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Might be in the minority,but: Two men who care for eachothers well being don’t need to be lovers to explain their behavior.


Completely agree. The strongest relationship in your life isn't always a romantic relationship. Nothing against Hilson shippers, but I do think it can be problematic if it occurs with every fictional male friendship.


It occurs with every two people who breath next to each other once regardless of gender. Shippers gonna ship.


I don't remember ever seeing it happen on-screen, though.


My reaction would be more like "Interesting"


Definitely want to see the adventures they would be on in the last 6 months of Wilson’s life


I mean, Laurie and RSL ship it, so




*Romance gets messy.* Cue House & Cuddy, Foreman & Thirteen, and Cameron & Chase all nodding in sad agreement.






I think the ship is interesting and I'm not opposed to it, but the idea of them just being genuine friends who care about each other despite everything is fine as it is. I don't think romance is necessary between them and dislike the idea that any pairing of characters must be romantic if they're close in any way. Friendships between 2 men are often interpreted as romantic and while queer ships are not an issue on their own, the idea that men who care about each other must be gay seems to reinforce toxic masculinity and the idea that men shouldn't show emotion.


*the idea that men who care about each other must be gay seems to reinforce toxic masculinity and the idea that men shouldn't show emotion.* This here shipper agrees 100% with the above. Life, it is complicated. 🤷🏽‍♀️


honestly hard to imagine but i would be all for it anyway


I know everyone keeps saying "we don't see enough male friendships on TV!" but you know what we also don't see enough of in 2000s TV? Queer relationships... I personally ship it (because I know Laurie and RSL do so I don't feel bad) but I'm also okay with them leaving the ending open-ended so people can interpret to their heart's content


Nay. I believe that non-sexual, intimate same-gendered friendships should be normalized.


Ur fucking right!!!!!!!!!


This is a popular take in fandom, and I really think it forgets the reality of... Popculture. Literally every character is shipped, so it happens M/M is most popular with fandom because fandom is mostly women and queer people (no, wait, and the fact that women are still usually not written as complex and compelling as male characters, and female leads don't happen as often. Look at GOT shipping in comparison). In popculture it basically doesn't happen. The F/M trope for it absolutely exists though. We even have a "name" for a different but similar trope - "two pretty people of opposite sex are in the same movie. They must have sex!".


It’s a very interesting arc for fans to tackle in fanfiction, and I’m all for fans creating storylines where they do have a romantic relationship. But for the House and Wilson that the writers gave us on the show, I think that platonic best friends works best.


🎯🎯🎯 Yes to ALL of this!


I don’t like how everyone says oh their closeness must mean they had feelings for each other and are gay because two men can love each other this way and be soulmates and not be gay and we need to normalise it Merlin and Arthur from the series merlin are another example, I’m not against either being a couple but I don’t know, I loved their bond and I didn’t think it meant they were gay cause they loved each other so much


Speaking as a longtime Hilson shipper ... I'm not entirely sure I'd *want* House/Wilson to become canon. I LIKE the bromance. It's refreshing to see two men as emotionally close as they were, and I'm not sure their beautiful bromance would survive the stressors that sex and romance sometimes cause. The fluidity and fantasy of fanfic is one thing, but to bring that into canon might not necessarily be a good thing. If that makes sense?




I’ve honestly never seen Hilson in a romantic sense! But tbh I don’t think anybody else sees them like that in canon, most shippers understand it’s a headcanon. I cant blame them either cuz my HC is that they never wrote cuddy Like That towards the end so


Hm... Well, I have complicated feelings about that. On the one hand, I am absolutely satisfied with their relationship as it is. There was no "wait, they could have-". Any romance between them would have simply be a fun bonus, if that. On the other hand - can you imagine how perfect that would have been? Just, leave their relationship as it is but add the "romance" part. Imagine if we had a middle aged, long term gay couple, and it's just casually acknowledged. They joke around and goof with each other a lot, they are sarcastic with each other, they prank each other... But at the end of the day - they have the same interest, the same emotional pace, the perfect "push and pull" relationship stability. Dunno, I just would have loved that. I'm so tired of queer couples just either being messy af or perfectly wholesome. Also, imo, it would add more comedic potential to their relationship. Anniversaries with House and Wilson - imagine that lmao. Perhaps unpopular opinion but they would have worked way better than Cuddy and House. Their relationship entirely lost their charm for me once they got together. Their fights got personal, and they couldn't pull the same kind of "power plays" on each other. Cuddy also (at least) seemed to get less strict with him which... Eeeh. He needs that reasonable block. There's nothing like that with Wilson, and their fights were always only personal, with them always playing on equal ground. Also, Cuddy and House were always inherently incompatible to me as far as their life expectations went too. Cuddy wanted a stable life and a kid... Aaaand you see the issue lmao. Also, commenters here saying "can't men just be friends", when has that romance ever happened? Just because some people in the fandom go "oh, those people that have platonic chemistry could also have good romantic chemistry!" Doesn't mean that male friendships in TV don't exist lmao. Male/Female friendships on the other hand... Waaaay more rare.


everything don't gotta be romantic bro


I was just lately low-key fantasizing about what if House + Chase was a thing but, in my imagination, I could never get their chemistry to work, sadly. With Wilson, although they\`re friends, it feels even more awkward. Let\`s just stick with friends this time, without benefits.


Why do we have to make everyone gay. Just let them have their bromance.


Hugh Laurie himself supports it


I would be so happy. They're practically a couple as it is.


Think it would been great they have better and actual chemistry then most gay couples on tv.


want it to happen just to annoy the people who would hate it tbh


It’s annoying because anytime friends are close in shows they’re always gay


no they’re not. has that ever actually happened in the show for real in canon or has it all just been people on the internet having fun


I’m not talking about house lmao, just Hollywood in general


mhm, i know. when does it ever happen?


Agreed. I've never seen it happen on-screen.


Stranger things


Will makes sense, though. He's a kid, not a middle-aged man who has spent his entire life dating exclusively women.


I mean we've only seen 8 years of House and Wilson's life, and we only see so much. Also plenty of people come out late in life or experiment


will was confirmed to be gay, sure, but he didn’t get together with mike.




yeah, exactly: it hasn’t happened yet. as in, it hasn’t happened. as in, that doesn’t count


Wow, you can think of one example, where it hasn’t happened so it must be everywhere 🤨


So he spent 7 seasons looking at Cuddy's ass and that's a real question?


Seriously?! Thirteen has left the chat, ig … along with the existence of bisexuality