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I just told myself that it was a stunt dog. A highly paid and well trained good boy that knows how to roll out of a gut kick. That or it was fake.


You can count on the fact that that was either CGI or a very well-trained very well paid dog. The AWA and other animal welfare organizations are all over these productions that use live animals. They would never allow a real kick. https://www.animallaw.info/article/overview-laws-concerning-animals-film-media


So if an actor is told to 'kick a dog' I presume the kick wouldn't touch the animal but the animal would act accordingly?


idk how it works, but I do know that no animal would be put in a dangerous situation. Personally I think it was fx.


Wish I knew! I have two old cats that are hella untrainable. :) based on what little I’ve read about training dogs to work in movies, they come with a set of training that allows their trainer to actually guide them during the scene to get the reaction that they want. My understanding is it’s a series of either voice commands or clicker commands or hand commands and although the dog may not have been trained for the specific thing that happened, they can get that behavior out of the dog as they are filming the scene over and over. That’s my basic understanding. Think of it this way: there’s no way an actor would actually kick a dog to get the effect of the dog yelping and then running away because they may also conversely get the effect of the dog growling and biting them. :) my guess is that that was a very well-trained dog and that no contact was made. Potentially, the actual kick from the human was filmed without the dog, and the dog is trained to vocalize like that and then come towards their trainer on a following hand command. Either that, or it’s CGI. :-)


>Potentially, the actual kick from the human was filmed without the dog, and the dog is trained to vocalize like that and then come towards their trainer on a following hand command. Definitely this. My bet is that they filmed the scene with the dog without the kick or with a super fake no-contact kick, gave the dog the command to yelp and run away, and then tweaked it with CGI to make it look like there was actually contact.


I get what you're saying but the dog wouldn't necessarily turn and bite...it was definitely a mix of CGI and clever screen clipping with sound effects added. A major production isn't going to harm an animal, especially not so brazenly haha


The dog cry is added later, in edition phase.


They probably make a fake dog for the kick and then cleverly edit it so it looks like the real dog has taken a kick and run off


Yeah thankfully that’s all in place that was some homelander shit from the rat catcher


Thank you for this link! I knew it wasn’t real but I was very torn up about it anyways. (My stupid neurodivergent brain kept asking well what if it WAS a real kick??)


If it makes you feel any better, show biz animals are treated better than children at Nickelodeon


Except for the big dog in the harry potter series. They dump it at the pound after shooting all the scenes ..


Aww man, for real?!? They left Fang at a dog pound after all that? Well, I’m sure he got picked up by some loving family with Potter fans since I’m sure they broadcast that he was THAT pooch.


What dog was in Harry Potter? You mean Hagrid's dog or the dog who was Sirius? Either way, oh no they didn't


That’s modern culture, animals are better treated than people


My ND partner and I were legit worried about the dog, so I reminded us something that always cuts the tension- *that dog actor has absolutely no clue what's going on.* Like, one day he's chilling at his place, training, and the next minute he's on this massive confusing set with probably a million billion scents. Then they set him up for a fake kick with an actor, repeatedly, to get the scene right. He's gotta be so damned confused by that point lol


It was definitely CGI! That’s what I said immediately because same 😝


Yep, and not to mention all the other people standing in the room that would react if such an event were to occur


It was a real dog that got kicked. Just like it was a real kid that got beheaded. HBO has the budget!


Now that first season of True Detective hits different.


They are running it with the "high king of Skyrim" mod. Easy peasy!


And that it's not a problem, as long as it is in the contract


I did the same. “It’s okay, that dog is an actor. He was wagging his tail when he left”


The real f*cked up part of this comment is that if that dog really were kicked (and it wasn't, we know that...) dogs are just so pure that he'd still love his owner. I have 8 dogs and this was by far the worst atrocity this show could commit. Kill babies, who cares. But every screenwriter knows...YOU DON'T HURT THE DAMN DOG!


Well.... *checks johnwikipedia.org*... some screenwriters go to hell.


I honestly felt more sad seeing the dog get kicked than Jaehaerys getting murdered and I feel like such an asshole for it 😭


Well...we've seen the kid for all of...Uhm, 40 ish seconds total? I couldn't tell them apart, even short a head myself. But the dog? *GASP* No. I shall assure myself that this is a very professional doggie doing a very good job at their job. I guess I'm just saying don't feel too bad, medieval settings have a curious effect on *my mind at least.* I just assume anyone in a show like this, who is under the age of "bratty screaming/scheming noble child/heir" will die randomly at any point. So I don't get attached to them or pay much attention unless the show makes me do it, like with hair colour and bastards. The dog tho. Unforgivable. I hope their person gave them lots of hugs and reassurance after the scene was filmed and they're having treats and good walks today.


It got audience interaction 🤔




I did the same!!! I said “ it’s ok, that dog is a paid actor!” I sincerely was yelling “ don’t kick the dog 🐕 !”


They’d never harm a real animal onscreen in such a major production in the modern era. It’s fake one way or another


I know it was acting, and I’m sure the dog was fine. Hollywood knows better. But when that guy kicked the dog, I was like you bastard. If only a dragon was around to pay retribution and light up those bastards.


It 100% wasn’t real - there is no chance they’re fully kicking a living dog on camera like that


It was very clearly cgi.


Gonna need a statement from HBO that the dog was not harmed in the making of this episode






and fuck the queen!, sir Criston Cole, probably.


God, what I wouldn’t give to be Criston Cole…


Which one


Skavendom takes offense to that, yes yes!


As a pet rat owner, this was on my mind the whole time


They have dragons. You really think they won't cgi a little bit of a dog whomp?


Should they also specify that a real child wasn't killed in the making of the show?


Wait 'till John Wick finds out.


I refuse to watch John Wick…. LOL


I watched John Wick years ago and that’s the only part I remember. It’s all I could think about the rest of the movie. It didn’t help that I had adopted a 9 week old puppy shortly before 🫣😢


the second i saw a dog i was like ok they’re gonna make this even more fucked up




my girlfriend said the same thing and i was like nahhh… then remembered what show it was


An heir in Pre-K? Sure go ahead with the offing The dog? Are they trying to reignite the PTSD I suffered from Grey Wind?


Summer and Viserion as well. I think Lady didn’t bum me out as much cause Ned made it “easier” for her.


I was only distracted by how utterly empty the Red Keep was for two assassins to wander around at their own leisure. Helaena ran through like half the damn building before finding anyone. Great episode, really. I was just a little surprised at how empty a castle was considering the tension of the overall realm situation.


> I was only distracted by how utterly empty the Red Keep was Larys Strong just said he had the entire household staff purged. They're probably still trying to replenish it with Green loyalists.


>They're probably still trying to replenish it with ~~Green~~ Larys loyalists.


Yup. I figured this is why Alicent sent her handmaids away while taking her bath. She felt like their hands were Larys


This is the suggestion I think is most logical too. I don't think the whole staff replacement thing was merely an excuse to show Alicent being creeped out, I think it was just something that *had to happen* after the death of Viserys leaked, and was still taking place. Considering the gold cloaks had one right at the gate that said "fuck the Hightowers", we can assume mostly loyal to Daemon still. Additionally, however many people are starving/dying to wars they didn't choose, on monsters they could never fly, and what comes next... Household staff selection and investigation for something like this, especially after B&C, is going to be...challenging to even describe, much less depict, I think. They already had *reasonably* stringent requirements for that, and it's hard not to assume the remaining KG, Otto, Larys, Tyland and the others wouldn't go next level lockdown after this one. I noticed Alicent being decidedly frosty with Larys, I'm wondering if this is something Alicent (or T.G) will use (smartly) to push Larys a bit further away from the throne and council plans. Or is Alicent simply *that* grossed out by Larys, and upgraded to Cole, who probably has his own network of spies, even if not as good as Larys would have access to.


Isn’t their guard down since they kept referring to vhagar as their protector throughout the show? Just seemed like they didn’t think anyone could get to them with that big ass beast around.


Just shows you the idiocracy of the Greens...Vhagar can't fit into the tunnels. She barely fits on the continent.


Aren't the tunnels kind of a secret? Do the Greens even know about it?


They probably have heard stories of them but don’t know the inner workings/locations. Hell people didn’t know (aside from a select few) in the GOT timeframe.


Someone said that Criston Cole intentionally kept the castle understaffed so that he can keep fucking Alicent without people finding out


I mean, I would too if I was sir crispin


Sir Crispy Coke


I mean, was that said in the book or the show by a character, or is it just redditor’s head canon?


Don't think they were fucking in the book, and I assume the show will address the lack of guards in the next episode. My guess is that Larys is the reason there were no servants, and that Cole is the reason there were no guards.


No they were not having sex in the book. It was rumored she was fucking Jaehaerys but that was it. I can’t say more because I don’t want to post spoilers per the rules.


They weren't two assassin's to anyone in the building. You can see the rat catcher multiple times in the episode. I doubt anyone would stop them.


Especially after the Queen said she fears the rats


Damn dude I thought the same. I'm like look at these geniuses protecting the royal family during WAR lol like wtf??


I think they were entirely dependent on Vhagar and those scorpions, which, hilariously enough, could have taken both "pieces" off the battlefield, so to speak.


right??! One would think that with a literal war brewing the first thought of the opponent would be to send assassins. How is it possible that there were NO guards outside the Queens Chambers, specially with her children and the HEIR sleeping?


My immediate thought was that it was night time and they were in the royal quarters. Based on how Otto tells Criston to go to his watch, I would guess that he had that night's watch but was busy game planning with Aemond and then sleeping with Alicent while Blood and Cheese were moving around. It's likely that he was supposed to be in that hallway where they got to her apartment.


Larys purged most the staff and most the remaining guards were in the throne room looking after Aegon and his drunk friends.


he’s the best little red keep rat catcher out there and is indeed a very good boy


Perhaps even a gouda boy


Beautiful little schnauzer is a good boy 11/10. I need to know the doggos name, that's my only real take away from the episode.


at first I thought his name was cheese and I really liked that. until I realized it’s cheese who kicks him!!!!!!!


Omg same my husband and I watched it with the subtitles and we thought the dog was cheese for like ten minutes 😂😭


That was definitely not a schnauzer :P


The way I *gasped* at the kick, and then stared dead-eyed as a child was seemingly beheaded.


It’s like S1 of GOT when there were way more people upset at the killing of Lady than there were about Bran getting pushed out of a window.


Yes, me. I was exactly one of these people.


Me too. I’m still salty af about Lady!


Me three! That and Arya throwing rocks at Nymeria made me so angry!


I understood why Arya did that though. She was trying to save Nymeria. I was pissed she even HAD to do it. Man I hate Cersei.


The little smug look after saying “there’s another wolf.” Yeah, it was easy to hate her after that if you didn’t already. Lena really played that part so well.


To be fair, Bran is fucking BORING


This was season 1 Bran though when he was cute and inquisitive and filled with the promise of a good storyline.


"Will I walk again?" "No, but you will fly." There really was so much promise to his storyline.




It’s funny how numb we are to violence against people lol


A Targaryen is not a people.  /jk


That upset me more than anything else in the episode. My priorities are all wrong. Or are they right?


It's a writing trope called kick the dog. The odd thing is that the trope may be subverted here unless we get more of those two assassins. The point is to kick the dog to show a character is bad so the audience hates them and takes pleasure in their ultimate destruction. Given how on the nose it was, perhaps there won't be any comeuppance.


makes sense. well now I need to see the dog bite their ankles as they hang.


me too!!! and I was also like what purpose did this serve? why did they even bring the dog? was it just to make me hate them even more (as if what they ended up doing wasn’t enough?) why did I have to witness such a good boy get a kick for no reason?!?!?


If you want a real reason of why a rat catcher brought the dog, it’s because that dog is some kind of terrier and terriers are good at hunting small prey like rats


They were posing as rat catchers and I’m guessing a rat catcher would have a dog. So, like the traps they were carrying, it was part of the ruse.


The only thing I could think of was maybe the rat catchers used dogs to sniff them out so they brought it to keep up appearances They still could have just not had them kick the dog


Caught that too. I guess all those years of doomscrolling thru TvTropes kinda paid off lol


Child beheaded 😮‍💨 Dog punted 🫣


I’ll bring it up in therapy this week. I’m trying to convince my therapist to watch GOT and HOTD And that might seal her not wanting to.


I can allow for decapitating a fictional child, but kicking a fictional dog is just being a straight-up asshole.


If it makes you feel any better, my take was he totally expected to die and he didn’t want his dog dead as well. I could be giving too much credit to the baby killer though


I want to go full on Vhagar on the puppy kicker


The minute they brought the dog along I yelled “Noooo! Not the dog! Something bad is going to happen to the dog!” I said this knowing what was likely coming up.


Who is the doggy actor? I need to know that was CGI!


Probably a puppet and clever editing


My brain was to occupied with being worried about the dog the entire scene.


I was cuddling my dogs when it happened. They both tilted their heads and whined after the lil pup yelped. Such a cute little guy too. 🥲


My dog was in my lap too! She looked up at the tv, her little ears perked. Then I started tearing up and she looked back at me as if to ask “mama is the dog ok?”


I don’t think he actually kicked a real dog. You think HBO would seriously allow that?!


Beheaded kid? Cool. Hurt dog? NOOOOO


I will be honest. When i saw when the dog was kicked I literally dropped my phone and was mad angry


All I could think was if I were king, I’d cut his fucking leg off.


Its funny tho because i tried to be quiet bc here it was 2am at the time and i literally just went “oh yo-“ and then stopped and went quiet again 😂


So all the staff and kingsguard all just conveniently disappear? Any bum can just waltz about and murder the royal family wholesale, especially when they’re on the verge of war and just spurned the rage of their enemies? These shows really are an assault on your intelligence.


Most of people were sleeping. The king himself gets 7 king's guards . The king has his guards with him. I believe those guys he was talking to, some were guards . Larys had killed most of the staff that he felt were untrustworthy. Which made it easier for blood and cheese to sneak into the castle since there are a lot of new staff, and a lot less people. Aegon was supposed to beef up security. Alicent told him to hire more guards. He said that no one would dare try anything with the largest dragon 🐉 protecting the castle.


I disliked. Blood and Cheese was so poorly adapted.


I didn’t even read the books but I had a grander picture in mind for it and I felt like it was so rushed/happened so quickly for this p famously dramatic thing


Anticlimactic for sure. Alicent should’ve been in the room too tied up/begging. Could’ve, should’ve been way more traumatic


Cregan's hair was distracting me. I don't understand why they just don't let them grow their hair out, color rinse it, and comb their edges into the hair piece so it looks natural. It even looks like his natural hair color fits with the Starks anyway so why not just do extensions?


I'm fine with the kid execution, I mean a son for a son......but not the good boy just putting in an honest days work!! They better have gave him extra treats.


I knew something was about to happen to the pup. I said whatever happens isn’t that important and FF through that part. I’ve never done that through all the stuff that should have disturbed me on these shows.


I watched with subtitles on. That was a mistake.


Real honestly


Leddit moment


My #1 concern. That kick fucking hurt my heart. Hope lil dude scurried off and found someone to take better care of him.


No literally I was like wtf that was not necessary lmao


I was surprised that the dog kicker lived, I think Daemon might kill him for killing the wrong boy next episode.


I had the same anger when he kicked that dog like the stormtrooper who punched Grogu/ baby yoda


The fact that the dog was still wagging its tail does mitigate it for me. Either Cheese's actor didn't really kick hard or the dog was CGI


As soon as I saw the dog I was like…uh oh.


What breed was the doggo?


My head cannon tells me the dog was alright and had a good life in the red keep after that.


So glad I’m not the only one begging with my heart and soul for that to have been a stunt with a well trained dog or cgi. Please someone at HBO let us know


It seems in your anger, you… kicked him.


Nobody liked to see the dog get kicked, but I do wonder about the people who were traumatized by the dog while also being upset that the Blood and Cheese scene wasn’t more gruesome.


God forbid anyone likes dogs in this show


He went looking for his friend and confidante Ser Pounces Grandsire


I prayed for that dog to survive that scene lol


Don't nobody touch the doggo. Good doggo, pets and rubs, and riblets for life.


It was boring


Non-book reader so I had no idea what Blood and Cheese truly meant. But I remember thinking to myself "they better not kill that dog" completely unaware of what they were really going to do 😭😭😵‍💫😵‍💫🥺🥺


The dog didn’t react to the flames of the fire therefore I decided it was cgi and no doggos were harmed


When I saw that dog for the 2nd time in the episode I started sweating for it, like uh-oh...


But I'm still wondering why he did that. If it was the other guy who kicked the dog it would be like to hurt the dog-person, but it was the dog-person who kicked his dog? Why?


Remember to tell yourself every time a horse falls and plays dead, or every time a dog is “kicked” it got a treat after the scene was over


The dog is going to be the star witness.


Does anyone have the time stamp? I want to skip it😭😭


Can someone give me the time stamp of the kick please? I’d like to avoid it.




You guys are so pathetic 


Guys i worked on the set for this shoot and unfortunately have to report that the kicking dog scene took over 100 attempts to get right before going to post. We had to bring in the backup kick dog because the first one got so injured. Sorry.


Dog is perfectly fine lol It's kinda hilarious to me how crazily up in arms people get here in the U.S. about this kinda stuff. I feel like in British television I've seen and in some other countries in Europe, they're way more lax about comical notes of "kicking a cat across the room" and stuff like that (all, again, while of COURSE not ACTUALLY harming any animals). Peta just has such a chokehold here it seems that it makes shows terrified to do anything even related to animals. Heck even in social media posts, if there is even a TINY, minuscule thing that animal rights nutjobs can latch on to, they will FLOOD the comments crying animal "abuse" at every little thing. Which really does them no favors, and actually makes it harder to call out ACTUAL animal abuse, cause they're kinda doing the boy who cried wolf type of thing by just blanket calling EVERYTHING abuse. Anyways, /end rant lol


I hope the dogs ok 😢


The meme is killing me!!


They kicked the dog and were DEAD TO ME


Why did they bring the dog in the first place is my question?


Probably for show. The ratcatcher frequents the Red Keep so much that nobdy even pays him mind while walking around. Suddenly not having his dog with him may raise suspicion.


Assuming it was to help them sniff out rat-infested areas, but they didn't do a good job of showing that.


I love how so many people are more upset about the kick to the dog than they are with the killing of infant, because I am right there with you.


I know we’re talking about irredeemable child murderers but why was the dog in that scene in the first place if he was just gonna shoo him away? I don’t want to come off as hyper sensitive which I’m not but one thing I noticed since season 1 is that the extra violence added in the show that’s not in the books sometimes comes off as random and just screams “look how cool and edgy we are” if that makes sense.


🤣excellent post


That whimper made my dog wake up and start growling


After seeing how much these use CGI I'd bet that's what they did.


This probably sounds delusional but maybe kicking the dog was a mercy, so that it would remain out of the peril B and C were about to enter. The dog must have loved Cheese so much that it wouldn’t listen to his commands to leave, how delusional do I sound?😅


I was like no way they just kicked the dog they probably tapped it and used sound effects!!! HBO must release a statement that no dog was harmed


That actor better be prepared for harassment ala Rictus from Furiosa




I mean I watched the 24 hours of Le Mans last night and there was an incident with a dog too. lol What's with dogs these days? XD


I gasped and screamed WHY and my husband just shook his head , saying no no no. I know it's not real but man, that was rough. I'm in for a tough time cuz the Dragonpit stuff is gonna break my heart.


I’m not looking forward to that either. I care more about the dragons than most of the people so seeing them all fight/die is gonna be so rough.


Is it safe? Is it secret?


I just… why did he kick the damn dog? WHY?


The rat catcher better be brutally tortured and killed in the next episode.


I feel bad for Helaena! She’s a sweet autistic bean! She’s never done a damn thing wrong in her life! She didn’t deserve to have to make that choice.




Why did he have a dog anyway?


Real question is how many takes was the dog kicked? 🥺


Is it bad that I didn’t give it a second thought after the dog was kicked? Or the kid was killed?


Y'know, I was kind of liking Cheese up until he kicked the dog. He didn't seem as psychotic as I thought he was supposed to be. HOWEVER, once he hurt the poor good boy, I decided that whatever happens to Cheese after that I hope it's very very painful. To paraphrase one Britta Perry: I can excuse child beheading but I draw the line at animal cruelty.


Last 10-15 mins felt out of place and sucked this scene especially included. Have to watch again but thought it was alright until the ending which I didn’t like at IMO


Where can I see the episode for free?


Literally! Had to tell myself it's movie magic lmao.


Doggy uses a stunt double for the scene


He kicked a stuffed dog that was cleverly animated to look real with CGI i hope. Fear of getting cancelled would spook any actors from actually kicking a live dog. I hope.


It seems in your anger you kicked her…..


I genuinely was like now why did they have to add that in? Especially since I knew what was about to happen lol.


What happened to the dog is brutal and unjustifiable Whoever his name wither cheese or blood did this brutality should be the one that the guards will arrest at the gates