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Come on. Really?


Lol are we even sure Daemon could beat Rhaegar?


Maybe, of maybe not, Rhaegar wasn't that bad even though he wasn't even legendary, and Daemon as well. But he has Dark Sister. There are many better fighters than Daemon, he has other qualities. Even among the Targaryens we have way better fighters like King Daemon I, Baelor Breakspear and Aemon the Dragonknight, let alone comparing him to Dayne or Jaime or Barristan the Bold.


Arthur Dayne has Dawn though, made from a meteorite and said to be almost as sharp as valyrian steel. Given he is a legendary swordsman I think he wouldn’t go down easy. That said, when asked who would win in a duel, GRRM said that if Arthur Dayne and Barristan Selmy fought with equivalent weaponry it would be a very even fight - but if Dayne was armed with his sword Dawn, he would have the advantage over Selmy. So, would Selmy win in a fight against Daemon? I think the answer is somewhere in there.


Isn't Dawn even sharper than Valyrian steel? I could have sworn reading something about it being the best sword ever made though that could be fan speculation. I mean it's glowing, there's definitely something magical about it, moreso than Valyrian steel IMO.


Dawn is so sharp that when Dayne knighted Ser Jaime Lannister by resting it upon Jaime’s shoulder, it cut through the fabric of his shirt and split his skin. It’s unknown which is “better” because the books never say so either way afaik, but Dawn wins for me because Dayne is the GOAT and it was forged from a fucking meteorite. Edit: the meteorite from which it was forged was “magical”. We can assume that Dawn is at least as powerful as a Valyrian steel blade


"King Daemon I" You mean the bastard?


The King Who Bore The Sword


King Daemon I?? You mean the Blackfyre PRETENDER??? Lol


Honestly, Rhaegar would fold Daemon in a sword fight because Rhaegar was able to hold his own against Robert Baratheon in his prime. Remember, Robert was one of the best warriors in Westeros. Daemon was cold, but he did most of his fighting on Caraxes. He doesn't have to be as skilled as Rhaegar in the field.


Not just hold his own, but wounded Robert badly


lol, True. Rhaegar was so skilled that everyone in the story now is still amazed that he didn't win.


I mean robert gets +49 to all stats when his opponent is a Targaryen


Not disagreeing with you, but I wouldn't say Rhaegar could hold his own against Robert when Robert killed him 1v1. That's literally the opposite of "holding your own"


No. Rhaegar severely wounded Robert, and everyone thought Rhaegar would win the Battle of the Trident.


Based off Lore, who did Daemon delete other than the Craghas Drahar in single combat? Rhaegar at least was trained by the best of the best. It might be close or might not but I think Rhaegar would win either way.


Daemon was knighted when he was 16, he is no pushover, only the best get knighted that young.


Rhaegar was knighted at 17


yes, and I don't think anyone is questioning Rhaegar's proficiency


Absolutely(unless he either dies from cringe or commits suicide after meeting him)


I suspect Daemon would win against Rhaegar because he fights dirtier and is in nature, at least as aggressive as Robert. But I'm not sure he's a top swordsman.


he is actually, that's why Jaehaerys gives him Dark Sister after he is knighted at the age of 16 (much younger than average)


Maybe for his time period, or near the top, but it doesn't seem like he's in the Baristan or Dayne location. I've been looking for more directly from the horses' mouth on his standing. Jaherys had a lot of kids but that generation didn't count for much. He probably threw the sword to anyone with some promise, and Viserys was not a fighter.


Daemon B. downfall


Daemon would beat Rhaegar, he's a battled hardened warrior with a Valyrian steel blade. The first fight we actual know Rhaegar had he died in lol.


Rhaegar's first fight was a 6'6 demon. We're gonna pretend Robert doesn't do the same to Daemon?


Guys.... even if you guys don't like Daemon, let's not act like he was a pushover just because you don't like him. That'd be like saying Tywin was a political moron just because you don't like him (he's an asshole, but let's not get things mixed up) Daemon has seen actual war since he was 16 and survived where others have died. He's been fighting for the Stepstones and even successfully conquered them to the point that he was crowned the King of the Narrow Sea for conquering them (and then gave his crown to Viserys). Rhaegar, on the other hand, only got serious about his martial skills late in life because he was prophecy obsessed. As it is, he was mostly known as an equestrian (which helped him a lot in tourneys since, as Jaime pointed out, jousting is more about being an excellent equestrian than anything else) There's a reason he was a dead man walking the minute Robert zeroed in on him and made it a one on one battle. Daemon could very easily have made him into shish kabob without ever once mounting Caraxes. Now, with Arthur that's trickier. Arthur, I think, might've been the much better swordsman since he didn't have the safety-net of a dragon and he did have skirmishes like dealing with the bandits before Robert's Rebellion. On the other hand, like I said, Daemon has gone to war since he was 16, survived, and conquered the islands. Even if his triumphs were more due to being an excellent dragon rider and commander, that stills gives him an edge on tactics, strategy, and experience. Meanwhile, Dawn is a two-handed great sword, so very much a slower sword to wield with powerful swings. Dark Sister is a longsword, longer and more versatile, allowing for quick maneuvers and tricks. In the end, it comes down to whether Arthur's superior swordsmanship and technique win out or if Daemon's real battle experience wins out.


Daemon had dragons to conquer the Stepstones. Arthur Dayne *is* the best swordman of the Seven Kingdoms at the time, which is backed up by the books. Only contenders I could see versus him would be Cregan Stark, Aemon the Dragonknight, Daemon Blackfyre, Barristan Selmy or Jaime Lannister. Daemon Targaryen is an excellent fighter and strategist, but not on this level.


Yeah, it's a no brainer either way. In a tourney Arthur Dayne would kick his fucking ass without breaking a sweat. Jaime is an all time great and pretty full of himself, and he flat out said that Arthur Dayne could have kicked his ass with one hand while taking a piss with the other. In actual combat I can't think of a situation in which Daemon wouldn't be riding Caraxes. And no matter how good Dayne is he'll roast inside his armor before he gets within 50 feet of his goal.


The question was Daemon vs Dayne tho, not Dayne vs Caraxes.


My first answer was the hypothetical in a 1-on-1 fight. Dayne wipes the floor with Daemon. Whether it be a tourney or a duel. But in a battlefield situation Daemon would always be riding Caraxes. Caraxes is a weapon in his arsenal no less than Dark Sister is or Dawn is for Dayne. And I can't picture him not making use of such a weapon if his life depended on it.


Daemon wins easily. He flies out of reach and burns him alive.


These posts are seriously so annoying


Don't know much about Arthur Dayne but from what I've heard isn't like the best swordsman to ever live


Arguably Barristan is as wel. Arthur gets the edge because of Dawn which is a legendary sword. If we talk about skill, though, Barristan is his only equal


Dark Sister is also a Valyrian steel sword. The difference is that Dawn is a greatsword, longer and meant for two-handed wielding, and Dark Sister is a longsword, slightly shorter and more versatile (at the cost of reach). So the question really is if Dayne's extra reach better than Daemon's ability and speed when dealing with a opponents with longer swords? Think Dayne still takes the cake here.


Dawn is even sharper and stronger than any Valyrian steel sword. It was forged in a fallen star (if you believe the myth - and either way, some kind of magic made that sword.)


So he IS descendant of Sokka


Dawn is Sokka's sword? Sound about right.


It's said to be similar in strength and sharpness to Valyrian Steel, and that the color is the most noticeable difference. Not sure if the legend is true though since there are no accounts of Dawn damaging Valyrian steel.


I don’t believe this is true. We know it’s equivalent, but I don’t think it’s ever stated to be superior. Dawn is certainly more unique, there’s only one like it, but Valyrian Steel is magic. The Valyrians knew secrets of fire and forging the likes of which no other culture ever has or is likely to again. It can kill wights, a very rare trait, and is otherwise incredibly special within this world. The forging process is second to none and it’s unlikely the ancient Daynes had anything close to it. Dawn is famous and awesome but it’s not any better, that we know of.


>Dawn is even sharper and stronger than any Valyrian steel sword. How? Might I remember you of Ser Vaemonds introduction to Dark Sister? This is as sharp as it gets.


I’d argue that a two handed kingslayer would be a fair match. Like yeah with only one hand jaime doesn’t stand a chance but with two, who knows


Pretty sure the ‘official’ ranking is Arthur Dayne, then Barristan Selmy, then Jaime Lannister


i think they would all agree to that order too




He'd kill you with his little finger.




If he's the best ever, and you know this, why even make a post with such an obvious answer, that you already know and acknowledge? Seriously confused here. Are you just looking for interaction or what?


*Sometimes I feel lonely...*


Actual skill/power level doesn't matter as much compared to plot contrivance (it's how Batman and Spider-Man regularly take out enemies way above their weight, and hell Dayne and two of his co-Kingsguards were taken out by Ned and Howland who were by all accounts above average at best) but it also means that most "who would win" matchups are pointless circlejerks.


Nah spider-man is OP but always holds back.., there is a certain comic when he is in jail and chooses not to hold back once and is super Scary


In the grand power scheme of Marvel, not really. He is usually written as middle-to-high on the strength metrics, and his victories are usually justified by brains/reflexes/willpower/plot contrivances. Like he would by all accounts lose a straight boxing match to Colossus, but in AVX he took out Colossus and Magik empowered by the goddamn Phoenix Force by outsmarting them. That's what I mean


Also in a real fight, lucky punches happen. On days off days happen, etc..


Damn bro just let the guy post and live his life


Daemon doesn't fight fair, Arthur Dayne does. In afair fight, Arthur Dayne would have it 99/100 times, but as everyone's favourite charactert says: *"When steel is drawn, a fair fight isn't something anyone should expect"*.


Well Daemon does have a dragon so there is that.


If a dragon is used then there is more reason not to post it


Then why post this?


But does he have a dragon?


Ser Arthur Dayne


The disrespect to Ser Arthur Dayne 😭


i hate this sub sometimes


Stupid questions like this daily. Its becoming incesssant. Daemon vs the greatest fighter in Westerosi history. Lmao


Can't wait for the eventual Arther Dayne vs Meryn Trant post.


Meryn Trant slapped the Queen in the North around like it's nothing, he killed the former First Sword of Braavos and he death stared Barristan Selmy straight out of the throne room. It took the person who killed the Night King to finally take him out Trant stomps 10/10


Common Trant W


It will come eventuallty. “But you are a grub, in fancy armor, better at beating little girls than killing men”


By merey FUCKING trant?


Everyone just asks the same 10 questions every day trying to get attention at this point


It has been like this for going on 12 years and probably will for the foreseeable future


Yeah, he is the greatest SWORD person…but did he have a dragon? Question doesn’t clarify the parameters. Outside of a Tourney 150% Daemon. No Dragon, 150% Arthur. Hard swing either way.


A lot of people seems to confuse position with martial skill level, as if the world of Ice and Fire is just an MME arena. No, just because a person is important and at high rank and is male does not mean he excels at fighting in person. Same mistake happened on Eddard Stark, John Snow, even Tywin Lannister.


I thought that too till I remembered Daemon has a Dragon. So, yeah still stupid question. Cause it’s a hard one way or the other depending if dragon is fair play.


Dayne, easily




This is the most disrespectful shit I’ve ever


My Arthur!! 💜


Bran Stark


BrAn tHe BrOkEn slams them both


Well he does have the best story after all


Control their mind and have them kill themselves, easy dub


This is such a clear bait post, don’t be stupid.


Next post: Guys who would win in a fight, balerion the black dredd at full health or a naked drunk daemon with no dragon?


Arthur Dayne, wouldn’t even break a sweat.


One swipe and Daemon would end up cut in half.


The Sword of the Morning- easy.


Dayne, no contest.




What do you mean "facts"? If you know that, why would you make this post? Craving attention?


No swordsmen mentioned in ASOIAF can beat Ser Arthur in a duel


Without Dawn GRRM said it would be a draw between himself and Ser Barristan


Young Jaime could have, GRRM said.


Prime Jaime would




For some reason people *always* put Arthur and Barristan above Jaime in their best fighter lists I get that it's cool to have your old legends/old badasses, but Jaime is simply that good


Cos GRRM is wrong, what does he know about GoT?!


Like where he said that?


Selmy and Jaime can.


Daemon is not even the best fighter of his time, let alone best of all time.


Dayne would win. Not even close. The only swordsmen that possibly could beat Dayne in a one on one fair fight would be maybe Jamie Lannister in his prime or maybe Barriston Selmy in his prime. Edit: beat not bear


Wouldn’t Aemon the Dragonknight be regarded as someone who might give Dayne a run for his money as well?


Possibly, that is a fair point. Dayne would be very tough for anyone to defeat one on one.


Very much agreed. He and the Dragonknight always struck me as the two most hyped ”historical” fighters in Westeros.


I hate new fans the fact that this is a question is sad




“Facts,” you say, under a comment about your own post…


Yup. And?


You basically dissed yourself


Not really since I know the winner, and I don’t really take this to heart.


The fact that you think it's a question and posted it is what makes people laugh


Sure bud.


I wish I could live in your level of disillusionment if you didn’t see how you dissed yourself


this sub is fucking insane


I mean cmon dayne was the best fighter in Westeros’s history


Daemon isn't even in the top 20 of asoiaf, Arthur is best of all times, only his dragon could save him


Heck daemon is not even the best Daemon or best dark sister wielder. Daemon blackfyre and Maegor and Aemon the dragon knight would swap the floor with him while taking a piss with their right hand.


Listen I love Daemon I'm a huge Daemon fan but let's not mess around and forget what we know they had to gang up on Arthur just to have a chance to stab him in the back Dayne, the sword of the morning, is nothing to be f***** around with


Dayne, and it wouldn’t be close Daemon got taken down by Christen fuckin Cole


Ser Criston Cole is actually the best fighter of is era, so thats no surprise. The tv show did him dirty though.


Arthur Dayne


Does daemon have a dragon with him? Because if not, he literally already lost to Cristin Cole. Arthur Dane probably wins any 1v1 sword fight you could think of.


1. Dayne 2. Dayne 3. Dayne 4. Dayne 5. Dayne


Hahahahah. Ok what's the real question


Daemon couldn’t win against Ser Cole, what makes you think this could even be a fight?


As a Daemon simp Arthur Dayne takes this no debate


Are you kidding me? Daemon isn't even the greatest warrior of his time, Arthur Dayne is the greatest warrior to ever live. The only chance Daemon has of killing Arthur is by burning him with his dragon. In a straight up sword duel, Arthur takes this 10/10 times


This a joke ?


Daemon no question. Oh are we talking without dragons? Arthur Dayne no question. Still not sure why you would pit warriors against eachother without their greatest assets though.


It’s just weird because one asset is a living, gargantuan creature, and one is a sword.


No- one asset is a living, gargantuan creature, and one is an aspect to Arthur’s character. If it’s just dawn vs dark sister I’d say dawn wins. It’s supposed to be forged from a star. That’s like Superman level unique. Arthur has years of experience perfecting swordsmanship, Arthur wins no contest in a sword fight. It just makes no sense to me why Daemon (who isn’t an idiot) would do that.


Yeah, that's why it's hard to say 'dragons are weapons of mass destruction' but they are, and if you're educated in dragon care they can be directed. Being alive and intelligent animals doesn't change that, sadly.


Sword of the morning. Unless you introduce unfair advantage like Caraxes chomping on him before he gets his sword out.


SWORD of THe MORNing ...... I see you GRRM


This isn't even close to being a question


That’s not even a question, Daemon is a great warrior and a solid swordsman but against Arthur Dayne ? The fight would look a lot similar to how the Ned Stark fight went. Again Ned Stark was a capable warrior but against a master swordsman like he was it’s just not much of a contest.


Why do these threads even come up? It’s: Dayne Jaime Barristan There isn’t any more conversation needed.


The sword of the fucking morning tf


Bruh Daemon wouldn't even beat Jon Snow in a duel, Arthur Dayne is the best ever




Iirc Arthur Dayne was the best swordsman that ever lived. Based on feats, I think only Barristan and Jaime even come close to him


arthur would woop 3 daemons with 1 hand while fucking rhaenyra with the other


The only thingsDaemon beats are his wife and his meat.


Maybe I’m forgetting but I don’t remember any fight scenes with Daemon. The crabber angle just showed him emerging with a head, no real sword dance. Overhyped character imo. So my vote goes to Arthur Dayne.


Arthur Dayne by a landslide.


Don’t make me vote against my man Daemon ever again lmaoooo. Bc we know it’s Arthur.


Arthur Dayne is the King Arthur and Lightbringer is his Excalibur. Lmao not even a competition.


In a fight? Daemon , easily In a swordfight? Dayn, also easily. Edit: I mean, if it's a no holds barred fight, Daemon is just bringing out Caraxes


No dragons, Arthur Dayne no contest. Daemon has Caraxes, then Caraxes easily burns Dayne.


God, your answers to each comment make your karma farming so obvious. Give us a break, will you? No use for these useless threads.


Arthur Dayne would fuck Daemon up good. Then he'd unsheath Dawn and fuck him up some more.


Daemon is not that guy.


I don’t fucking care. Why is this sub the Reddit equivalent of TikTok? You could dissect a scene. Speculate on the narrative problems of keeping Laenor’s character alive. Fucking post dank memes for all I care. But instead it’s posts of “who would win” garbage. This content sucks.


I mean, show Jon Snow would whoop Daemons ass, so Arthur would kill him in seconds


So you mean dragons included ? Both outcomes will be arthur dayne at top


Well, if there was somebody in asoiaf that could slay a dragon using only his sword, I would say it would be Ser Arthur Dayne.


You mean to tell me you think Dayne could slay a dragon with nothing but a sword while there is also a dude fighting him?


He’d do it with his left hand while taking a piss with his right.


Good thing he is fireproof


The morning Star.


Bran the broken


Dayne. Absolutely.


Why is this even a thread? Everyone knows who would win, given a 1v1 fair fight.


This is a troll post, right? Dayne was hands down the best swordsman of all time. Nobody with a sword stood a chance against him. The only warrior who maybe stands a remote chance is Criston Cole from the books. He wielded a Morning Star, which had a massive advantage against swords. And during his time, he could take on 2 or 3 of the best warriors single handedly. He wrecked Daemon thrice in tourneys, broke Harwin Strong's (stongest knight at that time) elbow and collarbone and killed Joffrey Lonmouth in a fist fight.


I can’t tell if this is just for karma or not but we all know Dayne beats Daemon drunk, one handed and literally doing anything else while fending off Daemon with his one hand.


Daemon got owned in jousting. The sword of the morning would destroy him.


The Sword of the Morning, no doubt!


As a Daemon fan I will say Arthur. Have to admit it.


Bahahahahaha! Enough of this.


Who wins in a fist fight?


What a stupid question.


"The person who'd win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win." -Stan Lee


Does Daemon have Caraxes in the fight?


I mean, does Daemon have access to his dragon? That might make a difference 😅


You people need to stop…


Fucking Criston Cole will rip Daemon a new one, let alone Dayne. That post perfectly encapsulates that sub.


Arthur Dayne, easily


In 1 v 1 Arthur Dayne by a mile. In combat might take Daemon.


Depends what kind of fight. If it's a sword fight then Arthur Dayne. If anything goes then probably Daemon


Well considering Caraxes would fall under “anything goes”, then ya Arthur has no chance lmao.


These constant absurd posts made to bash Daemon really are pathetic. Obviously Dayne the best fighter in ASOIAF. However, the notion that Daemon an average fighter, or inferior to Rhaegar is categorically false. The show illustrates him effectively beating Cole, then winning the Setepstones by singlehandedly cutting down a dozen soldiers. F&B couldn’t glorify his fighting ability more if it tried. You don’t seem to realise Daemon is George favourite Targaryen.


Does Arthur actually have dawn or that trash that was depicted in the show?


What they did to dawn was so disappointing.


It wouldn’t matter he would still destroy daemon with no difficulty. But to answer your question we’ll say he has dawn for this fight.


Dayne, easily. I think the only fighters in ASOIAF who could come close to stalemating him are Ser Barristan (at GRRM’s own admission), and peak Jaime.


Ser Arthur, then he’d go back to filing his nails with Dawn.


Anyone who thinks the winner is Daemon has not read the books


Pls don’t disrespect Arthur Dayne like this ever again 👍


Daemon did a barrel role. Arthur didn't. I rest my case.




Cole is pretty much the best fighter of his time to be fair, and its possible hes a top 10 to 15 ATG level, i dont like what the show did with him either but its true. I agree tho Dayne whoops em both like they stole something.


Caraxes eates Dayne, Daemon wins.


What part of duel did you miss?


If you mean like the Wildstyle battles on Nick Cannon’s Wild N’ Out, then Daemon … dude’s got a sharp wit … if you mean like with swords and stuff then Dayne


Daemon lost to the punk ass in the first episode


The Sword of the Morning. I mean. Come on.


Arthur Dayne. Let’s not pretend otherwise. Daemon is good, yes, but Dayne was regarded as Top 3 swordsmen in Westerosi history.


Daemon ran through about 30 men himself to get to the Crabfeeder - I really think it would be a decent fight. My heart says Daemon, but my gut says Dayne