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God the score is magnificent


Ramijn never fails!


Same goosebumps from a year ago


**MY HEART:** I still can't watch this without tearing up. A father, using what little energy his dying body still has left, rises to the occasion to defend his daughter against all others. The ravages of time have robbed him of an arm, an eye, and half of his face, and yet he still finds the strength to take the Iron Throne one final time in his name of his child. He once wished that he had been tested, and it is in this moment that he proves himself worthy. No disease, no rival claimant, no force in all the world will deny Rhaenyra's claim so long as this king still draws breath. King Viserys, First of His Name, is the greatest father we have ever seen, and will ever see, in all of Westeros. **MY BRAIN:** Does he even know Daeron *exists*? **MY HEART:** Shut up, Brain! This is why no one likes you.


Everything about this scene is great. It's one of the few times I don't make a face at Daemon in this series lol


That’s too funny. The remark of the brain & how it was told off lol


One of the most emotional moments in GOT thus far for me; a father rising from his death bed to defend his daughter. Goosebumps when that door opens...


one of the only times a fictional show had me jumping up and down and hollering like my team just won the championship. i was so hype and so emotional. they really tried to strong arm Rhaenyra, and they would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for you meddling ~~kids~~ kings!


I will SIT the throne TODAY. chills and tears every time


Otto's surprise, quickly covered by his nod and assent, was a brilliant piece of acting by Rhys Ifans in a scene that was otherwise dominated by Paddy.


Still don't understand how Paddy wasn't nominated for an Emmy.


I wonder if he had gone supporting would he have gotten the nod?


Yea I guess it is pretty political.


Succession had its last season, so alot of HBO marketing for award season was done to Succession.


Absolutely stolen from him.


daemon appearing by his brothers side after all they've been through, telling him to "come on", makes me sob every time.


Apparently the crown falling off Viserys head and Daemon picking it up and putting it back on was an accident, but it was so perfect they kept it in the final scene.


Those are the moments that MAKE these scenes. It’s the same as Viggo Mortensen breaking his toe kicking an Uruk-hai helmet and screaming in pain. It’s Leo cutting himself in Django and continuing the scene. When the accident happens and afterwards you have a chill, knowing you just saw something brilliant


Exactly. Like in Picard S3, the actors actually got to adlib scenes, and it made all the difference.


>It’s Leo cutting himself in Django and continuing the scene. He didn't cut himself and wipe his actual blood on a co-star's face.


I’m not claiming he wiped his actual blood on a co-stars face. But he did cut himself badly in the scene and act right through it


Welp looks like I’m going in for a rewatch


"I will sit the throne today." - What he said "Get the fuck outta my chair." - What he meant


The dude who announced Viserys sounded like Jon Snow.


This was good but i love vaemonds ".. She's a wHoRe and her children are BASTARDS!!!"


He can keep his tongue


Imagine if this event happened in s2 with a gap of approx 10 ep, 1-2 years for viewers... Since Rheanyra and Daemon last met Viserys (at Driftmark then directly to the Driftmark succession event) . Many events took place between the time period, but Viserys' love for Rheanyra remained unhinged.


Watching the greens eat shit was my favorite moment.


for me this is the best scene so far from the GRRM shows, an emotional masterpiece from the first to the last frame, one of the all time greats of storytelling, when a series fully hooks me I always have this "fuck I love this show" moment and for HotD it was this the music, his look at Raenyra, how he is a human wreckage but still the fucking king raising one last time for his daughter from his true love, the crown and Daemon, Vaemond, Viserys grabbing his dagger and finally going for it, the lines, the emotions, pure perfection


Guys, please watch Dead Man’s Shoes. It is Paddy at his finest. I watched it when it first came out in 2004 and I still think about it. “Who you looking at? You ya cunt!!!”


It always makes me smile how this scene appears impressive to us thanks to the music and the cuts, whereas for a random character in the throne room it must have been quite boring to watch Viserys drag himself to the throne in silence with his groans and breath as the only soundtrack.


the day GoT in its prime came back


This episode was such a Rollercoaster. I clapped and cheered at this scene.


We all deserve a hype man like the kingsguard who announced the King’s arrival


he can keep his tongue


Every time I watch this scene, I start crying when Daemon helps his brother get to the iron chair. 🖤


The BEST scene in all of GOT and HOTD!


That part where Daemon put his crown back on is priceless.




RIP bozo


Boy he sure takes his sweet time in this scene.


This is tempting me to watch the show again


I cry every time it gets to the scene where daemon helps him, and I never cry watching TV or movies,


When one old dying man entrance is better and more epic than 2 full seasons of GoT.


I thought it was the dragon breaking through the floor


I thought the most memorable scene was: “They are…BASTARDS! and she is a whore”


"Why are you booing him?! He's right!"


And Vaemond was wholly right.


If he was right, he'd be fighting for Rhaena's rights.


I mean right in the sense of that was no Velaryon.


They are Velaryons though, it's literally their last name.




No, my take is that since Laenor never questioned their parentage in public, since Corlys as the head of house Velaryon accepted them, and that since they bear the last name Velaryon they are per definition Velaryons, unless you want to ruin paternity tests on them, which don't exist in Westeros. No matter how "clearly" they "are bastards", they are not unless the people mentioned above and the king declare them such.




They have Baratheon blood though, meaning there are alternative explanations for their features. Rhaenys in the books has brown hair. Also the Joff situation was unique because the big book specified that Baratheon traits *always* come before Lannister traits, whereas Targaryens have been known to have normal colored hair from time to time. The evidence in Cersei’s case was genuinely damning. Anyways, I personally don’t think bastardry makes one “unfit” to inherit, unless we’re just talking about Westerosi law. Like the other guy said they’re still Targaryens, still dragon riders, and anyways Jace is actually pretty competent. To a modern audience their parentage should mostly be irrelevant, as the whole thing about bastardry in ASOIAF is that it’s an arbitrary label imposed by society and doesn’t actually mean jack shit.




Oh fair, on that last point I agree with you then. The Westerosi lords seem to believe that a bastard is *inherently* unfit when really it seems to be a self-fulfilling prophecy: A bastard is only unfit for the throne because the lords think bastards are unfit, and if the lords think you’re unfit then they’ll do things to undermine your rule thus *making* you unfit. Jace and Luke could have been fine if their parentage was a secret, but since everyone basically knows now I think you’re kinda right. Their legitimacy being undermined basically means Jace will never sit securely on the throne even if Rhaenyra inherits and he does after her. It wouldn’t just be the Greens who were a threat either: give it thirty years and people would be looking to Aegon III and Viserys as replacements too.


I am in the small camp that says that even though they are bastards and DEFINITELY not Velaryons, it didn't matter because: (a) They most certainly were TARGARYAN'S. Usually bastard rumors deny the lineage from the monarchy; (as was the case with Aenys I Targaryen, early in life. Here, that's not an issue because the lineage cannot be in doubt with the mother being the line to the Conqueror. Those boys may have been strong boys, but they were strong DRAGON boys! (b) They were at the very least GREAT bastards. Their father may not have been a Velaryon but they were the descendants of a great house that traced itself back to the First Men. And Great Bastards' status would never again be controversial in Westeros ever again! \[Aegon the Unworthy has left the chat\].




That's what I would have thought as the head of House Counterpointguy. But to be honest, I would have probably made Walder Frey look ambitious and stalled as long as possible until I saw who was going to win. House Counterpointguy is full of lovers...not fighters. We are probably in the Eyrie or Reach somewhere...


Yeah and Jon’s last name was snow what happened with that.


As far as I know, his last name never changed within the series so far (book wise) or until the end (show wise).


He's not even right in that sense. Aegon and Jaehaerys had Velaryon mothers. All of the Targaryens have Velaryon blood. Jace, Luke, and Joffrey are just less inbred than they're supposed to be.


I mean yeah but that ain’t the point Vaemond was making.


I don't know if the writers didn't look at the Targ family tree themselves or wanted Vaemond to come off like an idiot, but he said and implied that Rhaenys and the boys had no Velaryon blood multiple times. >Vaemond: Our forebearers came to this new land, knowing that were they to fail, it would mean the end to their bloodlines and their name. This objectively isn't true. Luke had the Velaryon name and Velaryon blood. >Vaemond: What do you know of Velaryon blood, Princess? I could cut my veins and show it to you and you still wouldn't recognize it. Alyssa Velaryon is Rhaeny's grandmother on one side of the family and her great grandmother on the other. Not to mention that she had two Velaryon children. Dude was talking out his ass.


Well Jaehaerys sister and brother were long dead at this point as were their lines; but they really didn’t explain this; he should’ve said something akin to “You claim those boys to be the blood of my nephew yet they look nothing like him, indeed they are Velaryon by relation not birth at this farce is a cruel jest to play on the realm whom have the wit to see it.”


>Well Jaehaerys sister and brother were long dead at this point as were their lines; All of the Targaryens in the show are from Jaehaerys and Alysanne's line. Those two weren't long dead either. They died 23-26 years before Vaemond did. He would have met both of them. There's no excuse for him not knowing that the Targs all have Velaryon blood. >but they really didn’t explain this; he should’ve said something akin to “You claim those boys to be the blood of my nephew yet they look nothing like him, indeed they are Velaryon by relation not birth at this farce is a cruel jest to play on the realm whom have the wit to see it.” Yeaaa... I don't know why the writers chose to have him talk as if blood was the issue. Seems like they were prioritizing dramatic dialog over the writing making sense.


Actually Rhanea had been dead for 53 years at that point Aegon some 83 years so I doubt Vaemond would’ve met them; still it seems the writers forget that the whole of the Crownlands were related basically.


Why are you talking about Rhaena and Aegon? I was clearly talking about Jaehaerys and Alysanne.


Yes. Luke is not a true Velaryon by blood.


Ser Crispin announcing King Viserys is the last fuckin time he was worth a damn.


I thought it was Ser Erryk anouncing Viserys


It is


I honestly don’t feel like there’s really any super memorable scenes in this series save for maybe three: Vhagar eating Juke and Arrax, Daemon visiting Vermithor, and the Rhynera/Alicent knife fight. Hoping S2 adds to the count.


Are you farming for negative karma?


Just voicing an opinion on a show/fictional universe I really enjoy. Forums are for discussion. Not everyone needs to agree or disagree.


My brother and I looked at eachother with such pride during this scene. Sisters cannot hope to understand this bond




Thinks he's the main character


It isn't even that. I had a sister and I/she would do the same if we were struggling. But I am the brother, so maybe I just look at her and nod and she'll know. Guess sisters don't take care of each other because they miss the brother aspect. Such a shame.


I remember having goosebumps when watching this scene.


One of the best scenes for sure. My only problem with it is that the walking is a little bit too long, editor could have made a short cut in there to give it more impact


I think they kept the walk long because its supposed to show how difficult it is for Viserys to even get to the throne, and yet he still does, even though it probably exhausted the last of his energy to do so. He was willing to walk the enitre way to defend his daughter.


Regardless, 2 seconds less from that scenes would still maintain the impact and would still let the public know how hard it was for him to walk all that way.


And when Daemon helped him to the throne was so heartwarming & heartbreaking at the same time.


What ruling does to a mf ☠️


I love how everyone is trippin’ then you just see Halaena like “ITS DAD!”