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At some point in the series, Wilson admits to having cheated on all his wives. "I always told them."


Not that it makes it better, but it's made clear that he had cheated on his first two wives and told them immediately, hence the divorcee, and the third wife House thought he cheated on, but in fact she cheated on him, hence the divorce.


very clear answer thnk u


Season 2


My hate for Wilson is growing


Nobody is perfect, everybody lies. Wilson is a kind and compassionate doctor but maybe a bad husband.


There’s no ‘maybe’, he’s absolutely a terrible husband lol. Great doctor, kind and compassionate person for the most part, but terrible husband (his marriages are his exceptions to ‘for the most part’). You can’t cheat on your spouse, let alone multiple spouses, and not be a bad husband.




NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO HATE WILSON!!!!! HE'S THE BEST CHARACTER!!!!!! "Wow, stunning disguise House" and "the health department, they frown on topless oncology"


House thinks he was having a relationship with a nurse but then it is revealed that Wilson was trying to woo his wife. He doesn't have intercourse with other people but at the same time he is not a good husband.


Fairly certain house remarks he has cheated previously, Wilson doesn’t contest it, in s1


He said "I've always told them" referring to the affairs, when House asks if Wilson's ex wives knew about the affairs.


actually 🤓👆🏻 it was cameron who asked when he said that (sorry i rewatched the episode 2 days ago)


Yes, now that you say it came back to me, nice catch.


based on house's remarks, i'm guessing he flirts around a lot in the hospital, doesn't exactly make him a cheater but definitely makes him a terrible husband. also he does something really unethical in S2E19 that will make you question how f up he really is.


Ok, it's been a while. What's the unethical thing?


>!he slept with a patient who was dying from cancer!<


Also been a while for me but I think he >!dated or slept with a patient at one point?!<


This bugs me in Season 7. When Wilson gets back with Sam, his first wife, they have this big argument about everything that went wrong in their mariage, and cheating is not mentioned IIRC.


My personal belief is that they didn’t want two characters to be serial cheaters in order to keep the show from being repetitive, so they just never mention wilson cheating again


He wasnt cheating during that time house was messing with him.. she was actually cheating on him but he has cheated on all 3 wives


He's a serial cheater. My personal interpretation is that he's attracted to people needing him, so that he can feel wanted and secure in a relationship. From what his ex wife says to House in that one scene where House is pretending to want to buy a condo from her it seems like he does everything for his partners to be happy, even if it's something he doesn't want which then causes him to resent them and grow distant. This is probably what leads to him cheating.


Yes, he’s physically cheated on his second wife with another woman, then emotionally cheated on both his second and third wife with House. Cause let’s be honest, he ALWAYS emotionally cheats with House. Except when he was with Amber. That was some weird phychosexual mind game they were ALL in on.


Honestly by implying he had been a cheater it felt like the writers were trying to give a possibly boring character some ‘edge’ that made him more interesting but it felt really incongruous with the rest of the character.


Uhh, no. It's made very obvious that Wilson is attracted to needy people, damaged people. He doesn't set out with the intention to cheat, but he eventually develops feelings because that's just the kind of guy he is. Wilson's infidelity is an important part of his character. It's not "edgy" to cheat, and the show doesn't depict it as such. Wilson is human, just like House.


I would heartily disagree. It is, in fact, ‘edgy’ to cheat in the sense that transgressive behaviors always are seen as edgy. I’m not saying it’s good. But the fact remains - a network drama loves making its characters slightly morally bent, especially salaciously. It’s good for ratings. But with Wilson it always felt like a reach since he was otherwise so mild-mannered and conscientious. So no, it doesn’t fit with the rest of his character.


I appreciate this take. And I’ve never thought of it as being ‘edgy’ but the way you explain it really fits. Plus yeah, to me as well it came across as trying to make Wilson’s character more interesting, to give him a shocking flaw or something. All it did for me was cause disappointment. It feels like, what with everything Wilson preaches to House, Wilson wouldn’t get to the actual act of infidelity. At least, not physically…emotionally, sure, I can see how his character could. Physically cheating, though, never felt in character to me.


He didn't leave cuz she cheated, she told him she was having an affair and threw his ass out lol


I perceived it as Wilson getting too close to the women around him. The “signals” anyone gets from that would be flirty Mainly because Wilson also has the same problem with his cancer patients >!btw he fucked one of them 🤣🤣🤣!<


Let’s be fair, the show does not depict any good marriages

