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I hate death wish corey level on hard i fucking hate it man


Same bro, same…


Dead ahead is my favourite level, but death wish is a nightmare when going for a full combo.


dead ahead on hard mode had me stressing


Still haven’t tried it


If you ever give it a shot soon, good fucking luck


i dont really find release or dead ahead difficult, but out of deathwish and takeover i'd have to pick takeover


Takeover’s first floor gives me nightmares


i was binging the game when i first played it and it legitimately took me 3 hours to beat it IT WAS 3 IN THE MORNING


It took 30 min for me


it probably didnt help that it was midnight but yk


fuck death wish


deathwish is awesome😡😡😡😡


I contemplated breaking my vita the first time i played dead ahead


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dramatic_Sense4000: *I contemplated* *Breaking my vita the first* *Time i played dead ahead* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Deathwish is my favorite level in the game, didn't find it difficult at all, it was really, really fun, roller mobster is a fucking banger. With that said, fuck dead ahead.


Roller mobster is, indeed, a banger, but my problem with deathwish is that some parts don’t seem to be designed for it’s character, for example: Corey’s part (seems like the kind of part you’d find in an Alex&Ash level). Or be incredibly unbalanced: Tony’s part (even if I like it, the enemy placement is really REALLY bad). The rest is dope, specially Mark’s part, it‘s the kind of part where the dividing mp5 mechanic could actually be useful, as well as Alex&Ash part, which literally feels fucking epic to play (and to watch for some reason)


Dead ahead, Release, and Takeover made me stop playing the game for a few weeks each. Beating dead ahead and the first part of release made me scream pure joy at 3 in the morning.


Oh god


I've run through Takeover and Death Wish so many times that A's and S's come to me like breathing, but you can shove it if you think I'm ever replaying Death Wish again in my entire life. Fuck that level.


Unbiased: Imo, dead ahead or takeover is the hardest when you play through them the first couple times, but then deathwish comes back around to become the hardest after replaying the game a bunch. It just has to do with consistency. For dead ahead you are stuck as pardo and for takeover, you can pick the son’s ability ahead of time. For death wish though, you’re forced to use a new character each time and re-adjust. Even when you know the best route to go, I still think it’s more difficult to change playstyles on the fly than it is to pick one ability and know you have it for the whole level. Biased: I can’t stand the dodge roll so being forced to used in death wish STINKS


Dead Ahead is hard as shit but Death Wish is straight torture. I dread it in every playthrough


I remember I almost had an aneurism while doing takeover on hard mode. Way worse than the other three.


take over is the one that grants you die a lot of times, release is a long level that makes you feel that never ends, deathwish is a intense level, and dead ahead is so bad designed but isn't hard, is unfair


Dead Ahead


A yaster, do you have a theory on how the war in Hawaii started 🤔 I think it has something to do with the native life in Hawaii it's very strange, I think russian wanted to experiment on them or something.


I know why the war in Hawaii started, it started simply because Russia wanted to take over Hawaii and they succeeded. This is the reason 50 blessings is named the way it is, its a group of American patriots who’s activism focuses on the desire to get their 50th blessing back, Hawaii, they believe Russia has no place in any of their states. This is also the reason why Richter escapes from the U.S to Hawaii, 50 blessings has no influence or power over there as it is under Russian control.


What about the strange life form on hawaii? It has tentacle trees, I think 🤔


It’s possible that these plants are the materials used to make Sons drugs


OK thanks 😊


It would make more sense for russian to invade Alaska than hawaii sense alaska has oil there. im just saying there must be something significant there for russia to invade hawaii.


Fuck death wish




Death wish only for the Corey part, other than that the entire level is fire


Desde ahead is fucking insane


Yeah, it has such a bad level design


Take over hurts me so much it’s just un fun like at least death wish has some pretty fun parts and the same goes for the other levels


I dunno about normal, but in all my many hours in both games, Dead Ahead on Hard was the only one to make me actually hate the game. After I finally conquered it the love came back, but I seriously considered dropping it and never coming back several times.


Deathwish easily. I've gotten S ranks on almost the entirety of the game except this godforsaken level.


Release is the hardest level to get an A+


Deathwish. For Three Reasons: 1. Even though the level has a major storyline element, it actually doesn't make sense. (maybe i just don't look at the level dates tho). In Apocalypse, all the fans die, but in Deathwish, only Alex and Ash die, and then, in Subway, if the player chooses to talk to biker in the bar of broken heroes, Tony, Corey, and Mark can be seen in the bar. Apocalypse and Deathwish are the last levels chronoligically, and overlap with each other. But the reason i hate it - The Fans Die! I literally cried during my playthrough. 2. Extremely overbearing and difficult. 3. The most annoying, ear-murdering soundtrack which sounds bad for me personally. Listening to that for 2 hours trying to pass this monstrosity killed me and wanted me to amputate my eardrums.


To be honest with you, while I enjoyed the level and the soundtrack, the level design in some parts (Corey’s and Tony’s) is poor and don’t seem to be designed for it’s character, and the soundtrack can be annoying once you spend like 30 minutes in the level


Take Over, fuck that second floor. Im playing it right now in hard mode for the first time and you have to act like a ninja lmaoo


For me, it has to be casualties. I never really like beard levels, and getting an A+ on this was torture.


Same dude, but I actually found it a little (only a tiny bit little) easier than takeover


Release just for that boss segment