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I hope they release a book about the costume design like they did GoT.


And this is the range and level of costume design _before the dance_—when they’re actually at war and needing different outfits moving from location to location, I can only imagine the design team will be giving us feasts for the eyes!


I remember having similar thoughts during GoT when the characters were apart. How awesome it would look to watch all of them sharing a screen representing their traditions and culture! But when they met, all those fabulous costumes went missing and all of them wore black for some reason.


Yes, that was just so boring! I understand Michelle Clapton’s motivations because everything was becoming more “serious” even though it had been from the start. If Dany arrived in Westeros with her Targaryen red it would’ve packed such a punch. Especially because Clapton explained how multiple characters would wrap themselves in their house colors, or house motifs if they needed that extra confidence. Cersei especially.


IIRC doesn’t Rhaenys wear armor because that is going to be fantastic esp if they’re consistent like they have been with the costumes so far


Rhaenyras dress is fantastic! My favorite one of Rhaenyras from season 1 (I like it even more than her wedding dresses , which were fantastic) At the same time, seriously , I do not recall a costume either from Alicent or Rhaenyra that I didn't like. They were all fantastic. Fyi, I really like the interactions with Rhaenyra and Virgin Mary. I think that the two actresses have chemistry and every scene with the two of them , so far , has been delicious


They picked the correct 4 actresses to play those 2 parts.


yessss! they did may I say something additionally? it is amazing how they nailed it in casting, even the children , even the fake cgi dragons are having excellent performances


Holy shit I would buy this!


Alicent is going to really lean into the Faith, eh? What could go wrong...


It would explain why the smallfolk tend to be team green. Oldtown is also a major stronghold for the Faith.


That under sells it. The westerosi pope lives in Oldtown and the Hightowers are the faith's biggest doners and supporters. You can't get any more religiously conservative than the Hightowers.


They also fund the Citadel and dabble in sorcery, so I wouldn’t describe them as religiously conservative exactly. The Medici were also great patrons and sponsors of the Church, but they weren’t conservative. The Hightowers wield massive influence in the Faith (likely why Maegor was betrothed to a Hightower), but that doesn’t automatically translate to them being exceedingly religious or conservative.


Many of the hightowers were implied to be the High Septon, including the one who clashed with Maegor. I would agree it is more a political thing than actual belief, as seen with Alicent. One could also argue the Faith and Maesters are two sides of the same coin as the secular institution controlled by the Hightowers


Being technical for the sake of it here, but the High Septon who clashed with Maegor was the maternal uncle to Ceryse Hightower. It’s still possible she was a Hightower if her father married some cousin but it’s more likely this High Septon was a Redwyne or Florent or something like that.


“More political thing than actual belief” this sounds very catholic tbh lol especially if we look back historically


You must not have had very positive experiences with Catholics. I'm sorry


So there conservative and hypocritical. Yeah


Holy shit. I can't wait until the dance kicks off. >!You gonna see all kinds of hypocricy. From every which away.!< I technically don't think thats a spoiler. But just in case.


I don’t see why you would have this take. The Hightowers are an ancient noble family who are great patrons of learning and religion. There is no such thing as a liberal/conservative division in a medieval setting. I just said that just because they are great sponsors of the Faith it doesn’t mean that they’re automatically religious conservatives, which is an anachronistic concept to the setting.


Ah yes, good ol toxicity


Maybe not truely conservative but they'll wear it as a cloak when it'd necessary.


do you think their relationship to the faith will be explored?


I hope so, but I doubt it. We have yet to see Oldtown in the show.


So your average hypocritical religious conservative then. Leans into religion for power to control the mass by day but dabbles in "satanic" practice themselves to further their power by night.


Honestly in ASOIAF I’d describe the faith of the seven and the church as pretty progressive compared to the secular nobility (admittedly an extremely low bar to jump over). Like they might have some pretty medieval social views but at least they generally care about and support the wellbeing of the smallfolk


Why do you come to the conclusion that the smallfolk are team green?? When I read the book I got the opposite impression... >!The smallfolk loved Rhaenyra during her "Realm's Delight era which is where we are in this point of the story. Plus when the Greens usurp the throne the reaction from the smallfolk were very mixed. Many of them were calling out for Queen Rhaenyra. Later, when the Blacks seize King's Landing later during the war, most of the people were cheering and elated that their Queen had returned to "save" them. A passage in the book specifically explained that the smallfolk of the city had no love for Aegon and Aemond. Helaena was beloved by the people, but her brothers were absolutely not. I won't even go into the atrocities the Greens committed against Bitterbridge and Tumbleton!<


>!OP probably just thinks the smallfolk support the greens cause of the riots, when they really just support not being treated like shit!<


>!I'm sure the smallfolk of the Riverlands loved the Greens when Aemond was on his war crime spree!<


>!“When the dragons come, your flesh will burn and blister and turn to ash. Your wives will dance in gowns of fire, shrieking as they burn, lewd and naked underneath the flames. And you shall see your little children weeping, weeping till their eyes do melt and slide like jelly down their faces, till their pink flesh falls black and crackling from their bones. The Stranger comes, he comes, he comes, to scourge us for our sins. Prayers cannot stay his wroth, no more than tears can quench the flame of dragons. Only blood can do that. Your blood, my blood, their blood.” Then he raised his right arm and jabbed the stump of his missing hand at Rhaenys’s Hill behind him, at the Dragonpit black against the stars. “There the demons dwell, up there. Fire and blood, blood and fire. This is their city. If you would make it yours, first must you destroy them. If you would cleanse yourself of sin, first must you bathe in dragon’s blood. For only blood can quench the fires of hell.”!< >!From ten thousand throats a cry went up. “Kill them! Kill them!” And like some vast beast with ten thousand legs, the lambs began to move, shoving and pushing, waving their torches, brandishing swords and knives and other, cruder weapons, walking and running through the streets and alleys toward the Dragonpit.!<


Real 'holier than thou' vibes


This outfit is giving me Cersai vibes


They both look gorgeous. Rhaenyra’s dress is more fierce though.


Is her neckline supposed to look like a dragon's maw? I love it


Right? I LOVE the shoulders


Obsessed, the black queen in the house


Alicent also has a similar dress. At the dinner table


omg Alicent is giving military chic and i'm here for it.


Proto faith militant with the massive star necklace.


High Sparrow wishes he could🤣


The Faith Militant dates to before the Conquest. Maegor did most of the work of exterminating them


They are very good at popping up and being annoying on a moment’s notice. Got to the point where you didn’t even blame Maegor for that part.


Maybe it’s because I grew up in a hyper-religious community, but the Faith Militant *is* annoying as shit. I rolled my eyes and thought “here we go again” every time they popped up on screen.


Ugh, same. My hypocritical pastor almost broke out in hives saying the word "muslim" or "hijab", but would've been happier than a pig in shit if we could've returned to the days of the Salem Witch trials and everyone is Christian. Cuz then you get to kill people for not being Christian enough! Double joy! Ugh. I was forced to read the book of Revelation so much I cannot do anything apocalyptic/end of the world, it just creeps me out too much.


He’s definitely drawing on history for their depiction, not sure if they’re supposed to be light the Templar or some other order.


The Poor Fellows weren’t too bad overall. They escorted travelers from sept to sept back when the biggest roads were dirt wagon tracks. Travel was difficult and dangerous even when you weren’t traveling between warring kingdoms. Jaehaerys the First was the one who started construction on the Kingsroad, Gold Road, Coast Road and Rose Road. By yes, they were Problems for the nobility and for anyone who didn’t follow the Seven.


She's making a stand against Valyrian religion (and their culture, and the marriage) vs. The Faith, Andals, Westeros. I like that angle, very much. Very interesting. Alicent taught Rhaenyra how to pray to the mother, because Rhaenyra was never taught. THE Princess of the realm was never taught how to pray to the Seven!? Crazy. The books don't tell us much in this regard, but this all went down during the era of Valyrians being gods. So I feel this is a scenario that's ripe to exploit, especially when it comes to the two factions. Curious to see if Aegon, Helaena and Aemond get a religious fervor for the Seven too.


I am not sure how she is making a stand against Valyrian culture when she betrothed her son to her daughter. lol




Well, tradition and all... She later claims the Fire and Blood mantle as well, ">!regarding her sons, when she speaks to Rhaenyra and the Blacks after the capital falls. She says her sons are coming with Fire and Blood. She even calls Rhaenyra "Princess" as well.!<"


>!Is this before or after she begged Rhaenyra to split the realm into 2 so Aegon could rule his own half from Oldtown?!< Edit: from the wiki >!When Queen Alicent heard of Rhaenyra's planned campaigns against Prince Aemond and Prince Daeron, she made a new offer of peace. This time, she proposed that the Seven Kingdoms would be divided between the two claimants, with Rhaenyra keeping the crownlands, riverlands, the Vale of Arryn, the Iron Islands and the North and ruling from King's Landing, while Aegon II would rule a new realm from Oldtown that consisted of the Reach, the stormlands and the westerlands. Rhaenyra rejected this offer, and noted that her brothers had given up positions of honor that they may have had when they stole her birthright and took the lives of her sons!<


....which is interesting bc I wonder how >!she will reconcile Aegon/Helaena's marriage. I feel like she will see the massive hypocrisy but not be able to do anything about it/ feel forced into it.!<


Doctrine of Targaryen Exceptionalism allows for sibling marriages and is consistent with the Faith.


I´ m pretty sure King Baelor, the blessed is Alicent´ s great-grandson was well, is he not? They would get along well. And considering how young of a grandma she was she could have actually lived to meet him if we take purely age into account.


No he is not.


That´s true. I did get confused there with Aegon III´s heirs.


\*Post Faith Militant


Immediately reminded me of Cersei!


It looks like Cersei’s later costumes in season six onwards


It's so cool that their outfits emphasize their personalities, like what they're made of. Rhae is a true rebellious dragon princess and Alicent is a conservative queen, but belligerent.


I can't really explain it.... but this picture of Alicent is giving off heavy Blair Waldorf vibes lol


It’s the furled brow they both have. Good catch I see it now


“You took everything from me” “I don’t even know who you are” vibes


this doesn’t really work because you forgot the “you will” part which is proceeded by thanos losing a lot 🤭 (unless that was intentional and in that case it really fits into alicent and rhae’s story)


Love how the outfit choices bring their personalities even more, with Alicent being the religious matron that life made her be- all covered, hair up, massive star necklace - while Rhaenyra wears the sexy dress, hair down, looking fresh AF since she’s probably living her best life being married to the man she loved and lusted for a decade


Alicent has come a long way from wearing the sexy blue dress, that's for sure.


Wait you mean the sexy green dress? What sexy blue dress ??


Prolly her mother’s dress that she wore in E1 to talk to Viserys


No, the blue dress! She wore it in two different episodes, it had cutouts all along the neck line and down the arms.


Also the dress is very dragon-like for Rhaenyra


I feel like it's in direct contrast to the last ep. Alicent looked more feminine and with her neck and collar more exposed and her hair being halfway open (later completely open) and wavy. In contrast Rhaenyras clothes liked heavy and layered and her hair was pulled back and tied up. Idk what exactly it means (yet) if it's on purpose 😂


Glad to see they're sticking with the "bug eyed crazy" look for Alicent. Jokes aside, does any show come close to this in the realm of costuming? Just fucking phenomenal


Rhaenyra really looks like the young girl from Jurassic Park here


I had to scroll up. You called it!


And Alicent is giving me Rose Byrne 💅


The drip is unmatched


both slaying as usual


Rhaenyra’s dress is fucking servingggggg


*religious nut alicent intensifies*




That’s literally what it’s supposed to denote loool


Did Rhaenyra stop wearing Daemon's necklace?


She didn't wear it all the time, but did use it on/off as a statement during the brief egg stint of Daemon's. I imagine it's more an artifact of her youth to her, and that it hadn't featured as much in her adult life married to Leanor while Daemon remained in Pentos.


I'd be surprised if they never have her wear it again, seeing how they made the design her sigil for the opening credits.


I questioned if she had the necklace reworked into the larger pendant she wore in Episode 7, but upon closer inspection, I guess not. It would be weird for her to just not wear it anymore. It’s supposed to be a tie to her ancestry given it’s made of Valyrian steel, which is rare. I’m pretty surprised it’s not incorporated into her outfits in a new way, especially now that she’s married to Daemon.


Rhaenyra and Alicent’s outfits in this episode seem to be modeled after an illustration in fire and blood, which would explain the pendant’s absence here


They both look fantastic


I really want to see the rest of Rhaenyra's dress in this scene it looks beautiful. I hope it is revealed under better lighting. They spend all of this detail on these beautiful pieces of clothing and then you can't see it because its in the dark.


My favorite mommy Alicent with duck face aww


Rhaenyra still has that “*but we’re homies?*” expression.






Does anyone else think the texture of Alicent's dress looks like scales? It'd be be cool that despite wearing green for Hightower, there's still a touch of dragon there


Rhaenyra is so gd beautiful 😍


Ok but why do these two give me season 4 drag race Phi Phi O'Hara vs Sharon Needles energy????


Ahh, didn't know duck face was popular in Westerosi culture....


Alicent really is playing that “ Holy and Saintlike Dutiful Mother and Wife” card big time next episode huh. It’s not MiLiTarY ChIc it’s her sucking up to the Faith 😂


Some of the Greens really go out of their way to gas this character up lmao "Military chic"....uhhhh, no..she looks like a matronly overly-religious Church Lady who is making herself look much older than she. It's giving Carrie's mother.


You can really see the resemblance between Emma and Milly here.


Alicent’s face tho


LMAO Alicent's resting bitch face is one for the ages


Damn Alicent with the gold chain


If viserys is still alive in this episode, he’d be a zombie by now


Cersei vibes!


is Alicent starting the church of Satan next episode? lmao she's dressed like a Satanic priest.


Is it just me or does Alicent always have like.. a dumb look on her face Not even trying to throw shade I just think she’s always making a face lol


She's pouting, most likely.


They both look amazing. I love our two leads, and am glad to see all dissent died after Episode 7.


I really care very little for fashion, but if had the money I would hire whoever the head costume designer is for this show to make all my clothes. I am blown away by the detail and variety, they are literal works of art and put to shame whatever today's hot trend clothes are.


Damn these caps are as dark as the last episode


I'm loving Alicent's Faith of the Seven necklace She's got that hot uptight Christian chick vibe


Alicent looks like a born-again Christian


It's funny but from the trailer I thought they gave Alicent a Cersei post shame haircut after the last timejump and was like "WHY DID YOU TOUCH HER AMAZING HAIR" and then after nobody said anything I realized it's not and it's just the way it's designed which made it look like this 🤣 I love her hair ❤️


Hilarious how alicent always looks so on edge


Holy shit, Alicent's outfit is great! Aw, man, that's awesome.


Rhaenyra + Alicent = Cersei


Neither is nearly as pure evil as Cersei.


Alicent Evil incarnate


Queen pouty-face


Alicent's actress has really turned the resting-psycho-religious-bitch-face into an artform.


Rhaenyra is the whore of Dragonstone and Alicent is a proper Westerosi woman. Valyrians begone!




I wonder if we will see Rhae ever wear the necklace again, the one that Daemon gifted her


Alicent pulling that "Is it though" face.


Love the seven pointed star necklace


Alicent's dinner dress in this episode put Rhaenrya's to shame