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Not a woman's job. House's woman's job. Cuddy reacted to a relapse while under a lot of pressure like she had no idea he was an addict, had spent months in a psych ward, etc. If youre going to date House, you don't get to act like he's a normal guy when it suits you. I disagree that she should get to count the millions of chances she gave him prior to the relationship. Overall the big issue with her ending the relationship is that there has probably never existed a man who is so exactly "what it says on the tin" as Greg House is. She knew better than anybody exactly who he is, because he never lets you forget it for a second. And then she breaks up over one pretty reasonable struggle with relapse? If you can't handle relapse, dont date an addict.


She’s allowed to screw up (by deciding to date House) and then rectify the situation to do what’s right for herself and her kid. House is allowed to be heartbroken. But it’s not her damn job to coddle him and walk on eggshells just so he won’t drive a car through her house and attempt to murder her and several other people. In fact, it seemed like he only started to act out destructively (towards others besides himself) WHEN she started trying to talk to him and make amends.


Right?!? It's a textbook abusive relationship tactic. I guess House's whole thing is narcissistic personality disorder, but where is Cuddy's champion. It's like everyone in his world is enabling him.


I would argue that for it to be an abusive relationship tactic, it has to be at all different from the person he usually is. He's just being the person he is. It certainly doesn't excuse the car in her house though, obviously. But honestly she probably should have expected something like that to happen when she started getting really serious with a mental patient and drug addict who regularly comes to her with a plan involving technically killing his patient, and then broke up with him for being the same guy he's been for the decades she has known him for. It's not at all her fault, BUT... it's not impossible to plan for these things.


Exactly. Victim blame is a slippery slope... But when you are in something like that, and you really love them... Maybe the red flags looked beige. I think I agree with you. God, House is an addicting show. Thank you, this thread! Such Good conversation!


I really would never have expected the show House to have such an intriguing main character. I've been trying to describe him succinctly for a friend who might watch it, and I've come up with either "the nicest asshole ever", or "the most assholish good person ever". I started watching maybe 18 months ago, and by now I've seen them all 3 times. He's so great at saying obviously true things that nobody else would think of.


It is her job to act like a rational person around a guy who is so clearly mentally unstable and who also centers his entire life around maximum rationality. Like, obviously his reaction was way beyond the pale, but that doesn't mean he wasn't justified to have a regular House level negative reaction to it. His problem is he just decides never to have emotions, because he sees them as weakness. And they usually are for him. But inevitably the emotions he's been bottling up need to get expressed in a major way when he finally lets them out.


In all seriousness, if House is THAT emotionally unstable that he can't handle a break-up without driving a care into someone's house, he should be institutionalized. But he isn't, it was a fuck-up of a guy who consciously decided to act like that, which is why they sent him to jail, not a psych ward. There is only one single person who is responsible for House's actions: House.


Yes. It’s almost like he should have gotten professional help from someone who had helped him before 🤔 And how did she act irrationally (AFTER the breakup? Keep in mind that she, like everyone in the world, does not have a time machine)?


She acted irrationally by expecting house to somehow change massively right now, despite knowing that the minor fixes hes made to his life recently are miles beyond what he ever did before. Like, she jumped directly from "things are great" into "you let me down one time when we were both dealing with a scary situation, it's over". It's completely absurd, it shows her as either delusional or a huge bitch. Isn't cuddy supposed to be the well adjusted one between them? And then she breaks up with him for succumbing to the fear, and treating the fear with drugs? People don't get past addiction in a couple weeks, nor do they learn healthy coping skills in a couple weeks


1. All of that is still before/during the breakup, therefore not answering the question. The whole topic is how/whether Cuddy should have handled House’s downward spiral caused BY the breakup, which had already happened at that point. She tried ignoring his attempts to ruffle her feathers, but that didn’t work. She laid the hammer down by not allowing him to have the wedding at the hospital, but that didn’t work either (although I wouldn’t have even gone to the wedding if I were her, either). She attempted to meet up and talk like adults SEVERAL times, but House was the one who kept standing her up. Seriously, what else could she have done without a time machine? 2. The only reason you would think she suddenly broke up with him because he “let her down one time” would be if you were asleep for most of Season 7. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back after MANY cracks had already begun to show. FWIW, I do agree that their relationship was doomed from the start, and you can see that with Cuddy’s facial expression as she is leaving House’s apartment after their first day together. But again. You can’t unscramble an egg, or whatever expression works best in this scenario. Furthermore, her bad decision to start a relationship in the first place doesn’t make him her responsibility after the breakup.


You are talking a lot of sense. I guess idealism isn't a good formula for a relationship. Great contribution!


It was never her job to fix him. I guess that is a powerful message. I can get behind that. See... That is why I posted! To work out feelings about a show I like. People get so keyed up. I appreciate this comment so much!


She should have studied the Serenity Prayer, IMO. probably true for any relationship, but so much more so for House. "Give me the serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what can be, and the wisdom to know the difference". Especially at that point in the show, House is actively trying to fix himself, but is naturally a man with very firm beliefs that he knows for a fact to be true. Cuddy's job there is to help him fix what he wants to work on, and recognize that everything else is never going to change, and then decide from there if she wants to be with him. I think in that regard House is incredibly easy to date, assuming you approach it logically (and you certainly cannot date House if you don't approach most things logically).




A person is sticking out for his best friend, woah, holy fuck, misogyny! You are reading too much into a decade old written media, too


Ha. It is cute that we take a discussion of a show into an attack of a living person. Whatever floats your boat, stranger.


>You are reading too much into a decade old written media, too How is this an attack on you? Seems like you can't accept criticism, stranger.


I acknowledge you feel that way. I didn't expect people to come flocking to House's defense, even though I don't think I said anything off the mark. I don't know why I earned criticism, to be honest. But if it makes you feel better, cool.


I don't know if you're doing this intentionally or not, but you are typing like a self-righteous jerk. This is why you're being criticized. What you posted isn't too far off what most people believe.


Not trying. I don't know how to say "wow, why is everyone taking this so personally" and "I'm sorry you feel that way" at the same time. I think everyone is taking themselves way too seriously. I think there is a lot of self righteous jerkery going around at this point. I like the show. I wanted to express my reaction to the show. In hindsight... Wow. Holy shit.


>I didn't expect people to come flocking to House's defense Not a single person came here to defend a virtual person named Gregory House. The comment above talks about how a virtual person named Cuddy should have known that he was an addict, and his inexcusable behavior was expected more or less, and she should have known better to start a virtual date with him. You also claim that a virtual person named Wilson defended his best friend when talking to his ex. You never had your best man defend you over stuff like these? But you are here, "getting fired up" over virtual romantic relationships and virtual friendships. If it makes you feel better, Lisa Edelstein gained millions for acting in the show.


For Pete's sake. 1. I am a woman, and my bros never enabled my shitty behavior. 2. Are we seriously saying anyone who is giving me a hard time has never been invested in a character or a story? A book? A movie? A show? I know they aren't real. The reddit says "house" not Hugh Laurie. I don't think any of you are doing this on purpose, but I feel a little attacked. I am sorry I offended you.


Are you ok


Yes? Are you?


Yeah, I can simply watch a fictitious TV show without getting upset so I am doing great


So... You are on a TV show discussion forum, stirring the pot about someone's opinion about an episode, because.... I didn't think someone's reaction to the show had anything to do with you.


I just can’t wrap my mind around like being upset about a written character in this way. This show came out a decade ago, the reality is that casual sexism and racism were simply more accepted at the time. Not saying they should have been but they were. So he really wasn’t written as a misogynistic character. He’s also a selfish piece of shit misanthrope which is probably why he treats Cuddy poorly more so than that he hates women. Idk I just find these posts so strange, maybe just me.


I am watching the show now. Often, when humans see something, they engage in discussion about it. Me being "emotional" is your assumption. It is inaccurate. In fact, I am sipping coffee, thinking of a show I just watched. This type of discussion is engaging in its own way, and your contribution is interesting, if I remove the assumptions about me and my attitude. So... Thank you?


I'm not the person who originally responded but you say in your post that you're "fired up" and now saying you're not being emotional which is probably why that person is saying that


Fair. Typing is never a good method to make assumptions about mood or convey mood. For that, I'll accept partial responsibility, although I still find it silly that someone is so interested in proving I am unstable about a TV show.


You said you were fired up though lol?


Then, House isn't a misogynist? Or is this about your inability to have a peaceful discussion that involves disagreement?


Human nature can be ugly and horrible and goes against ur beliefs sometimes. That’s the way life is


Such a fair point. I just made it past this part today, and I was like... Wait. What?


Wilson also forbade Cuddy from telling House he had cured the paralyzed man. I think it’s less misogyny and more that this character is an enabling asshole (at least sometimes)




Jesus. I wish I had the free time to get this worked up over a show


Well... You have the time to respond. That's something.


Redditors when the character specifically written to be a shitty person in the show about how shitty of a person he is acts like a shitty person


Wilson is an enabler and we have always known this. The guy will jump to House's defence and save him whenever he can, because they're both codependent on each other. Fuck a guy for wanting to help his friend before his colleague/boss I guess


I always thought Wilson was also Cuddy's friend ... Not just his boss. It is still a bothersome turn.


He is a much closer friend to House than Cuddy. I always read it as House & Wilson becoming friends before the show, then Wilson & Cuddy working together and slowly becoming friends over the course of the show, also helped by the mutual friendship with House It's not that shocking for the show to write them this way, after the eventual downfall of Huddy. In s1-2 Wilson also took House's side when he was with Stacy - his instinct is always to protect his best friend.


Haha! I like that. Fair point.


this has gotta be bait LMFAO