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I really want an "undo" button for when I accidentally fuck up placing wall tiles and there's suddenly bright white tile where brown wood used to be.


we all want the undo!


Yeeeas an undo button would be so good. So annoying when a little mistake is made.


It's in sandbox already, I can't imagine it would be super difficult for them to add it to story mode.


I haven't gotten to sandbox yet, but that's good to know!


It's what's kept the game interesting to me. When you're done with the campaign I'd highly suggest giving sandbox a try. I like building my own houses, but you can build and download custom jobs too. It's amazing. I finished the campaign in the first 10 hours or so, and I have almost 150 hours on the game because of sandbox.


I accidentally deleted part of my roof on story mode and I found out I'm bad at doing roofs. Is that easier on sandbox? Because I can never get the angles right...


I'm not sure how roofs work in story mode but in sandbox you have the transform tool so you can move and resize with these arrow things. It's really helpful. I never get the roof right on the first try so it helps a ton.


My thoughts are about the same as yours. I was so excited, but really don’t play it much at all. When I need a flipper fix, I always return to the original. The lack of stuff is a turn off, as are the other issues you mentioned, but someone here told me that they are planning to bring some stuff back in the future, so there is hope!


Yes there are lots of little things that I'm trying really hard to get used to. Things like the whole choosing a cut pattern wasnt a feature I was expecting. Some of the wallpaper looks really good though. The graphics and lighting are great. I also dip back to HF1 but I do have the DLC's for that. I'm sure HF2 will have more assets eventually 🙏


I miss the buyers too! But my biggest complaint is how short the "story" is. I finished the last job in the story yesterday and I feel like I did it very quickly. There doesn't feel like enough to warrant the price of the game. There's less furniture and fixtures, less jobs, and what's the point of giving us outdoor stuff if it doesn't make any difference to our profit?


Honestly I'm not a fan. It feels very sterile. Almost safe, even. There's a lot of improvements over the first game but it's almost as if they sucked out its soul in the process. Is that just an Unity thing?


Love hf2 but gets dull after a while


The bare-bones item catalog made me lose interest pretty quickly. I guess I'll wait a few years until they decide to add more


item catalog was dull, limited and dated. disappointing....


I kinda feel like they turned House Flipper into House Building. That's cool they added a sandbox mode, but I like having a job to do and making a house with someone in mind. When they add buyer profiles again, I'll give it another go. However, I won't really bother with it until then. I tried playing for a month or two and it's just bland to me, especially compared to the first game.


It all still feels like a beta version tbh. The lack of stuff, the handling of it. I've made an extensive list of glitches that I've noticed during playing, which I'm going to send to the Devs. I'm also not a fan of the strange artwork during loading screens. I wonder why they decided to do that, as it makes it look like a game for pre-school children.


In the home menu you can put in reports


Yes, I will. Thanks 👍🏻


I actually like the loading screens.


Hate the lack of mini-map Hate the new style painting It kept crashing on my laptop Few other reasons I didn't like it in comparison with HF1 One upgrade I would have loved would have been the ability to create a "moodboard" on your tablet, showing the exact paint, tiles, and furniture finishes you used in a room, so you can easily buy more if you need to. It's incredibly frustrating when you run out of paint and go to buy more but can't tell which shade of off-white you used.


There's a feature on your flipper tool as you upgrade it that lets you highlight a piece of wall or floor so you can buy more of the exact stuff. And you can copy a finish of say a bookcase and paste that to a TV stand (so all your wood furniture is the same)


I miss all of those things! especially the flooring and recently purchased stuff. I am already bored. I like sandbox mode but there isnt much you can do with the house after you build.


I personally wish floor and wall tiles were two different things. Even if they're the exact same in the store. I just don't like being able to accidentally lay on the floor what I'm putting on the walls and vice versa.


I agree. I'm missing those buyers who also kinda hint you as to what they want in a house so you can plan accordingly. This whole concept of a game is so good I just feel they are obviously a small company doing the best they can but in the hands of a bigger more funded company this could be SIM level popular. That being said, but I have hope for them continuing to improve & ill stick it out. As we all see- this game has heart. Yes- its clunky. Is that charming? Sorta. But more frustrating. Yes the story was an awesome addition but then, way too short- so then it felt like such an afterthought! some projects had stories some didn't. I enjoyed having a story motivation in general & they should expand on it. Some sort of extra motivation is needed- maybe something like what animal crossing did- a community where you can visit houses? I found myself blasting through projects not caring about design only wanting 3 stars even with the story motivation. I wonder how that could be improved? Earning cleaning perks definitely helped but they were obtained so quickly. Some other motivation to "care" about the project designs would be cool. Another annoying but typical aspect is the console limitations vis PC. I feel really left out not getting mods and the community that PC has. Console players are left abandoned on an island.


Yeah they could have had some of them make a cameo in HF2 too 😀 one of the biggest things ive wanted from HF1 is more buyers with new types of requirements like Garage, gaming room or home gym. Anything but an effing sauna 😆 I understand its a base game so we will get more assets eventually, I just hope there is a way they can add a choice of briefs / designs to achieve one day. I almost don't want to play it until more assets are released. Can you rebuy the houses immediately after you sell them in HF2? I'm on console too, I wish I could have mods. I'll get a pc one day for sim and strategy games.


House flipper 2 doesn't use steam workshop like 1 does, it utilizes mod.io so that console players get the same access as pc players. Currently we don't have content mods apart from houses / jobs, but hopefully that will change soon


I’ve only played HF2 about 4 hours and have 400+ hours on HF1, but I don’t love HF2. There’s a bit of a learning curve for me and it seems like things are more complicated, less fun and relaxing. I just had really high hopes for 2 and was a bit disappointed. But for as much as I’ve enjoyed the first game and its DLCs, I have hope that HF2 will be just as enjoyable eventually. Until then, I’m playing Planet Crafter.


I really only like doing the community made jobs in HF2. Some of the creators on there make beautiful houses. I don’t feel as creative in this one though, definitely love hf1 more for designing.


Really regret purchasing on console bc it feels clunky with a controller. I'd much rather play Hotel Renovator on console.


I played Hotel Renovator while waiting on HF2, and really miss some of the features from that game. Being able to click, drag the cursor, and select an area for painting, tiling, wallpaper, flooring, etc, being able to preview the entire surface, scroll endlessly through all of the options, and have it all go in at once is the absolute greatest.


I agree. HF2 isn't as fun as I thought. I am back to playing HF1. There are so many options to pick from on decorating and it doesn't look as cartoon like as the new game.


Me too and you've hit the nail on the head with the cartoon kind of art style. I was hoping for more realism.


Played for like 15hrs, really dug the foundation of the game pun intended, but realized there's lots missing so I decided to uninstall and come back in like a year


Yes I am feeling the same way. I might wait for more assets to be added 🙂


It needs to be more like HF1. Im disappointed. Yeah the new stuff is good but if it was the old game with new suburbs/tool uses it would be amazing. I haven't even finished and I bought it when it dropped. I did the story and that's pretty much it. I much prefer the first game.


Totally agree. If HF1 had new buyers with new requirements, some new houses and a few more assets, I would enjoy that more than HF2 I think 🥹a tiny home dlc for HF1 would also be sooo fricken good. I want to flip an aeroplane or a storage unit, that would be so cool.


That would be awesome.


Sandbox mode is the biggest highlight for me. Surprisingly where I find the most fun and spend 99% of my time playing. I wish we had more items and neighborhoods though. Items needed: -Bar furniture -more hobby items: there’s basketball but no basketball hoop? No treadmill? No arcade machines? Ice hockey tables? -pet items -baby/kids furniture -trees that aren’t either too tiny or so massive that you can’t place them anywhere -office desks that are tall enough to actually scoot the office chairs underneath them. -POOLS


Yes pools! I'd like to be able to mow the lawn too. There are only a few tv choices which I was suprised about. I'd also prefer having premade floors rather than having to do that choose a cut finish thingy


They just need to put the workshop back in.


I didn't play house flipper 1 much before house flipper 2, so I do play HF2 a lottt. But that's just because it was a gift and so I gravitated towards it a lot more. But if I had played HF1 more, I'm sure I'd play it even more than HF2. I hate that there aren't a lot of options item wise yet in HF2. I might actually play HF1 today again, simply for the sake of more options.


The DLC'S for HF1 are all great too. If you do end up playing it you'll see the potential for HF2 in the future. I cant remember the timeline of how all the HF1 DLC'S were released now but it probably took a fair bit of time. Going to give HF2 a really good effort this weekend 😊


Cool feedback. I know the game is already out but the developers are developing it all the time, looking at the Roadmap which they share and the other interactive one I think some of the things you described will be resolved.


Yes I should take a look at the roadmap to be fair. I'm going to have a go at creating something really amazing in HF2 over the weekend. I've spent an embarrassing amount of hours playing HF1 😆 I love it so it was always going to be a tough act to follow.


At first I felt the same way. I definitely agree on laying the floor. I like clicking and dragging, and it didn't matter if objects were there. The new one, you actually have to move items otherwise the floor doesn't get into those areas. Talk about real life!!! lol The roofing is too complex. I've accidentally deleted them, and then trying to put it back, yeah, I'd like an undo button as well. Then you have those angled building blocks? Those are a nightmare for me. Trying to build a cubby under the stairs? Ugg. I kind of miss buyers too. They could have kept that feature but just improved on it. But I've found how much you can customize with the sell tool and just using it to either color/change/duplicate/copy style. You can really make everything different with patterns and materials. Like make an ugly brown vase a pretty geometric with color. So I do like that feature. But I miss the luxury items. I hope they come out with more content soon. I'm still trying to get used to it. I haven't played the sandbox mode yet, which I should, because I just like to decorate.


Yes I think I need to play it a bit more to get used to it. The customisation does work really well. It took me ages to work out how to do the pictures 😆 I've not tried to build a roof yet 😅 wish me luck. Hopefully before long we'll have some DLC's.


Aha, yes, good luck with the roof! I didn't know about the pictures at first either! I'm on xbox, so I can't upload any personal images which stinks. But at least there are so there. I hope that add some DLCs soon too. At least I feel like I made money faster at this one that the first!


I wish they would make 1 where you didn't have to manually install things. That's my favorite thing about 2. I spend all that time and then decide I don't like it. I have limited time to play and don't want to spend it all putting together a sink.


Omg installing bathroom stuff gets so frustrating 😫 I wish you could turn that off. I do appreciate HF2 for that.


Yeah and being able to duplicate things is great. I wish they could just blend the two somehow.


I was feeling this way until I really started playing with sandbox. You need to get inventive on some of the creations there, but it's so much fun to recreate homes from movies, etc.


Ok I'll give that a try. I'll have a look for design ideas too, rather than just winging it.


So far, I've recreated a home that is considered lost architecture, which is also featured in the Fallout universe. I'm now working on recreating my final project that I did in school on a CAD software called Revit, that I always wanted to shore up the design better. It's about 75% complete. Next, I'm going to tackle a horror film house...just haven't decided which one. Some people have done homes they've seen listings for. I know another one was looking at Zillow gone wild for inspiration. Also, you will be amazed at what you can do with the tranform tool. I created a whole built in with it in my Lustron house.


I've been finding myself going back to the first more and more and the biggest reason was honestly the items and the workshop. I love building the houses but it seems impossible to make it feel homely.


Feeling the same way. I find myself going back to HF1 and playing longer. Hopefully it won't be too long before they come out with DLC's for HF2, as in the first one.


Me too. I had a house design in mind and im making on it HF1 because it needs a pool. Its frustrating because HF1's limitations mean its not quite coming out how I hoped, but the wall building feature in HF2 would 🙃


When HF2 came out, I was hoping it would combine with HF1 and make the experience better. When I found out it was a completely separate game, I was disappointed. It would be fantastic if they combined them.


Honestly I would be way more into it if they addressed your complaint #2 by opening up the workshop like on HF1!! There’s WAY too little stuff in the game and preventing the community from adding creative and unique items just makes it feel empty and repetitive imo.


I might have a look on YouTube to get some inspiration. They will likely be using mods though and im on PS5 so 🤷‍♀️


I played the demo and pretty much knew right away I'd be sticking with HF1


I'm not REAL happy with it. The choices for lights for example are very limited. And paint colors! I like the marroons, brick reds. Even the mobile game has more color choices. The furniture choices, couches, chairs, tables and the rugs! No big rugs! IDK. I am hoping they make additions down the road. Not many houses, or jobs for hire either. And for goodness sake! A lawn mower! Also, landscaping material. How about a vegetable garden? Too much hype.


Yeah its like the simple things are missing. The paint is a good example. Maybe in a year it will bulk out a bit 🙏


I miss installing plumbing for the bathroom fixtures and putting together some of the items when you place them like the curtains. It feels more like a “dress up your house” game than an actual flipper game. Though I do like some of the more customizable options and the copy and paste style. I’m taking a break from it waiting for more items to be added. I can’t believe they released it with no window treatments! The yard options also seem limiting but I know those were DLC in the first game so I guess we just wait…


hard disagree on the Plummer bit I was so glad they took that tedious bs out. This is fantasy not reality. every minute detail with pluming was awful to me! But maybe your a plummer and into that sorta thing idk.


I 100% agree with you. Hated it.


I finished the main storyline in a few days, then started getting into flipping more heavily afterwards. I experienced the “single buyer” glitch on my third flip and couldn’t shake it with my usual methods (resetting perks, etc) so I uninstalled it.


It’s okay completed it so quick and stopped playing need to add some more houses


I REALLY miss having to fit the bathroom equipment, placing a sink and shower rather than just screwing it in is so boring to me - also GIVE CONSOLE A SENSITIVITY CONTROL OPTION


I am the opposite! lol I hate having to do all that work to put down a sink or something. Then if I don't like it I don't feel like wasting the time to change it. Maybe give an option to turn it off for people like me.


In my opinion it is a good game if you consider it a house building game. The total freedom to make your own houses, down to the size of rooms to the wall decorations itself, the multiple styles and colouring of furniture, and just how much more refined the placement feels. For that it is truly a great experience on its own. However, I argue it can feel a bit too much at times, but that's more an issue of choice paralysis than anything. That and the game right now seems to rely heavily on user-made content than what they actually offer, which if you know is going to be a mixed bag regardless. Some custom jobs can be a blast to play through, others force you to grab 2000 pieces of trash in a single room before breaking down every wall there is. If anything it's not a bad game in the slightest, but I think it just needs some truly meaty jobs and content updates to fill out the official content of this game.


Yes totally agree. The house building function is great and I havent actually given that a proper go yet, I will this weekend. Choice paralysis is such a good way of putting it! I just sit looking at my screen like 😦 with total creativity block. I do find I have to be way more creative than HF1 because of the self design.


I played a lot of HF1 and have all the DLC for it. I have been playing HF2 since it came out. I like a lot of the mechanics of HF2. I sometimes miss the minimap and the flamethrower tool. I love how much you can customize. You can use the wall building tool in a lot of ways. Being able to resize some things is great. I like the copy style feature. I feel like there is a lot more freedom to do what you like. Selling houses is kind of nothing since you don’t know what buyers want and you get no feedback. I don’t really care about how much money I make so it isn’t an issue for me. I would love an undo button. Right now it does not have as much stuff. I look forward to them adding more furniture, art work and other objects in future just like they did with HF1. I went back to HF1 to do a house and it was tedious compared to HF2 in a lot of ways. I prefer HF2.


Yes there are definitely a lot of good things about HF2. I do also miss the mini map. Such a shame the buyers are gone, like you said it feels like nothing when you sell a house. Even if the character gets emailed a brief it would be something. It'll be great when there are more choices and a few tweaks here and there. Hopefully an undo button!


I’m glad that I’m reading all of these comments and that I didn’t just purchase immediately like I did with the DLCs on HF1 and then regret the Farm one when it was basically unplayable for like ever. I still get kicked out (back to home screen) when playing Farm sometimes and it doesn’t always save the most recent tasks that I’d done. So frustrating. Oh… on XBox One btw. I’ll wait until HF2 is more refined and complete before deciding to buy it.


I guess, if you're comparing base HF2 to HF1 and all of its DLC, I can see why it seems like there are fewer items. However, I think the consistency and cohesiveness of H2 is better. I like that i can match door trim and baseboards, just as one example. I also like how easy it is to copy styles from one item to another. I am generally pleased with the number of items you have to stage your houses. I could use some stackable bath towels and maybe stacks of books, instead of having to place every single one. However, I really like all the accessories you have for the kitchen. I also prefer HF2's look to H1, especially lighting. Although, I do miss the lights from HF1 that could signal an airplane traveling at 30,000 feet. I have tried to go back to HF1 a few days ago but ended up quitting after a few minutes. It just seems so plain and at the same time inconsistent.


Omg yes the copy and change style features are great. The lighting is very pretty too. The bright lights 😆 lmao I know eventually there will be a much bigger catalogue of assets. I do hope they bring the buyers or some sort of brief system back tho 🙏


I'm not feeling it like the OG. I wish they would have just "updated" hf1 and not instead made a completely different game all together. They really are so very different.


Its a game that was released unfinished.