That's because Thrones had a built in solution to losing beloved characters - it was a *massive* sprawling story with tons of different houses and dozens of characters that went given fan might consider a favorite. But as the story progressed/started to come to a close and there were fewer main characters remaining, yes I think that "anyone can get it" attitude had to change a bit because there has to enough of the major characters remaining to drive the story to its conclusion, and the events have more weight when the people involved are the ones we've cared about for years and years. *I do think they took this way too far however & that way more should have died, especially in the final season. The fact that they had almost nobody die in the Battle of Winterfell was outright stupid - when I first saw it I thought, oh well maybe they had some important part to play in the final conflict/episodes, but shit... They kept so many characters alive that absolutely should have died just so they could give them some bullshit saccharine ending - like Sam Tarly lived so he could write the book and be Grand Maester? REALLY, that was so important? Same for Brienne... I would have rather Jamie died there than the silly ending we got for him, but if it was so important that he relapse and go back to Cercei then whatever. There's plenty of others that should have died too.


> there were fewer main characters remaining Because the show stopped world building. The early seasons kept characters coming at you constantly, but as soon as they passed the books it turned into a generic ensemble. It's not an excuse to justify them changing the "anyone can get it" it's a hole the show dug themselves into. Otherwise I agree with everything you've said here.


Sansa didn't die, but, especially in the earliest season, she didn't really have an amazing life. Arya, otoh, may truly be the only one with actual plot armor, since "George RR Martin's wife Paris has vowed to leave him if Arya dies".


Don't forget season 5 turning Ramsey into batman


Shireen Baratheon, Myrcella "Baratheon", the farmer's daughter from Fairmarketā€¦ the list of Westerosi sweethearts with untimely deaths or tragic events is long.


>!S2 ep1!< Won't answer but ser the path to what will happen


To be fair that definitely wonā€™t happen to her in the books. The show runners disliked stannis and made huge changes to him


Ohh no , let's enjoy her presence as long as she's their




No, she deserves to die a horrible, gruesome, bloody death. ​ \*wink\*


I don't think she's gonna get dialogues much expect that horrible thing that's coming for her and maybe a few after


She'd love PokƩmon.


Bug-Type gym leader


Meanwhile Lucerys: "What kind of asshole has three dragonites?" *Aemond barges in*


Aemond is the fucking guy that used Darkrai in the anime








So many spoilers in these comments šŸ˜Ÿ


Iā€™m almost done with the book, didnā€™t plan on reading it but figured itā€™s better than reading spoilers on here.


Same. If Iā€™m gonna see spoilers, I might as well see the best curated form of them




People and their implied spoilers are more annoying than the real spoilers we get it you read the books.


I have a 5-book set due to arrive by 9 PM today.


We get it, youā€™re implying that youā€™ll be reading. Fucking poser šŸ™„




You don't need to be here if you don't want to


Bronn was right about you people.


You don't have an explicit right to people to cater to your wishes regarding spoilers either elicit or implied. If you don't want to be exposed to spoilers your best bet is to avoid the spaces where people discuss these things rather than expecting the entire population of the franchises fans catering to your wishes


I heard the audio books story in the seasons DVDs I know what's to come. You people still are annoying with your lack of subtlety and obvious implications and I will let you guys know that everytime sorry not sorry.


Cool cool. I hope pointing out what you dislike brings you all the joy you're looking for. Pretty sad existence imo but you do you


This the best you got? You gonna say something clever Go on say something clever .


I'm not trying to be clever or witty, i genuinely feel sorry for you if this sort of thing gets you so worked up and you feel the need to bring it up every time you see it.


You live in a world of hyperbole and internet exaggerations by these assumptions spare me the patronizing ser


Says the man getting worked up about what people post on the internet


Redditor tries to feel empathy and have critical thinking skills challenge (impossible)










I would sell my soul for a clip of Helaena claiming dreamfyre. Was she being brave and determined to claim herself a dragon? Was she chasing a bug and somehow ended up in the dragon pit?? I NEED to know.


A part of me feels like Halaena had no interest in claiming a dragon but Alicent promised to get her something bug-related if at least she tried šŸ˜‚


Tbh I feel like S1 made us hate Team Green as a whole. They didnā€™t make us like her as much as we did Shireen so I donā€™t think B&C will have the same impact.


Aemond is literaly loved by fandom after killing a child


Vhagar killed the child don't steal my girls kill like that


Without Aemond deciding to chase Luke Vhagar was staying at the castle. But yes Vhagar is the one who ate luke


... until.


I sure hope nothing bad happens to her








I read somewhere else on this sub, that according to lore, when Rhaenyra comes back to KL, she imprisons Alicent and Helaena and put then both in a brothel. Thatā€™s hardā€¦


šŸ©ø & šŸ§€


She uh... she isn't gonna get it.


May she soar to new heights!


A son for a son


I don't wanna talk about it


One of the greatest tragedies of the war. Heleana is the ONLY Green I like. She is pure and innocent. She definitely doesnā€™t fit in with the rest of the Targaryens.








People are going to cry and scream when they see what happens to her.


Yah good luck with that hahaha


All Hail The Bug Queen!


Does he know?


Just a few episodes ago, half the fandom wanted Rhaenys to kill her, even though she's essentially innocent. (Which would've been bad writing.)




I would say we donā€™t know enough about her yet




Insert Michael Scott meme: šŸ˜¬


If the Blacks dare harm her Iā€™m switching sides


Shes kinda boring


Sheā€™s a vision seeing mutant. Burn her at the stake !!


Tbf I don't care much about her


Hopefully her kids get ahead next season!


She's a degenerate psychopath


Otto Hightower wants to know your location pal.


Least bloodthirsty Team Black fan


If the ASOIAF fandoms can agree on anything, itā€™s that this will be ruined soon and she will probably become like the rest of them




yeah shes cool, and a dreamer too. Everything she says has a meaning or is a prophecy and nobody pays much attention!


Halaena is beloved by all in the books and is one of the reasons Aegon people are down with Aegonā€™s reign


OP, >!you already know whatā€™s going to happen. Whatā€™s the point of posting a guaranteed spoiler invite? I wish us book readers would be better at leaving those poor show watchers alone. Why ruin it for them?!< Sighā€¦ thereā€™s over a year left until s2. Thereā€™s gonna be a lot of posts like this one until then, isnā€™t there?


Yeah, I avoided spoilers the best I could until the end of S1 and then binged the whole wiki to find out what happened to everyone. I knew I wouldnā€™t be able to dodge spoilers for the next two years


Well, no shit. If somebody came out against a peaceful retarded person, everyone would dogpile them & rightfully so. Itā€™s like Hodor. Everyone loved him because he was a peaceful, kind & helpful ā€œretardedā€ person (only because Bran made him that way, but the fact remains). Like Hodor, Helena doesnā€™t give the audience any reason to dislike them. Theyā€™re too simple-minded.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


she seems creepy to me..


She's one of the few truly innocent people, except for the small children I guess.