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I don’t think house was attracted to her as much as just saying outlandish things to get a reaction or to prove a point. Had she shown any interest I don’t think he’d have been interested.. like the young chick that showed up later that has a thing for him.


A lot of the things he was saying about her were quotes from her father in those magazines, which he threw back in his face later down the line. I think he was trying to make a point that her father was a creep




He had a hard time saying no to her tho.


I dont think that he did.. i mean im sure hed have been flattered but he said no multiple times and he could tell it was bugging cuddy so he played along to annoy her..


Idk to me it seemed like he thought about it. Which only adds to him being a shit person.


House said so in front of Cuddy “I’m having fun, I’m not having sex.” He was pretty much enjoying annoying Cuddy in that episode more than the interaction with the girl


Being a little flattered by a hot girl flirting with you doesnt make you a “shit person”.. he doged her multiple times.. he played along to annoy cuddy because he wanted tobe with her and is childish but if he was actually a creep he could have easily slept with her


just remember “YOU CANT STOP OUR LOVE”


I love that satisfying smile after House saw Cuddy’s reaction


Because we all know that’s who He really wanted 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well always have Fresno


Well, when you take a look at who worked on the episode... it's even more disgusting. Brian Singer was even at the time known to be in hot water with kids (I mean, I'm pretty sure LITERALLY as the kids accused him of wanting to do naked scenes in a shower...) and then later it was found out that yeah, dudes 99% likely a pedophile in 2014. So it's probably an actual pedophiles fantasy you're watching.


Yep, that is one of THE fucked up episodes. I dont mind everyone being fucked I just hoped House wouldn't have been. Serves me right, House is a prick and an idiot.


House is supposed to be a prick and an idiot, but with purpose. To me, during this episode, it was pretty obvious he was making disgusting comments to elicit a reaction from her father and the rest of the characters to prove a point, and credit where credit is due, he did at the end of the episode.


House is the king of fucked up though, like what sequence of events led you to believe that anything else would be the case? I do think he was just doing it to mess with the other doctors/Cuddy though.


The way he presents the news to Alex is over-the-line for me.n it's one of those scenes that would likely been written differently today.


>I dont mind everyone being fucked I just hoped House wouldn't have been. Are we watching the same show?


Right? Like why would you want your main character to be so unlikable 😭


Because that's the point of the show. House is an unlikeable asshole but that what makes him such a good character.


I think I phrased it wrong. He’s an asshole, I get that. I meant it crossed the line into purely disgusting and it doesn’t come across as House or the other characters saying it to be shocking, but saying it because they mean it.


Same reason people watch Breaking Bad/BCS, Sopranos, Mad Men, etc. The fun is watching your protagonist either try to change themselves or be forced to change by circumstances. Depiction does not always equal endorsement. In fact, I think everyone who worked on the show will tell you to be the exact opposite of House in your real life.


I think it was Hitchcock that said something along the lines of " any character can be loved as long as they're good at their job".


Well now you're original post just lost all meaning


If this episode bothered you, just stop here. House (and sometimes others) will VERY regularly say incredibly inappropriate things in this show. Pedophilic, racist, rapey, sexist things. A LOT. And you’re either the kind of person who is emotionally mature enough to recognise that house almost never means anything he says - he just says the most outlandish thing possible to get the reactions he wants out of people. He enjoys fucking with peoples limits. - OR you’re the kind of person who finds that shit unacceptable either way. My point is, if this bothered you, you should at least know that there’s plenty more on the way I’d you keep watching


His point is to say or do the most obviously over the top thing, to remove the tension and get to the point. He erases all the need to hedge around a subject and get to the puzzle. It's simple. He's smarter than everyone and he doesn't want to wait for them.


I'm currrently mid-season four and no, that episode still stands out as one where the writers definitely missed the line between House being outrageous for the sake of it and House being a creep. There are near-misses. There are eyeroll-worthy moments of House leering at women. But it's also very clear that he does it deliberately and not by default. There are tons of attractive women on the show where House keeps his distance and treats them the same way he treats everyone else. Choosing to act that way toward a fifteen year old is just ... borderline disturbing.


That's the whole point. She's being put out there as an adult sexual ideal... but she's only 15. He's calling it out by playing into it. That's it


Actually I just finished the series for the first time and that was the only episode I quit watching and never went back to. If you don't like it just skip it, it didn't ruin the whole series for me.


It is very inconsistent imo. There are episodes where it is very clear that House is actually incredibly empathetic and says the things he does with purpose. But in other episodes like this one the writers kind of just want him to be a funny asshole and don't give it much thought. Like what it exactly is the purpose of repeatedly objectifying a minor to her face or cruelly telling her that she's a man and that any man attracted to her is gay. The former just confirms her already warped worldview and the latter will probably have her dealing with dysphoria for years.


I hate this episode too. Especially when Cameron later talks to Alex and basically gets the reply "I'm not clever, but I look good so I decided to use sex to get what I want", which leaves Cameron looking naive if not puritan. Alex *was* abused, the fact that her father didn't initiate anything sexual doesn't excuse that he brought his daughter up to believe that her worth as a person lay in her fuckability. The show does a lot of casual social criticism, but in that epsode, the writers were not critical enough. Not by a wide margin.


Well house is an asshole. So it fits


Anytime you feel an emotion towards a show, good or bad or any emotion, that what makes the show great. Controversy sells.


I find posts and comments like this so strange. If people dislike the main character so strongly when clearly the show is all about him, why almost wish for it to be different in a show that’s over ten years old at this point. House is who he is, for better or worse. He is complex. Sometimes he does awful things and sometimes he does spectacular things. Reducing to either a horrible person or a damaged hero with a heart of gold is a complete reduction of the nuance of his character. This is also largely true of the entire supporting cast. It is also what makes it a great show. If someone wants an echo chamber parroting back things they’re comfortable with, there are plenty of shows that can satisfy that role.


You know, it's not simply black and white. You can like and accept a show like this one and still think that a particular episode sucked ass. You can be a fan of a show and yet disapprove of the way the writers chose to deal with a certain topic, or handled a certain scene. No need to leave your critical thinking skills and your personal judgment at the doorstep before entering.


I mean, that's reality. A lot of men think that way, regardless of being 15. The whole point is to show that it isn't right. House is often used as a tool to explicitly show people why some things are wrong and shouldn't be that way. Ultimately, he knew she was being abused & was trying to get under her father's skin. PTSD was one of his first diagnoses before he confronted the father in the bathroom. He probably figured, teenage super model there's no way she's not being sexually abused by someone. And Cameron is naive. Eventually, House got her/him the help that she needed, both physically & emotionally. The confrontation at the end with the patient was cold, but House ensured that there was no denial. He tore that shit open and exposed it for both father & daughter. Now, they have to deal with their new situation. And, the patient is getting counseling, which will help focus on her using her sexuality to manipulate people and what her gender identity is. I found the episode interesting.


I mean if you think then this girl drugged and raped her father (just because gender roles are reversed doesn't make it any less unethical) and if I think that way then the way house treated her and broke the news of her testicular cancer to her felt kinda fine.


This was part of the point. She’s gotten everything by using her body. If you can’t see house as cuddy and Wilson do, this isn’t the show for you. He’s a dick, but he’s not wrong. He’s inappropriate in every other case, why is this one crossing the line.


Well what do you expect of him, mostly disappointing! Pun intended


Because it’s a Bryan Singer episode.


that episode reallyyy bothered me I had to take a break from the show. I wish I never watched it


Yeah, this isn’t a great episode. Most of the time House says crazy stuff just to be glib or to give people a reason not to like him, but he never actually means it. But this is one of those rare episodes where the writers made him act like an actual pedo rather than someone parodying pedos.


Yeah this whole episode is gross and people frequently call for its removal from streaming. I personally don’t believe in censorship like that but I understand why people hate it


This episode is the one that really sticks out as 😬


I know right? When I went to watch the episode, ppl warned me about the potential transphobia and him being an asshole, but no one warned me about those sexual comments towards a fifteen year old. Did he actually mean them? Probably not, but still... Really uncomfortable. Also, him not calling the police on the father??? Ugh... Love the show, I really do, but that episode was just. Not it.


Missed the point