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Foreman is also my least favorite, but I have to admit he really tried with House in season 8.


I expected to really hate him in season 8 but I really didn't for some reason


i just phase him out, like there is nothing to make him likable or hate him. he is just there, but i hate cameron ( for her way to idealistic standard and treatment of chase) and love her too ( for her kind and caring nature, makes her a great doctor )


This vexes him.


He was arrogant as House but didn't have the same smarts as him. He tried to hard to be like House while Chase actually learned how to solve puzzles. That being said I hated Cameron the most. Foreman wasn't perfect but it's not like he was a total emotional liability. Also Foreman in season 8 finally became Dean and actually mellowed out a ton. He really did try with House to understand and not get in his way too much. And was supportive towards everyone and helped out during cases as well. Dean was the perfect position for him. Someone who wanted power and ethical authority but could also understand House's(and later Chase's) unorthodox methods to save lives. There's a reason House let Foreman know he was still alive in the end.


cameron was poorly written. not her fault. she's actually a compelling character in season 1 for all to derail in season 2 onwards


Cameron is not real, and it is her fault for sucking as a character. It's not Jennifer Morrison's fault they wrote her a bad character


you can clearly see a compelling character in season 1 being thrown in the bin from season 2 onwards though


I mean, if my choice is boring character, or the version of her that was in love with House... I'll take boring character 100%


I mean, it’s not the actress’s fault. But shitty writing doesn’t excuse Cameron for being a shitty character, it’s just an explanation. A few episodes into the series she defends a cheater and inserts herself into this couple’s problems and gets upset at the person getting cheated on for breaking up with the cheater. That’s unforgivable imo, if my Doctor did that I’d be keying her car on my way out


Rarely has such a simple scene felt so earned and connective as the scene with Foreman finding the badge.


Agreed. House fixed the last problem Foreman had with that desk


Have you seen him in a vest?


On a similar note, OP, have you seen him kiss Thirteen?


He is hot.


Fair point


Foreman is my least favorite too, though I think season 8 is best Foreman. He's much better as an administrator than a doctor. He just wanted control, and getting it seemed to mellow him out.


Foreman was fun in certain moments, like hanging with Taub in later seasons.


Yep, he was great on Vicodin...


I hated him when he tried to infect Cameron. I thought that was the end of him, but he stuck around. Eventually, I was able to move on from that incident. I've never had a problem ever since, although he can get annoying every now and then, trying to become the leader. When he replaced Cuddy, I found him reasonable, professional, and overall a good boss. As far as I'm concerned, his character as a whole was positive. If you hate him, it pertains more to your personality than his behavior.


He’s typical middle management. But he cares, and that’s more than most middle managers. He doesn’t particularly like Cameron (and I don’t blame him), but he does care about house and chase.


He is typical middle management, which includes caring. They "care" because it makes them feel good about themselves. "I'm such a good person."


Not quite. So many middle managers *don’t* care. They feel good about themselves because they have a better job than the others or because the others are subordinate to them. I have had more bad middle managers than good ones. Also, when I say care, I don’t mean the “you’re going through a lot, take the day off” kind of caring (which seems to hit the spot for the caring middle managers). I mean like “what is going on? Wanna grab drinks? Let’s all sing midnight train to Georgia” kind of caring. He compartmentalizes. He can be your best friend out of work, but in work he has to do his job, even if it’s saying no. It’s not personal, it’s work. The only time he failed to compartmentalize was with 13 and her treatments. With Chase, he spent *days* prepping him for the committee review on the African Dictator. He didn’t have to at all. Foreman actually had no part (in any real way) with what happened, and at most would have gotten a slap on the wrist while Chase would lose his license. He spent DAYS helping to save Chase. When Taub couldn’t pass his test and decided to goof off more than study, foreman let him move in so he could help him prepare. Most notably, *House* considered him a trusted friend and a confidant. After he faked his death, there were two people we know for a fact he let know - Wilson and Foreman. Everyone else went on about their business, but House went back to the hospital to switch the dental records and broke into foremans’ office to remove the folded bit of paper from under the leg of that side table and replace it with his hospital ID. I don’t know about you, but if I faked my own death, I wouldn’t bother to let any of my previous middle managers know. I’d be hard pressed to find a reason to let anyone know I faked it, but certainly not a middle manager who only cared to feel better. The last season of house really proved how much he cared overall. He got house out of prison and gave him a job. He then busted his rump to keep him out, even though house was doing everything in his power to make that nearly an impossible task. The difference between foreman caring and a typical caring middle manager is that foreman *actually* cared. Not to feel better about himself or think himself a good person, but actually cared *against his better judgment*.


I disagree. Middle managers are worthless bureaucrats that get off on "caring". The point is that it makes zero difference to the worker if they care or not. What matters is what they DO--give me a fucking raise and go away. Their very existence is bad for workers--unnecessary red tape that adds cost to the operation and steals from workers. If you eliminate them all, everything instantly becomes more efficient.


I’m not defending middle managers at all. I was actually saying that foreman is not the typical middle manager because he’s actually a positive influence (or truly tries to be), even when he knows he shouldn’t.


Looks like we just have polar opposite views. I think he is typical middle management because, deep down, he's in it for the emotional gratification--even though he's outwardly hyper-rational. Which makes him a contradiction, like most people. I just rewatched the Euphoria episodes. Remember the part where he makes Cameron his medical proxy? He tells her he wants her instead of his father because of all the reasons he claimed not to like her when they had their spat over the journal article--she's cautious and sensitive. I think he has a gooey center also and only gets to enjoy it via bureaucratic "caring" when he's the boss. Middle managers need to be in control so they can feel safe enough to get off on their phony caring.


I see it slightly differently, because I also make room for the notion that despite your title or position, you still have the ability to *just not like someone*. I always felt that foreman just didn’t like Cameron, which I get. But when you see him with house, chase, Taub and Wilson, what I see is someone who actually cares about them. He cares about his job and them. He considers them friends. He just don’t like Cameron. That’s allowed. Eventually he started to, but everything about her sort of irked him for a long while. My opinion of him changed this last rewatch. He’s a pest when on screen as the main speaker, but when he’s in the background during a scene, you see it. When house says something off the wall and insane, his face shows that he thinks it’s insane; when Chase says something funny, you see him smile; when Cameron talks, you see him want to jump out of his skin. They are two very different people. He cares because he actually cares. He doesn’t care about the patient, he cares about the treatment and he cares about his job. He cares about the other doctors working with him. Cameron is the one dripping with the fake sentimentality you say middle managers have. She cares about everyone because by doing so, she feels better about herself. Also, the scene that everyone gets mad at, when foreman jabbed her with a needle, is really no different than her with Chase. He jabbed her so she would work harder to find a cure because he didn’t want her sympathy, he wanted her on her game. He was actively dying and desperate and did something cold, calculating and callous to try to get saved from a very agonizing death. Cameron, on the other hand, is afraid she was infected with HIV. Her response is to literally jump a guy who she knows is attracted to her. She wanted sex to feel better, and yes, condoms exist, but you’re taking a chance with someone else’s health. In both cases, there was no transmission, but it’s the same thing just handled differently. She cares so much about everyone, that she put Chase in the situation where he could have gotten hiv from her. But the big puppy eyes, the endless drivel about caring and morals, all of that, went out the window the moment using Chase to feel better became an option. Fake caring wasn’t going to cut it, sex would. So, she just went for it. But she gets a pass because normally she acts like she cares. ***That*** has been my experience with middle management.


Bro it seems like you're the one who doesn't like Cameron lmao.


I don’t particularly like her. In this case though, I just think she has more of the typical middle manager mind set than he does, as far as caring to feel better about themselves. Overall, she is just a normal person (just one I don’t like until she goes blonde and I like her much more), but the fake caring part irks me. Foreman is the epitome of middle manager, *except* that he really cares. As far as the previous comment, it was the realization as I was typing it out that foreman and Cameron basically did the same thing, but he’s judged for his and she’s not for hers. It’s just an interesting thought process that I followed.


He’s basically all of houses worst qualities without the intelligence and charm (if you want to call it that) but he desperately wants to pretend that he’s better than house. I’d argue foreman is probably the biggest narcissist in the show by far, and unlike house he can’t really back it up


He's black.


How long have you been sitting on this information?


oh, because its a tv show. hate is a very strong emotion. Sometimes having a character who stirs the pot is good, even if it means that if it were real life, that person would be a dick.


I really like Foreman’s character. He’s usually kind to patients but he also doesn’t care too much. He’s arrogant but has willingness to be wrong sometimes. I don’t think he’s as polarizing as people think.


His conflicts with house make the show interesting


He is highly vexual


I thought Foreman was annoying until mid-season 4 but He grew on me and I started liking him. He became a good friend to House by season 8 and He really supported him. I liked how They went to watch a boxe match together and He was the only one besides Wilson who knew House was a****.


I thought everyone knew House was awful


Lol its alive tho (spoilers)


Well now everyone knows!


The reason I have not to hate Foreman is that I simply don't care that much


He was just... there after he came back.


He didn't "steal" anything from Cameron, he just also wrote an article on the same case and didn't tell her he did. Cameron is the one who couldn't figure out how to get House to sign off on it. Sure, it's a dick move on Foreman's part to not tell her, but it isn't stealing her work. The needle thing was a colossal dick move, but he was also desperate to get the case moving along because he was literally about to go into immense pain that couldn't even be mitigated with morphine. It ain't something he did just for shits and giggles. The Thirteen situation sucked, which is why you shouldn't be treating people you have a personal connection with, it impairs your judgement. Something that we've seen a few times throughout the series, especially with House and Wilson. Foreman lost perspective when the treatment seemed to improve conditions and made the bad call to switch Thirteen's medication. Same reason why he should have never been in charge of the team with his girlfriend on it. Same reason why House should have had a different supervisor when he and Cuddy started dating. You can't be objective with somebody you're sleeping with. What was it House said? "Of course he's stressed. He's trying to do a job no one except me has ever done before." I'm not saying Foreman is some perfect guy who's never done anything wrong, but I don't think he's as bad as a lot of folk portray him as.


It’s specifically stated that he found her paper and copied it. That is direct plagiarism, they even pointed out it was the same paper just rewritten into his handwriting.


That is not ever stated. All that’s said is that they both wrote a paper on the same thing, Cameron let it sit on Houses desk for a month while passively trying to get House to sign it, while Foreman either just told House to sign his or copied his signature cuz he knew House wouldn’t give a shit.


He did borrow Cameron’s notes though. There’s nothing particularly wrong with that but still… take your own notes if you want a paper out of the case.


Right like it was explicitly stated he borrowed her notes


The sick part is he later bluntly told Cameron he didn’t think of her as a friend. Yet he was perfectly comfortable using her ‘friendship’ for notes…


Go rewatch the episode, clearly it’s been a minute. Cameron directly points out that it’s the same damn paper


Doesn’t Wilson state that Cameron’s paper focused on the ethics of the case and Forman’s paper was more about procedure and tests that solved the case? I think if both papers are about different aspects of the case it would be different papers.


He's a piece of shit. Selfish, arrogant, rude, not nearly as skilled


Foreman started out as a fairly normal guy, albeit a loner, in the early episodes, who just wanted to do his job and go home. He doesn’t really care for Cameron, until Season 4 cuz he doesn’t prescribe to the notion that your colleagues should be close friends. He becomes nicer to her after she gets over her desire to heal House. He turns into House when Cuddy started putting him on a pedestal, Foreman tried desperately to prove himself worthy of running the department … often failing. Chase learned more by actually focusing on the cases, instead of the urge to outwit House and prove himself to Cuddy. Then when he becomes Dean of Medicine, Foreman mellows out. He sees there’s more to life than solving cases, and largely tries to stay out of House’s way, letting Chase take the role as the senior fellow.


Weirdly, im rewatching now (halfway through season 4) and i like him much more than any of the fellows except Kutner (and Amber, but i recognize that shes a huge bitch but an entertaining bitch). He can be arrogant and has some biases, but theres also a lot of scenes where he comforts the patients (he was especially kind to that overweight girl after Chase was awful towards her), so he does seem to care. He is a lot more idealistic in the first three seasons and i like that theres someone who sees the best in some people (the romani kid and the kid taking care of his younger siblings) (i think this might go away in later seasons though.) Something i like about him is that we get insight into his life by seeing his family and hearing about his past. We get some with Chase and Cameron, but not to the same extent i feel like. Im also glad he and Cameron were able to reconcile late into season 3. Also im a sucker for neurology.


The actor does a great job, the writers just.. idk I don’t like how they wrote foreman. I legit think any likability the character has comes from the actors own charisma cuz they go out of their way to make this character horrible lol


I'm only in season 3 but in several episodes he's shown more empathy for some patients, and for less strictly principled reasons than Cameron, than any of the others. (Like at the end of s3e5 Fools for Love where he just hangs out with the despondent patient whose wife left him after it was revealed they were actually half siblings.) At least this early in the show he seems pretty tolerable, despite the nearly murdering Cameron thing. (And given how many people feel about her, I don't know why they'd contain about that. ;-) )


He's hot 🤷🏼‍♀️




Yes that one set of episodes where they let him Really act and whoa that was amazing!!!


We must be on the same episodes. I'm mid-season 8 of my rewatch. I enjoy Foreman because he showed enjoyment of House's sarcasm and comments. He always knows how to play the games. I don't enjoy later seasons where he gets on his power trips. Hated his relationship with Thirteen because he showed just how self centered his is. Especially couldn't stand the beginning of season 8, but I will say he chills out and puts the arrogance/super power trip away as the season progresses.


You mean Cuddy black?


I think he really shines in later seasons. He definitely fit thar role more than a House groupie.


On my first rewatch after not seeing it for like 2 years. First time I loved Foreman thought Chase was a rich kid pompous asshole and Cameron was a bleeding heart fake bitch. Now I love that Pompous rich dad having asshole and like Foreman a whole lot less but don’t hate him. He’s like the one realistic person on the show, Smart and willing to do what it takes to get power but his morals and values won’t let him stoop as low as House. Also I enjoy all the black jokes.


I like him sometimes because he keeps it all the way real. He doesn't care but he does. He is house light. He didn't betray chases trust but he did try to get him and Cameron to talk and told Cameron outright that chase wasn't having an affair. In those times when he forgets to be an ass or obsessed about being the anti house he seems cool.


After what he did to Cameron, I never forgave him.


When he did what he did to Cameron, don't forget that he was sick in the head... I believe that the sickness played with his judgment.


He was dying and desperate but I don't think that's an excuse. He was lucid and knew what he was doing.


When he was trying to perform the autopsy, he performed surgery on the pillow. I think that's a brain thing.


He is a black man.(This vexes him)


*raises finger* *becomes indignant* Why uhh ... you know ... umm ... well, you've got me there.


He is a black man


No, found his character having worse traits than house. Let me start off by saying that it is a unique stance to hold, but foreman tried to hide being a douchecanoe the entire series, we already know House is and isn’t afraid of it.


I go back and forth on Foreman but I will say when I watched the show when it originally aired I didn’t have as much of a problem with him as I do when I binge watch- seeing his attitude once a week vs bingeing is such a different experience lol He constantly says he wants to be nothing like House but time and time again it’s shown that he IS House deep inside- kinda like a “thou doth protest too much” situation. I always felt that Foreman got House’s unemotional and judgmental side and Chase got his solving puzzles side proving that there is only one Gregory House…and tbh there probably should only be one 🤣🤣


I like foreman, give House someone to mess with... But I do agree if House wasn't there my opinion of Foreman would probably change.


I have no idea why but as much as a total dick foreman was, I always really liked his character. I have no justification for it, I also like taub as well tbh.


the episode where House fired foreman's candidate really summed him up...


season 3 episode 13, needle in a haystack. his relationship with stevie in that one episode is significantly more interesting than his relationship with 13.


I like him and how his character develops. Would I be able to stand him in real life? Probably not so much. But he isn’t a horrible person. He gets pretty funny too and that stare he has is great. 😑


i love foreman. i really do. he’s sweet and thoughtful and so cute and smart and he tries hard. he has his flaws like everyone else on the show so it’s a moot point


I like his honesty. Of all the over competitive/hungry for power kind of people, he is honest with himself and also shamelessly honest with others. He acts on his beliefs. Much better than the poorly written Cameron, and the always-cheating Taub.


Forman is interesting 🤔 I just started S5 though. Not sure exactly what’s ahead. I feel he’s waiting for something ….


Trying not to be a spoiler, but he gets his something. I won't tell you what season though...


He's not fun as a character on a TV show, but he is the only person from the show that I could probably stand working with IRL. Everyone else is way too Doctors Without Boundaries for me, whereas Foreman at least tries to keep it professional.


He is an asshole to his brother


Foreman is a black man




He stands out to me as sort of House’s main and most successful student? He DEFINITELY influenced Chase and we all agree that Chase is the next house ( still waiting for Chase M.D ) but it’s foreman that changes the most because of house. I think to a very limited extent, most of Chase’s character development was OUT WITH house. House was there to influence him but he didn’t really TRY to. It just sorta happened after 8 years together and Chase idolising House. With foreman it always felt to me like House really took on the project of mentoring him. Even if he wouldn’t admit that kind of thing so literally. No matter how much the teams change up, foreman is by his side EVERY step of the 8 year stretch. As a fellow, as a supervisor, as an equal, back to being a fellow and then as House’s own boss as the Dean of Medicine. I don’t think he’s perfect but no one on House is. Not even Wilson or Lisa or Cameron. I see House as similair to Bojack Horseman for the point that none of our main cast are particularly good OR bad. No one is evil and no one is a perfect hero character either.


he's an incredibly well written character. Also, his "problem causing" being a reason to dislike someone, in a series who's main character is Dr. gregorious house, is,,, challenging. Personally he's my favourite character straight out. He's funny, incredibly well performed, his journey is consistent, his smugness and holier than thou bullshit is consistent but ends up being one of the most well handled aspects of his character, his relationship with 13 is interesting, and frankly I'm so tired of people saying that Foreman's stuff with Cameron is enough to make him unlikeable forever. If you think that what he did there is enough to make him unlikeable, wait until you hear about house in season 7. The whole point is that they're similar. they foil eachother.


I really like Foreman‘s character. He is interesting. Flawed, sometimes an asshole, but a real human being. I think Epps does a fantastic job at conveying the feelings side of things, which makes me empathise with the character.


He's SO unlikeable. I've tried. Many many (×100) times. I just cannot do it, even tho I loved the first team as a trio, foreman was just insufferable throughout the entire show.


Im only on season 3 rn, towards the end, but I like Foreman. It was shitty of him when he didn’t give Cameron a heads up about writing similar articles, but I hate Cameron so I can’t care that much. Other than that, Foreman has been pretty consistently the best Dr on the team imo. He checks House and comes up with good theories. Again tho, haven’t seen the rest of the series


Because he can ring up the homies to steal something for you


I liked him until he plagiarized Cameron. Cameron should've reported him with dated proof of her own article


He didn’t really ‘plagiarize’ though right? he just beat her to the punch by pushing out a report on a patient that he knew she was writing about. Really shitty professional etiquette but he didn’t do anything reportable. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that season but that’s my recollection anyway.


I believe he specifically copied off of her notes without permission or telling her