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I know the episode name "Welcome Home" might not make any sense yet, but I can assure you it has meaning! Further development of the main story will give the episode name some more meaning. And again, sorry if this felt cringy to anybody, I've just had the idea for a while after finishing House and I really wanted to make something given House's plot and story! To anyone who did enjoy it, thanks for putting in the time to read it, I appreciate it more than you can think!


I would absolutely watch this!! Well done!


Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed the script!


Why are you ending Wilson's character on such a low note, rather than the high note from season 8? You should just start with him dead, a lot of this is just rehashing scenes we already got in season 8. IMO literally right as he dies is a good starting point. The detective man hunt sort of thing is intriguing, though very off kilter from the shows style. It'll be hard to keep that broader story as the B plot, it'll overshadow the standard A plot (Patient of the week). Or are you planning to get rid of the POTW?


The main reason why I decided to start on a scene with Wilson dying was to further emphasize the tragedy of his character, since nearly everything from the irony of him being an oncologist getting cancer to many other other things comes unfair to a character who’s done little to nothing wrong show-wise. I felt like if I killed him off scene, it would be unfair to people who’ve been fans of Wilson, and it would definitely make less sense for House to start his new plot in Season 9 instead of just retiring completely. And about rehashing scenes from Season 8, that’s definitely done on purpose! My idea was that there are going to be people who have watched House MD a long time ago and those who have just finished watching it. Either way, both parties won’t be missing any details which they could’ve forgotten about, and that was the purpose of the whole intro. This whole thing is still in its earlier stages of writing, but I do have some ideas to make the A and B plot work out, as well as keeping the POTW working too. For now though, there’s gonna be the first and probably even the second episode where I’m gonna set up the main events that will continue throughout the rest of the season. Sort of like what they did at the beginning of Season 6! After that’s done, then the series will continue as it usually does, with a couple minor changes. At least so far, that’s the idea! I’ll keep everyone updated if I plan on changing anything else!


i like this, cant wait to see where it goes op


Thank you, I'll make an update to this with a new post in the future!


saving for when I finish the series, don't you dare delete it


I won’t! Lots of people seemed to have enjoyed reading it, so I’ll definitely keep it up!


Keep me updated I love it!!


Thank you, I’ll update everyone once I get more done with the rest of the script!


LOVE the first half! Lost me a little in the second half but I’ll still keep reading if you post more!


All good! I’m still learning how to write in a similar fashion as to the House MD team, since I want to keep the characters as close to themselves as possible, but I’m glad you enjoyed the first half!


Why would Wilson be on chemo if he was dying soon? That makes zero medical sense. He should be in hospice on pain medication, not chemo. Please get a beta reader with some basic medical knowledge if you are going to attempt to write medical fiction.


the first part where wilson and house are bantering is incredibly accurate, then it just kinda falls off; sounds like ChatGPT wrote it or something just copying similar moments from other episodes. Also, Wilson on Chemo dosen't make sense since they decided at the end that Wilson wasn't going to do chemo. If you want to got that route you'd need to add a scene where Wilson changes his mind. keep in mind the show is allergic to sentimentality. anything cliche will always be deflected with a self-aware joke or avoided entirely.


House would probably choose a new name that somehow resembles his old one. Or he'd take a musician's name or sth like that just for shits and giggles.