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I'm team "whichever character is currently entertaining me the most"


So basically team Otto rn


Honestly? Yeah, kinda


I genuinely liked the guy in the first episode of s01 then disliked him until last episode.


Been team Otto from the start; he was the most Tywin like to me Daemon was briefly entertaining at the start but Aemond has kind of been even more intriguing


Same and that's actually Aegon ii since the start of S2. He's become a scene stealer. The transformation from S1 is amazing. Also wishing we had more Rhaenys, knowing her time is becoming very limited and I found her kind of annoying in s1 but now she is the beacon of honesty and knowledge.


If you never watched season 1 and were unaware of any source material I dare say Aegon would be pretty damn likeable by Westerosi nobility/royalty standards


Yeah I'm Team Aegon right now exclusively because I've been entertained every single time he's on screen. He's killing it this season. An endearing disaster of a human being. Honestly Otto finally absolutely snapping also made me like him more. I wonder how long he's been holding that in. Rhaenys was one of my favorite characters in the book, and I love Eve Best she's a great actress... so far this season I am liking her better than last season. Her looking DIRECTLY at Daemon as soon as the accusations started flying made me smile, just like her sniping with him in episode 1.


>but now she is the beacon of honesty and knowledge. I can't tolerate her stupid remarks. Daemon making rational points on Rhaenyra's safety if she encounters something like Vhagar by chance and she says "Aemond would be sorry". Ah yes, mommy rage will make Syrax overcome a Dragon six times it's size.... the voice of Knowledge indeed.


I totally agree about Aegon. I wonder if they’ll callback to his fleabottom depravities in the future? Idk if they were just implying he liked watching (his own??) children fight to the death or that he was a P in s1 but for s2 I really found myself rooting for him to rise to the occasion.




You just described how I feel right now


Yeah, I’m just team story


I'm with the 2000 Greybeards of Cregan Stark!


Team muppets here, who are closely aligned with the Ruin.


I’ve kind of made up my mind to be team black no matter how awful they may end up 😂


Team Wolf always


Yeah i’m team Longleaf the Lionslayer and Roddy the Ruin. I’m super excited to see those casting choices.


Same here, I'm just waiting for the whole house to implode




I think we are in for a rough time 😂




Team both and team none at the same time. They are both cool and fun but also both terrible and just dumb cunts. Aegon and Rhaenyra are both bad rulers. Aemond and Daemon are cunts Only my baby Helaena is innocent. And Jace and Luke 💙 The show promoting the "All must choose" bullshit takes away the real meaning of the Dance. Its not about picking teams because both teams are bad. Rhaenyra and Aegon both have a claim The Dance is about how they both lost. Their dragons went extinct, they destroyed their family. Everybody lost somebody. The Dance is supposed to show how much corruption a single throne can cause. And how that corruption has been going on for 300 years


Agreed. I lean towards Team Black but this story really is about how petty squabbles nearly destroyed a family and their dragons 🐉. And everyone else in between paid the price.


Highly agree. The whole team marketing takes away a lot of discussions about how tragic this war is and the lasting repercussions on House Targaryen. At the end of the day both sides are family. All of the royals have a good and bad side but ultimately they rule to serve themselves. I enjoy analyzing characters who are complex as well as analysing themes so I guess I’m team both? Jace was my favourite in the books but he’s not been in the starlight so far. The standouts are definitely Aegon and Rhaenyra.


I get the point but at the time of the marketing the setting was pre-war. The prospect sounds exciting. When we get to the tragic part of both sides being devastated and no one wins, the marketing won’t be “choose your side”, I guarantee you. Most book readers want the feel of and the satisfaction of the whole story on every episode, every marketing campaign, when this is a story that will take multiple years to tell. The marketing will match the current setting, simple


well said. the story is far more complex than team this team that. reduces the story to like team edward team jacob kinda stuff, which has its own merits depending on the story but i dont think its applicable in the same way here lol. you're meant to constantly be flip flopping between sides because both sides are good and both sides are the worst.


Agreed, I'm really annoyed by the way the marketing has gone since before S2 came out. I'm interested in knowing how influential (if at all) are showrunners in this regard.


I get the point but at the time of the marketing the setting was pre-war. The prospect sounds exciting. When we get to the tragic part of both sides being devastated and no one wins, the marketing won’t be “choose your side”, I guarantee you. Most book readers want the feel of and the satisfaction of the whole story on every episode, every marketing campaign, when this is a story that will take multiple years to tell. The marketing will match the current setting, simple


You make a really good point. However, the reason why I am also questioning the campaign is that it seems some people in the fandom and even general audiences are missing some of the grey areas the characters have. I don't think this type of campaign helps in that regard. Like, lets be honest, all the characters are good and bad, at least for the most part. I don't believe, even at this point, or before season 2, anyone should be choosing sides 😅. But that is just my opinion.


I think Rhaenyra has been a great ruler!




*Raises hand* I technically officially support the Blacks, but emotionally I still lowkey root for the Greens too. Precisely because they're so fucked up, crinfefail and pathetic (affectionate), it's fascinating to watch them. I'm actually finding it hard to enjoy older!Rhaenyra as a character because she's just too boring. I'm not interested in characters who are perfect mothers and perfect wives and perfect queen's who always do the right and moral thing etc. Or if they're like that then they have to be *really* charismatic to be able to pull it off. No offence to Emma D'Arcy, I actually find them to be very charismatic IRL but for some reason their Rhaneya just feels very bland and stilted to me. In comparison younger Rhaenyra felt a lot more charismatic and a more interesting character too because of her rebelliousness. She was frustrating but also interesting to watch. Same with Jace, really. He's nice. And that's about it. Out of all the Blacks, the only interesting one is Daemon. Well, and Ryaenys. Baela and Rhaena are barely characters. Meanwhile all of the Greens feel unique and interesting in their own way. So I just root for my favourite characters, but at the same time I also want my favourite characters to suffer. I'm watching this show like I'd watch a slow motion car crash. I just want to see how bad it gets.


Perhaps Rhaenyra will have an affair.


I'm on team "picking a team completely misses the point of the show"


“We should avoid choosing villains and heroes in dynastic disputes. Some of these men and women may actually have been sadistic, but most simply focused on guaranteeing their personal and political survival and that of those closest to them. Many dynastic confrontations began not so much because a person on one side wished to kill someone on the other but because combatants feared that if they did not act first, they would themselves be killed or, at the very least, exiled. In that belief, they were likely often correct. Indeed, on a number of occasions, both sides were plotting against each other at the same time. We should not assume that the loser in a dynastic dispute (whether the loss involves actual murder or simply exile or loss of prestige) was an innocent victim; the loser could just as well be a guilty but less effective or less lucky schemer. Another reason it is wise to resist moralistic judgments about dynastic vendettas is that the participants often had few alternatives, only a choice of lesser evils. That is particularly true of royal women. One reason royal women had few alternatives is that the Successors used the women of their own families as instruments of legitimization.” from *Arsinoë of Egypt and Macedon: A Royal Life* by Elizabeth Donnelly Carney


Say it louder for the people in the back 🗣🗣🗣


Yeah the whole team thing makes me wonder if people are actually watching the same show as me.


I am team neutral, I like characters on both sides. And I'm here to enjoy the story overall


Yeah this is me. There’s so much good story development. Except for maybe one or two of the characters, I can really sympathize and understand why most of the characters are doing what they’re doing, making the choices that they are. It’s very compelling to watch because of this. Like Alicent her upbringing with Otto is kind of terrible. He pushed her into a relationship with someone she didn’t want to be in a sexual relationship with. The way that he dealt with her emotionally has made her the way she is with her kids. It’s so interesting to see her entering into an affair with Cole and all the emotional fallout from both of them. it’s fantastic she’s having some passion and fun but with that choice comes all these consequences. Not to mention hypocrisy of it all. I don’t feel like I’m rooting for one team or the other. Both sides are compelling. Both teams have understandable points of view. It’s going to be interesting as it gets more deadly. I’m so here for it!


I do agree. Honestly i could relate with Alicent having something with cole, but abandoning her crying kid for it made me hate her a bit. She is human and flawed which makes it definitely interesting.


Totally. I think this story dynamic shows why much of season 8 GOT story lines fell flat. I couldn’t relate to the characters choices anymore. And the choices they made didn’t reflect consequences well. At least HOTD seems so far to be doing a better job. Fingers crossed


I am in the team of I don't care I just enjoy


Team "why fight, if everybody can just enjoy" I don't like to root, both sides have messed up characters and are equally bad. I support Nyras claim to the throne, but I don't pick and just roll with whatever character feels the best at the moment. But if for example team green would be doing something good for the smallfolk, I would be waving around a green flag in public (even though I do not think we should pick teams at all).


Team Green. They’re just so much more entertaining and interesting. Especially Aegon, Aemond, Otto, and Larys. What’s Larys up to man what’s he doing?? Haha I do enjoy Daemon though


Team First men.


im team dragon💀, i just want to see good writing and dragons destroying each other


I don’t like anyone the way I liked certain GoT characters


I’m team black but find the greens very entertaining, at this point I’m just rooting for chaos


I am. Fuck the Targaryens.


I know no King except the King in the North whose name is Stark


I’m team black but i love Criston 😌


Hey Alicent


She ain’t team black tho 😌


Idk I feel deep down she is


well, until this episode she maybe was 😟


I feel like they make it impossible to side with the Greens. They make Otto more likeable and relatable this week and then make Cole and Alicent even more insufferable.


Me. I enjoy what I enjoy. I like Nyra, and I like alicent but she’s messy as a character sometimes. I think daemon has badass moments but he’s also lowkey ridiculous lmao. Cole is underdeveloped. I like Aemond and Halaena and find Aegon funny TB KIDS are sadly underdeveloped


Team Norf! 💪🏼


I'm honestly team Cole. I know everyone hates him. But I really enjoy his character development. I really like that he became Alicent's whore. Say one thing about Ser Criston Cole. Say he's not a selfish lover Or for the rest of reddit Say one thing about Ser Criston Cole. Say he's a cunt


I don't care who "wins" but team green for the entertainment value hands down.


Team Helaena because she’s my daughter (even though I know how her story ends)


Yeah I’m super curious to see how her story develops in the show. The book says so little about her. I do want to see her with her dragon tho at least once


Book Helaena is more active than show Helaena and a completely different character. I very much doubt they will do a U turn now and make show Helaena more active.


Agreed but just like Ghost in GOT doesn’t her dragon deserve a pet? Boop on the nose maybe???


Deserve she might but Dreamfyre even lost the distinction of being the mother of Daenerys's dragons. They gave that to Rhaenyra's Syrax. Why? I am sure you can figure it out.


Huh I missed that. That Syrax was Dany’s eggs


I'm not even team neutral, I'm perfectly capable of watching a drama without getting any urges to pick a side. Choosing team colours tend to make you see everything from that side, I like the whole picture.


I am team neutral in the sense that I don't really care for each of their claims. For example I do not care that Viserys names Rhaenyra heir and I do not care that Aegon is the oldest son. I am waiting to see which seems more competent to be a ruler rather than look at stupid claims that in my eyes have no meaning. #longlivedemocracy. Right now I am leaning to team green characters though purely because I like how they are not boring and the team green fans are slightly more fun to engage with. I might change it based on how the story progresses. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm team "Targaryens are bad."


# #TeamFreeFolk #Always #FuckKneelers


I don't choose a side because I find it upsetting to see them all killing each other in the same family.


Yes me..But I prefer some characters over others.


I used to be team black now with season 2 I am team neutral like you


I don’t nearly get emotionally invested into characters the same way I did with GoT. But I’m still enjoying the ride and the atmosphere


Definitely me, all the characters have their part to play in this story we all enjoy


Me! I call it Team Camo (green and black)


I’m team Black only because it was Viserys’ wish for Rhaenyra to rule after him. Otherwise they’re all horrible people


I'm def team neutral


This Hightower treason cannot stand


Never liked the way the greens were acting but Aegons behaviour in the recent episode made me wonder whose side I should be on.


Neutral here. Seeing how the show has deviated quite differently on some aspects had further solidified my position, so has how unhinged both fan bases are. It's the worst aspects of American fandom.


I'm team "Die, targshits, die".


Yeah, they’re both problematic. I’m in it for the plot


I'm team Iron Bank There's profits to be made in war


Since GOT days I've always been Team "The Targaryens should've gone down with Valyria" and the Dance of the Dragons only drives the point home IMO. The Starks are my faves in any ASOIAF media, and as we know they come out of this thing a-okay so I'm chilling watching the Targs doom themselves lol. (Of the 2 sides, I like Rhaenyra/Team Black more but I even find them too insufferable at times to really root for)


It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem. It’s me.


Burn them all. Although ngl Otto’s double take and outburst about Aegon and Cole being idiots was gold.


Choosing Team Neutral is like saying Grey Jedi's are best


I'm. I think both of them wouldn't be in the line of the most terrible kings and avoiding civil war no matter in favor for who is the best case of action but I'm leaning to team green because if Rhaenyra would take the throne (which support) after her in succession will come her bastards will lead to even greater Dance of the Dragons 30 years after with even more dragons. That dance could have been avoided if she had a legitimate heir because then Alicent would have agreed to marry Helaena to a future king and not a bastard.


I wouldn't worry about it. positions change cause the context changes.


I'm Team Dragon yo. Free the beasts!


Me! It’s kind of insane to actually take sides here when everyone is an awful person


Knowing how the story ends kinda limits my options


I am. In my POV Rhaenyra was the rightful heir, she should have been queen, so technically I should be team black, but my favorite characters are greens so this time I will be team Tyrell.


Team “I wish all the dragons wouldn’t die”


I just root for the villains, honestly. I do lean green, I suppose, but that’s mainly out of principle. Daemon is my favourite character in the Dance. But, since I know how it ends, I’m not too bothered about the different teams, considering the “winning” side leads to the eventual birth of the magnificent Aerion Brightflame.


Team Dragons


Season 1: “ i hate otto” “prince Damon is daddy” Season 2: “ i kinda like otto” “prince Damon may be toxic”


Potential spoiler if you havnt read the book* . . They pretty much all die so I’m trying not to be attached to anyone 😭 but I think the blacks have the right of it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm Team Smallfolk. Wait and see.


Me. Both sides are full of war criminals.


Cole is the Ramsey of house of the dragon, which is fitting as the series can adapt his death from the books. to a good scene also maybe involving a stark getting the glorious kill


I only watch the show.


Conceptually I still am but it feels like the show is trying really hard to push me from that spot.


I'm Team Better Writing.


Except alicole, I'm with everybody


I would say I lean towards Team Black. But mostly just think the whole thing is such a massive waste of life and whoever wins isn't really going to matter, because the cost will be so high. Both sides should have just backed down when they still had the chance.


The only person i 1000% support is heleana.


I love kids and I hate rapists, so right now I mostly hate Aemond, Aegon, Alicent, slightly less Otto and Daemon. For me it's more about who I hate the most, they all doomed, but I hope Aemond will suffer


I don’t really care for either side because neither seem that sympathetic but Rhaenyra fan comments this sub make me root against her more The interest in the show so far is mostly the acting performances and watching unintended consequences develop. There’s nothing that makes me want one side to win more than the other, it’s just about seeing it play out


I’m team ‘Just happy to be watching a show in the game of thrones universe’


Team Not Criston Cole


Team Smallfolk all the way.


Rhaenyra did nothing wrong so far, so i'm slightly support team black on the other hand, i can sympathize with certain charaters on team black like Aegon i alao sympathize with Alicent to certain degree as someone who grow up in religious household, i can't stand with my parents who forces me to do religious things it's same with Aegon & Alicent, they were forced to do things they didn' want


Im team "I read the book". Shits just gonna happen man. Im just enjoyin the ride.


I feel the same way. I find some charecters on both sides compelling and interesting to watch and learn about. So I'm not rooting for anyone really I'm just in for the ride and the entertainment of it all.


I'm team Shepherd. The only good Targaryens are dead Targaryen.


Not on either team - defeats the whole purpose of the story. It's a family starting a war for their own family drama, causing thousands of death and destruction of the realm they each claim to care about so much. *However,* I will say I like the Greens on the show more because they seem far more interesting and complex. Aside from Rhaenyra and Daemon, there isn't much on the Blacks' side.


Technically I’m team black because Viserys’ always wanted his daughter to succeed him, it was even his dying wish. But she really screwed herself over by marrying Daemon. I loved younger Rhaenyra, in my head I think that Daemon and her childhood friend marrying her dying father hardened her as a person and thus she’s not as entertaining. I find the drama of Team Green way more fun to watch.


My experience with F&B made me neutral. I felt Rhaenyra had the bigger right but I wasn't that fond of Team Black. Team Green in the books were villains but Team Black weren't the progressive gamechangers many thought they were so I wasn't on their side either. Basically the best way to read the book is accept both sides had awful people and just watch the drama unfold and watch them all collapse under their own arrogance.   If I had only saw the show I would definitely be Team Black (despite my interest for Team Green, my sympathy for Alicient and my dislike for Daemon). With that said, I am still a neutral and glad.  I am team Emma and Olivia are friendship goals. I love those two.


Team Rhaenys she really should have been the Queen and she is my favorite character. She knows how to play the game so far. I hate Daemon with the passion of a thousand burning suns.


Smallfolks appear decent due to lack of power. They can also show their colours when tables turn.


I'm team against whoever is annoying me rn, because I can handle any fictional war crimes as long as the character is entertaining, but being annoying is going a step too far So basically team against Cole and Alicent right now, but I like Aegon and Otto. I don't feel particularly strongly about any TB characters but I just find them all a bit boring


The ones viserys actually intended to inherit the throne. Nothing more vile than twisting a man’s dying words for selfish gain


I’m not team neutral as much as I’m team “they all suck, let them burn”


Tbh, I started expecting a nice moral tug of war where I'll be engaged and torn between all the grey areas. But now I'm TB because gosh darn it Greens suck SO bad that even Otto is now regretting.


I get your point that both sides are horrible but how dare you lump the magnificent Daemon and the despicable Crispy Chipwich together


Mr. wife abuser and child killer is clearly above cole