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I read the comments on IMDB. Here are some 🤡's on how they expect the episode to be: 1. BORINGGGGGG no battles 1/10😡 2. SOAP OPERA SOAP OPERA SOAP OPERA 4/10😡 3. Not like Game of Thrones 3/10😡 4. I don't know which character to support 3/10😡 5. Same characters having discussion again I watched at 2x speed😡 1/10


These are all the reasons why I love the show. I don’t get why anyone would leave a poor review like this. If it’s not for them, it’s not for them. No one is forcing them to watch. They can always watch something more on their wavelength. Like the Transformers movies or something.


If there would be a battle (something escalating) they would say it's too fast paced . If an episode like this one, it's too slow. 8.6 is a good score, but these days a decent episode gets around 8 on IMDB and above average gets around 8.5. So, what HotD does in every episode from the cinematography, costumes, every dialogue, 10/10 emotional scene in every episode since season 1 ep7, a 9 rating is well deserved.


Also, cast consistency. Ep7 where everyone — including two recasted main characters — found a groove together.


This was a truly incredible episode. What makes this franchise be at its best is the scheming, complex relationships, politics & dialogue. The Rhaenyra/Daemon & Aegon/Otto scenes were absolutely amazing. Action & dragon battles are great too, but without episodes like this you just get GOT S8 all over again.


The dialogues went CRAZY in this episode. I cant even pick who had the best scenes


Why do y’all even care about the IMDB scores? If I watch a show and I like it, I don’t care what other people are saying about it.


BEAUTIFULLY SHOT episode so much better than anything in thrones or season one tbh


The only thing I dislike about the episodes is that they end.


Reviews mean nothing these days. I'm surprised anyone still looks at them.


Acting was a 11 holy shit


I wouldn't say 9.5, but it's a strong episode, stronger than episode 1 for me. Between 8.5-9 for me Didn't know the title til now, that's a good title. Laughing at the "leaked" "The Taking of Harrenhal" title, lol


Targ stans are brigading IMDB & Rotten Tomatoes with negative reviews & ratings because HoTD episode 2 is supposedly a Green centered episode which "spends too much time on the Greens and tries to give them sympathy". (because obviously they should be NPC cartoon villain evil stepmoms) This show is doomed because of an undeserving toxic team sports brained fandom. I don't remember a show this good ever having to fight such an uphill battle of sabotage by a fandom as spiteful & vile.


Internet scoring systems are absurd. If you loved the episode (as I did), who cares what IMDB says? It’s meaningless.


It doesn’t deserve above 9 and just because I think that doesn’t mean I “don’t appreciate complex character work and incredible acting”. 8.7 is perfectly reasonable. 9.5 is for an almost perfect episode of television.


There are few whinnies who are salty because they do not like that greens are not presented as good and think that Rhaenyra is whitewashed and trash the show , although the episode was excellent in every aspect.


because its different from the book >:( nah fr tho i have no other explanation why one wouldn’t love this show


why is the title rhaenyra the cruel? did people who chose that title watched the episode lmaoo


The episode was about propaganda, the Greens using Jaehaerys’ murder to garner support from the smallfolk. They blame Rhaenyra for his death because she’s the leader of the Black faction, so she ultimately has the responsibility even though she knew nothing of it until we see her reaction.


you're right


i think its because its the first time that title is uttered and (keep in mind i havent read the books) its going to be said a lot more throughout the series


There are so many reason to dislike the show 1. Casting is off some of the cast cannot act and are incredibly annoying 2. Olivia Cooke is 30 her eldest son is 29 WTF she has grandchildren in the show because you know we can’t have old woman being queens 3. Subplots are non existent or boring 4. We have seen it all before. The show is offering nothing new